Keisha's words instantly made everyone who had been extremely disappointed instantly have a feeling of understanding in their hearts.

has reached this irretrievable situation, can we still escape?

Seeing that the people in the live broadcast room were much quieter, Kaisha informed this group of people with the data of her own investigation that the only thing that was inappropriate was that the lethality of the two major containment objects was too great, and it might make the universe fluctuate!

You must know that the existence of all other worlds depends on the big universe, and if the universe makes a big deal because of the two madman containments, the living people will die instantly.

[Naruto]: Sister Angel, why can't I understand you at all?

[Ash]: Naruto, your IQ is worrying! Queen Keisha means that the containment objects don't look down on us at all!

[Naruto]: Damn, you actually look down on us? Why don't you let them roll over and compare.

[Jiraiya]: Naruto, you are not allowed to speak, your homework is not completed yet, and the chakra control of the nine-tailed fox is not yet proficient, who allowed you to talk here?

[Xiaoxia]: I'm laughing to death, Naruto is really a complete crane tail!

Keisha had a headache at the moment.

Do these people know what the line of life and death is, if it goes on like this, it will be a certain death!

At this moment, a very cute rabbit 807 appeared in the live broadcast room, and SCP-808's eyes were scarlet, as if it was about to start moving.

Sakura: What a poor bunny, this is going to die?

[Luffy]: It's not pitiful, something that can be recognized by the SCP Foundation as an SSS-level dangerous containment item must be extraordinary!

In a word, let all the people in the world be stunned, then the little rabbit is a gluttonous rabbit?

At this point, the gluttonous rabbit rushed towards SCP-808, but before it could touch it, it was grabbed by SCP-808 and grabbed it by the neck.

In the next second, the gluttonous rabbit chose to molt, and then attacked from behind.

Seeing that SCP-808's back was almost being pulled away by the rabbit, everyone vomited wildly.

It's also a little too disgusting.

In fact, Jiang Chen knew very well in his heart what the consequences of the collision between the two would be, but he just couldn't give up the experiment so easily.

Now things began to become clear as Emperor Ye Tian entered his brain.

The people behind the scenes want to make the people of the Covering Sky 2 world grow in reverse.

That is, as long as those people live, they will become scum who do all kinds of evil.

This discovery not only made Jiang Chen feel that the problem began to heat up, but also made Dr. Li Dou conduct new research.

He was more curious, comparing the entire Shatian 2 world with the Shatian 1 world, would this price be too great?

SCP-808 stared at the gluttonous rabbit dismissively, ignoring its appearance.

[Luffy]: If it weren't for the fact that the other party was an enemy, I really think that the little girl SCP-808 is my idol!

[Sarutobi Sun Slash]: Don't talk nonsense, how can you talk nonsense like Naruto, you should know that you can't be led astray, be calm!

[Sam]: I don't think Luffy can be calm, in his bones, he is also fighting like crazy!

At this time, the gluttonous rabbit had already begun to let out a frantic roar before the attack, and in the next instant, the collision with SCP-808 shattered the various barriers of the universe to the parallel world.

Hexi: Your Majesty, let's leave! The SCP Foundation is simply risking everyone's lives for research!

Kaisha didn't answer this question, after all, no matter how anxious she was at this time, she couldn't escape the game within the game set by Jiang Chen before.

If you can open up the conspiracy theories of the three dead brothers, you can get a great opportunity to get closer to the SCP Foundation, why not?

Anyway, if death does come, then everyone will die together after all, and they don't care about anything else.

Keisha looked up and made a decision in an instant.

[Give me some peace from now on, whoever dares to say irresponsible things to the SCP Foundation, I will be the first to forgive!]

Naturally, these remarks were passed on to Jiang Chen by Dr. Li Dou's monitoring system intact.

For that woman's commitment to support the SCP Foundation, Jiang Chen was still acceptable in his heart.

[Dr. Li Dou, tell Keisha that in addition to joining the SCP Foundation and listening to the inside of the Foundation, she can choose any outrageous news, even if she releases Morgana!]

After such a request was transmitted to Keisha, Keisha was even more determined to persist in the fight.

Hexi had no choice but to follow her thoughts.

The huge energy fluctuations generated by the Shade 1 World and the Shade 2 World affected several other worlds.

As these people felt the great change in the shaking of the earth, they began to soften completely.

If you still want to resist, you will have to kill yourself.

The two containments have turned the two worlds into a veritable hell on earth.

As long as there are monks with higher abilities in the Heaven Covering World, all of them will be torn apart.

And every time these guys are shredded, the two containment objects can be calmed down for a short time.

But the price of this calm is terrible.

[Sengoku]: Queen Kaisha, can you really tell me the truth? These two monsters are not coming at us, so how did the aunt get killed through the screen?

[Xiaoxia]: Yes, as long as there is one exception, then there will be more exceptions, how do you make things work out?

[Tong Emperor]: I don't think Auntie was killed because she was arrogant? Actually, SCP-808 has always been a quiet guy!

Keisha quickly recorded the news!

Emperor Tong was right, Auntie was not killed on purpose, and SCP-808 could not tolerate anyone violating the rules she had set, not even a fraction of it!

Therefore, the biggest possibility is that when everyone loses their strong side, they will not be stared at.

[Jiraiya]: This crazy world is really not suitable for ninjas to continue living!

[Tsunade]: Shut up, we have to find a way to solve the problem, not run away!

[Zilaiye]: Hehe, didn't you see that the god kings like Jiang Taixu are all dead, I go up? I go up and become cannon fodder!

[Empress]: No one should act rashly, at this time I think that once anything involves adventure, it will be life-threatening!

At this time, Jiang Chen personally sent a message to the live broadcast room.

President of the SCP Foundation: Friendly reminder, don't try to end the game, anyone will be attacked until the two containments are not recovered. The only way to stay safe is to find clues, catch their weaknesses, and help contain them!

[Naruto]: You're going to be big, who are you, can you let us see your true face?

SCP Foundation President: Hehe, keep it secret for now!.

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