Super Invincible Battleship

Chapter 512: Upgrade Mystery

After Yan Fei left the Fantasy Stadium, he found that the signal of the Fantasy Stadium was magically restored to normal, and the artificial intelligence "Fantasy" resumed taking over all the equipment of the stadium. However, Yan Fei was disappointed that all of these devices had problems during the concert, leaving no image and sound data.

"Fantasy" immediately checked the telecommunications equipment near the Fantasy Stadium, trying to figure out why the signal disappeared here, but did not get any useful clues, as if it happened naturally. Yan Fei knew in her heart that this situation was impossible. Someone had to be a gangster inside, and this gangster was supposed to be Xia Fan.

Now Yan Fei still can't find out how Xia Fan is playing tricks. In his heart, Xia Fan's threat began to rise sharply. Xia Fan can make the stadium fall into a signal vacuum, so it is difficult to guarantee that she will not let Dream Island fall into a signal vacuum. If that is the case, Yan Fei, who is highly dependent on artificial intelligence "Fantasy" to implement management of Dream Island, will have trouble.

Therefore, Yan Fei began to make "dream" search on the Internet. Be sure to find out the origin of Xia Fan ...

After the concert, Xia Fan flew away from Dream Island that night and went to other countries for a tour. Yan Fei started searching on the Internet and wanted to know how the 120,000 fans commented on the concert. After all, Xia Fan showed open love to Yan Fei at the live concert. This is a piece of explosive news, and it is impossible for no news to leak out.

However, the accident that made Yan Fei happened again. Although the discussion on Xia Fan fans on the Internet was fierce, the content was only limited to praise Xia Fan and recommend Xia Fan to others, the content of the live concert, and Xia Fan's None of the love shows appeared on the Internet. As before, there is still no image data of Xia Fan on the Internet. For ordinary people, Xia Fan is still a mysterious person.

Yan Fei became more and more worried. Whether it was Xia Fan or her fans, the performance was too weird. They are very centripetal and have great social energy. They have even formed their own unique circle. The key is that this is an independent circle. Outsiders have no idea what they are doing. Once these people join forces to do bad things, the destructive power they can exert will rock the sky.

It's just that Xia Fan and most of his fans have left Neverland, and Yan Fei cannot follow Xia Fan to investigate. He firmly believes that as long as he does not hit the beauties behind the scenes, there is nothing he can do about them.

Wu Jiechao successfully pulled Yan Fei to participate in Xia Fan's concert. Naturally, he thought that Yan Fei was already a fan of Xia Fan and he was really his own. Although Yan Fei got Xia Fan's heart to make him a little unhappy, he also felt that Yan Fei was the man who really deserves Xia Fan, so he was not really angry with Yan Fei. Wu Jiechao felt that he had deepened his relationship with Yan Fei and fulfilled Wu Mori's entrustment to him, so he followed Xia Fan's concert and left Fantasy Island.

Although Xia Fan's live concert was held in Neverland, Lu Pingping didn't know this person. Because no one on the Internet discussed Xia Fan's show of affection for Yan Fei, Lu Pingping didn't know about it. After learning that Yan Fei went to watch a live concert of a singer in person, she felt a little surprised. The next day, she asked Yan Fei specifically, and wanted to know what the concert was like.

Yan Fei originally had a frank heart, but found that Lu Pingping came to ask about Xia Fan. I didn't know how to feel a guilty conscience, and quickly cleared herself out. She said that Xia Fan's concert only had good on-site light and shadow effects, and the other links were ordinary and successful. Lu Pingping confused.


Since the start of the war against Pseudo-Nerela, Rice has been on the road, with the help of the Leading Party, it has completely defeated the Puppet-Nerella army in just half a month, completely overthrowing the current Puppet-Nerela government. Just as the people of Pseudo-Nerez were cheering and looking forward to helping the country build a beautiful home, they found that the behavior of the country seemed to be wrong. They began to take over a large number of pseudo-Nerella banks, occupied the national vault, took over domestic oil fields, and seized the pseudo-inners. Rila's domestic wealthy assets.

The Mi Army also failed to maintain the internal order of Pseudo-Nerela, leaving the entire country in chaos. Then Mi Jun took advantage of the chaos and began to transfer a large amount of pseudo-Nerella wealth back to the country. As for the factories that could not be transferred, the equipment inside was dismantled and transferred back to the country. The large and small oilfields in Pseudo-Nerela are quickly auctioned by Rice, turning them all into the industry of Rice oil merchants.

The pseudo-Nerella people soon discovered all this, and they finally understood that the Mi people were not here to help them, but to rob them of their wealth. But at this time, the pseudo-Nerella had no power to fight the chickens, and it was impossible to fight against the powerful Mi forces. So someone started to march on the streets and demonstrations, but immediately suffered the **** suppression of the Mi Army. As for the oil wells of the pseudo-Nerella, they are closely protected by the Mi Army, and the pseudo-Nerellas are not accessible at all.

Since the attack on Pseudo-Nerella, Rice has been reporting in the international media at all times. But even with the presence of these reporters, the behavior of the State of Mi has not converged in any way. The blood loss of the State of Mi is too serious, and it is in urgent need of external blood supply. They have put down all the shackles, showing the true face of the army as a violent institution, and blatantly looting pseudo-Nerella.

For a while everyone couldn't accept this reality, so the world's media fell into extreme chaos. The image of the State of Mi collapsed, then this world still needs freedom and democracy. What is the future way out for the Western world? How can they blame other countries on the moral high ground?

Just as the world situation became more chaotic, Neverland did not make any noise, but instead quietly developed its own strength. During this time, Yan Fei focused all her attention on finding the last two drone upgrade essentials.

UAV upgrade conditions are only worse than the last two upgrade required items, but since receiving three upgrade required items in the 51st district of the country, Yan Fei has never received any information about the required upgrade items. Although the artificial intelligence "fantasy" invaded the networks of various countries, and found many pictures in the secret database that were suspected to be necessary for the drone to upgrade, when Yanfei viewed these pictures, the auxiliary intellectual brain did not respond, indicating that Yanfei charges The pictures he found with all his heart and soul were not necessary upgrade items as he imagined.

After Yan Fei got the necessary items for the upgrade this time, he immediately sent these items to Yang Qi's laboratory for research. He wanted to find out what mysteries existed in these items and why they are necessary for the upgrade of the drone.

After detailed inspection of these items, Yang Qi explicitly told Yan Fei that these items were not made by modern earth technology. They have existed on the earth for at least tens of thousands of years. If they were not left by pre-earth civilizations that may exist, then they should have been brought to Earth by alien civilizations. This also proves from another aspect that the cosmic starry sky is not just human beings, and human beings are not alone.

When Yang Qi tested these items, he also discovered something very magical. These upgrades must have very simple geometric shapes, and they have no other purpose than the special materials themselves. But Yang Qi found that they have a very special property, that is, zero error. For example, these upgrades must have a cuboid in the item, and this cuboid has a zero error attribute.

Humans generally think of the cuboid, it is not a cuboid in the true sense, or it can only be said to be a cuboid in the fuzzy sense. Because they just look like cuboids, using slightly more sophisticated detection methods, you can find that they are only irregularly shaped objects. Maybe one face is slightly inclined, or one edge is longer or shorter than the others. Because there are always errors in machinery manufacturing, the development of technology can reduce errors, but it cannot completely eliminate them.

However, this cuboid, which is a necessary item for the drone to upgrade, is different from those in the vague sense. It is a true cuboid. Its two opposite faces are absolutely parallel, all its opposite edges are absolutely equal, and the two edges that intersect between the two faces are absolutely perpendicular. It has no error, at least in Yang Qi ’s view.

A thing without error is terrible. This is something beyond Yang Qi ’s limit of understanding. He does n’t know how to make this kind of thing. Relying on small production workshops with drones, under the condition of increasing energy consumption and improving production accuracy, precision mechanical parts of one hundredth of a nanometer can be manufactured. Such precision has reached an extent unimaginable by earth technology, but they still have errors.

In other words, Yang Qi could not make a steel plate that happened to be one meter long. No matter how attentive he is, how sophisticated his equipment is. The steel plate produced will always be a little more or less than one meter. This is the error. The existence of human science and technology civilization is completely irreversible.

However, at this moment, there are no errors in the geometric shapes of the objects including the cuboid. Their surfaces are absolutely smooth. Even with the existing fine resolution of Neverland, you can't find any bumps on it.

It is these few ordinary geometric shapes that make Yang Qi feel as shocking as the world fell. He never thought that there would be such a precise and error-free thing in this world. Imagine that if the **** in the machine manufacturing can show an absolute sphere and the surface is absolutely smooth, if the teeth of the two gears completely fit, there is no friction. So, how efficient is the force transmission? How horrible will the energy utilization be? I'm afraid that in such machinery, lubricating oil is an excess.

By studying the manufacturing process and material technology of these geometric shapes, the related fields of Neverland can make a leap forward. Science was originally a by-product, at least for the current earth civilization. In a sense, Neverland can even use these geometric items to promote the scientific and technological progress of the entire earth civilization.

After learning about Yang Qi's research results, Yan Fei thought deeply. He began to understand that everything that can become a necessary item for drone upgrades should have something that can promote the progress of civilization, or it can be said to be a technological point. As long as people study these things, technological progress can be achieved. This is also the reason why the seemingly sci-fi incomplete warship under the ground in Africa has not become an upgrade necessity, because it cannot directly promote technological progress, or inadequate power to promote technological progress.

From drones in the past to predators drones capable of air combat, to later F-15 fighters and 2 stealth bombers, their production technologies have achieved a technological leap. Yan Fei didn't understand the principles in the past, but now it is clear that to achieve the leapfrog upgrade of drones, it is necessary to add technology points to the drones, that is, to provide the items containing the technology points to the drones. After the aircraft has obtained sufficient technology points, it can achieve technological leapfrogging and upgrade of drones. This is why these items are called necessary upgrade items.

There are still some rusted states in the required items of the drone before the upgrade, which is very different from the clean and smooth of the required items of the upgrade now. Yan Fei immediately understood that there must be high and low grades for the drone upgrade items ~ ~ The previous rusted items were of low grade, and they contained low technology points, but they were able to support that time. Drones have been upgraded. The current level of drones is higher. If they are upgraded again, they will definitely surpass today's earth technology in technology, and they will need more technology points. At this time, the previous low-level items can no longer meet the upgrade needs, and the upgrades it requires must be significantly higher in grade.

Yan Fei knew that the necessary items for the drone upgrade were called special items by other countries, and he also snatched one from the rice people in the country. So when the upgrade must be two items away, he hit his mind on the special items in these countries and wanted to upgrade them by obtaining them. But after he finally got the pictures of these special items, the drone did not respond to them, which shows that the special items are not all necessary for the upgrade of the drone, or that the special items being studied in those countries can no longer satisfy the The need for human-machine upgrades.

Yan Fei wanted to find the last two drone upgrade essential items, and can only continue to wait. However, Yan Fei had a hunch in his mind, and he would surely find the last two necessary items for upgrading to bring the drone to the sixth level, which is truly invincible.


The description of zero error in this chapter comes from the "Rainbow Gate" 's "Super Warship of Rebirth". The author is not a science student, and the description of science and technology is not standardized. It happened that the author had read this book before and had a deep memory of the description about zero error, so he borrowed a few paragraphs from the other party shamelessly, and changed his face to become his own. I'm really sorry!

"Rebirth Super Battleship", a real science fiction novel, everyone is recommended to watch!

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