Super Marshal

Chapter 302: Red Devils

Old Trafford Stadium deserves to be one of the most terrifying home stadiums in the world.

From the moment Atletico Madrid stepped out of the player channel, the more than 70,000 fans in the stadium have never stopped harassing and attacking them, even for a second.

Although Ferguson and captain Keane have repeatedly bombarded the atmosphere of Old Trafford's home stadium, Ferguson even mocked many fans sitting in the box, drinking red wine and eating steak and driving the game, but the atmosphere of this stadium is still the same. terror.

The high pressure formed by more than 70,000 fans is enough to make the slightly timid people face stage fright.

Atletico Madrid in the past two years can be regarded as well-informed. They have entered the Nou Camp, beat the Bernabéu, pierced San Siro, even the Olympic Stadium in Bayern Munich, and the players have also developed their courage.

But at the moment they walked into Old Trafford Stadium, they still felt the madness and enthusiasm of the English fans.

More importantly, this season's Champions League final will be held in this stadium.

This makes all the Atletico Madrid players who walk into this stadium have some special associations in their hearts.

In the Champions League final, is that the stage that many professional players dream of?

Compared to the visiting team's astonishment that Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, Manchester United seemed a lot more mature and stable.

Even if Ferguson dropped a smoke bomb before the game, everything was revealed before the game.

Manchester United is basically sending the main force to play.

The goalkeeper is French Butters, and the defenders are Sylvester, Ferdinand, Brown and Gary Neville.

From left to right, the midfielders are Giggs, Bart, Keane and Beckham.

Scholes played the role of the forward midfielder, and the Dutch center Van Nistelrooy supported the striker.

Although the gold medal substitute Solskjaer performed well on the right during Beckham's injury, Ferguson chose Beckham to start.

In addition to the main force, Ferguson's game intentions are also clear at a glance.

With the whistle of the Italian gold medal referee Collina, Manchester United began to press, and even the entire defense line desperately pressed forward, with only one goal, to strive for the goal as soon as possible.

Without the slightest fancy, without the least bit of temptation, the two teams are like two big teams on the battlefield.

As soon as the whistle sounded, while moving forward bravely, I was invincible.

When the two major legions collided, they were instantly killed, flying sand and rocks, and the sun and the moon were dull.

This also made the fans in the stands scream and scream.

The pace of the game was very fast, and both sides played unreservedly.

Compared with Manchester United's main force, Gao Han has fine-tuned Atletico Madrid's starting lineup.

Out of fear of Giggs, Gao Han finally chose Roberto, who was more reassuring in defensive ability, at the right back position.

In the right position of the third midfielder, Diego Simeone alternated Marcos Senna to start.

These two teammates from the double championship period in the 1990s are very close to each other. This is what Gao Han relies on very much.

As he said before the game, Giggs' high-speed dribbling ability to create threats is very rare in European football and has to be guarded.

As for Manchester United's approach of attacking and speeding up the pace of the game, Gao Han had been mentally prepared for it, and he didn't panic to deal with it.

Only after the opening, Atletico Madrid's players seemed a little impatient.

The fast-paced and fast-paced English-style press used by Manchester United still makes Atletico Madrid players feel uncomfortable and struggle to deal with it.



"The old man Ferguson is not easy."

Although Gao Han was never soft on Ferguson, he still admired the old man in his heart.

Giggs, Keane, Scholes and Beckham, these four midfielders are not only complementary in characteristics, but also perfect, admirable and tacit, being able to train such a combination, Ferguson's skills can be seen.

"In the past few years, Ferguson has begun to focus on bringing Manchester United's tactics closer to the mainland, and has begun to pay attention to the control of rhythm and ball power. This direction is correct, but his trust in Veron is still not enough."

Veron's performance in Manchester United is indeed not as good as in Lazio, but it is not worth mentioning. In many games, the White Wizard still showed a very high standard, but his position in Manchester United is very embarrassing.

Manchester United's main game is four for two, and now they are playing four for one.

At first, Ferguson meant to join Veron, but he soon discovered that Veron and Keane would work together in a division of labor?

Even in many cases, there is a conflict of authority between Veron and Beckham.

The two have a lot in common, such as a wide range of active running, sharp and precise long pass transfer...

Veron seems to be a third party who suddenly stepped in. It is difficult to cooperate with the original four midfielders with high prestige in the team. Coupled with the newcomer, he does not adapt to the characteristics of the Premier League, which leads to Veron. Has not been able to integrate into the team for a long time.

It is reported that Ferguson has decided to give up.

But Veron's failure also indirectly reflected the weakness of Manchester United and even the majority of Premier League teams.

Lack of strong control over the rhythm of the game and the right to the ball.

Arsenal benefited from the French gang introduced by Wenger and did the best in this regard. Manchester United also consciously strengthened its ability in this area. However, the presence of midfielders such as Roy Keane has kept Manchester United progressing slowly. .

Therefore, in this game, Gao Han's strategy is also very clear.

Let Manchester United go to rush and grab at the beginning, because this is the characteristic of the Red Devils, and forced suppression is simply not enough.

But Atletico Madrid must maintain sufficient patience, stabilize the defense, and wait for the opponent to make mistakes.

"Manchester United will make mistakes!" Gao Han said very confidently.

Both Emery and Cantarello nodded unceasingly.

There is no team that can maintain a fast-paced attack and press for a long time, and the physical energy is too great. Sooner or later, they have to slow down by themselves. At that time, the rhythm and the ball belong to Atletico Madrid.

Moreover, players such as Beckham, Keane, Ferdinand, etc. are all returning from injury, and they are also estimated to have problems in terms of physical fitness.

Therefore, as long as Atletico Madrid can calm down and maintain patience, Manchester United will definitely make mistakes.

Everyone knows that Atletico Madrid is best at counterattacking.

Especially the counterattack on the spot after successful defense!

"Unai, Carlos."


"I'm here."

The two assistants on the left and the right immediately looked at Gao Han.

"Always remind players that we must be patient and play Manchester United. We must not be anxious. If we are anxious, we will definitely die."

Cantarello nodded, "Understood."

"Tell Jankulovsky again, let him go a bit forward. Beckham is not good at bottoming, but he likes to find Ruud van Nistelrooy in the forty-five-degree diagonal pass, and Gary Neville's back-in. You must be careful too."

"Tell Deco, pay attention to the protection of the left."

"Understood." Emery also agreed.



"On the right, let Gary go ahead, or even plug it directly into the bottom line."

Ferguson is also fine-tuning the team's field formation, especially the players' positions and responsibilities.

"Further forward, we will become three guards." Assistant coach Steve McLaren reminded.

But Ferguson was resolute, "Then let Brown's position move to the right. The three guards are the three guards. We must strive for the goal as soon as possible. We can't let down this tone!"

From Ferguson's face, there is no arrogance and arrogance in the pre-match press conference at all. Some are just cautious and uneasy about the situation of the game.

Steve McLaren didn't quite understand Ferguson's intentions, but he knew one thing, and he must be right to be obedient.

Only Ferguson, after sending away his assistant, shook his head and sighed.

Few people in England today understand the importance of controlling the rhythm of the game and controlling the ball.

Many people mention the rival Wenger, they will only talk about the various reforms he brought to Arsenal, making Arsenal from the original ugly style of play to the gorgeous offensive football representative, but these are just superficial skills.

The real core is that Wenger taught Arsenal how to control the rhythm of the game and how to control the ball.

In the Premier League, which pays attention to long passes and chasing fast-paced offense and defense, whoever controls the rhythm and the ball can become the master of the field.

In the past ten or two decades, why has it been difficult for the English team to make achievements in European football, especially in the Champions League?

Not to mention other teams, even if it is Manchester United, it is basically difficult to have an advantage when encountering giants of the same level in other European leagues, and they often end in failure.

It is because in terms of rhythm and possession, the Premier League teams are far behind teams in other European leagues.

This is certainly due to the historical reasons of English football, but it also has a lot to do with England's pursuit of fast-paced offense and defense and physical confrontation.

Today's Premier League teams have only two ways to win in European football.

Either play the whirlwind, fight for the first ball, disrupt the opponent's rhythm, and let the game always go on at your most comfortable rhythm.

Or simply retreat and counterattack defensively.

Ferguson does not want his team to play defensive counterattacks, so he has to attack.

Red Devils, Red Devils, Manchester United, who do not attack at home and are not passionate, are they still called the Red Devils?

Thinking of this, Ferguson shifted his sight from the court to the sidelines, the figure standing outside the coaching bench of the visiting team.

Gao Han, a kid who is only twenty-six years old.

"It's all like this, and it can still be calm, this kid is not easy!" Ferguson frowned and muttered to himself.

The reason why he actively attacked Atletico Madrid before the game was to anger his opponents.

From the head coach Gao Han to the team's main stars, most of them are mainly young players.

As the so-called young and vigorous, easy to greedy merits, Ferguson is to use words to provoke the opponent, and then cooperate with Manchester United's opening attack, so that the opponent loses patience in the game.

But from the perspective of the start of the game, Gao Han did not seem to be in the middle of the game.

Not only that, he also allowed his two assistants to keep an eye on the situation, constantly reminding the players on the court to keep them calm and rational, not to mess around with themselves.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that Ferguson's abacus, Gao Han is very clear.

"It seems that you can only rely on strength, and you can see the truth under your hand!" Ferguson smiled proudly.

As the head coach of the team, he has strong confidence in the players he has tuned himself.

Especially in this Old Trafford stadium, no one should think of taking advantage.

Real Madrid and other giants can't do it, let alone the dark horse of Atletico Madrid! (To be continued.)

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