Super Mothership

Chapter 313: Earth express

From a few months ago, flower growers began to trade iron ore and steel resources with Atlantis through Chu Group.

Low-cost iron ore resources and bulk steel purchase agreements have greatly improved the problem of excess capacity in the domestic steel industry chain of Zhonghuajia, and accelerated the merger and reorganization of the domestic steel industry.

Affected by this, international iron ore prices are slowly falling, and the four major mining groups have been greatly affected.

In addition, the industrial processing accuracy of the flower producers is undoubtedly increasing rapidly. The number of imported precision processing equipment from abroad is declining significantly. There is a tendency to get rid of external dependence, and it is suspected that a high-precision industrial machine has been obtained.

What is even more surprising is the development of the other party in the field of technology.

In the virtual world of the technology tree, the flower-planting scientists have shown an astonishing speed of technology digestion. Various new technologies have emerged endlessly, and many major breakthroughs have been made in the fields of chip technology, pharmaceuticals, engines, display panels, semiconductors and other fields!

Adhering to the low-key principle that flower farmers have always been, the progress of the research and development of these technologies was not fully disclosed at the beginning, but only recently with the marketization and industrialization of a large number of new technologies, this was slowly exposed.

This amazing scientific research speed has even surpassed the United States, and the whole world was surprised to look at it, and could not help exclaiming "Wolf is coming"!

Coupled with this space elevator ... Although the follow-up evaluation is still going on, once the elevator is opened, the flower growers within the scope of the radiation circle of the space elevator are definitely one of the biggest beneficiaries!

This series of changes has forced the United States to pay more and more attention to this competitor.

"Everyone, we must be more vigilant. The many technological advantages of the flower growers have increased our trade deficit with the other party by 3% last month. This is a very dangerous signal!"

"The flower-growers have been refusing to post, and it was only recently that we discovered the anomaly, but their speed of development is not quite right. Your intelligence department did not hear any useful news?" The Secretary of Defense frowned.

"Yes! Not long ago, we sacrificed several elite spies and finally got a top secret information!

It is said that there are a thousand-person scientific research group composed of elite scientists in China, and the progress of scientific research in the world of virtual technology trees is very amazing, and many scientific research results are contributed by them.

Their leader is code-named ‘Sixteen Bachelors’, with a high level of confidentiality and a very mysterious identity! "The head of the intelligence department is humane.

"Sixteen Bachelors? It is impossible for an ordinary scientific research group to have such strength, to investigate, at all costs must find out the secret of this scientific research group!"


"By the way, after deducting military expenses this time, the remaining unlimited coins have arrived ... China's purchase list needs to be finalized as soon as possible. Those advanced technologies or items of Captain Ghost will help us achieve a certain leading edge, and we must choose carefully "The Defense Minister said.

According to Nie Yun ’s classification of technology, Earth ’s current technological level is only D, and the purchase list provided by him is basically about C-level technology or items. Except for some sensitive military technologies, most of them are 100 years ahead of the earth. Technology within.

"This ... the Congress tends to buy biological technology!" Someone blinked.

"Huh? Congress?" The defense minister thought, and soon wanted to understand the key.

For Nie Yun ’s biotechnology, it is not just General Hu who is staring at it. During this time, almost all the major forces in the world have not given up on it, either lightly or darkly, or ... peep!

Infinitecoin is claimed to be infinitely possible. In addition to curing most human diseases, some people have also tried to make a wish ... "Increase lifespan"!

As a result, Zhinao actually accepted it, but it offered a sky-high price of 200,000 unlimited coins per person, directly discouraging everyone.

Even though many countries have made so much money in this employment task, these unlimited coins are not private property, and public property is used to satisfy personal desires. Apart from absolute dictators, I am afraid no one dares to do so.

Even a dictator, once you show this idea, believe it or not, you have to be overthrown by the army the next day!

Even if no one can consume it at the moment, it will let the whole world know ... Captain Ghost has biotechnology that increases lifespan!

And there are indeed some low-level biotechnologies in Captain Ghost's shopping list, but they are currently affordable, mostly in some biomedical fields, which can only increase the health of the human body.

Even so, this is still a fatal temptation for some senior executives of the old big family ...

Even if I can't increase my life now, at least let me live two more years and save enough money! This is what most people think.

"Humph! A group of old kings!" The Defense Minister despised in his heart.

"Well! Biotechnology has always been China's traditional superiority field, well, I have seconded this plan!" He agreed with great awe!


Just when the space elevators appeared on the earth, Atlantis Space Port ushered in its first transportation mission ...

In the void of the universe, a little blue light came from the direction of the moon and gradually approached the space port.

Looking closer, it was a somewhat erratic silver narrow spaceship, and the high-power propeller at the tail was spraying a faint blue tail flame, pushing the spacecraft slowly toward the space port.

This spaceship looks like an EMU composed of sections of cars, with a streamlined front ahead, and the words "Earth Express" written in Chinese and English.

"Oh!" Auxiliary heading adjustment jets were activated throughout the spacecraft. The spacecraft slowly adjusted its attitude and was close to a "dock" formed by the shell expansion.

"Buzz!" The magnetic mechanism at the bottom of each compartment of the spacecraft began to start, and the entire spacecraft finally floated at a position of about 2 cm above the ground and remained stationary, completing the set docking action!

Immediately afterwards, this somewhat weird train-shaped spaceship slowly started and drove directly from the spaceport terminal into the central area of ​​the spaceport. The next moment had appeared on the long skyline below, with a metal cable attached to the chassis. Strike towards the earth.

This mechanical insect metal cable has been cured by Nie Yun, saying that a metal column is more suitable.

The "Earth Express" was driving close to it without physical contact. It was like a magnetic levitation train that rushed into the atmosphere without advance. The speed began to soar rapidly under the dual action of gravity and magnetic force, and the shell gradually became red ...

"Oh, I'm selling cakes! What's that ?!" The crowd who had been closely monitoring the space elevator below stunned to discover such a scene.

On the silver metal cable, a fire snake was coming from the sky along the cable, almost disappeared in the monitoring screen, leaving only a circle of air twisted by high temperature ...

On the reconnaissance ship in the nearby waters below, everyone looked up in amazement.

"Oh!" The speed of more than 8 times the speed of sound stirred up a gust of wind, directly piercing a cloud through a huge hollow of tens of meters!

Sunlight slanted down from the hollow, projecting a dreamy light path.

"Zizi ~" At a height of nearly 1,000 kilometers above the ground, this "Earth Express" directional buffer magnetic field arranged on Atlantis Island was turned on, and the principle of negative electrode repulsion was like a spring pad. This express decelerates.

"Squeak!" The express train was finally pulled down by a curved track at the center of Atlantis Island, and stopped gently in a special unloading area.

"Earth Express" ... The first open to traffic has ended smoothly! From Spaceport to Atlantis Island, it took less than three minutes!

All eyewitnesses on earth almost shocked their eyes.

Lying! This speed ... It's against the sky!

Is this still a space elevator? Nimei has rubbed out the fireball!

Everyone is silently calculating in their minds, the airport express that runs every 3 minutes ... This throughput of Ya, is it because Captain Ghost wants to evacuate the entire earth?

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