Super Mothership

Chapter 684: Special etiquette

"I still have good news here!" Because of the withdrawal of the Locke consortium, Isal was clearly in a good mood.

"Are we going to be promoted?" Reynolds asked a fan.

Yishaer glanced at him, rolled his eyes helplessly. "If it is really possible to recover the lost ground, and even retake the wormhole, it is highly possible to upgrade to another level, but I am not talking about this.

The good news is that our support fleet is about to arrive soon. "

Previously, Gemini was blown up by Cloros' "Earthburst Star" and almost lost more than half of its active fleet.

Afterwards, the Gallente Star Zone suffered heavy losses, and it fell into a small half. Not only did the refugee wave erupt, but also the industrial foundation was greatly damaged. It can be said that development has regressed for decades.

Fortunately, the other three star districts have not been affected too much, and have been working hard to make dumplings since the crisis.

In addition, a large number of reserve forces have turned right, but it has allowed Gemini to urgently come up with a reinforcement fleet in a short time.

"So, my fleet can finally be filled?" Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

It is a pity to see him, but he has been a smooth commander for a long time.

After saving Beckman, the Victor family kept its promises, plus Assad and Issa Kruzer behind Ishar.

The three powerful families joined forces, and the rank of "Alsace" was finally officially raised to a rank not long ago, becoming the fastest promoted in the history of Gemini and the youngest army commander!

For a time, Arthas was in the limelight. He was hailed as a rare genius in the centuries, and a strong contender for the next general.

It's a pity that this rising star has been famous for a long time, and there is only one scene of the fallen angel under his command.

As far as the current poor family of Gemini is concerned, a legion full of 100 warships, although not capable of holding heavy soldiers, is definitely a military force that cannot be ignored.

Although such a small amount of force is not enough for Nie Yun to engage in any kind of samurai operations such as "Chen Qiao's Mutation" and "Yellow Robe Plus Body", but in wartime, the military power is equal to the right to speak.

"Five local mixed regiments, plus three regiments directly under the Central Galaxy Group, this time the Parliament supported a total of 800 warships.

Except for the three central independent legions that I can’t intervene in, the other five legions are all under my control. I will naturally give priority to recruiting soldiers for you. "

Long live hilltopism!

Nie Yun was very beautiful.

This is the benefit of organization, resource sharing, and complementary advantages. Your thigh is my thigh, which is much stronger than a single person fighting alone.

However, the military power is only one of them. More importantly, as a senior officer at the level of the regiment, and with the quasi-big brother ally of Isar, most of the military information of Gemini is basically completely open to him.

"Need troops to arm the plan? Catherine, go, print a copy for me!"

"A combat plan? Do you want PlanA or PlanB?"

Ha ha! Primary school students choose to steal information...


Three days later, the migration of the Lane tribe finally came to an end.

Nie Yun was quite satisfied with his harvest this time. With a total of 5 million Ryan warriors who were almost all soldiers, even if the old and weak women and children were removed, the best choice would be more than two or three hundred thousand.

This means that in a short period of time, he no longer has to worry about soldiers.

Taking the Lane tribe as the backbone, ordinary pirates as a supplement to form their own conventional forces, and then cooperate with the player mechanical legion to erupt on the spot, the expected "human-machine mixed" combat system is being realized step by step!

"Boss, the fleet of the Rock Consortium has already passed through the wormhole, and the soldiers are returning at full speed in five ways." The codename gave Nie Yun a new message.

"It's almost time to calculate. If they don't come back, Hefan will probably hit Rockstar." Nie Yun was not surprised.

"Do I need to notify other pirates?"

"No, these people are experienced thieves, savvy, how can they not even arrange for the arrogant if they rob in someone else's house?"

Nie Yun assured that there were definitely other pirate eyeliners near the wormhole. As soon as the Locke consortium responded, they would have received the news immediately.

Maybe it's already in the rallying fleet and is ready to run away.

According to intelligence, the number of the Rock Consortium's expeditionary fleet is about 2,200.

Even if the soldiers are divided into five groups, there are more than 400 warships in each group. The hard power is definitely not weaker than that of their five pirates alone, and even stronger.

Even if you win, the pirate leader with a little brain is impossible to fight hard with his pirate fleet and the regular army.

What's more, they are now dragging a lot of loot one by one, and going up to fight is to become the captain of the transport team, giving others warmth.

"There is also not very good news. The other party's strength in the direction of us is a little more, about 600 warships."


It seems that this wave of hatred is very stable. The ghost pirate group is taken care of by Kroros...

Ryan star "jailer" is all gone, the news has long reached the ears of the Locke consortium, with Clorox's IQ, it is impossible to guess what idea he is playing.

A small ghost pirate group can make him ashamed. If you add the 5 million Ryan tribes who can fight well, God knows what chemical reaction will happen.

Coupled with the fear of being "behind the forces", it is inevitable to be targeted and retaliated against.

Maybe Cloros himself is in this fleet, is he going to be ashamed of his teeth?

"After finishing the work, notify the fleet to evacuate immediately, and make the second walking action according to the original plan!"


It didn't take long for the fleet of ghost pirate regiments to slowly move away from the Ryan star that had become an empty nest.

But after a day of sailing, the 200 warships behind the fleet, after a burst of light and shadow, slowly disappeared into everyone's sight...


"Where are we going to go?" The old patriarch frowned as he looked at the large army that was moving away from the porthole.

"We have other tasks. These cargo ships are too slow and cannot be sneaked without a stealth system. It is easy to expose, so we need to divide the troops.

But the patriarch and the elders are assured that the clan has some of our battleship protection, and soon, they will converge with other pirate fleets, and then return to the broken star field together, there is absolutely no problem in safety! "Spartak explained.

"Other pirate fleets?"

"It is the fleet of the Red Dragon and the Dragon Cavalry Pirates!" Spartak did not conceal.

That's right, Nie Yun did not intend to **** these Ryan tribes back to the base, but chose "Shuanglong Express" for consignment. He led the elite and quietly left the monitoring vision of the Rock Foundation.

"Is this..." The old patriarch's brows grew deeper.

Trusting the ghost pirate group is due to the existence of these Spartak siblings, but it does not mean that they will trust other pirates.

Because of his special status and great prestige among the Lane tribes, Nie Yun granted him the privilege of being able to visit freely and follow the army, so the old patriarch also had a considerable understanding of their situation at this time, knowing that the ghost pirate group and the Ssangyong camp seemed to be related close.

But no matter how close the relationship is, the other party is still a group of notorious pirates with upper and lower limits.

In case the other party also took a fancy to their Ryan clan, seeing it... ah! Is it just to lose sight of what you want to do?

The ghost pirate group just trusts these two allies?

However, Captain Ghost spent so much effort not to work for others. He gave these outstanding soldiers to others in vain.

Among them, there may be inside stories that I don't understand.

Is there a deeper relationship between the ghost pirate group and Ssangyong?

"Keng! Kheng! Keng!" A rhythm of metal footsteps came from the front, interrupting the old patriarch's thoughts.

Looking up, the black full-face mask, 270-degree linear mechanical eyes, and the ruthless mechanical soldiers are taking some weird steps from far and near.

In a column, there are a total of 5 mechanical warriors, but the movements are uniform and at the same time they are a bit dull.

However, in the face of these ordinary patrol mechanics, Spartak seriously raised his hand on his forehead, made a strange gesture, and then smiled and nodded to them.


Are these not robots? Is this a special etiquette for the ghost pirate group?

Not only Spartak, but also other lineage warriors often greeted these robots inexplicably, although these robots were always ignored directly.

It seems that all the Linen warriors have a... inexplicable affection for them?

But what does this mean?

The old patriarch touched his chin.

Well... I heard that Captain Ghost seems to be from the mechanical tribe?

Although the mechanical family and the robot are basically two concepts, can it be regarded as a family 500 years ago?

So... is this also a very obscure lick?

The old patriarch glanced strangely at Spartak.

For the sake of ethnicity, did this group of steel straight men finally understand how to work?

After thinking for a while, he raised his hand, learning the Spartak look, smiling...

Mechanical Bug: "..." (→_→)

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