Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 644: Magic Moon's Plan

Of course, sending this game is not only to win over Xiaojie, Li Jiexuan's plan has just begun...

After a few days of happy life, Xiaojie waved goodbye again: His journey is far from over. Not only does he have to find his father, he must also rescue his good friend Qiya from home before that.

The Beat Enemy Hakka family is an ancient killer family. Just opening his door, the power needed is not something Xiaojie can do.

In this period, Xiaojie has been trained successively and finally opened the smallest metal door with Leo Liou and walked into the courtyard where he beat the enemy.

Later, the butler Wutong made things difficult...

Of course, the final result is naturally Qi Ya regained freedom. The two of them became good friends again and walked out the door of beating the enemy together.

The protagonist's plot is being promoted in an orderly manner, without any accidents. But the world of the spokesperson is in a mess...

"Killing, suspicion, fear"

All kinds of emotions and practices spread among the spokespersons, among them there are many lunatics, killing people in the street in an open manner.

In fact, all they killed were spokespersons. However, the hunter organization in this world does not know this: To kill is to kill!

Even if they don't know who the dead person is, it doesn't matter!

Stability and prosperity cannot be destroyed by these guys.

Ever since...

A large number of spokespersons have been arrested or arrested, and various situations that make people laugh or cry often happen. Immediately after. Under the interrogation of the hunter organization.

A huge evil organization has surfaced...

At least for the humans in this world, this is a situation: this organization is called a spokesperson, and its creed is to kill everyone, leaving the only one who can get huge benefits.


I have to say that this is a typical evil sect. Ever since, the hunter organization has defined the endorsement mission organization as a kill list all over the world!

It seems that it has no effect on the spokesperson, and it seems to be a good thing. There are hunter organizations to help kill the spokesperson, and there is no doubt that their opponents are much less.

But in fact, this situation is not a good thing for the spokesperson...

In fact, for every spokesperson, other spokespersons represent wealth. Represents the huge wealth of one or more worlds!

Every time a spokesperson dies, they will bear the vain loss of this wealth!

For example, in the hunter exam...

There are no too many spokespersons who kill each other, anyway, their wealth will be gathered in one person, and they will be harvested in the end.

As for the spokespersons who were killed by Hisoso’s plot characters, their wealth will not be transferred to Hisoso. Even if Hisoso is killed, nothing will be gained...

"What a bunch of idiots!"

Pick up the newspaper and look at the page on the spokesperson organization. Huan Yue looked contemptuous: These scattered people and newcomers are so ignorant.

As one of the three vice-chairmen of the Moon Sorrow Organization, Huan Yue possessed far more knowledge and intelligence than these lone rangers.

Even before she entered here, she already knew how the spokesperson war would be carried out, and she made a lot of preparations for this.

I think she will win this war!

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