Super Powered Teacher

Chapter 86: 【Reform】

Xiongren took Harada to the upstairs room and threw it on the sofa. Asami took out the camera, Tianye reached out and took off Meili ’s clothes. Meili realized that it was wrong and tried to raise her hand to push. Tao: "What are you doing?"

Xiongren frowned: "That's not good, after all, she wholeheartedly helped us a lot."

Asami said coldly: "But the most important thing is she refuses to help."

Tian Ye **** Mei Li's hand with a rope, and said, "How many years have we stayed in the periphery? Without seizing this opportunity, we will never be able to really enter the organization."

Asami said impatiently: "Don't you say it before? Give her another chance, she doesn't want it, who blames it? Hurry up."

Xiongren sighed and walked over to take off her clothes, frowning: "What hands are tied, they are all fainted like this, how do they take off now?"

Tian Ye didn't say anything, she directly tore off Mei Li's coat, and didn't want Mei Li to explode so much energy. Suddenly she kicked in Tian Ye's lower body, jumped up, and stumbled towards the French window. Just listening to the sound of broken glass, Meili fell to the ground following the shards of glass, the pain made her awake a lot, touched a piece of glass, and cut the rope with the backhand towards the hand, but because of the panic and the backhand, it was difficult to operate. The wrists and palms were cut in many places, and the blood was bleeding.

Xiongren rushed over to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked down. Afterwards, the field found a pistol and threw it over, shouting: "Quick shot to kill her, and then run away."

Xiongren took the gun, but hesitated, "Where are you from?"

"You manage so much, fast! She will definitely notify the Security Bureau when she runs, and we will be dead!"

Xiongren could n’t help but fired a gun at Meili who was still falling on the ground. The result was that he hit the glass next to it and almost shot it. Meili just cut the rope and climbed hard. Awake, he stumbled towards the far end of the street.

Xiongren fired another shot, still missed. Seeing Meili had hid in the blind spot of her sight, she could only run down and shouted, "Quick, I'm going to run away!"

Tian Ye angered: "You stupid ..." While climbing up and running down, but the lower body, but makes him running in a very strange posture.

Running out of the street, I saw that about two hundred meters away, Harada Meili could not help but fall down, but there was a person beside her who was lifting her.

The three of them rushed forward, and Xiongren raised his gun to Xia Yu, shouting, "Go away now."

Liu Yufei saw the appearance of a murderous gangster in a coffee shop. He did hold a real gun. Knowing that Xia Yu's life was very dangerous, he was determined to go though he was terrified.

"I will go too, you stay here!"

Chen Ran grabbed him and said angrily: "Are you crazy? Don't go!"

Liu Yufei broke free of her hand, said nothing, and ran out quickly, Chen Ran stomping her feet anxiously.

Xia Yu looked at the muzzle of the black hole, slowly lowered Meili, and slowly stood up, just when he was about to use an anomaly to make him hallucinate, Liu Yufei rushed over and shouted: "Stop! I have called the police, put down the gun Surrender!"

Asami screamed: "What are you waiting for, kill them all, let's go!"

Xiongren turned his muzzle at Liu Yufei, who was rushing, but before he could shoot, Xia Yu caught the opportunity, rubbed his body and swooped up, hugged him and fell to the ground, while holding his hand holding the gun.

Two policemen on the street rushed over when they received the alarm. They called from afar: "What! Stop!"

Asami and Tianye see the situation is not good, hurriedly ran in the opposite direction, leaving Xiongren impaled by Xia Yu.

The police called an ambulance and tortured Xiongren firmly. After understanding the process, they knew that Xia Yu and Liu Yufei were courageous and did not know more. They only asked them to record their confession and let them leave.


Tianye and Asami only had time to get some money, and hurriedly left the original so-called secret base. They knew that Xiongren was arrested, and sooner or later they would be targeted by the agents of the Security Bureau, so they directly hit a car and asked the driver to use the fastest Leaving the city at a rapid rate, if it is late, all the exit channels will be closely monitored, and their wings will be difficult to fly.

It was already around 7:30 in the evening, and it was already completely dark. There were still many cars on the highway. The lights in the distance were like stars. One by one roared from the opposite lane, but the same lane, but only they exceeded The share of others, because they have been urging. The driver was not willing to drive so fast, but they paid three times the price and promised to pay a fine, so the hourly speed indicator is already at 180, which is almost the limit speed of this taxi.

In this silent night, on this kind of high-speed driving road, even any point of movement can be troubling, but what if there is a deafening roar? The roar seemed to be a hammer hitting the roof of their car, which caused them ear pain and heartache. The driver almost couldn't hold his direction and slammed on a brake.

In this case, what can make this sound on the roof? Is it a meteor? They ca n’t see the condition of the roof, they do n’t know anything, and at this time there is no car around them, so no one can answer their question you, but if they can get out of their soul You will see a picture that will make them immortal.

A long-haired weird man in a black suit that almost blended into the night, was standing firmly on top of a high-speed car, as if he was not standing on a car, but on a smooth road, and his hands were already at this time. There was an extra gun, a huge golden pistol.

Although the driver was startled, he was still calm. He planned to slow down slowly, and then look at the degree of damage, but he just turned the direction to lean towards the road, he heard a loud bang, and then I do n’t know anything, because a bullet passed through the roof and hit his head accurately. His head was like a watermelon, shattered and smashed, the car was unmanned, a rapid change of direction, and then turned over, It took seven or eight laps on the road before hitting the side rails and stopping.

Tian Ye and Mami climbed out of the car with difficulty, covered in blood, they raised their heads reluctantly, they saw the long-haired man who stood in front of them and looked at them coldly, and saw the golden pistol, their blood Immediately solidified, Tian Ye trembling in the mouth, but still involuntarily read out: "Blood ... Drill ..."

Blood Diamond is the executioner of Noah ’s Ark and the most powerful hunter against the betrayal organizer. Generally, there is no regional leadership level person. He will not shoot easily. Unexpectedly, these two peripheral people will cause him to shoot. .

Blood Diamond said in his cold voice: "Don't be too happy too early, I just happened to work here and clean it up, otherwise your waste, even the worst killer, don't bother."

Asami shook the whole person and couldn't say anything, Tian Ye barely said, "We didn't betray ..."

"Of course you don't, you don't even have the qualification to betray. I cleaned up, but I didn't want to see the organization have this kind of garbage, and the peripherals are not good."

Asami finally spoke, "Xiongren ... he was caught ..."

Blood Diamond raised his gun and said lightly: "Xiongren does not need you to care." After banging two guns.

The two bodies were thrown back into the taxi, and then a thing was thrown into the car. In an instant, the whole car was caught in a strong tongue ...

The next day, Xiongren was pushed into the police car and was ready to be sent to the place designated by the security bureau for interrogation. It had just opened the police station door.

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