Super Scan

Chapter 203: Hour two corners

Xiaoru was startled when she heard this. She was also preconceived. After finding this clue card, she instinctively connected the letter "J" with Xiang Tianze.

In fact, she is not to blame. It is mainly among these people. The person she is most familiar with is always Xiang Tianze. As for other people... even if it is an English teacher who is almost inseparable from her during this period, it is just a gangster. I knew it, and I didn't expect that the other party's name also had a pinyin letter "J" at the beginning.

If you say it like this... then it was only a while, and Xiang Tianze found out that the four people had "J" in their names, so it seems...such a clue can't explain much, just like Xiang Tianze That said, at most, it narrowed the scope of some doubts.

But this is not over yet, and then Xiang Tianze said again:

" can't just think that the werewolf must be among the four of us just because of this J. It's okay for you to say that this is the English letter J, but maybe the meaning it represents is just a fishhook or a Umbrella handles! If that's the case...or we should just think about anyone who went fishing today, and...who came with an umbrella!"

"Umbrella hook..."

Xiao Ru and the teacher Jin were speechless for a while... but if you look closely at the pattern on the clue card, it really looks like a fish hook or an umbrella handle! So... a clue that had a very clear direction was immediately confused by Xiang Tianze's words.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Tianze added another sentence, saying: "And even if this figure really represents the letter J, it doesn't mean that other people are not suspicious, because... there may not be only one werewolf!"

Xiaoru and Teacher Jin couldn't help but glance at each other, and suddenly there was an urge to throw away the broken card in their hands. I thought that finding this card would be close to the truth, but the more you analyze it, the more confusing you are! I feel that having this clue, on the contrary, makes people even more confused... and Xiang Tianze's words sound very reasonable, and it is very difficult to refute!

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Xiang Tianze smiled slightly and said: "Of course...I just express my opinion, and I may not be right. But... I want to come with just one or two clue cards. It is difficult to analyze any valuable information. If other people can find a few clue cards and analyze all the clues carefully, it might not be impossible to find the real werewolf!"

Upon hearing this, Xiaoru and Teacher Jin nodded in agreement. They were good... The single clue was too general, and it was difficult to analyze exactly who was a werewolf. But if several clue cards are collected at the same time, and then the range of clues on each clue card is condensed once... Then, the person with all the clues is basically a werewolf!

And just after the three of them had spoken a few words, five of them all walked out of the woods one after another. Then... the 30-minute time limit came. See if no one came out of the woods anymore. The people present couldn't help but look at each other... There is no doubt that there are only eight of them left this time, and that one did not come out. People of, naturally have been killed by werewolves!

The person who disappeared was Huang Mao who had been described as a hooligan by Xiao Ru. Seeing this result, Xiaoru's face changed slightly, because she hated the yellow-haired thing. Many people here know that she was also the yellow-haired choice in the first round of voting. So... now that Huang Mao has disappeared, I am afraid that many people will think that she did it!

As for the end of the super scan, please remind the netizens of novel novels: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading from readad1(); is it right? Naturally, only her own mind is clear, but even if she knows how innocent she is, she cannot stop others from doubting it!

Seeing that someone looked at her with suspicion, Xiao Ru was stunned, and quickly raised the clue card in her hand, and said: "Since everyone has already come out, then we should quickly integrate what we obtained. Clues! I got a clue card with only one letter'J' on it. Of course... some people also say that this may also mean a fish hook or an umbrella handle! As for what it means, look. You have to synthesize other clues. I don’t know who among you got the clue card. Everyone will take them out, and then study frankly. It will be clear who is the real werewolf at a glance!"

Hearing what Xiaoru said, he really immediately diverted everyone’s attention, and then saw that Lei Yu had also taken out a clue card, turned it over and turned around in front of everyone, and said: "I also have one here. It seems to be a riddle, um... I’ll read it for everyone: two horns in the hour, no horns when he grows up, and two more horns in his twenties. I’m not good at guessing riddles, I have been thinking about it. For a long time, I haven't figured out what the riddle means, or...I don't know if this is a riddle. Let's figure it out together!"

After that, Lei Yu handed the card in his hand to others, letting everyone read it one by one.

Obviously few of these people are good at guessing, but this matter involves everyone's life and death, so even if they are usually not interested in guessing, at this time they are all thinking about it.

I saw that Teacher Jin thought for a long time and couldn't understand. He simply squatted on the ground, while drawing with branches, while muttering constantly in his mouth: "I have two horns when I grow up without horns...Is it a cow? But it's not right. Ah... the cow should have no horns when it was young, and it would be right to grow two horns!"

At this moment, Yingzi suddenly said: "You still have three minutes. Once the time is up, whether you understand the prompts on the clue card or not, you must immediately proceed to this round of voting. And...this round. No one can abstain!"

While speaking, Yingzi also glanced at Xiang Tianze specifically.

"I know!"

Just when everyone felt that time was pressing, but they had no clue, they heard Jiang Yueyue slap his head and exclaimed: "I seem to have seen this riddle before. The answer to this riddle should be the same. Planting the wild monsters of ancient times, it seems to be called... called Ze! Yes... it is Ze. It is said that where this monster passes, the forest and grassland will all turn into a swamp, hence the name Ze! This kind of wild monster had two horns on its head when it was young, and the two horns will degenerate when they grow up... Yes, it is Ze!


When everyone heard Jiang Yueyue's explanation, they couldn't help but cast their eyes on Xiang Tianze.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Yueyue immediately refreshed, and then pointed at the clue card in Xiaoru's hand, and said: "Her clue is the letter J, which is also the initial letter of Ze, so...who is a werewolf? , I don’t think we need to say any more, everyone should know it?"

"Sure enough, the werewolf is you!"

Teacher Jin immediately threw off the branch in his hand when he heard the words, and then said bitterly: "No wonder we said just now that this is a letter'J', which may represent a pinyin abbreviation in someone's name, but you have to say This J may also be a fish hook or an umbrella handle! It turns out that you are simply confusing the audience and deliberately messing up a clear clue, right!

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