Super Scientist

Chapter 391: South China Sea

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Ye Chen's ears immediately rose.

The experiments that make the heads pay so much attention are definitely not ordinary experiments, and they are very important.

"Xiaoye, your precise positioning on the roof of the world is very good, and we hope to do the same for American aircraft carriers in the South China Sea." The chief looked at Ye Chen with hope.

General Xiao looked at Ye Chen, their eyes were full of fiery.

Ye Chen didn't answer immediately, but acutely found the question and asked quickly: "Head, I don't know why. There are some ways for our country to force away American aircraft carriers. Why do we need to accurately locate American aircraft carriers?"

As the Chief Minister said, the US aircraft carrier has been in the South China Sea for half a month and has not entered our territorial waters. That is because the United States has insufficient confidence and has a lot of scruples.

Think about it. In the past, the United States used the South China Sea as its own back garden. Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want. If it had been before, American aircraft carriers would have entered our territorial waters long ago. Now that the US aircraft carrier has been in the South China Sea for half a month and has not entered our territorial waters, it shows that the United States has not much confidence.

The 712 confrontation didn't last long. It ended with the defeat of the United States. It is believed that the United States has fresh memories and dare not touch our bottom line.

Seeing the problems in the United States, the tactics of Tianchao to retreat American aircraft carriers are many, and it is not necessary to let Ye Chen test the precise positioning.

There must be something wrong here, Ye Chen was keenly aware of this.

General Xiao admired Ye Chen's keen response and couldn't help nodding.

"Xiaoye, you also know that our country is the only country in the world with anti-ship ballistic guidance. Our country's anti-ship ballistic missile is known as the carrier nemesis." The chief explained to Ye Chen himself.

Although the news has been known for a long time, but now confirmed by the head of the mouth, this still makes Ye Chen excited.

"You also know that the technology of using ballistic missiles to hit aircraft carriers is not only studied by our country. The Red Empire has also studied it, but it was because the technology was too high and finally had to give up." The chief explained, "Lock Carriers are a difficult technical problem, because the speed of the carrier is too fast, it is too difficult to lock the carrier. If you can use photonic information technology to accurately locate the US carrier ... "

Having said that, the chief stopped and did not go any further.

Ye Chen has fully understood that our country is determined to abolish the US aircraft carrier. This appetite is not ordinary but very big.

The use of ballistic missiles to attack aircraft carriers originated from the Red Empire, but because the technical difficulty was too high, the Red Empire finally gave up. The success of our country is good news.

This technology needs to break through three key technologies: First, it must be able to break through the defense system of the other party, such as the Aegis system in the United States. The second is to have the ability to track the target and hit the moving target in the missile's terminal guidance section. The third is to have the ability to locate the real-time target without errors.

If Ye Chen can accurately locate the US aircraft carrier, it will make our country ’s anti-ship ballistic missiles even more powerful and hit targets more easily.

If we can do that, then the threat of US aircraft carriers to our country will be greatly reduced, and when our country wants to clean up the US aircraft carriers, it will be cleared at any time.

Think about it. At the critical moment of the 712 confrontation, the national television broadcast the picture of the anti-ship ballistic missile launch, which greatly shocked the United States.

In addition, the "launch vehicle" launched by the dynasty made the United States discover it.

This was deliberately let the United States discover, let the United States know, and if it doesn't go away, it will work.

In the end, the United States only withdrew.

The only difference between a carrier rocket and a missile is whether it has a warhead or not, everything else is the same. Missiles can do what a launch vehicle can do.

Ye Chen rubbed her hands with excitement, her eyes glowed red, and she almost sang, "The chief is alive, dare not obey!"


A loud laugh sounded, and everyone laughed.

They not only saw Ye Chen's excitement in his eyes, but also gave Ye Chen a confident answer to cheer them up.

If this is really done, would American aircraft carriers dare to stir up the wind and rain around our country? Does the United States dare to be so arrogant? The United States travels overseas and arrives all over the world. Carriers are other major means.

The US aircraft carrier is no longer a thing, can the US still be the global overlord?

Think of this bright prospect, everyone is excited.

"Xiaoye, what equipment do you need, please mention it, as long as we can do it, we will definitely provide it." The chief's face was full of smiles.

Since the founding of our country, American aircraft carriers have been stirring up wind and rain around our country, and have not threatened our country. Wanwan has not yet been liberated, and the country has not yet achieved complete reunification, and there is a great relationship between US aircraft carriers. At that time, if it were not for the US aircraft carrier entering the strait, our country would have liberated the bay.

Later, a system of international events related to our country occurred, all related to the US aircraft carrier.

As long as the US aircraft carrier is resolved, it will be of great benefit to the future of our country.

Ye Chen thought about it, "I need satellites in terms of equipment."

To achieve precise positioning, it is impossible without satellites. It is unimaginable for anti-ship ballistic missiles to hit aircraft carriers without satellite positioning.

"This can give you the highest authority." The chief immediately said: "Our positioning system you can call."

The global positioning system has many uses, and the functions for national economy and people's livelihood are only a small part of its powerful functions, and more military.

With the global positioning system, our country's missiles can be hit more accurately.

At that time, when our country wanted to establish a global positioning system, the United States used various excuses to stop our country, saying that the cost was too high and the maintenance cost was too high; it also said that with the US GPS, we didn't need to do another set.

Why does the United States do this? Not because of the good intentions of the United States, but because of conspiracy and want to make our country dependent on the United States.

As long as our country uses US GPS for global positioning, can our anti-ship ballistic missiles threaten US aircraft carriers?

"Thank you." With the help of our country's global positioning system, Ye Chen's confidence is even better.

After the chief has said what to say, it is time for Admiral Xiao to say, "Xiaoye, this experiment is very important. It involves the core secrets of our country. You must keep it secret."

Anti-ship ballistic missiles are exclusively owned by Heaven, not even the United States. This kind of technology is very difficult. It is not easy for our country to overcome all difficulties, and there must be no leaks.

"Please rest assured, I understand." Needless to say, Ye Chen also knows confidentiality.

"I know you are a human being, just to remind you." Admiral Xiao nodded to Ye Chen's human being with absolute confidence, and said, "We will send related teams to assist you in this test."

This is right, Ye Chen has no objection.

"This experiment is particularly important, and I will follow you." Admiral Gan said.

"The chief is going?" Ye Chen was surprised.

General Gan, the boss of the strategic army, followed him personally. Ye Chen really couldn't think of it.

"Not only Lao Gan is going, I am going," General Luo said. "This experiment is not only related to the strategic forces, but also to our navy."

General Luo is also a general in the South China Sea. He has fought with the United States for many years and has accumulated a wealth of experience.

As he said, this experiment involved a very wide range, both the navy and the strategic forces were involved, and no one was going to fight it.

Ye Chen was really surprised. An experiment came with two generals, which was too unexpected.

"I'm going to be your bodyguard." Admiral Luo took Ye Chen's surprised expression in his eyes and uttered an astonishing word.

"Chief, are you kidding me?" Ye Chen rolled his eyes and let the admiral be the bodyguard. Isn't that a break for my life?

"I'm not kidding." Admiral Luo looked solemnly, and said, "Xiaoye, you also know that the US aircraft carrier has been in the South China Sea for half a month. If there is a slight wind, you will know that you have arrived in the South China Sea. There will always be movement, maybe it will be bad for you. So, this time I am going to organize a military exercise, which can **** you and deter the United States. "

This is very reasonable.

The aircraft carrier of the United States is located in the South China Sea. If Ye Chen arrives in the South China Sea, the US will know that the United States will inevitably take action, risking to burn the gun with the heaven. How about it?

If our country conducts a military exercise in the South China Sea, the United States will not dare to act rashly.

As long as necessary, the drill can be turned into a real gun at any time.

However, letting General Luo go in person, Ye Chen really can't think of it. This is too trivial, right?

It is enough to have Lieutenant General Wang. This is also the South China Sea Mighty General.

"Xiaoye, this is the case. Our photon information experiment has been carried out to this stage, and it is not far from success. Why don't we use photon information technology to command this time in the South China Sea? How many fleets will conduct joint military exercises?" Luo The general explained a sentence for Ye Chen.

Sooner or later, photon information technology will be used in the military, and civilians will only use the weakened version. This thing will happen sooner or later. Now, after a systematic test, I am very satisfied. It is not impossible to start this matter in advance.

Not to mention, you have to deal with American aircraft carriers, killing two birds with one stone.

This matter was settled, Ye Chen and they rested in Huangchenggen for a while, then went to the South China Sea.

The military still dispatched equipment to transport the equipment over. Ye Chen took a special plane to pass by.

General Luo and General Liu accompanied Ye Chen as they passed by.

On the plane, Ye Chen and General Luo chatted with them and asked about the situation in the South China Sea, and they knew more about the South China Sea.

Finally, the South China Sea arrived. Ye Chen was very excited to see the blue sea. She said, "South China Sea! South China Sea! I finally saw the South China Sea!"

The South China Sea is our inherent territorial sea, a name that every celestial person knows.

Moreover, as the situation in the South China Sea has heated up in recent years, it has become a hot spot of global attention, and big news has broken out from time to time. Ye Chen has longed for the South China Sea, and has long wanted to come to the South China Sea.

Now, finally seeing the South China Sea with his own eyes, Ye Chen was particularly excited.

"That's ..." Ye Chen's eyes widened sharply when he saw a familiar figure on the sea.

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