Super Scientist

Chapter 417: Revenge

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The U.S. Defense Secretary, that is the big boss of the U.S. Army. If it was placed in ancient times, it would be "Marshal of the World", and if he hacked into his office, he would have a lot of first-hand information.

Maybe, just one word of him can reveal a lot of information, which will benefit the dynasty a lot.

It's just hacking now, I can't hear it, I can't see the real-time video, which is far from enough.

General Xiao's words were exactly what everyone thought, all looking at Ye Chen with anticipation.

"Head, for the sake of world peace, you can't have this bad idea." Ye Chen's mouth turned up.

"Well." Admiral Xiao frowned.

Ye Chenming is very patriotic and unhappy with the United States. When did he become a "gentleman", accusing General Xiao of having a wrong idea? This is not in line with Ye Chen's humanity.

As long as everyone knows how good Admiral Xiao's proposal is, it will benefit our country immensely.

The Sun Tzu's Art of War devoted a section to the importance of spies, and also pointed out how to use them. Without a spy, can he achieve the "know oneself and know the other", as advocated by Sun Tzu?

Throughout the ages, in order to gather intelligence, various spying methods have emerged endlessly, and beauty measures have become more popular.

In the end, Ye Chen actually accused General Xiao, not only of General Xiao's unexpected, but also the head of them was surprised.

"However, the United States is too shameless. This unstable factor that undermines world peace, we have to take some necessary measures against the United States for world peace." Just as everyone was confused, Ye Chen's words turned sharp.

Everyone understood that Ye Chen was joking.

General Xiao was ridiculed by Ye Chen. He was not angry at all, but was very excited. In this case, Ye Chen had a solution. This is great news. Who can be upset?

The chiefs are also excited.

"It's done!" Ye Chen hit his finger on the Enter key.

Everyone's ears were immediately raised, trying to understand. The US Defense Secretary has convened so many generals to meet. This is the highest-level military conference in the United States. It would be a shame to miss a word.

The picture moved immediately, and Chang Chang's voice came: "Heaven warns us with real bullets that this is a severe challenge to the great United States. For the sake of world peace, we have not announced it. However, this atmosphere must not last. We must destroy the power of the heavenly kingdom. What good suggestions do you have? "

He could hear that the defense chief was serious, angry, but helpless.


Ye Chen smiled and sneered on the spot, sneering: "For the sake of world peace, there is no announcement. The United States recognizes and seeks a good reason, which is really a joke."

The chiefs held their lips together without talking. What year, month and year did they not deal with the United States? Of course, knowing the U.S.'s face and face, the defense chief just said that he would put gold on his face.

Obviously, the United States read a lot of information from the use of live ammunition to warn the United States. It is known that the missile control capability of the dynasty has been greatly improved. If the United States announced it, it would definitely be unsatisfactory, but it would become the laughingstock of the world. Many countries It will be closer to the heavens, and it is funny that the US Defense Secretary found this reason why it could not be established.

"Since the United States has led the world, it has never encountered such a severe challenge. This cannot be tolerated. It must let Tianchao know that the United States is not so troublesome." The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said solemnly.

Ye Chen smiled again and commented: "The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has a thicker skin than the Great Wall's uprising, and the bullets are impenetrable. What is the United States leading the world? The United States is too self-righteous, and the United States prides itself on the global military police. But things are happening all over the world. Everywhere Americans go, they are a mess. "

There is no exaggeration in this remark, many people have this view. Originally, there was a kind of anger, but there was no fart. As a result, when the United States came, it was messed up and turned into a pot of porridge. Not only does the United States not reflect on itself, it also places responsibility on the victim.

For example, our neighbors, such as Iraq, the Middle East, etc., are not all messed up by the United States.

"If the United States wants to benefit the world and chase national interests, only by messing up the local area can it win by chaos."

Many people are blaming the United States for messing up many places, but they don't know why the United States does so.

There is a kind of peace there, can the United States intervene? Only when there is chaos can the United States have a chance.

Because of this, wherever the United States goes, there is chaos.

Ye Chen endorsed the views of the chief and then despised: "The Cuban missile crisis is about to start a nuclear war. Isn't this challenge serious? Last year's 712 confrontation was also about to go away. Isn't it serious?

The Cuban missile crisis is the worst nuclear confrontation in the history of mankind. As soon as the nuclear war broke out, American high-level officials were all feeling. Can we still see the sun of tomorrow?

The 712 Great Confrontation, the United States is dingy, the world is mourning for the United States, and encounters a stubborn hard bone.

The Cuban missile crisis has not been said for decades. How long has the 712 confrontation passed? Americans forget that this memory is really bad.

"Tianchao warned us with real bullets this time, which shows that Tianchao has achieved new success in missile control. This success is more advanced than our missile technology. This should be the role of photonic chips. We should speed up in this regard. Progress. "The commander of the Seventh Fleet spoke.

Ye Chen nodded in appreciation and ridiculed again, saying, "Finally, there is an understanding person who knows the fundamental problem. However, if the United States dares to use photonic chips to control missiles, I guarantee that the United States will not hit our country. The United States can fight anyone. I just ca n’t hit our country, otherwise, hey, I will let the United States hit itself. "

Ye Chen, the back door of the exit model, has opened to the sky, and it is too big. If the United States used it to control missiles, the consequences would make people mourn for the United States.

You can hit anyone, but you can't hit our country. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to see what it means to shoot yourself in the foot.

"Your idea is good, but we suspect that Tianchao has made hands and feet on the photonic chip, leaving a back door. Now, the most stringent tests are still being conducted, and no conclusion can be reached." Fang Chang was very serious.

Which high-end technology does not leave a back door? This is a hidden rule of cutting-edge technology.

The photonic chip is so advanced. If the dynasty does not leave the back door, it will not be the dynasty. The United States will definitely doubt it and treat it seriously.

"Can we crack it?" The commander of the Seventh Fleet raised his eyebrows, apparently dissatisfied with the defense chief's answer, confidently said: "Our country has the world's top scientists, it is time for them to play a role. . "

"Break?" The defenseman's face was extremely ugly, and he glared at the commander of the Seventh Fleet. "Do you think we haven't done it? We have lost seven advanced laboratories and killed three elite scientists."

Seven laboratories? Ye Chen smiled. The United States really doesn't have a long memory. Do you think my chip is so easy to crack?

"We can't solve the problem fundamentally, and we can no longer patrol the South China Sea. Then, we can only find a solution elsewhere." The seventh fleet commander suggested: "We can pull Japan in and let Japan cruise in the South China Sea. . "

Japan is a horse **** in the United States, and it is a very useful cannon fodder in the United States. When the United States does not want to do it, it can come from Japan.

When Japan cruised in the South China Sea, even if the heavens were angry, it was unlucky for Japan, and the United States hid far behind.

"I know that you are of Japanese descent and have special feelings for the motherland, but I remind you that you are a great general of the United States and you have to think from the perspective of the United States." Fang Chang had a serious face and a very strict tone, saying : "The heavenly dynasty and Japan have an irresolvable historical hatred. The heavenly dynasty will not sit idly by Japan cruising in the South China Sea. Doing so will intensify the problem. If Japanese warships appear in the South China Sea, then the dynasty's missiles will not fall into the sea but will Dropped on a Japanese warship. "

Although the United States has repeatedly proposed that Japan send warships to cruise in the South China Sea, Japan has always made excuses and even said in public that it did not have such a plan.

The whole world knows that Japan has not acknowledged its heinous crimes against the Tianchao. The Tianchao is very upset with Little Japan and wants to repair it. Little Japan has never given us a chance.

In that year, when the Chao Dynasty took control of the Diaoyu Islands in one fell swoop, the Tian Chao wanted to take action, and Little Japan flinched, without a chance.

If the battleship of Little Japan appeared in the South China Sea, the consequences would have to be silent for Little Japan.

"Furthermore, the Tianchao will use this as an excuse to expand its punishment for Japan, and Japan will suffer heavy losses." Fang Chang's tone remained severe, saying: "Japan is only a servant of the United States. To contribute wealth to the United States, it is the United States. Money bag, nothing can happen, you know? "

Japan has always boasted of the "Japan-US Security Treaty." In fact, this is a manifestation of slaves. In a real sense, this treaty is nothing more than a master-servant contract. The United States is the master and Japan is the servant.

Someone once wrote a book listing a lot of facts, and finally came to the conclusion that the United States was only a Japanese mercenary, because Japan paid a lot of money for the United States' overseas war.

The facts he enumerated were true, but the conclusions were incorrect. It should be said that Japan is the most important overseas money bag of the United States. When the United States needs money, it will ask Japan for it.

Japan's constitution was written by the United States. The command of the Self-Defense Force is in the hands of the United States. The United States has so many troops in Japan. Will Japan dare not give it?

The commander of the Seventh Fleet opened his mouth open and had nothing to say.

"This time the dynasty warned us with live ammunition that it is no longer the previous 'carrier rocket'. This fully shows that the dynasty will no longer be patient with our free navigation in the South China Sea. Our warships cannot go to the South China Sea. Dangerous. "The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is still a clear person and can see clearly.

"The United States really persuaded, and even the South China Sea did not dare to come." Ye Chen smiled and was very happy.

"The South China Sea issue should be over." The director concluded.

As the leader of a small country said, there is no Taiwan Strait problem in this world, only the problems of the dynasty and the United States. In fact, there are no problems in the South China Sea, only the problems of the dynasty and the United States.

The South China Sea issue has been tumultuous in recent years, and it is not all the United States that is stirring up the wind and the rain and is engaged in things.

The dynasty forced the United States away, so that the United States did not dare to come to the South China Sea, and the South China Sea issue was resolved.

"We are ahead of the Malacca Strait and Australia!" Ye Chen was very excited.

"Yes." The chiefs agreed.

"How will the United States retaliate against us?" Ye Chen asked with concern.

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