Super Scientist

Chapter 441: Ye Chen can be an enemy

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Not only did Ye Chen's chin fall to the ground and it was crushed, it was Wei Tianheng's chins and brains from all walks of life that fell, and he couldn't shut his mouth for a long time.

If you do n’t believe me, the head is serious and very serious.

If you believe it, that's too much. Ye Chen is very bullish and has made so many advanced technologies that have promoted the upgrading of the Tianchao industry, but he also has no power to change foreign decisions?

If nothing else, let's say that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, a global hegemon, and powerful. Ye Chen can change the decision of the United States?

The United States is very arrogant and very pragmatic. It learned from Tianchao and asked Tianchao enterprises to set up joint ventures in the United States. Otherwise, I won't let you in. What do you do?

How big is the benefit of setting up a joint venture, and the development of the dynasty has made the best interpretation. Is it not clear to the United States?

In order to obtain the advanced technology of the Tianchao automobile manufacturer, the United States will definitely implement the joint venture policy resolutely, and it is impossible to change, even if Ye Chen appears to be useless.

"That's right, it's leaflet."

"Chief, you look at me too high." Ye Chen shook his head and said, "I quarrel with the United States, and occasionally juggling it is okay. This is a matter of great importance to the future of the United States. It is useless to be tough.

Wei Tianheng's words were well endorsed by them, and they all nodded vigorously.

"Xiaoye, it's not that I think highly of you, but that you don't realize how much energy you have. In my opinion, you can fight against a country." The chief's words were even more amazing.

Ye Chen's mouth widened and turned into wood, but He said nothing.

Wei Tianheng they also turned into wood, eyes widened.

Ye Chen and the United States called the board, forcing the United States to make a major concession, having to come up with military bases and deal with the heavenly court, and eventually made the army of the heavenly kingdom go abroad.

The reason why it succeeded was that Ye Chen pinched the lifeblood of the United States and realized that the United States must purchase a photonic chip.

The head even said that Ye Chen could be against a country, which was beyond Ye Chen's strength. Ye Chen himself did not believe it.

"Head, you look at me too high, I really can't." Ye Chen only responded for a long time.

"Xiaoye, you can do it, think about it," the chief encouraged.

It can be seen that the head is very serious, Ye Chen could not help but frown, thinking.

Wei Tianheng and they are also thinking, how can Ye Chen provide them with the help they want?

Ye Chen has always followed the principle of eating meat and eating soup, and has provided a lot of help to domestic enterprises, such as giving them better-performing chips, strict restrictions on the number of export models, etc., which can give them to a certain extent. Create greater advantages.

"I see." Suddenly, Ye Chen's eyes brightened.

"Ye Dong, what are you going to do?" Wei Tianheng asked quickly.

This is a question concerning the prospects of the automotive industry, and he cannot but be in a hurry.

Everyone's eyes stared at the boss, staring at Ye Chen.

"This is not difficult to do." Ye Chen smiled and said, "Every country that forces you to set up a joint venture, I will tell them that the production line of the photonic chip is defective, or the raw materials are insufficient, or It's the production line that needs to be overhauled, and you can tell him directly that you are too unfortunate. "

"..." Wei Tianheng opened their mouths to the boss, and for a long time, he said nothing.

Ye Chen's move is very rogue and shameless, but he can hit the vital points of foreign countries.

There are not many export models of photonic chips. Even if Ye Chen is increasing output, it is still not enough. If we give Ye Chen such a whole, can this country still buy photonic chips?

Photonic chips have already tasted the sweetness abroad, and many products have already been made. Even the United States, which was determined to crack the photonic chip without success, has repeatedly urged Ye Chen to increase exports to the United States.

It is really not reassuring to use it in the military. However, for civilian use, the effect is very significant, and the United States knows exactly how good this is.

If not for this, would the United States come up with five military bases to make a deal?

"Brother, I don't know if you are shameless, or are you savvy?" Lu Zhipeng reacted, shaking his head, and showing a kind of silence in foreign countries.

Wei Tianheng laughed loudly and was very entertaining.

Ye Chen's hand was very rogue and shameless, but he still couldn't handle it.

If Ye Chen refuses to export the photonic chip directly, it will make people grasp the truth. Ye Chen did not directly refuse, but found a lot of reasons, dragging you, dragging towards the dead, dragging towards the end of the world.

The equipment is broken, the equipment needs to be repaired, and the raw materials are used up. Which country and which company have not encountered such a thing? Moreover, this is very normal. Even if these countries have doubts, they cannot treat Ye Chen.

These countries can't go to Ye Chen's workshop to guard, how can they know if it is really like Ye Chen said?

This matter, God can not control.

"Lu brother, what do you say? I'm doing this for you, okay?" Ye Chen looked aggrieved.

"Yes, yes, it's for us." Lu Zhipeng they were busy smiling.

"It's still the wise leader," Ye Chen admired.

If it weren't for the chief's reminder, Ye Chen wouldn't have thought of it.

"Yes." Wei Tianheng agreed.

The head of the wing, Ming Ming, saw Ye Chen's great power, and that was why Ye Chen came to do it. Of course, the state wants to support the Tianchao enterprises and provide them with help, but there are times when it is not appropriate for the state to come forward. It's much easier to do it by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen held the photon chip in his hand, so he couldn't weigh it in foreign countries.

Moreover, Ye Chen still has light brain and super light brain.

Especially the super light brain, the power is even greater. As long as Ye Chen emits a little wind, whoever embarrassed the dynasty companies, I will not sell it to him. These countries will certainly obey.

Especially in the United States, they dare not listen.

The United States is a world-renowned technology powerhouse and a global high-tech exporter. Without the super light brain, the existing technological advantages of the United States will soon be lost and replaced by heaven.

For super light brain, even if the United States is very unwilling, unhappy, and very aggrieved, it can only recognize it by pinching its nose.

"It's mainly the leaflets that are powerful." The chief praised.

Wei Tianheng nodded their heads, Ye Chen could enemies one country with one person's strength. No, to be precise, the whole world can be enemies, and this power is too great.

"It's so good to make my brother to such a degree!" Lu Zhipeng was impressed.

"Too good! You can be a country!" Wei Tianheng also said with emotion.

Everyone does not know how many times I have heard the word Niu B. However, there is not much intuitive feeling, and now I know what a real cow B is.

Ye Chen is a scientist and a technologist who can make a country change its mind. This is rare in human history.

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, the chief is here," Ye Chen reminded.

"Head, I'm sorry." Lu Zhipeng quickly apologized.

"It's okay, don't take it to heart." The chief laughed. If he didn't say such rough words because of his identity, he would probably have said it.

"I'll tell you, then, if there is a country embarrassing them, you will tell me." Ye Chen couldn't help rubbing her hands, looking anxious to do something, saying: "I will definitely punish them. Um, It is estimated that this matter will have to find a few countries to try, that is, to kill a few chickens and scare a few monkeys in order to be effective. "

Forcing Tianchao enterprises to enter into joint ventures has great advantages. Many countries will certainly do this. Only when some countries suffer losses can they have a warning effect.

Everyone took Ye Chen's judgment seriously and focused.

No one in the automotive industry spoke. Hua Feng spoke on behalf of the mobile phone industry: "Head, Ye Dong's help is not only applicable to the automotive industry, but also to our mobile phone industry. Previously, I was still worried about this, and now I am not worried about it anymore. . "

By forcing Tianchao enterprises to establish joint ventures, Tianchao's advanced technology can be obtained. This applies not only to the automobile industry, but also to other industries. Ye Chen will certainly not only help the automotive industry, but other industries will also help.

"However, I think that even if there is no article on joint ventures, there are other ways to do it." Hua Feng said, "There are many ways to protect trade, not only joint ventures, including tariff barriers, technical barriers, anti-dumping barriers. Wait. Not only will we encounter such barriers when we go out in the mobile phone industry, but other industries will also encounter it. And because protectionistism is on the rise after the U.S. president has taken office, I suggest that the country prepare first. "

Hua Feng's words are not alarmist, but true.

There are many ways to protect national industry in a country, and tariffs are only one of them.

There are also technical barriers, anti-dumping barriers and so on.

The small Southeast Asian country that provoked the so-called arbitration case once jumped up and down and wanted to oppose the heavens. How is this country unlucky? Bananas from this country are going to be sold to our country, and our country does not say that he is not allowed to export them, just to check the quality. The inspection process is a bit long. The country waits until the bananas are rotten. Our country will say no problem, you go ahead.

This country really wants to cry. The bananas are rotten. Who else can I sell to? Which consumer will buy it? Well, let me pour it into the sea myself.

Not only is the money not earned, but also the transportation and labor costs that are poured into the sea, which is a loss.

There are too many such means in international trade, which makes people indefensible. In order to obtain the advanced technology of the dynasty, foreign countries will certainly do everything they can, and all kinds of unscrupulous means will be used, and they want to force the dynasty to submit.

"General Manager Hua, you are very far-sighted and have raised a very insightful question. We will study it carefully, make arrangements in advance, and do a good job of responding." The head nodded, very appreciated.

Ye Chen's power is great and can be an enemy. However, Ye Chen is not a panacea. It is impossible for Ye Chen to do everything. It is better for the state to come forward. Ye Chen only needs to deter foreign countries when needed.

"Head, you have won the prize, I dare not be." Hua Feng never expected that the head would praise him so much, and he was so happy to see his teeth.

The conference lasted for a whole day and collected many constructive suggestions.

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