Super Scientist

Chapter 525: Launch of nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

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Ye Chen's vision has always been good, even more magical, even if something shocking, eventually proves that Ye Chen is right. Everyone was full of expectations for Ye Chen and wanted to listen carefully to Ye Chen's reasons.

"In terms of the existing technical conditions, the fusion engine is really a bit advanced and difficult to complete. However, I think this is the driving force most in line with our national space program." Ye Chen explained his reasons.

Ge Laobai gave Ye Chen a glance, and he said to him that you only knew how to go ahead? That ’s not a bit ahead, it ’s a bit ahead, okay?

The chiefs thoughtfully and quickly exchanged their eyes.

"Xiaoye, specifically." The head was very interested, leaning forward, closer to Ye Chen.

Not only the head is interested, who is not interested here? Ge Lao, who was rushing to speak with Ye Chen, was also very interested.

"The space strategy of our country can be divided into three categories: short-term, medium-term and long-term. The short-term plan should be the asteroid mining plan. The medium-term strategy is the moon development plan. The long-term plan should be a planet beyond the moon, such as Mars Jupiter, Mercury and the like. No matter what kind of plan, we need a stable, safe, efficient and sustainable power. Judging from the power technology that human beings have now, only nuclear energy can meet the needs. "Ye Chen explained his views in detail.

This remark was unanimously recognized, and everyone nodded, full of approval.

"With the explosive growth of the population, the earth's resources are rapidly being consumed, and fossil energy can still be used for decades, at most it will be a hundred years. After a hundred years, fossil energy will be consumed, although new energy is aimed at combustible ice. Regardless Whether it is fossil energy or combustible ice, energy on earth is always consumed. Mineral resources are also the same. In a word, humanity will eventually face the cruel reality of no resources and no energy. Therefore, some scientists are warning human beings To escape from the earth within a hundred years. Although this is a bit of an overstatement, the earth ’s resources and energy are depleted, and the tendency of humans to leave the earth will not change. ”The head said solemnly.

Modern technology has made great progress, human society has unprecedented prosperity, our material is very rich, and human life is even better. However, the consumption of resources is terrible, especially the consumption of oil is even more alarming. Global oil supports human use for up to 100 years.

Once the oil is used up, it is combustible ice. Although combustible ice technology is not of practical value today, several major countries are studying it.

Even more interesting is that several major powers have invariably proposed to develop new energy sources.

Why is new energy developed? The point is that oil won't last long.

What about combustible ice?

With less and less resources, more and more people, the pressure for human survival will be unprecedentedly strong. It is inevitable to escape from the earth and obtain the resources needed for human survival outside the earth.

Therefore, some scientists have proposed that humans should flee the earth within a hundred years.

This statement is a bit exaggerated, it is difficult for humans to escape the earth for a hundred years. Human science and technology may not be able to support human needs to escape from the earth, and so many people flee the earth, what a huge project.

However, this tendency of humans to escape from the earth will not change. Sooner or later, humans must escape from the earth.

Sooner or later what time will it be?

Even when the earth can no longer support human survival, human beings have to leave the earth.

On this day, with the rapid consumption of earth resources and energy, it is not far away.

"It is for this reason that our country has proposed a space plan. It has to go in three steps. The first step is to implement asteroid mining to supplement the lack of resources on the earth. The second step is to develop the moon plan. The moon has the earth One-sixth is a treasure, rich in mineral energy resources. The third step is to march to farther stars, such as Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and the like. "The head continued.

Having said that, the chief minister paused and said, "Of these three steps, only by achieving the second step can humanity truly gain a foothold in space. Only when the moon is successfully developed can humanity go further. The reason Where? Energy! That's helium-3. "

In our national space program, the development of the moon program is the most promising and the best way to meet human needs. However, the moon development plan is quite difficult and incredibly high.

Therefore, it is practical to mine asteroids first and supplement the earth's resources.

There are many resources on the moon, but the most fascinating thing for humans is helium-3. If the development of the moon can be completed, our country, and even humans, need not worry about energy depletion.

The chief rushed to Ye Chen to make a gesture and returned his words to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen continued: "Our country's space program is ambitious and has a bright future. If it is to be realized, humans will no longer have to worry about the problem of no minerals and energy. However, if we want to achieve it, we must have new momentum and we must develop Nuclear fusion engines. "

The crowd nodded and agreed with the words.

Chemical energy, which is the fuel currently used by rockets, is inefficient and high energy consumption, and cannot meet our country's space program. Our country must find a new type of power that can replace chemical energy, and nuclear fusion engines have become the only option.

"If in the past, the study of nuclear fusion engines was too sci-fi, it would be difficult to complete at our current level. However, with the great success of our country in nuclear technology and the new type of reactors, the technical difficulty has decreased. The time is ripe. It may take decades, or even a hundred years, for the research to succeed, but it may be even longer. However, we must make this preparation well and lay a solid foundation. "Ye Chen explained.

"That makes sense! It makes sense!" The father of the hydrogen bomb took the lead in supporting it.

"Nuclear technology is a tough horse that is difficult to tame, which has caused the world a headache. Now, our country has tamed this strong horse and can study nuclear fusion engines." Pan Lao also supported.

"The new reactor is very stable, safe, efficient, and sustainable. It is very suitable as the driving force for our national space program. I agree to study nuclear fusion engines." Ge Lao also stated.

"stand by!"

"stand by!"

General Xiao also supported them.

"Xiaoye, thank you for making a very good suggestion." The head smiled and was very grateful.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen, and they looked with appreciation.

Ye Chen deserves to be a world-renowned scientist. He sees far, thinks deeply, and asks deep questions.

"The chief has passed the award, this is what I should do." Ye Chen humbly said.

"Xiaoye put forward a good suggestion, who will lead?" The chief looked around at the crowd and asked a very realistic question.

Ye Chen's proposal to study nuclear fusion engines is absolutely appropriate, but this requires an excellent team. At the same time, a leader is needed. Otherwise, it's just empty talk.

"It goes without saying, right? Whoever proposes it will go up." Weng Ziqi said.

"Yes!" A response sounded, and many people responded.

Ye Chen is so powerful, who doesn't go up? This is the most suitable candidate, okay?

"That's not okay. I have too many things right now and can't be too busy." Ye Chen said busyly.

It is not yet known how much time it will take for super rice. This is Ye Chen's next priority. This matter is more important than studying nuclear fusion engines.

Fusion engines are important, but how important is it for humans to evolve to a higher level?

People are fundamental!

"Scientist Ye, this matter was brought up by you. And, you are the most suitable candidate, isn't it? You see, everyone supports you, so don't quit." Weng Ziqi said again.

This is her coquettishness, but she is supported by many people.

"Well, Xiaoye really has no skill and it is difficult to take care of both. I mean, set up another team to do this. Well, Xiaoye, you can also serve as a consultant." Of course, the chief knows what Ye Chen is busy with now, and he himself explained The task given to Ye Chen, of course, will not increase the burden on Ye Chen.

"I agree." General Xiao also knew how important Ye Chen was to do, and supported the chief.

"Aye." Admiral Luo both agreed.

"As for who provokes this burden, we will study it again." The chief thought for a while.

Ye Chen is indeed the most suitable person, but there are too many things for him. It is not easy to find a suitable person, and it really needs further research.

"Xiaoye, you are very good, always able to make very forward-looking suggestions." The chief praised Ye Chen especially.

The study of nuclear fusion engines is of great significance and far-reaching impact. It is a major issue related to whether humans can enter space. Had it not been proposed by Ye Chen, it would have been overlooked.

Even if someone raised it, I didn't know when it went.

"Head, don't brag about me." Ye Chen blushed.

"Xiaoye, you're blushing. Is there any insider?" Admiral Xiao's observation was too keen.

"No, no." Ye Chen busy denied.

"The more you deny, the more I believe there is insider. Let's take a good look, okay?" Admiral Xiao cheated.

Everyone is in a good mood today. The spirit of the gossip is burning, and even the chief has to be insider, saying, "I agree with the words of Lao Xiao. Xiaoye, tell me, how did you think?"

"Come on." Everyone looked at Ye Chen and urged.

"It's nothing," Ye Chen said.

"There must be an inside story. Xiaoye, if you don't give us a satisfactory answer, I will leave it to you to see the nuclear fusion engine." The head smiled, and why Ye Chen didn't look right.

The crowd was again coaxing.

"Okay, I said, don't laugh at me." Ye Chen saw that he was wrong and had to admit it.

"We don't joke," the chief said solemnly.

"I dreamed last night." Ye Chen told the truth.

"Dream? Come on, talk less." The head waved his right hand and couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, who is it?" Everyone didn't believe it.

Ye Chen was speechless. To be honest, you didn't believe it.

"Yesterday I was a bit late. I always felt that I did n’t think about it. I was too sleepy to ignore it. I just went back to sleep. After waking up, I thought of nuclear fusion and started research conditions. It's really mature, it really has to be done. "Ye Chen said again.

"Really?" The crowd was stunned.

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