Super Security in the City

Chapter 4234: Huigen

Under the leadership of the road through difficulties, Luo Jun entered Dedong Mansion and met the long-lost Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva.

Ksitigarbha is still the same, white monk clothes, peaceful like warm jade. After seeing him, I will feel that the wind and rain have stopped and my heart will be peaceful. I feel that no matter what kind of monsters are difficult to invade.

After Du Jin led Luo Jun in, he retreated first.

Luo Jun gave Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva a deep bow and said, "The younger generation has seen Bodhisattva!"

King Ksitigarbha smiled and said, "The current cultivation of the little benefactor is comparable to that of a saint. Even if my Buddha comes, you can still sit on an equal footing with him. How can this poor monk deserve such a big worship from you?" "

Luo Jun was immediately frightened and said: "If the Bodhisattva said this, it would really be a shame for the juniors. No matter how the juniors practiced, in front of the Bodhisattva, the juniors would not dare to be inferior. Similarly, with the bodhisattva your kindness to the juniors, the juniors Meeting, even if you kneel and kowtow three times, you should!"

King Ksitigarbha said with a smile: "It's rare, even though the little benefactor has a sky-high cultivation level, he has never forgotten his original intention! Sit down!"

Luo Jun took his seat under Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and then asked, "By the way, Bodhisattva, Phantom..."

Ksitigarbha King frowned slightly and said, "The phantom has disappeared."

Luo Jun was taken aback and said, "Disappear? What does this mean?"

King Ksitigarbha said: "This is probably her destiny. Her whole body and the universe began to gradually become one, and it was difficult to show a substantial body. At first, she could occasionally show up, but later, she could no longer show it. The real body has only voice. Three years ago, there was no voice."

Luo Jun remembered that he once fought side by side with Phantom, and then thought of her current situation, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

King Ksitigarbha said, "There is no joy in life, and no sorrow in death. Life and death are nothing but ordinary things. You and I both have a day, so the little benefactor doesn't have to feel sad!"

Luo Jun said: "Junior and Phantom used to be comrades-in-arms, and they have friendship with each other. Now that she has disappeared, all she can do is sad for a moment, I am really ashamed and ashamed!"

King Ksitigarbha said: "Actually, there is no need to be ashamed!"

Luo Jun knew that the Bodhisattva was an open-minded person and understood what he meant.

After a long while, King Ksitigarbha said again: "The little benefactor came suddenly, is there something wrong?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Speaking of which, the younger generation will feel ashamed again. I have returned to Earth several times over the years, and each time I have forgotten to visit the Bodhisattva."

King Ksitigarbha said: "The little benefactor is busy with business, and it is excusable."

Luo Jun said: "Junior is going to Immortal World again. In recent years, a lot of things have happened, and I want to tell you something."

King Ksitigarbha said: "I would like to hear the details!"

Luo Jun immediately told many things about the immortal world, fighting with Yuan Yunzhong, fighting with Li Changye, fighting with Tiandao's pen...

After that, I talked about the multiverse, Hongmeng Taoist, and the various encounters of Zipao in the Zipao universe, etc.!

"When I came back, the younger generation was very worried that the same thing would happen to my family. Fortunately, my eldest brother is very different from the Lin Feng of that universe. Now that I think about it, I feel that I don't know what it is. I don't know what caused such a huge disaster. Difference. I'm also afraid, and sooner or later it will come back to me again!" When Luo Jun said this, the doubts in his heart were also expressed.

After hearing this, King Jizo fell silent.

After a long, long time, he said: "The poor monk has been studying the cause and effect of Buddhism, only to realize that the Buddha's theory and cause and effect are intertwined. The world in this Buddha is vast and profound. I understand a little bit of fur. Now that I hear these things from the little donor, I feel that I am really a frog in the bottom of the well. This universe is vast and terrifying!"

Luo Jun said: "Manpower is limited, and the universe seems limited, but for human beings, it is infinite. So we use limited manpower to speculate on the infinite universe, and naturally feel terrified!"

King Ksitigarbha said: "What the little benefactor said is very true!" After speaking, he said: "Faced with the current situation, with the poor knowledge of the poor monk, it is no longer difficult for the little benefactor to guide the little benefactor in any direction."

Luo Jun said: "There is a saying in Buddhism that everything is empty, but cause and effect are not empty! The universe is so big that we can't even imagine its boundaries. However, no matter how big things are, they spread from small points. Therefore, the small can be seen as the big. The finite can be reasoned with the infinite... As the saying goes, all laws have the same origin!"

King Ksitigarbha said: "The words of the little donor are indeed very reasonable!"

Luo Jun said, "The younger generation's foolishness made the Bodhisattva laugh."

King Ksitigarbha said, "The amount of information the little benefactor said today is really too large, and for a while, the poor monk is still unable to digest it."

Luo Jun said, "Younger can wait. Tomorrow morning, this junior will leave!"

King Ksitigarbha said, "The key question is, what do you want to know, little benefactor?"

Luo Jun said: "The junior wants to know, how should the junior go in the future?"

King Ksitigarbha said with a smile: "This is a big problem, the little donor is giving the poor monk a big problem!"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "What is a mystery, what is a Zen machine? He also said that there is a mystery everywhere, and there is a Zen machine everywhere. Is the mystery already revealed, or the Zen machine? Who can tell. Sometimes the younger generation feels that they understand a lot, but sometimes they I feel like I don't understand anything. What I see and hear is not necessarily true."

"Interesting, interesting!" King Ksitigarbha said: "The little donor seems to be still confused when he comes back this time, but compared with before, it is very different! Confusion is normal, and great wisdom is also true. A When a man thinks he is absolutely right, that is the beginning of his demise."

Luo Jun said, "What the Bodhisattva said is very true!"

That night, Luo Jun stayed in the cave of the King Ksitigarbha.

He saw a lot of demons kneeling devoutly outside the cave, and felt a little weird in his heart.

But after thinking about it, I thought again.

The demons kneel and worship, although they worship the Bodhisattva, they actually seek peace of mind.

It is like someone who has done something wrong and felt uneasy all night, so he went to the Buddha to repent and kowtowed, thinking that as long as he truly repented, the Buddha would forgive him. Because this is the truth of the Buddhist scriptures!

In this way, you will feel at ease.

The Ksitigarbha King is here, and this is the role he plays.

The next morning, Du Di was ready for breakfast, and invited Luo Jun and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to have a meal.

The meal was plain roasted sweet potatoes and some rice soup.

Luo Jun ate some, and then asked Ksitigarbha: "Does the Bodhisattva still need these ordinary meals?"

King Ksitigarbha said: "Ordinary food can let poor monks know the suffering of ordinary people. People stand too high and need to look down."

Luo Jun said: "So it is!"

King Ksitigarbha smiled and said, "The little benefactor has something to say."

Luo Jun said: "Please forgive the courage of the younger generation. Is this Bodhisattva's move considered a Buddhist image?"

The King Ksitigarbha said, "What is the sign? If you are attached to the form, then you count the sign?"

Luo Jun language stop.

King Ksitigarbha said: "If you think you have an appearance, then you have an appearance. If you think you don't have an appearance, then you don't have an appearance. The important thing is that you want to do it. Or do you want to show it to others!"

Luo Jun was suddenly enlightened and said, "Bodhisattva is true wisdom!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva changed the subject and said, "Last night, when the little benefactor saw so many demons and beasts kneeling and worshipping outside, what was on his mind?"

Luo Jun said: "The younger generation is thinking, this **** will never be empty."

King Ksitigarbha said: "Yes, it is indeed not empty!"

Luo Jun said: "The big truth, the small truth, has already said too much."

The King Ksitigarbha said, "These sentient beings are inexhaustible."

Luo Jun said: "The younger generation knows that this is your wish. Even if it can't be fulfilled, you should try your best to do it. If you can save one person, you will be one person!"

King Ksitigarbha said, "That's it!"

Luo Jun fell silent. King Ksitigarbha said: "What is the little benefactor thinking?"

Luo Jun said: "We are always busy, you are busy, I am also busy, and all living beings are busy! Is busyness the truth of life? Some people believe in Buddhism, and they don't step on ants or eat meat and fish. But they forgot The vegetarian food you eat is also a part of life. In other words, as long as the life is alive, you must eat me, and I will eat you, forming a big cycle.”

King Ksitigarbha said: "This is the truth that cause and effect are not empty!"

Luo Jun said: "Why can't we let go? Let go of the busyness, let go of everything, and be at ease physically and mentally."

King Ksitigarbha said: "The key problem is that you can't be at ease physically and mentally even if you let it go."

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment, then said: "That's true!" After a pause, he said: "There is a saying in the Buddhist family that there are endless causes and effects for slandering the Buddha, and it will go to the endless hell. Since the Buddha is merciful, how can he be slandered by the Buddha? After a few swear words, they punished them to go to hell? So, isn’t this Buddha like a tyrant who can’t tolerate the slightest disrespect?”

King Ksitigarbha smiled and said, "The little donor has great wisdom, so why should he ask this question? If someone says that slandering the Buddha will lead to endless hell, then it can only be said that this person has ulterior motives and uses the name of the Buddha, It tarnishes the wisdom of my Buddha. He said this because he has to bear the cause and effect. There is another way of saying in the Buddhist school that my Buddha is compassionate. If you slander the Buddha, you must have anger and hatred in your heart. , will lead to some cause and effect.”

Luo Jun said: "So it is!"

King Ksitigarbha said: "In the immortal world, you should have seen my Buddha?"

Luo Jun said: "The younger generation has indeed seen it, but what the younger generation has seen seems to be different from my Buddha in the hearts of Buddhists!"

King Ksitigarbha said: "In the minds of Buddhists, I, the Buddha, are omnipotent. That is a fiction and unreal. Therefore, if you say different, it is normal. What exactly is a Buddha? Is it compassion? Peace of mind?"

Luo Jun said, "I'm trying to ask for advice, what exactly is a Buddha?"

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