Super Security in the City

Chapter 4727: dark law

At this moment, Luo Jun had a lot of curiosity in his heart. There were many things that he felt he could no longer understand with his own knowledge.

For example, in this second-level civilization attack, he could barely analyze some of its principles. But how do level three and level four civilization attacks destroy everything within one or ten light years?

A light-year distance, how far that is!

Just flying takes a year!

How can an attack wave do this? Incredible, unimaginable.

He suppressed his curiosity and asked Jiao Tang and Buge one question after another. The only pity is that Jiao Tang and Bu Ge are just more advanced soldiers and know too little.

He first asked Jiao Tang and Bu Ge, don't they have more reserves for the second-level civilization attack? Why spend ten years on site stocking up?

Jiao Tang told Luo Jun: "More than ten years ago, we fought against another powerful civilization in the universe. At that time, the attack of the second-level civilization was exhausted. Not only the attack of the second-level civilization was exhausted, but the attacks of other levels of civilization were also greatly exhausted. It was worn out. So when we set off, we only brought one Level 2 Civilization Attack. However, during the trip, we encountered another quantum storm entanglement. In order to escape, we used Level 2 Civilization Attack to completely blast away the Quantum Storm. . After that, we can only temporarily store energy ourselves. Because it is not a particularly urgent matter, and we have time to solve it ourselves, we do it."

Luo Jun was surprised and said: "Is there any civilization in the universe that can rival yours?"

Jiao Tang said: "Yes, that civilization is called the Dark Star Civilization Alliance. The Dark Stars are born to absorb dark matter, so the dark matter weapons they make are also very powerful. But they are still worse than us. More than ten years ago, we had a war. , they were completely crippled by us, and now they have hid in the darkness with their remaining troops. Our empire sent hundreds of fleets to sail out, and the main purpose is to find the remaining troops of the Dark Stars!"

Luo Jun suddenly realized and said: "Since you are looking for the Dark Star people, aren't you putting the cart before the horse by accumulating energy for ten years in order to destroy the Xi Yao Galaxy?"

Buge said: "That's not the case. We immediately asked the empire for instructions. The empire asked us to search around while accumulating energy. When the time is right, we will destroy the Xinyao galaxy. In the Xinyao galaxy, we have already installed We have installed an opto-magnetic information device, so we can detect when you pass by the Shining Galaxy."

Luo Jun said: "Okay, I finally understand these."

He paused and continued to ask: "What I don't understand is, how do you achieve a level three civilization attack?"

He thought that the divine fist exerted by the Big Computing Gene Technique could shatter the rules of the heavens and various dimensions, but it could not completely destroy a star system. Not to mention the ability to destroy all living things within a light-year.

Buge and Jiaotang were also unable to explain the third-level civilization clearly to Luo Jun.

I just briefly talked about some principles.

Luo Jun finally figured it out a bit and finally figured it out.

It turns out that the magneto-optical star itself is a creature between the three-dimensional and the fourth-dimensional.

More advanced than three-dimensional creatures.

Humans are standard three-dimensional creatures.

Opto-magnetic aliens cannot be regarded as four-dimensional creatures. Once you become a four-dimensional creature, you will enter another dimension. Even if they are in the same universe and in the same place, the two cannot intersect.

The universe we live in is a four-dimensional universe, but four-dimensional creatures must expand freely in a five-dimensional space.

If four-dimensional creatures must be in the four-dimensional universe, they cannot be seen by three-dimensional creatures, and no matter what four-dimensional creatures do, they will not affect three-dimensional creatures.

Luo Jun didn't know much about four-dimensional creatures, which was shown in some information given by the two magneto-optical stars.

At the same time, Luo Jun also thought that the eighth level of creation realm could also travel through some dimensions.

But later he realized that the so-called dimensions of travel were actually a false proposition, just some hidden spaces. It doesn't count other dimensions at all...and those hidden spaces don't exist in most places. Only within the planet, masters have laid out various space formations, and finally formed various space ripples. It is rare in itself...and not worth mentioning.

It is completely incomparable to the dimensions of the four-dimensional space!

From Bu Ge and Jiao Tang's information, Luo Jun learned that the speed of light is the fastest known speed for three-dimensional creatures. This speed is a limitation…

It is a limitation on three-dimensional creatures.

The reason why they can surpass the speed of light is because they are more advanced than three-dimensional creatures. So through its own opto-magnetic technology, it was able to decompose light and transcend light.

Once the speed limit of three-dimensional creatures is exceeded, the universe within the range will not expand, but will shrink!

Four-dimensional creatures can easily exceed the speed of light, but even if they exceed the speed of light, they will not collapse the universe because they have different dimensions from three-dimensional creatures.

In their dimension, exceeding the speed of light is the normal setting!

The universe is always expanding.

The third-level civilization attack of the magneto-optical people is to cause the collapse of black holes within the range by exceeding the speed of light...

Let all objects within one light-year collapse into the black hole, and eventually turn into nothingness!

This is the principle of level three civilization attack and level four civilization attack!

To be precise, it was a black hole attack.

According to the theory of the magneto-optical stars, if the force exceeding the speed of light reaches an absolute level, it can even cause the expanding universe to begin to shrink, shrink into a singularity, and return to its original appearance.

However, basically no one can reach that level of awesomeness.

They can make all living things within ten light years collapse, which is already the limit.

Luo Jun couldn't calm down at this moment.

Today, he realizes those eight words more and more, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!

After Buge finished explaining to Jiao Tang, he hoped that Luo Jun would let them live.

Luo Juntan smiled coldly and said, "Are you also afraid of death?"

Buge was startled, then said: "Of course we are afraid of death!"

Luo Jun said: "But just before, you destroyed the entire Xiyao Galaxy, and hundreds of millions of creatures were reduced to ashes!"

Jiao Tang said: "That's the law of the jungle!"

Luo Jun said: "Wouldn't it be the same if I kill you now?"

Buge said: "Although you are strong, the empire behind us is even stronger."

Luo Jun said: "I admit that the empire behind you is very powerful, but if I let you go, can I be exempted from death? If not, why don't I kill a few more of you, which is enough?"

Buge said: "This..."

Luo Jun pondered.

Jiao Tang said: "Perhaps you can join our empire."

Luo Jun said: "If I am exposed to your empire's sight and they find out the civilization behind me based on me, wouldn't I be a sinner of my homeland?"

Jiao Tang said: "But you can't kill us to silence us, because we have locked you in."

Luo Jun said: "So this is a dead end."

Bu Ge and Jiao Tang looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Luo Jun glanced at them and said, "I can give you a chance of survival."

"A glimmer of hope?" Their eyes lit up.

Luo Jun said: "Submit to me and betray your empire. If I can live, you can live. If I can't live, you will die."

Bu Ge and Jiao Tang shook their heads quickly and said: "No, no, no... we must not betray the empire. We have our own family, Glory!"

Luo Jun said: "Then there is nothing we can do."

Buge said: "We can be your bargaining chip, and our fleet will definitely come after us. The empire values ​​every soldier!"

Luo Jun stopped insisting and said, "Okay, I'll save your lives first!"

He actually didn't intend to kill these two people, because he was too curious about the magneto-optical people and needed to keep researching.

Luo Jun then asked these two people if they understood Taoism, magic, etc.

Bu Ge and Jiao Tang both expressed their incomprehension.

Luo Jun couldn't help but be curious: "You have hunted so many civilizations, have you never encountered a magic master?"

Buge said: "We are just soldiers of the empire, and we know very few things. In normal battles, we control the cannons in the fleet and clean the battlefield. There are some mysterious things that we cannot touch."

Luo Jun said: "Is there anyone in your empire who knows magic?"

Bu Ge shook his head.

Luo Jun thought it was impossible and said: "There must be magic masters in your empire." ωω

Jiao Tang and Buge didn't know why. Jiao Tang said: "Why do you say that?"

Luo Jun said: "Because I analyzed a lot of information from your text, but at the same time I feel that a lot of information in the text has been blocked. This can only be done by a magic master."

Jiao Tang and Buge didn't know what to say when they heard this.

Luo Jun asked again about the history of dark light wave civilization...

Jiao Tang and Buge grew up under the education of the Empire. In the history of the Empire, the first magneto-optical star was located at the center of the expansion of the universe.

Under the illumination of the magneto-optical star, the magneto-optical star people were born.

After tens of thousands of years of development, the magneto-optical people gradually developed their own technology.

At one time, there were two factions of the Opto-Magnetic Stars. One faction believes in cosmic peace, and the other believes in dark laws and believes that civilization cannot be exposed.

Later, the light wave civilization galaxy exposed itself and attracted hunting from other civilizations.

Lightwave civilization almost suffered annihilation.

Jiao Tang said: "According to the seniors, our civilization was far inferior to the other's at that time. It was almost completely destroyed, but then, a miracle suddenly came, and a powerful attack wave directly destroyed the opponent's fleet."

"A miracle has come?" Luo Jun was dumbfounded.

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