Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1386: Demon Mark

"Book of Life and Death!! How is that possible?!!"

When Chongxuan saw the golden ancient book, his face turned pale in shock, with an inconceivable expression on his face.

Obviously, he knew this ancient treasure.

"Yes, as long as you leave your name on this, we are our own."

Yu Guihai said lightly.

"No, I have the mark left by the demon on my body. If you use the Book of Life and Death to control me, you will definitely be perceived by the demon. At that time, he will know that someone is planning on him outside. He will definitely break the seal at any cost. Greatly speed up the collapse of the seal formation. I advise you to think twice before proceeding." Chongxuan hurriedly warned.

"Hehe, so what. As long as he can't jump out right away, I'm not afraid of him."

Yu Guihai said with a smile. He is not threatened at all, because as long as there is a buffer for a period of time, his strength will be sure not to be afraid of demons.

After he finished speaking, he urged the Book of Life and Death, and a golden light fell towards Chongxuan's head.

Chongxuan's face was hideous and he wanted to dodge, but his body was suppressed by Yu Guihai, and he couldn't move at all.


Suddenly, a scream came from within Chongxuan's head. This voice was not like a human voice and was full of evil thoughts.

Then, I saw a black gas emerge from Chongxuan's forehead, turning into a hideous, fuzzy face. There are a pair of scarlet eyes on the face, staring at Yu Guihai.

"Is this the power mark of that demon?"

Yu Guihai looked at the black face and was slightly surprised.

The power of this black face is weak, and it is nothing, but he can faintly feel the terrifying threat hidden behind it.

However, he was slightly relieved in his heart, this kind of threat was not too big for him, he just needed to improve step by step, and he would soon be able to compete with it.

"A human, tsk tsk, still holding the treasure of that old thing! Tell me, where are you from?"

The black face stared at him for a while and said.

"Haha. Why don't you tell me first, where are you from?"

Yu Guihai didn't answer when he heard the words, but chuckled and asked back.

"How presumptuous! How dare you speak to this seat like this. It seems that you don't know the prestige of this seat. It's really a fairyland, hehe. I advise you to stop immediately, otherwise you will find your own way." The black face sneered.

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"Oh? Then I want to see, how did you kill me!"

Yu Guihai raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile.

Then, he suddenly activated the Book of Life and Death, and a golden beam of light ten times larger suddenly shot out, slamming on the black face.


The expression on the black face changed, just as he was about to say something, the defense was directly broken by the golden beam of light.

Yu Guihai had a thoughtful look on his face.

The original intention of his attack was not to kill the black face, but to try to control it. But obviously he failed. The power of the black face was able to resist the power of the Book of Life and Death, and could only be destroyed by it, but could not be controlled.


Chongxuan, who had passed out since the appearance of the black gas face, let out a painful moan and woke up immediately.

He looked around, a shock flashed across his face, hurriedly got up, and fell to the ground respectfully.

"See Master!"

"Yeah. I've wiped out the demon's mark, how do you feel?"

Yu Guihai asked.

"Reporting to the master, the subordinates feel very good. The demon imprints in the subordinates have all disappeared. From now on, the subordinates are only the slaves of the master!" Chongxuan replied respectfully.

"Very good! Now there are some things, I need you to tell me the truth!"

Yu Guihai nodded slightly and immediately began to ask.

"Do you really have elixir for sealing the core origin space you said earlier?"

"Yes. There really are elixir of the real fairyland, and even the rank is quite high. However, the core of the seal is the key to the seal formation. Once the elixir is harvested, it will lead to the loosening of the seal formation. Before, when the master went to the seal core, he had already loosened the seal formation. If he harvested the elixir of the source space again, it would cause the formation to collapse faster.” Chong Xuan replied.

"Do you know how many years it will take for the demon to break out of the seal?" Yu Guihai thought for a while and asked.

"According to the current situation, it is estimated that it will take about a hundred years. If the master goes to the source space, and the demons already know the master's existence, if they break through at any cost, it may take about fifty years or so, and they will break open. Seal the great formation." Chongxuan replied after thinking for a while.

"Is this time accurate?" Yu Guihai asked.

"The difference is not bad. If there is a deviation, it will never exceed ten years." Chongxuan answered affirmatively.

"That's good."

Yu Guihai was completely relieved at this time.

Even at the worst level, it would take forty years for the demon to break through the seal. Now that the elixir is worry-free, such a long time is enough for him to raise his cultivation to the pinnacle of the true fairyland.

As for the location of the breakthrough, it is a difficult problem, but he can't go deep into the surrounding Death Star Fields. Those places are full of violent aura, which means that the danger of tribulation is greater, and the spiritual energy is sufficient. It is the last way out.

"Master, in the past few decades, if you bring the sect elites to transfer as soon as possible, you can still do it. As for more, you can't care about it. Once the demon comes out, it will definitely destroy this star field. Unless that The great power of the ancient times reappears, otherwise I am afraid that no one can cure it!"

Seeing Yu Guihai feeling relieved, Chongxuan thought he wanted to judge whether he had time to escape, so he said this.

"Hehe, I'm not trying to escape. Besides, there are Death Stars all around, and it is dangerous for real fairyland powerhouses to enter it. How to escape?" Yu Guihai said with a smile.

"That's better than staying. Once the demon is born, it will definitely die. The demon is an existence above the real fairyland. It is equivalent to the powerhouse of the mysterious fairyland. The monks in the real fairyland can't stop their power." Chongxuan persuaded road.

"We'll talk about this later. You don't have to worry, someone will naturally deal with the demon at that time. Let's continue now. You have the deepest contact with demons. Do you know anything about demons?" Yu Guihai explained casually and then asked.

Chongxuan was stunned when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized.

The owner is so determined, it can be seen that he is very sure. So in this way, the master may really be the person sent by the ancient power. The purpose is to investigate the situation of this seal formation.

Once the great formation is broken, I am afraid that the power will come again and completely suppress the demon! So naturally don't worry!

Thinking of this, a big stone fell to the ground in Chongxuan's heart, and he immediately said happily: "Since the master has a solution, then I am relieved. As for the situation of demons, my subordinates don't know much. I only know that he used to be a demon in the fairy world. The head, with a high-level cultivation base of Xuanxian, has flowed from the fairyland to this place, and devoured the life of the star field everywhere. In this star field, he was attacked by the ancient power and was sealed by him."

"You mean Xuan Xianjing? Is it true fairyland or Xuan Xianjing?" Yu Guihai asked curiously. As for the realm above the real fairyland, he has never heard anyone say it, and now Chongxuan has mentioned it twice, which makes him very curious.

"That's right. Above the real fairyland is the Xuanxian realm. This is what I saw from the Zongmen's record about the fairyland. As for the realm above the Xuanxian realm, it was not mentioned." head to answer.

"Oh? Do you remember that book?" Yu Guihai asked with his eyes lit up. He was quite curious about the Immortal Realm, and when he heard that there were books with special records, he immediately became interested.

"Report to Master, all your subordinates will remember." Chongxuan replied.

"Very well, you can enter all the content into the jade slip later, I want to see it." Yu Guihai ordered.

"Subordinates obey!" Chong Xuan said.

"How much of the demon's strength is left now?" Yu Guihai asked again.

"Subordinates don't know, but according to subordinates' feelings. Although the strength of this demon is far lower than that of ancient times, it still maintains the level of Xuanxianjian. The real fairyland powerhouse is definitely not its opponent." Chongxuan thought about it. Answered.

"That's it!" Yu Guihai heard the words and fell into thought.

The strength of the demon was similar to the giant hand he had guessed, but he only sensed the imprint of the demon's power from Chongxuan's body, and the aura of this imprint was very different from the giant hand.

"Isn't the demon and the world-destroying giant not the same existence? Then where did the world-destroying giant come from?" Yu Guihai thought to himself.

Now, the more he understands, the more confusing things become.

There was a sudden in his heart, if the two are not the same existence, then it means that there are two enemies of that level. At that time, it may be more difficult to deal with it.

"You must raise your cultivation base to the tenth level of the True Immortal Realm to be confident, otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to cope with the powerful existence of the two Mysterious Immortal Realms." Yu Guihai secretly said in his heart.

Afterwards, Yu Guihai asked some more questions, and Chongxuan answered them all without concealment. He knew more than the other three, but it allowed Yu Guihai to understand more.

For example, the powerful existence that sealed the demon in the past, Chongxuan had seen it with his own eyes. It was a majestic immortal, with golden light all over his body. Even though he had the powerful strength of the late stage of the real fairyland, he could not look directly at its existence.

The reason why Chongxuan had such an opportunity was because he was once a ghost immortal in the Youyin Ruins, and was captured and sealed by the immortal himself.

Later, the immortal gathered the surviving monks and formed the Yin Yin Sect. And the most powerful among the surviving cultivators at that time were the people from the Youyin Ruins. Because this surviving star field is mainly the site of the Yin Ruins.

Therefore, there are many people from Chongxuan in the Refining Yin Sect, and those people often disclose the news of the outside world to Chongxuan.

From him, Yu Guihai learned a lot of news about the powerful immortal and the Refining Yin Sect at that time, but what interested him the most was a term.

"Fairy Spirit Remnant World? What is this place?"

Yu Guihai asked.

"I don't know, but I only know that the power to seal the demon came from there. The reason why it chased and killed the demon was because the demon once coveted the existence of the immortal remnant world. Even if the demon was sealed, it would be many times. It was mentioned that he wanted to fight back and occupy the Remnant Realm of Immortal Spirit." Chongxuan replied.

Yu Guihai pondered, this immortal spirit remnant world is definitely not an ordinary place, otherwise it would not cause the demon and the almighty to compete for this place.

However, what he didn't understand was that since both of them were from the Immortal Realm, why would they still compete for the Immortal Spirit Remnant Realm? Could it be that the fairy world is better than the fairy world?

After thinking about it, he felt that this fairy spirit remnant world may be some kind of secret realm, and what special treasures are produced in it, just like the secret realm of this world. Once a good secret realm is born, it will also cause many strong people to compete.

Moreover, the two mysterious immortals are only one level higher than the real fairyland, the lowest level in the fairyland, and they must not be important figures in the fairyland, so the secret realm they are fighting for may not be a big deal in the fairyland.

However, the two of them are the battle power on the top of the ceiling in this world, and the fairy spirit remnant world must be a treasure that exceeds the limit of this world.

So Yu Guihai is very interested in this.

It's a pity that Chongxuan doesn't know much.

"Master, do you have to go to seal the core?" Chong Xuan suddenly asked a little nervously.

"That's right. The elixir there is just what I need. I'm definitely going."

Yu Guihai did not hide it, and answered immediately.

"The master must be careful. Before, the demon specially asked me to lure you to seal the core, where he can display more He will test you personally." Chongxuan said.

"It doesn't matter. The power he can show can never be too strong. Otherwise, he would have gotten out of trouble long ago. Besides, I have already played against him just now. He should have a certain understanding of my strength, and he may not be able to do it again. Appear in front of me." Yu Guihai waved his hand and said.

Next, Yu Guihai obtained three real fairyland exercises from Chongxuan. Although there are not many, they are of high rank, and they are all Yin-type exercises. There is even an exclusive exercise for Yin masters. , Unfortunately, it is not as good as refining the Yin scriptures.


Yu Guihai left the Chongxuan Death Star and immediately headed towards the core of the seal. He had already asked for the token of the four people before he was prepared, so he didn't need to make a special trip.

On the way, Yu Guihai read the jade slip that Chongxuan gave him several times.

The jade slips contained records about the immortal world. These records were very simple, but they also opened his eyes.

In addition to knowing that there are real fairyland and mysterious fairyland at the cultivation level, there is also a common sense in the fairyland, such as the rich fairy spirit everywhere, and the rare herbs and herbs growing in any wasteland.

The lowest-level creatures have the strength of the real fairyland and so on. Anyone who pulls it out has the top cultivation qualifications in the lower realm.

There are many other exaggerated descriptions, and Yu Guihai is noncommittal. These contents, whether true or false, are of no use to him, they are just used to broaden his horizons.

It didn't take long for Yu Guihai to come to the core of the seal. He quickly passed through the outer area and came to the outside of the big world at the core.

When Yu Guihai saw the world, a dignified expression suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw the world that sealed the core, and the originally white world barrier was covered with a faint layer of black gas.

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