Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1400: teleportation array

Yu Guihai sat in the cave, closed his eyes and meditated.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, and an ethereal meaning flashed on his body, and the whole person suddenly became simple and unpretentious. If he only looked at the surface, he would even be regarded as an ordinary human being.

At this time, more than three months have passed since he was promoted to the tenth floor of the True Wonderland.

During this period of time, he has been retreating and cultivating here until he perfectly controls the strength enhancement brought by promotion.

Today, although his cultivation is still in the real fairyland, his power level has reached the level of the real mysterious fairyland.

If one considers his enormous amount of immortal essence and the super powerful power of the Perfect Dao, it can be said that his strength is not weaker than the ordinary powerhouses in the early stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Yu Guihai walked out of the cave, and a huge blue ape came over and said respectfully, "Master!"

"Well! How is the arrangement of the formation?"

Yu Guihai asked indifferently.

"Reporting to the master, the formation base of the teleportation formation is almost finished. Fei Lianzheng will lead people to carry out the final inspection to ensure that there are no problems, and then it will be activated initially." He replied respectfully.

Yu Guihai walked to the edge of the top of the mountain, looked down the mountain, and saw a huge valley surrounded by the mountains not far below, and there were countless alien beasts busy in the valley.

The valley and the surrounding mountains have been transformed, and various buildings and the like are set up everywhere, and these things are engraved with mysterious patterns. They are actually a formation base that transmits a large formation across borders.

This cross-border teleportation formation was specially ordered by Yu Guihai to arrange for Yanmu and others. For this reason, he specially taught Yanmu and others how to arrange the teleportation formation.

The purpose is naturally to connect with the four major star fields. At that time, from the four star fields can be easily teleported to this place, not only can easily come and go, but also maximize the use of this spiritual realm.

For example, let the strong men of the four star regions come to this place to cultivate and quickly improve their cultivation. It is also possible to transfer the army of alien beasts here to the four star regions to fight against possible powerful enemies.

Therefore, this cross-border teleportation formation has strong strategic significance and is crucial to the development of the entire star field.

"Very good! Get ready to activate the big formation as soon as possible. At that time, you will be able to connect with the four star fields. You can also go out and see the splendid civilization of the void. It will definitely benefit you a lot." Yu Gui Hai said lightly.

"I will do my best to complete the great formation. My subordinates also really want to see the civilization of all races that the master said." He replied with a hint of anticipation on his face.

"Haha. How is the situation in the Void Fortress?" Yu Guihai asked again.

Void Fortress is also a project that Yu Guihai focuses on. He plans to use this spiritual realm as a base for exploring the depths of the death star field outside. A void fortress was specially built outside the spiritual world.

This Void Fortress uses the kind of black stone he found, and with the powerful formation, it can resist the violent destruction aura outside.

There is a teleportation array in the Void Fortress to communicate with the spiritual realm, and it will be used as an outpost in the future to explore the nearby void. Its main function is not to let Yu Guihai explore, but to let the strong men under him explore.

In this process, the treasures discovered are second, mainly because they can greatly promote the development and progress of Xiuxian technology.

Especially after the arrival of the powerhouses of the four star regions, it will set off a development frenzy, and may even trigger another explosion of immortal cultivation technology.

"Reporting to the master, the Void Fortress Xianling is in good condition. The subordinates and others have driven the spaceship given by the master many times to enter the aura of destruction, and have found out the situation in the surrounding area. And according to the master's request, we have already begun to prepare. Build a second void fortress." He replied respectfully.

For Yu Guihai's two actions, he deeply admires from the bottom of his heart.

They have lived in the spiritual realm for countless years, and have never explored the outer space. Now they not only have the opportunity to travel far and contact with the external races, but have also launched the exploration of the death star field outside the spiritual realm. It can be said that it has created a precedent for the alien race. In the future, the descendants of the alien beasts will pass on the prestige of their masters and their forerunners to all generations.

"Very good. Void Fortress is very important, you must pay attention to it. After the people from the four major star regions come, let them participate as soon as possible." Yu Guihai nodded and said.

"Yes!" Yanmu replied respectfully.


A few days later, Yu Guihai received an eye-weary report that the arrangement of the cross-border teleportation formation was completed.

Yu Guihai walked out of the cave, came to the edge of the top of the mountain, and looked down.

I saw the golden light between the mountains in the distance, and a huge formation that spanned thousands of miles was taking shape.

If the power of this formation is placed in the outside world, it may need to occupy a galaxy before it can be achieved. But here it only takes a thousand miles to form.

This is because the aura of fairy spirits in this world is extremely rich, far exceeding the aura of the outside world, so the same power requires a huge difference in the size of the formation.

"Master! The cross-border teleportation formation has been completed!" Yanmu and Fei Lian respectfully stepped forward to report.

"Very good. You record your achievements. Now I will use the teleportation formation to leave the Death Star Field. After I leave, you can continue to act according to the plan. Soon, I will build the teleportation formation there. "Yu Guihai nodded and ordered.

"Follow your orders!" The two of them said respectfully.

Yu Guihai raised his hand and played a few magic tricks. Suddenly, the great formation below burst out with dazzling golden light, and one after another incomparably mysterious runes soared up, forming a huge circle.

At the center of the great formation, a dazzling golden light appeared, and these golden lights formed a terrifying fluctuation.

Yu Guihai appeared in the teleportation formation in a flash, and then stepped into the golden light in the center.


A terrifying wave emanated, and an incomparably tyrannical power erupted in the center of the teleportation formation, and disappeared in a flash.

Then the golden light of the teleportation formation dissipated, gradually recovering the bottleneck, and Yu Guihai's figure had disappeared.


In a remote and barren star field, oscillating ripples spread out in the void, and suddenly a pitch-black hole was torn in the center of the ripples, and a ray of light flew out from it, turning into a majestic figure in the sky.

It was Yu Guihai.

"Come out. Good!"

Yu Guihai looked around and exhaled softly.

In the death star field, there is a tyrannical destructive force, so that direct long-distance teleportation cannot be carried out.

Generally speaking, even he can only fly out obediently. However, this time, he used the power of the cross-border teleportation array, combined with his own powerful cultivation strength, to directly spread the death star field, saving time on the road.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Now that he has left the Death Star Region, Yu Guihai is no longer afraid. In a flash, he disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the Hall of the Five Emperors.

"Master!" The Bronze Emperor quickly arrived after hearing the news.

"Notify others to come here immediately, I want to inform you of one thing." Yu Guihai gave an order and walked into a hall.

"As ordered!" The Bronze Emperor didn't ask any further questions, and immediately started to inform others. The people he notified were Qinghu and others, as well as other new overlords. Those with lower cultivation bases are not included in this list.

It didn't take long for everyone to come to the Hall of Five Emperors.

"Junior Brother, why did the Master call us?" Xianteng asked curiously as soon as he arrived.

"I don't know either, but when the master came back, he asked me to notify you to come, saying that there is a major event to announce." The Bronze Emperor shook his head and said.

"Let's go, go to see the master and his old man!" Xian Teng said in a hurry, and then walked towards Da.

The others followed suit.

When everyone entered the hall, they saw Yu Guihai sitting on the head, bowing his head in thought.

"Meet Master!" Everyone saluted!

"Get up." Yu Guihai came back to his senses and said softly.

"Thank you, Master!" Everyone stood up and divided into two sides.

"This time, there is an important announcement to call you here. I traveled through the death star field and finally found the mysterious spiritual realm mentioned in the records." Yu Guihai said lightly.

"What? Master, the mysterious spiritual realm has really been found. Is it a holy place for cultivation, as it is said in the legend?"

Yu Guihai did not hide the matter of the mysterious spiritual realm. His core group of men knew about it for a long time, and they also knew that he had traveled to the death star field many times to find the mysterious spiritual realm.

"Yes, there is indeed a holy place for cultivation. It is full of fairy spirit, and it is even far beyond the sealed core world. The strongest there can touch the power of Xuanxianjing." Yu Guihai said lightly.

"What? It's so powerful! It's a godsend!" Everyone said in surprise when they heard the words.

"Hehe, that's right. There used to be a clan of alien beasts, and their strength is stronger than you. Now you are all from the same family. When you contact each other in the future, remember to get along peacefully, and don't cause trouble in vain!" Yu Guihai warned.

"Abide by the decree of the master!" Everyone respectfully said.

"Very well, I have set up a large cross-border teleportation formation in the mysterious spiritual realm. We also need to set up a counterpart formation here to facilitate mutual teleportation. Choose a convenient place in the Five Yellow Star Region. You can be quicker. , to complete the great formation as soon as possible, or send it over as soon as possible to have a look." Yu Guihai ordered.

"According to the order!" Everyone said with great joy when they heard the words.

"In addition, you must establish bases outside the Death Star Fields, and prepare for the next step to explore the Death Star Field. There are various spiritual treasures within the Death Star Field, and they are all treasures beyond the outside world. We want to develop You must be prepared to deal with various dangers in the Death Star Region." Yu Guihai then ordered another thing.

"Follow your orders!" the crowd said.

"I have some things here. You can study them carefully. It will be very helpful for dealing with the dangers of the Death Star." Yu Guihai threw a storage bag after he finished speaking.

Qinghu stepped forward to catch it, and everyone respectfully said, "Thank you, Master, for the reward."

"Okay, let's go. Call me anytime if you have anything. I'll retreat here." Yu Guihai began to chase people.

"Disciple farewell!" Everyone said goodbye and left.


Yu Guihai was sitting in the hall. Now that he has broken through in his cultivation, he feels that it should no longer be inferior to that demon's strength.

Even though the strength of the demon may be the strongest in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, but now that it has been sealed for countless years, its strength will definitely be greatly reduced. It is not bad to be able to maintain the strength of the Mysterious Immortal Realm without falling, and it is impossible to maintain the original strength.

However, to be cautious, Yu Guihai did not take the initiative to find trouble with the demon. He plans to wait until the seal formation can no longer support it before going to suppress the demons. The demons at that time were definitely in their weakest state.

Yu Guihai was not idle. He took out a large amount of black stone and other materials and began to refine the void fortress and special aircraft. These things can protect his men from entering the death star field and avoid the damage of the aura of destruction.

These things he refined will be used as samples for the disciples of all parties for their refiners to observe and understand. If they need a lot, they can only make it themselves.

The things he gave to the disciples before contained this black stone material, as well as various refining methods, as well as various dangerous things in the death star field.

After refining, he handed the things to Qinghu and others, and then began to study the mysterious ball.

He had studied this thing several times, but unfortunately he had to stop it due to lack of At this time, he already possessed the real strength of the mysterious fairyland, so he must be able to study the details of this thing.

When Yu Guihai thought about it, the immortal essence in his body was instilled into the white ball.

His Immortal Essence was already a genuine Mysterious Immortal Realm power. After the input, strange fluctuations suddenly appeared in the small ball.

This kind of fluctuation also appeared when he last researched it, but in the end it couldn't be stimulated because his power level was too low.

But now it is very different. His power is already the power of the complete Xuanxian realm, and this wave of fluctuations suddenly began to increase rapidly.

It didn't take long for this strange wave to intensify to a very powerful level.

At this moment, a mutation arose.

The white ball suddenly radiated a dazzling light, and countless white runes spewed out from it, quickly forming a huge illusory magic circle, and an extremely dangerous aura came from the center of the magic circle.

"Is this the wave of teleportation?"

Yu Guihai showed a dignified expression, and hurriedly stopped the input of Xianyuan. The small ball lost its energy source, and quickly put away the vision and returned to its original appearance!

Yu Guihai pinched the ball and thought quietly.

This small ball seems to be a teleportation treasure, which hides a movable teleportation array. According to the terrifying aura generated by the teleportation, the distance it transmits may be extremely far, at least beyond the difficulty of teleporting to the mysterious spiritual realm.

Where is its destination?

Could it be a world outside the Death Star?

Or to the legendary fairyland?

There were many questions in Yu Guihai's heart, but they could not be answered for the time being.

He solemnly blocked the ball and then put it away. As for this little ball, he plans to make plans after he has dealt with the demon.

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