Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1415: destiny

The caravan quickly reached the Tainan Realm, and Liu Fu increased Yu Guihai's reward tenfold, which is a **** second.

However, it seems that the identity of Yu Guihai's mysterious fairyland powerhouse was leaked out, and that group of bandits did not show up at all, and Liu Fu arrived at the destination very smoothly, Tainan Xiancheng in Tainanjie!

Yu Guihai's destination is also here, and the Tainan Fairy will be held here. He immediately took the pay and left the Jingdong Chamber of Commerce.

The Tainan Realm is hundreds of times smaller than the Road Sheng Jie, but the environment is not bad.

However, the smaller the ground, the less resources there are. Generally speaking, I am afraid that it cannot support too many strong cultivation needs.

In the Tainan Realm, there are three great experts of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Among them, Tainan Xianweng, the lord of Tainan Realm, is a powerhouse in the middle stage of Mysterious Immortal Realm.

The reason why it can withstand the consumption of the three powerhouses is related to the geographical location of Tainan.

It is located in the transit place of dozens of small fairy worlds, and it is an important transfer station for many small fairy worlds to communicate with each other. Although its own resources are insufficient, it has made a lot of money by relying on prosperous trade activities. It is more than enough to supply three experts in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

After Yu Guihai learned about it, he couldn't help but admire the vision of the Tainan Immortal Weng.

With his cultivation in the middle stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, he could have occupied a bigger and better Small Immortal Realm. But he did not do so, but chose such a small place.

In this way, a powerhouse of the same level as him would never compete with him for this small place.

Then, by his indisputable name, he declared neutrality to all parties. Because it really did not participate in the competition for the small fairy worlds with rich resources and larger areas when they competed for the various small fairy worlds, so the forces of all parties have no objection to this.

Next, he took advantage of the geographical location here to hold the Tainan Fairy Club to provide a platform for all parties to trade.

The forces of all parties are unable to trade because they are hostile to each other, resulting in a lack of materials. With the Tainan Immortal Society, there is just a step down, and they come to trade here one after another.

Over time, the entire Tainan Realm has become a platform for all parties to trade.

The Tainan Fairy Club has become an exchange meeting between high-end powerhouses. Only the powerhouses in the Mysterious Immortal Realm of the major forces are eligible to participate.

But the real fairyland powerhouse can only participate in the first-level fairy meeting, called Tainan Xiaohui.

The success of the Tainan Realm is due to the great contribution of the Tainan Xianweng, and his operation is comparable to that of a business genius.


There is still a year before the Tainan Fairy Association, Yu Guihai is not in a hurry, he hides his identity and starts to wander around.

But soon, someone found him.

"But fellow Daoist Qingyang?"

The visitor was an old man in black robes with a friendly face. He has a big belly, a frank breast, a feather fan in his hand, a huge red gourd hanging from his waist, a bald top of his head, and a circle of black hair hanging down around him, which looks like an ancient immortal.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

This person is impressively a powerhouse in the early stage of Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Yu Guihai immediately knew his origin, and he must be one of the two early stages of Xuanxian in the Tainan Realm.

"It's you, I don't know how to call you friends?" Yu Guihai immediately saluted.

"Old Nan Yunzi, I have seen fellow Daoist Qingyang." The black-robed old man smiled.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Nanyunzi, I'm disrespectful! I have long admired your name, but I've never been able to see it. Today I finally got my wish!" Yu Guihai said with a smile.

Everyone likes to hear nice words, even immortals are no exception. Nan Yunzi was happy when he heard the words, but he waved his hands again and again, and said modestly, "Fellow Daoist praised him. How can an old man be famous."

Then, he changed his words, "Please forgive the old man's clumsy eyes, Qingyang Daoist friend is very friendly, I don't know which small fairyland you come from?"

"Hehe, I am from Lushengjie, and I have just been promoted to Mysterious Immortal Realm. My cultivation base has only stabilized." Yu Guihai laughed and made up an identity directly.

"Oh? I didn't expect that Yinxian Sect would add another Xuanxian. It really deserves to be the supreme queen." Nan Yunzi said with a solemn expression and a look of amazement.

"Hehe, I'm not worth mentioning compared to the ancestors." Yu Guihai shook his head humbly, and then reminded: "The identity of my fellow has not yet been announced, so please keep it a secret."

"It's natural. My master Tainan Xianweng and the Sect Master Guizonglu are best friends. You can rest assured about this, Qingyang Fellow Daoist." Nan Yunzi nodded and agreed.

He went on to say, "My fellow Daoist and I saw each other like old friends. I would like to invite my fellow Daoist to visit the mansion for a chat. Is it convenient?"

"Daoist Nanyun invites you, I dare not obey." Yu Guihai cupped his hands. He was about to communicate with the experts in the Mysterious Immortal Realm outside, and naturally he would not refuse.

"Friend Qingyang, please!"


Yu Guihai then followed Nan Yunzi to a blessed land in Xianshan, where Nan Yunzi's cave dwelling was located.

Nagumo stopped on top of the highest mountain here. There is a small platform on the top of the mountain here. On one side of the platform is a low mountain wall with a tightly closed stone gate.

There are spiritual flowers and grasses planted around the platform, each of which is the lowest level of true fairyland. A sturdy old vine with withered yellow stands up to two people's height, and its branches spread out to form a small natural pavilion.

Under the old vine, there is a stone table and stone bench.

Yu Guihai looked around and sighed again and again, "This cave mansion is really eye-opening for you."

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Lu is joking. If you really want to talk about Dongfu, which one can compare to your sect's immortal forest!" Nan Yunzi said with a smile.

He then greeted Yu Guihai to sit down, then took out a jade pot and two jade cups, and said with a smile: "Invite Daoist friends to come here, and ask Daoist friends to taste the old-fashioned self-brewed immortal brew."

The light red wine was poured out of the pot and fell into the jade cup, and a fragrant smell came out immediately.

Yu Guihai's nose moved slightly, and he immediately felt comfortable throughout his body. A cool and thorough coolness penetrated from the soles of his feet to the top of the door, which was refreshing.

And this is just a feeling, its efficacy should not be underestimated.

He just smelled the smell, and he could feel the immortal essence in his body just about to move, and he could break through the realm at any time. There was even a sense of desire from the Perfect Avenue.

Yu Guihai was instantly moved. Xianyuan's restlessness is nothing, because he wants to break through, and there is no bottleneck at all. As long as the external conditions are ready, he can break through at any time, so better elixir can stimulate his Xianyuan.

But the agitation of Perfect Avenue is extraordinary. His perfect avenue is already extremely powerful, and it is the fundamental reason why he has the strength of the mysterious fairyland with the cultivation base of the real fairyland.

The only things that can make it react are the spirits that have a strong tonic effect on it. This spirit must contain the flawed avenues of his perfect avenues.

Obviously, this so-called life-saving immortal brew is this kind of spiritual thing. It contains the Dao power that his perfect Dao needs, and this Dao power is very powerful, at least it has a good effect on the powerhouses who specialize in this Dao.

"Daoist friend's spirit wine is really amazing. I heard that Daoist friend's life-saving immortal brew has extraordinary effects. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation." Yu Guihai praised without hesitation.

"Hahaha, it's good that you like it." Nan Yunzi likes to be praised by others for his spirit wine. Hearing this, he immediately burst into laughter.

"Fellow Daoist please!"


The two took up the wine glasses and drank them all in one go.

After entering the wine, Yu Guihai's eyes suddenly lit up.

After drinking this spirit wine, the refreshing feeling is much better than the smell. Soft entrance, a line of throat~~~

It's really just the nectar and jade liquid!

After drinking the wine, it was immediately absorbed, and the various essences contained in it were absorbed one after another.

Yu Guihai pays particular attention to the Perfect Avenue. He found that the perfect avenue absorbs a special kind of avenue power.

He even tasted the taste of fate from it. There seems to be a mist dispersing in front of me, and I vaguely observe the past and future.

In this spirit wine, it contains the power of the Dao of Destiny. Although it is only a very weak point, it is quite rare.

You must know that the Dao of Destiny is the most elusive. Yu Guihai has also practiced the divination technique to deduce fate, but his rank is not high, and compared with his current cultivation, he is already far behind. It is even difficult to touch the real avenue of destiny, and at most only a trace of the aftermath of the power of destiny can be seen.

And he has obtained many high-level exercises, but he has never seen high-level destiny exercises. It seems that it is difficult to see fate-related exercises from above the realm.

Unexpectedly, this life-saving immortal brew would contain a trace of destiny. So the significance of this is quite significant.

It represents that the person in front of him has practiced the high-level exercises of the Dao of Destiny.

"Fellow Daoist Immortal Brew is really admirable. After drinking it in one sip, it seems that he has seen the past and future, and knows his destiny. It really deserves the name of life-saving Immortal Brew." Yu Guihai praised.

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist is really a knowledgeable person. The number of people who can taste the power of destiny in my immortal brew is no more than one-handed. When it comes to cultivation, fellow Daoist is the lowest among them. It can be seen that, Fellow Daoist is a genius!" Nan Yunzi laughed loudly.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist has won the prize. My aptitude is just average. I just like the way of divination and deduction, and I have some understanding of the power of destiny." Yu Guihai said modestly.

"You don't have to be humble. Being able to do this shows that you have a deep understanding of the power of destiny. You should know that my Tainan lineage is the one of destiny. Could it be that you also dabble in the power of destiny? The Fate Cultivation Technique?" Nan Yunzi asked curiously.

"Yes, I have studied it before. But the destiny exercises that I have practiced are very superficial, and at most it is just an interest. I don't belong to the true way." Yu Guihai waved his hand.

"That's not bad. Come, it's rare to meet a fellow Daoist like this, please drink a few more glasses." Nan Yunzi then filled Yu Guihai again.

The two chatted and drank.

Nan Yunzi has a wide range of contacts and knows a lot about the little fairy worlds. Yu Guihai learned a lot of information about the little fairy worlds from him.

He even directly selected a few targets from it, which may be his breakthrough.

In addition, Nagumo's attainments on the Avenue of Destiny are very high.

Yu Guihai asked a few questions and got a relatively perfect answer. Even the progress of his Hunyuan Daojue deduction has advanced by two points. Don't underestimate these two points, but they are quite remarkable. Even a complete True Wonderland Cultivation Technique can only offset two points.

That is to say, Na Yunzi just answered a few questions, and Yu Guihai was equivalent to harvesting a fate practice method in a real fairyland.

Nan Yunzi's harvest is not small. Although Yu Guihai has no insight on the avenue of destiny, he has very deep attainments in other avenues.

The breadth of his coverage makes Nagumo stunned. He has never seen a strong person who has a deep research on so many avenues at the same time.

The two talked for a few days, and Yu Guihai offered to leave, and Nan Yunzi personally sent it away, reluctantly.

After Yu Guihai left the Nanyunzi Cave Mansion, he saw that there was still a year before the Tainan Fairy Club. He left the Tainan Realm directly, preparing to explore several small fairy realms and choose one as his place of calamity.


Guiyun Realm is a very small fairy realm, except for the rich fairy spirit, there are no particularly good resources. It can be said that among the many small fairy worlds, it belongs to the bottom of the existence.

So that no strong man is interested in this place, so he is occupied by a strong man who has just entered the mysterious fairyland.

This strong man called himself Lao Yun. Although his cultivation is at the level of a first-time Xuanxian, his age and seniority are quite large.

According to Yu Guihai's inquiries, this person was already a Xuanxian when the Immortal Realm was intact. Once Lu Haikong met this person, he would call him senior.

It is said that this person's talent is quite good. But I don't know why the cultivation base has not improved after that.

The cross-border gate here suddenly flickered, exuding strong fluctuations. The real immortal who guards the gate of cross-border is suddenly a little No one comes here easily, what is this for?

However, he still hurriedly greeted his subordinates and was ready to greet him.

Because no one came, every time someone came, it was a very precious opportunity. Maybe you can take the opportunity to exchange some treasures that are in short supply.

The light of the cross-border gate dissipated, and a figure emerged.

The guardian Zhenxian was suddenly disappointed, but he didn't expect that there was only one person, not a caravan.

Nine times out of ten, such a single person is a messenger, or an old friend who visits the ancestors, neither of which is a good business partner.

Sure enough, just after this person came over, the voice transmission of his ancestor came from the ears of the guardian Zhenxian, "Please come to Xiaoyao Peak! Don't neglect!"

The guardian of the true immortal sighed in his heart when he heard the words, and he could make the ancestor call a fellow Daoist, then this person must be a powerhouse in the mysterious fairyland.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly stepped forward to meet him: "This senior invited me, my ancestors invited me to Xiaoyao Peak for a while!"

After Yu Guihai teleported over, he was looking at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but feel strange about the deserted scene here.

He has been out of Tainan Realm for more than half a year, and there are seven or eight small fairy realms he has passed through, all of which are relatively small pre-selection targets, but none of them are as deserted as here, and it seems that no outsiders have come for hundreds of years.

While thinking about it, the leader of the guards in the distance flew over and invited him respectfully.

Yu Guihai suddenly froze in his heart. He didn't expect the owner of this place to find out his arrival so quickly.

But he didn't worry too much, after all, the owner of this place is known to be at the bottom of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

So, he directly agreed to the invitation. Just take a look at what kind of person the Lord of this place is!

1415 Destiny, Laoyun (more than 4,200 words)

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