Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 967: Demon country

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In the source space, Yu Guihai opened his eyes, and his face showed a hint of joy.

He finally has a solution to the problem of integrating the demonized and demonized world, and there are already specific solutions for the modification of the divine formation involved.

Integrating the demonized and demonized world still adopts the idea of ​​​​integrating the small netherworld, but because there was no demonized and demonized world on the dark side of the Five Spirit Realm before, and there were no two great ways, it was more difficult than the small netherworld.

However, for Yu Guihai, this is not difficult.

Because when he himself refined the fragments of the avenue, he had fragments of the demon world and fragments of the demon world.

And the Great Way of the Five Spirit World is connected with him. The Great Way of the Five Spirit World can be manifested from his source space. On the other hand, his own Great Way can also enter the Five Spirit World.

In this way, he can use his own Demon World Fragments and Demon World Fragments as the basis to attract and merge the demonized and demonized world into the dark side of the Five Spirit World.

With a solution, Yu Guihai immediately acted. He first modified the divine formation, mainly to modify the part of the main divine formation that involved the Yin attribute, so that there were two more excuses, which could accommodate the demonized and demonized world.

In addition, two new sub-sacred formations have been changed, which are specially designed to correspond to the demonized and demonized world.

It took a certain amount of time for Yu Guihai to completely modify the main formation, and then he summoned Fari and Ihesa.

"See Master!"

Fali and Ihesa, the two great powerhouses in the virtual realm, bowed respectfully in front of Yu Guihai. Compared with Yu Guihai, their current level is already a difference between heaven and earth. Even among Yu Guihai's subordinates, they are no longer ranked at all.

At this time, they were both excited and apprehensive when they were summoned by Yu Guihai again.

"Get up." Yu Guihai said lightly.

The two stood up, bowing their heads respectfully and standing aside.

"You are the strongest virtual realm with me for the longest time. I have something for you this time. I wonder if you are willing?" Yu Guihai asked.

"I am willing to go through fire and water for my master, and I will do whatever it takes!" The two immediately fell to their knees, showing their loyalty!

Seeing this, Yu Guihai nodded gratified and explained: "Very good, you should know Mu Yu, the five spiritual worlds merged, she merged with the world with her body, and now she is the master of the underworld. However, the number of nether worlds That's not enough, the continuous expansion of the Five Spirit World requires the fusion of the demonization and the demonization world. That's why I thought of you."


Farri and Ihesa were shocked when they heard the words. Of course they knew about Mu Yu, and they had visited this old friend not long ago. Thinking of Mu Yu's cultivation base that had soared to the peak of the Void Transformation Stage at that time, the two of them were envious, jealous and hated!

I just hope that one day, the master can think of himself and give himself a great opportunity.

I didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"I'm willing to wait! Great kindness, Dade, I'll wait, I'll wait, it's hard to reciprocate!" Fali's eyes were red, and she was moved to tears.

Ihesa has a stupid mouth and is not very good at speaking, but he cried more than Fari, and looked moved and out of breath.


Yu Guihai's face darkened, how could he still cry!

However, the subordinates are loyal, and he doesn't say much.

So he nodded and said: "Well! You two are loyal, so that's settled. I will now teach you the sub-array method of the world fusion **** array, and you will understand it well."

"Follow your orders!" The two of Fali calmed down and kowtowed to the ground with solemn expressions.

Yu Guihai waved his hand, and the two beams of brilliance each disappeared into their foreheads.


The two of them only felt a huge shock in their heads, and their whole consciousness was like a boat swaying in the turbulent waves, and they had the power of subversion at any time.

After an unknown amount of time, the two of Fari opened their eyes and woke up, each with a mysterious and mysterious magic circle in their minds.

This magic formation is extremely profound. If the two of them comprehend it on their own, it would be difficult for them to comprehend it even after a thousand years of work, but now they have completely mastered it.

Obviously, this is Yu Guihai's method.

Daigo empowerment, nothing more than that!

"Thank you master for the divine formation!" The two bowed again.

"Okay, here are two materials. You each have one, then go back and go to the two worlds to start setting up the fusion world. Fari goes to the Illusory Demon Realm, and Ihesa, you go to the Moon Spirit Realm. This matter should be carried out as soon as possible. I'll start when I'm ready here."

Yu Guihai threw out two storage bags and ordered.

The Illusory Demon Realm and the Moon Spirit Realm are two small worlds with two or three pieces of the Great Dao, which Yu Guihai specially selected.

The reason for choosing these two places is because Yu Guihai owns fewer fragments of the Demon World and Demon World. If it attracts a larger world, I am afraid that he will eventually take his own avenue fragments into it.

This kind of small world avenue has few fragments, and after fusion, he can take back his own avenue fragments, and let these two worlds serve as the seeds of demonization and demonization of the dark side.

"Yes!" The two of them each took one and hurriedly left.

"I also want to start fusing several worlds as soon as possible."

Yu Guihai watched the two leave, released the star map, and began to pick them.

His method of merging the demonized and demonized world is very important, that is, he must first establish the world on the yang side, so that there are more avenues on the yang side than on the yin side, and use the power of yin and yang to absorb the merged pieces of the demon world and the demon world.


A year has passed, and on this day, Yu Guihai returned to the origin space of the Five Spirit World.

Today, the Five Spirit World has merged with several small worlds around it. There are sixty avenues on the Yang side, five more than the Yin side.

At this time, Fari was the first to hear the news that the Magic Realm had completed the divine formation and could start to merge at any time.

Yu Guihai personally inspected it, and after confirming that it was correct, he informed Fali of some precautions, and came back to prepare for fusion.

Soon, the formation of the gods was launched, and a small world full of demonic energy was drawn.

Yu Guihai personally entered the yin side. At this time, due to the fusion of the yang side with the new world and the increase in the avenues, the five spiritual worlds became larger all day long, and there was also a part of the void in the yin side. This part is not included in the underworld, but in its cracks.

What Yu Guihai wanted was this void, where he wanted to establish a demon kingdom with a shadowy face.

Soon, the Illusory Demon Realm merged, and with the cooperation of Fali, two pieces of the Demon Realm Avenue entered the Five Spirit Realm.

As soon as Yu Guihai thought about it, one hundred and eleven avenues appeared in the space within his body, which were the avenues of the Five Spirit Realms.

In addition, a piece of black starlight emerged, which was Yu Guihai's own fragment of the Demon Realm Avenue.

This avenue fragment exudes bursts of attraction, and the two Demon Realm avenue fragments suddenly sensed, and quickly came to Yu Guihai's body space, entangled with his avenue fragment.

Seeing this, Yu Guihai immediately took back his own avenue fragment, and the two demon fragments suddenly trembled. However, the nine extra yang attribute avenues immediately sent out a force of attraction firmly sucking the two demon shards.

The imprint of the demon world in these two fragments has long been eliminated, so they quieted down without much resistance, and attached themselves to the fifty-one Yin attribute avenues.

"It's done!"

Yu Guihai was overjoyed.

In the void, a magical world gradually formed.

This is the demon kingdom of the underworld!


Soon after, with the cooperation of Ihesa, the Yin-faced Demon Kingdom was also successfully established.

Next, Yu Guihai began to integrate other demonized and demonized worlds to coordinate the balance of yin and yang, and the five spiritual worlds began to grow rapidly again.

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