Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 973: Bloodthirsty Head

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Yu Guihai's fourth head is the bloodthirsty demon head. Its power is bloodthirsty demonic energy. It can absorb all blood and use it for himself. It is the mortal enemy of all **** creatures.

Although the fourth song has not been fully activated, part of its power has been fused, and the bloodthirsty devil energy has been integrated into the power of the bloodline, which greatly increases the power of the bloodline, and has the blood-sucking function. In the state of violent blood, the strength has tripled.

Yu Guihai is quite satisfied with this fourth song, and he must continue to collect bloodline treasures and fully activate the bloodline as soon as possible. By then, his strength will definitely rise to a higher level.

After stabilizing his cultivation, Yu Guihai left the Five Spirit Realm and came to the defense line beyond the undercurrent of the void.

Today, the volume of the Void Undercurrent has expanded a lot, and the defense line of the Five Spirit World has to be continuously moved back, and the defense surface has continued to expand. Fortunately, the battleship equipment has been updated, otherwise it would have been impossible to defend.

The consequence of not being able to prevent it is that the Kusu monster rushes into the world within the star field, causing the world to be destroyed.

Yu Guihai now wants to integrate the world as much as possible. The bigger the better, every world is a treasure in his palm, and he absolutely does not want to be destroyed.

After some inspections by Yu Guihai, he found that the defense line was very stable, mainly because the Kusu monster had never launched a large-scale offensive.

Void Spirit soon heard the news, and when he saw Yu Guihai, he bowed respectfully: "See master!"

"Get up! What unusual behavior has the Kusu monster been doing recently?" Yu Guihai asked softly.

"Reporting to the master, the subordinate has just discovered a problem, and I was going to continue to investigate the situation and report the matter to the master." Voidling replied with a straight face.

"Tell me." Yu Guihai said lightly.

"Although the Kusu monster's offensive has not stopped for several years, the subordinates found it very problematic. It seems that the offensive again and again has a feeling of routine. The subordinate suspects that the Kusu monster is preparing some conspiracy." Voidling thought for a moment said.

As he said that, he took out a black disc, and a light screen appeared on it.

A table appeared on the light screen. There were dense numbers in the table, and the time points were taken by year and month. They listed the size of each attack of the Kusu monster over the past six years, and the number of Kusu monsters of various strength levels dispatched. How much wait.

This thing is also a new technology developed by Wulingjie on the basis of the star map, which is similar to the computer in Yu Guihai's previous life. Although this form is not an office software, but a spell formation, but the function is the same.

Then, Voidling pointed to the table on the light screen and said: "Master, please see, this is the situation of Kusu's offensive in the past six years. It can be seen that Kusu's offensive does not mean to be strengthened at all, and there is no major change.

Logically speaking, they tested our strength and should send more powerful troops. But they didn't, and they kept sending their men to die. "

"This situation is very wrong. Even if there is a seal, the Kusu monsters are slow to come, but they can gather in the gray fog, and when the number increases, they will rush out together. Instead of the current situation, they are divided into batches. die."

After Void finished speaking, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his face was solemn.

Yu Guihai thought for a while and asked, "What speculation do you have?"

"Subordinates feel that the Kusu monster seems to be paralyzing us, or dragging us, and there should be some conspiracy behind it. They let us focus on the undercurrent defense line of the void, and it is likely to open up a new channel, or Speed ​​up the cracking of the seal within the gray fog." Void Spirit replied.

"Well, what you said makes sense. We can only try our best to guard against these two aspects and be vigilant. Once we find something, notify me immediately." Yu Guihai nodded and instructed.

"Follow your orders!" Void Spirit respectfully said.


After sending Void Spirit away, Yu Guihai sat in the cave. He came here to study the power of the Kuroshio and the power of gray liquid.

Previously, due to the limitation of his strength, his research on the two forces was stagnant. Now, his strength has greatly increased, and he is ready to re-study the two forces.

The study of these two powers is directly related to the improvement of his cultivation.

After Yu Guihai crossed the calamity, although the cultivation base has not changed, the source of power has undergone a qualitative change. Whether it is cultivation or recovery consumption, it is not what the current world can bear.

Even if the Five Spirit World grows into a world of three hundred avenues, if he is promoted to the cultivation base in it, it will cause a huge consumption of spiritual energy and cause trauma to the world.

Although it can be restored, after all, it cannot quickly improve the cultivation base.

Therefore, he thought of the power of the Kuroshio.

The power of the Kuroshio emanates from the undercurrent of the void, almost endlessly, and gradually penetrates into the entire star system, making the attributes of this galaxy transform toward the dark side.

If he can use this power, he can improve his cultivation at will, without worrying about hurting the world or not being enough.

However, the power of the Kuroshio from the undercurrent of the void has some variations. Even Ning Meier, who has the blood of the Kuroshio clan, is difficult to directly absorb and refine, and must be helped by the Kuroshio holy artifact. Even so, the holy relic was eroded away.

Therefore, it was not easy for Yu Guihai to absorb the power of the Kuroshio before.

However, now that his cultivation has improved, he wants to try again. If he can refine the mutant part of the power of the Kuroshio, he can use this power at will.

His Hunyuan Dao Jue is extremely powerful, and it also integrates the exercises of the Kuroshio family, which can completely absorb the power of the Kuroshio and convert it into his own Daoyuan.

Yu Guihai sat down and felt it with his heart, and immediately felt the incomparably thick dark mist around him. This mist seemed harmless, but it had a powerful erosive power, which could subtly assimilate everything into himself.

He was even a little worried that if the power of the Kuroshio with a higher energy level appeared, it would directly convert this galaxy into a black fog tide.

Yu Guihai was vigilant and felt that the power of the Kuroshio was not a good person for this star field.

Therefore, he has to find a way to deal with the power of the Kuroshio.

Yu Guihai stabilized his mind, and as soon as his mind moved, a suction force emanated from his body, inhaling the invisible dark mist around Immediately, a distorted wave was captured by him.

"It's this mutant power!"

Yu Guihai froze in his heart.

He didn't delay, and began to test the black mist. Soon he found a way.

It doesn't need to be too complicated at all. The power of sublimation after his breakthrough can easily erase this mutation of the power of the Kuroshio, and transform it into pure yin attribute power and absorb it freely.

Yu Guihai was very happy to see this, he called out the invisible interface, and the deduction progress of Hunyuan Dao Jue above was 218 points.

In another half a year, he will be able to complete the deduction of the Primordial Dao Jue. With an endless supply of Kuroshio Qi, his cultivation will usher in a rapid improvement.

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 973 Bloodthirsty Demon Head Library Su Changed Kuroshio Power (One Update)), and you can read it when you open the bookshelf next time. arrive!

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