After being busy for almost a year, the big event of the dark elf's return was finally completed.

The dark elves cannot have an army, but they can maintain a small number of security forces-this is also Xiao Zhe's suggestion. After all, they have just returned, and they must always be given some privileges to appease these dark elves' anxious hearts.

"Furthermore, you control the military power. They just have some security forces, so what can they do?" This is what Xiao Zhe said to Soldering.

Nicole was made a duke, and the fief was Silvermoon City, the dark elf capital where she once lived, so Nicole was also called the Grand Duke of Silvermoon.

It is worth mentioning that by the way, she also served as the newly established official in charge of textiles in the Great Elf Empire.

This is also what Nicole strongly requested.

Seeing that his former mortal enemy has now become a fanatic who concentrates on knitting, Soldering's heart is also mixed.

The re-establishment of the elven empire is a major event. Almost all of the human kingdoms have received their invitations to the ceremony.

Even the dwarves who didn't deal with the elves were invited.

As for why the dwarves should be invited, this is Xiao Zhe's idea.

In his words, even the dark elves can be accepted by you. What else can the dwarves not invite?

Could it be that the dwarves are more terrifying than the dark elves?

What he didn't expect was that Soldering and Nicole answered almost in unison: Exactly!

Everyone knows that elves love beauty.

The elves love exquisite life, and the elegance and calmness they show in their daily life perfectly proves this point.

In this way, the dwarf with rough style and full of wildness became the most disliked race of elves.

It is said that what dwarves like to do most is to dig holes and drill holes-this is also normal. The various ores exported by the dwarf kingdom are very hot commodities in the human kingdom.

And their other hobby is to store the various ores they dug up.

This can't be entirely blamed on the dwarves, because those human merchants are too dark and greedy.

The dwarves are addicted to alcohol, and those human profiteers can exchange a large amount of ore from their hands for a barrel of the lowest ale.

Turning around, these profiteers will sell these ores at a hundred or even a thousand times the original price.

For a long time, the dwarves would rather hide these ores by them, and "never sell them to these human merchants who deserve to be broken into pieces"!

This sentence was spoken by Ibek Hammer, the king of the dwarves.

And when Xiao Zhe invited them, he also took a fancy to the forging technology of the dwarves.

The enchanted weapons produced by the elves are the favorites of high-ranking fighters and nobles, and the silly and thick dwarves hammered out with a hammer are the favorites of middle and low-level fighters.

Sturdy, durable and reliable. This is how these warriors who can't afford and dare not use elves enchant weapons, and their opponents' evaluations of dwarf weapons.

"Unexpectedly, you are actually this kind of person!" Soldering looked at Xiao Zhe with cold eyes, "You would actually think that the weapons made by those muscles and sticks can be used!"

Nicole looked at herself again and again with the same contempt.

"Hey, hey, what kind of attitude do you have!" Xiao Zhe was unhappy, "I let them come, it doesn't necessarily mean that I like their weapons!"

"Humph!" Like a little girl, Soldering and Nicole let out a cold snort at the same time.

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