Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 115: Bring back memories

Xiang Jing shook her head, but the emotions from her eyes exposed her heart.

This is a woman who longs for violence. These days, she has been with Qin Guan, protecting Qin Guan, and teasing Qin Guan, but this is not as exciting as the battlefield.

Xiang Jing probably hates this kind of life.

If you don't like it, just leave. It wasn't you at the beginning, and I wouldn't have multiple things in my mind. Now I think I am schizophrenic.

Qin Guan couldn't help but thought to himself, stepped on the accelerator and continued on the road.

Wucheng is a mountain city, surrounded by mountains, and the roads in the city are uneven, but in terms of scale, it is still much larger than the grassland city.

In the past, this place was a must-go place to go outside the mouth, and many merchants did business here.

"Time is tight, we won't stay here anymore." Qin Guan said, "You two have been eating on the way. If I want to, just buy a few buns ahead."

There is a bun shop in front of the road here.

"Okay." Xiang Jing said nonchalantly: "After passing the bun shop, turn right, I know a shortcut."

"Okay." In order to get to the capital before dark, Qin Guan tried his best. He didn't get out of the car for several hours, his waist ached and his legs ached, but he insisted on driving forward.

While holding the bun in his hand and stuffing it in his mouth, Qin Guan drove the car and walked forward. Fortunately, there are still few cars and there are no traffic jams on the road.

But how can the road ahead get narrower and narrower?

On the right hand side of the road, passing by an elementary school, painted gray walls, with a fence gate in the middle. When you pass the fence gate, you can see the elementary school’s playground.

It's noon, and there are no people in the elementary school, only the brightly colored national flag on the playground, fluttering in the wind.

what are you doing?

The question mark of Qin Guan stayed in her heart. When she passed the elementary school, Xiang Jing became very serious. She raised the seemingly thin but muscled right arm, and respected the elementary school here. Military salute.

It's strange, this girl, who is usually not afraid of being afraid of others, only violent others, now, why is she suddenly so solemn?

"Turn right ahead and you are out of the city." Xiang Jing said.

After saying this, Xiang Jing seemed to be a different person throughout the afternoon, sitting there, silently, not even eating his favorite snacks.

It seems that this elementary school evokes some memories of her, but it seems that there is no need to explore the deep inside of others, right?

At this moment, a voice suddenly popped out of my mind: "Want to know what others are thinking? Yes, as long as you continue to absorb mental power and make me stronger, new functions will be unlocked at any time."

This is the sound of the system.

Recently, Qin Guan has not used this system much. The last time he absorbed the spiritual power of the hero of the grassland and unlocked the system, it brought terrible side effects. Now, although the old man is still playing with Trojan horses, who Know if he will make a fuss and try to control himself?

Carrying around, I'm a little scared of Qin Guan of the system, so I don't use it as a last resort.

Now, the system actually jumped out.

"Now your abilities are limited, so mental power is directly absorbed in the situation of mental points. After you continue to be strong, you can read the things in these mental points. Think about it. You can know what the other person is thinking. An invincible function!"

The more seductive the system, the less moved Qin Guan, he continued to drive, looking outside.

After coming out of Wucheng, it was a long downhill.

The terrain of Han is high in the west and low in the east, so to go from the west to the east, you need to continuously go downhill, and here is all mountainous areas, so there is a winding mountain road in the winding mountainous area.

Even if the highway is built, it is dangerous here, let alone now, Qin Guan is fighting.

Your own car has a high engine power. When you go downhill, you can use the engine to provide resistance to the body to slow down as long as you put it in a low gear.

If you keep stepping on the brakes, the brakes will overheat and then fail, and the brakes will be completely lost. The result must be car crashes. I don’t know how many auto parts are in the valley below.

Qin Guan didn't dare to just step on the brakes. Using gears to control the speed was the inevitable way. Especially this Hummer was armored and had a heavy weight. Even advanced brakes could not withstand such a toss.

On the back seat, Xiang Jing was still looking at the mountains outside, and Chen Yutong was also very interesting. At this time, it is best not to disturb Xiang Jing and let her think about her own things.

People like Xiang Jing must have a rich experience. Here, there must be things she cares about.

The car's engine made a rumbling sound. Qin Guan opened the window, holding the steering wheel with one hand and stretching out the window with the other. This is the advantage of the power steering wheel.

Most cars in this era are unassisted. They can only be moved by holding the steering wheel with two hands, and they can be moved with one hand.

There are not many cars in this era, but coal trucks have appeared one after another.

The west of Wucheng is the country’s famous coal production base. Most of the coal there is transported by rail. However, with the development of the country’s economy, the demand for coal is also increasing, which gave birth to road transportation. The development of coal.

As for the heavy trucks planned and produced by Qin Guan, a considerable part of them will be invested in coal transportation after they are off the assembly line. This is a huge market.

Now, Qin watched the sharp-headed green toads, puffing black smoke, slowly descending the slope, almost all of the trucks were carrying trailers, and the main truck and the trailer together only transported more than twenty. Tons, and when its own Steyr heavy trucks are put into production, one car can transport more than one hundred tons, which is five times the current amount.

At that time, this road will be full of our own Steyr trucks. What a spectacular sight!

When these trucks were going downhill, they were like old scalpers, slow, suffocating the engine in front of them, and no one dared to go too fast. They couldn't control it at all.

And Qin Guan's cars began to surpass the past one by one.

The road was very narrow and only allowed two cars side by side. Qin Guan was very careful every time he overtakes. After all, the outside is a cliff, and my car is super wide.

Every time a car passes by, the driver's curious eyes will be greeted. They have never seen a Hummer, so it is exceptionally fresh.

At this moment, suddenly, Xiang Jing at the back spoke: "There is something wrong with a car behind."

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