Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 408: F-16 Fate

Mr. Wang was not in the mood to continue eating chicken. He looked at the chicken and felt that it was a pity to throw it away. The table full of vegetables seemed to have only been eaten halfway.

"Waiter, wrap me up these leftovers, and go back to relieve the children." Wang Lao said.

children? Qin Guan suddenly felt distressed. Old scientists and seniors worked day and night for the scientific and technological progress of the motherland, but their children couldn't even eat meat.

Moreover, it is about to come when it is better to build an atomic bomb than to sell tea eggs. Well, these scientific and technical personnel must not be treated badly. Fortunately, I have a currency cemetery. This kind of trivial matter can be solved by myself.

"Elder Wang, how many children do you have?" Qin Guan asked, if there are many children, I can't ask for more dishes to pack.

"My children, there are hundreds of them." Wang Lao said: "In the institute, they are all my children."

Hearing this, Qin Guan was even more in awe. In Wang's heart, there is no small family, only everyone. The researchers in the research institute are all younger than Wang's age. In his eyes, they belong to him. Child, he must be a leader and a kind elder.

In Qin Guan's heart, something was suddenly stabbed, and it was a bit painful. These older generation of scientific researchers are really admirable. They overcome material difficulties and devote themselves to work. These leftovers, In their eyes, they are all delicious.

It's a pity that I still don't have enough abilities to take care of too many groups.

Unconsciously, the stall Qin Guan spread out was no longer small.

At the beginning, it was just a tank factory, improving a light tank, and then heavy vehicles, and then advanced tanks, fighter aircraft, and all aspects began to spread out. Now, with the addition of electronic technology, these items made Qin Guan feel a little strenuous, and he couldn't take care of it himself.

If you are Monkey King, you can pull out the vellus hair and conjure a lot of yourself. That's it!

While watching the waiter pack, Qin Guan thought to himself that in this era, there is no such thing as a plastic bag. Everything is pure and natural. It is packed with straw paper and a layer of greased paper on the outside. The action of the waiter is very skillful. Then tie it with paper string.

While waiting for the waiter to pack, suddenly, Qin watched Xiucai walk towards him.

In the past two days, Qin Guan participated in meetings of a relatively high level, and Xiucai and Xiang Jing were not qualified to participate. They had always been outside bodyguards, so they took a break.

Yes, this is the most comfortable rest.

But now, the scholar came to Qin Guan, there is something to do.

"Qin Guan, Major Yang, General Zhang wants to see you."

See me again? This is just not long after the meeting! Qin Guan couldn't help but frowned, and said to Mr. Wang, "Old Mr. Wang, you go back first. I will go to see General Zhang. When my side is finished, I will find you."

"Okay, then I'll be waiting at the 1109 factory." Old Wang carried a large bag and walked outside. At this time, it was already dark.

"Xiucai, send it off to the elder." Qin Guan said.

Qin Guan didn't know that he had broken his promise and let go of the pigeons of the old man, because the sudden situation this time caught everyone by surprise.

Qin Guan and Major Yang came to General Zhang’s meeting room again, and saw that the Minister Duan of the Ministry of Aviation Industry and the chief engineer of the major aircraft design institutes were already here, with strange expressions on their faces. Emoji.

"What happened?" Qin Guan asked everyone.

"Good news." Mr. Gu has already spoken, and he doesn't care that he is not very familiar with Qin Guan: "We just got the news that the Eagle Nation will send their F-16 fighters over here to give us a flight show. At the same time, you can also export this fighter to us!"

good news?

After hearing Mr. Gu's words, Qin Guan was still a little confused. What kind of good news is this?

"It should be the last time Qin Guan went to the chicken country and visited their Phantom 2000, and he wanted to order it. Therefore, the people of Ying country couldn't sit still." Song Lao analyzed from the side.

This said, Qin Guan suddenly wanted to understand, yes, in history, this incident also happened, only a few years back.

It was already in the 1980s. Han and Eagle were just in the honeymoon period. At that time, Han inspected Mirage 2000 and was quite satisfied with this aircraft. Hearing the news, Eagle immediately put F- 16 sent over to perform various flight shows, trying to fool Han Guo to order.

However, the price was too high. Although Han was drooling, it eventually did not have enough funds to order it. As a result, it missed this fighter.

However, a few years later, the treasure island of Han was equipped with hundreds of F-16s, and Han was also equipped with another kind of F-16.

In the era of second-generation aircraft, aircraft designers are advocating high-altitude and high-speed, and even think that with the development of missile technology, fighting has become history, and the product of these ideas is the F-4 ghost.

Unfortunately, during the war with the monkeys, Eagle Nation suddenly found that their judgment was wrong, so they developed three generations of aircraft and put forward the theory of energy mobility. The most important thing is the mobility of fighters.

The products under this theory are the F-15 and F-16. Among them, the F-16 is a light fighter. It is based on previous air combat experience to greatly optimize the fighting performance within the line of sight. It is the first Eagle country capable of 9G overload maneuvers. The fighter is also one of the first fighters to adopt wire-borne flight control and ergonomic cockpit. It has high thrust-to-weight ratio and low wing load.

The heavy F-15 fighter aircraft can only be exported to the closest countries. At the same time, the financial strength of the general country cannot be equipped. However, the F-16 can be equipped in a large number of countries. In later generations, this aircraft The output even exceeds that of the MiG-21 series, firmly occupying the first place in the number of jet fighters.

The performance of this aircraft seems to be very advanced, but it definitely does not meet the needs of the Han Air Force.

Qin Guan knew this well, not to mention, what Yingguo provided to Han was a shrunken monkey version.

And now, Eagle Country is still selling to Han Country, and Mr. Gu, how excited?

Qin Guan thought about it for a while, and suddenly wanted to understand what was wrong. For the 6601 Institute, this is really good news!

No wonder he is so excited and excited, he just wants to avoid the important and take a shortcut.

In fact, no one is right or wrong, it's just a matter of route. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut on the road of military industry development. Even if it has its own system, it does not blindly exchange weapons!

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