Superman in a certain Marvel

Chapter 184 Is it okay for me to rob you?

"I have to go." Joshua looked at Pat and said. After staying here for two days, he saw a lot of things. For example, Captain America and Tony Stark in this world played very well.

Pat didn't hold back, she said, "Goodbye."

"Yeah." Joshua opened the portal and left here.

Pat sighed and then said: "I will miss you, after all, you are also my friend."

After returning to his own universe, Joshua went to find Tony Stark.

"So what's the matter with you?" Tony Stark is studying the new armor. His armor is being upgraded almost all the time. Of course, this is thanks to some of the technologies brought by Joshua. Without these, Technology, I guess he wouldn't be able to upgrade it so quickly.

"I have something good to show you." Joshua played the video he had prepared previously.

"What is this? Brand new technology?" Tony Stark couldn't help but said, he was quite looking forward to it.

But the next second, a picture appeared. It was a mature woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She seemed to be a master in seducing men, and there were many men around her.

"What is this?" Tony Stark was still confused.

The next second, a steel suit appeared in front of the blond woman. This suit was very similar to his, except that it was a female version.

Tony Stark is a smart man, so he said: "Is this another me? It seems to have a similar personality."

He likes women, and women like men….

"I didn't expect that there would be a woman in me. It seems that the universe is more interesting than imagined..." Tony Stark became even more interesting, but he was more concerned about Joshua's strength.

When he was not sure, he would not go to other universes rashly.

"Would you like something to eat?" Tony looked at it and said. At this time, they were already ready to eat.

"Yeah." Joshua nodded.

After a while, Banner came with the food, and Joshua took a look. It looked very delicious and even had desserts.

This meal must be expensive.

"Hi~, Joshua." Dr. Banner said.

"Hello Dr. Banner," Joshua said.

Then the three of them started eating, but during the meal time, Tony Stark asked some technical questions.

Joshua explained to Tony Stark while eating.

"Hey~, boys, do you need something to drink?" A blond woman walked in.

This is Pepper Potts, a very capable assistant to Tony Stark.

"Thank you." Tony Stark kissed Pepper Potts.

Banner whispered beside Joshua: "He's interested in her."

"I can tell." Joshua said, and then ate something.

"Hello, Mr. Parker." Pepper said. She knew that Joshua had a good relationship with Tony.

"Hello," Joshua said.

Afterwards, Banner, Joshua, and Tony continued to discuss each other's ideas.

They ate the meal for a long time, and both Banner and Tony benefited a lot. He wiped his hands and said: "I have too many ideas now, I have to start working."

Tony Stark took out a bottle of medicine and swallowed it. It was a very good medicine that could relieve fatigue, and even allowed people to not need to rest for days and nights, and it was harmless.

This thing was made by him and Banner and then with some advice from Joshua.

Joshua went home after that, but there seemed to be no one at home. Bai Xing returned to his own world, and everyone else had their own things to do.

Aunt Mei is still playing outside.

Joshua sat for a while and then started playing the game.

He put on his helmet and quickly selected a world at random.

Fighting Continent.

Joshua touched his chin and sat on a wooden building, then looked at the people below.

There was a storyteller who was talking about various things.

For example, how the little princess of the Yunlan Sect broke off their engagement. There is no doubt that this is a world where fighting breaks the sky.

As for breaking off the engagement, it happened a few days ago.

Hmm~, upgrade? It's like playing an ancient game.

It felt like an unprecedented experience. Joshua spread his hands, and a small cyclone appeared. His was wind.

In fact, he used to be fire, but he turned him into wind because he likes to be fast, just like playing a speed hero. He will look back and taunt after getting a little distance. He often plays like this, just to get the mentality, happy wind man .

After understanding the mechanism of this world, Joshua came up with a set of exercises very reasonably, a set of top-notch and most reasonable exercises in the world.

This technique improves speed a lot.

At this time, he was wearing civilian clothes and looked like a handsome young man.

By the way, you need weapons. Without weapons, you wouldn't be like a swordsman.

After some tinkering, Joshua produced a wooden sword.

Carrying the wooden sword behind his back, he looked like a swordsman.

Okay, now it's time to kill people and grab treasures. Let me see who is so short-sighted.

Joshua walked swaggering down the street for a long time.

"No one is looking for trouble at all."

Why are there so many conflicts in the novel but I never encountered them?

Maybe it was because of the poor security in the city that he left the city.

Walk on the trails.

Suddenly he felt some people following him. Are the good guys finally coming?

At this moment, Joshua heard someone say: "This kid is wearing cloth and carrying a wooden sword. He looks like a poor guy at first glance. He probably doesn't have any money, so it's better not to rob him. It's a waste of time."

Joshua: "..."

Why the hell do you still know how to analyze? Well, if you don’t rob me, then I can rob you, right?

Joshua pulled out his wooden sword and jumped in front of a few people and said, "Robbery."

The person who followed Joshua was a little confused. The good guy didn't rob him, but he was robbed by him. Are young people today so careless about life and death?

The leader said: "Kill him."

Joshua held the wooden sword, and the wind blew the corners of his clothes. For a moment, his body felt much lighter.

At this time a man rushed over.

Joshua easily dodged the attack and then swung the wooden sword.

The wooden sword easily cut open the man's chest, and blood spilled out in an instant.

Seeing this, the others rushed towards Joshua.

Joshua didn't retreat but advanced, his speed was too fast.

He quickly dealt with these robbers, and then came the much-loved part of touching the bodies. Well, these guys didn't have anything at all, just a little money.

Joshua took the money and left. After walking a little further, he waved his sword casually.

The cyan wind turned into thousands of sharp blades and swallowed up these human robbers...

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