Superman's Saiyan brother

Chapter 286 Your genes are attracted to her

It seems that you already know a lot of things. The one with our family emblem is the battle uniform I designed for you. The other ones are the clothes that we Kryptonians wear in different environments. Do you like it? Qiao Ai Er didn't notice anything strange about Clark. After he understood that Clark knew something in advance, he looked at Clark expectantly and asked.

After all, these battle suits were designed by Clark's biological father, Joel. Although the current Joel is just an artificial intelligence, he has inherited some of Clark's biological father's memories and emotions. It can be said that this is the continuation of Clark's biological father's consciousness. .

Therefore, Joel also really wants to see Clark's satisfactory evaluation of the combat uniform, which can be regarded as fulfilling a small last wish of Clark's real biological father.

... Clark saw Qiao El's expectant eyes. In the end, he was too embarrassed to express his embarrassing feelings about wearing a set of red underwear and a combat uniform. Instead, he nodded and smiled gently, Very good. I like them all, they fit my aesthetic perfectly!”

What can be done? Facing his old father's expectant gaze, Clark really didn't want to reject his kindness.

Even though this old father is not Clark's biological father, Clark accepted his existence very quickly. After all, he has experienced a lot of things and his mentality has matured. What's more, he also knows a lot about Krypton...

As long as you like it... Qiao El breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood instantly improved a lot. The emotional system of this artificial intelligence is so powerful!

Actually, what I like most is the one that is the same as yours. The second one is that one. I can even imagine how you look in it...

... Clark looked at the combat uniform pointed by Joel, his expression unchanged, but he was speechless for a moment, why couldn't he get through this red underwear?

Clark felt a little helpless, and thoughts flashed through his mind, thinking about how to politely refuse Joelle's wish to let him put on the red underwear combat uniform. After all, Joelle's current intention was obvious, he just wanted to see What does he look like in that battle suit...

But can Clark wear it? Definitely not. If he wears this, Clark will have a shadow in his heart. He is afraid that the next time Robert brings up this matter, he will be accidentally exposed and Robert will catch a new excuse... …

Huh? Just when Clark fell silent, his ears suddenly moved, and Joel on the side also looked towards the entrance of the spacecraft.

There, Louise carefully held a flashlight to illuminate the front of her, and from time to time she cautiously looked back at the path she came from, fearing that some monster might appear behind her.

Reckless and cautious coexist, Louise was able to find this place not without reason, otherwise the soldiers with more advanced detection equipment should have come faster.

Oh my God! However, when Louise entered the spacecraft, she exclaimed. As a reporter, Louise quickly took out her camera and took pictures. This was an alien spacecraft. Ah, when this report comes out, it will definitely be the hottest news!

Buzz! sounded, but just when Louise was taking the photo, a suspended guardian robot appeared in front of Louise, smashed the camera on the spot, and then shot a ray at Louise!

Yeah!!! Louise let out a horrified cry, and at this moment, a figure knocked away the guardian robot, and it was none other than Clark.

But it's a pity that Clark arrived very quickly, but unfortunately he could not completely save Louise. The ray still scratched Louise's abdomen. Of course, if Clark hadn't arrived quickly enough, Louise would have died. It should have become Luri Wusi, just like a captain in a certain universe.

Superman? Louise looked a little confused, and then she ignored her own pain and looked at Clark with hot eyes.

At this time, a thought flashed through Louise's mind: No one has ever really reported on Superman himself. If she can successfully report on Superman, then she will definitely become famous in the journalistic world!

For this reason, Louise didn't even care about her injuries. Even though she had just experienced a life-and-death crisis, her professionalism made her completely forget about these things. It can be said that a reporter with good professionalism is indeed Able to put life and death aside...

I didn't expect to meet you here. Can I interview you? Louise's hot eyes and excited voice made Clark stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the girl in front of him was so aggressive, and his abdomen was scratched. It was broken and he was losing blood, but he was still thinking about interviewing him.

You are injured, very seriously. If you don't deal with it quickly, you may be in danger... Clark glanced at Louise's injury and warned in a low voice.

It doesn't matter...sss... Louise subconsciously wanted to ignore her injuries, but when her attention shifted away from Superman, the pain from the wound finally reached her body, causing her to shout subconsciously. sound.

Your injury is in the abdomen. You need to tear open your clothes to stop the bleeding. Please bear with it! Clark directly tore the hem of Louise's clothes and said as he prepared to help Louise stop the bleeding first.

Clark doesn't know the healing technique, but he can still stop the bleeding. If Louise continues to lose blood like this, it won't take long for Louise to pass out directly, or even die from excessive blood loss...

Then I'll wait a minute, can I interview you...ah!!! Louise didn't stop Clark when she saw him, because Louise knew about Superman's reputation, but she didn't want to give up her interview with Clark this time. Opportunity, so she once again opened her mouth to fight for it. Unfortunately, before she could finish her words, Louise let out a scream.

It turned out that Clark's eyes shot out a heat vision, controlling the power to help seal Louise's wound, but the pain was definitely unavoidable, and even under the severe pain, Louise passed out directly.

Yes, Louise was not unconscious when she was injured before, but now she has passed out after hemostasis...

Start the spaceship. Someone has discovered this place. Since she can come in, maybe others will come in later. Clark looked at Louise who had passed out. He didn't know why his heart was suddenly throbbing, but he was very nervous. He quickly got rid of this throbbing, looked to the side and said to Joelle.

Okay, where to go? Joel didn't mean to object. His artificial intelligence was originally created to guide Clark. Although he still doesn't know what happened, it allowed him to skip the stage of guiding Clark. , but he will definitely follow Clark's orders.

Fly away from here first and go to the Indian Ocean. I will show you the way. The safest place to store this spaceship is not a glacier no-man's land, but a wild island that the Kent family regards as their back garden. There are even three spaceships stored there, but none of them are as big or as conspicuous as this one.

With a sound of Buzz!, as Clark's order was issued, the entire spacecraft quickly started up, flew up from under the glacier at a speed beyond human imagination, and disappeared.

The various monitoring equipment of the surrounding military exploration teams just started ringing, and then the surrounding ground shook, and a spaceship disappeared from under their eyes.

Quick! Track it! There is really a spaceship! The military people reacted very quickly, but even at this point in time, the technological level on the earth still cannot reach the interstellar age, let alone communicate with the universe. Among them, it is compared with the once famous Krypton.

Although the end of Krypton does not look very good in the end, from the perspective of the development of civilization in the entire universe, Krypton has indeed been brilliant, and who can say that every civilization is on the right path?

At this time, although the Kryptonian civilization was destroyed, it was not comparable to the current technological level of the earth. The military's various advanced tracking methods all lost the location of the Kryptonian spacecraft in an instant.

This makes the people in the military extremely unwilling. This is the trace of aliens that they have spent a lot of effort and have been watching, and now it has flown away under their noses. How can they accept this? How to explain to superiors?

Of course, the military's trouble here is not just this one, there is also the matter of Louise getting lost. After all, she is the daughter of a general, so it is difficult to hide the past casually...

The affairs of the military here are not mentioned for the time being. On the other side, Clark's eyes flickered slightly, guiding the way for the spacecraft.

Most people can only give directions to the driver when riding in a car, but Clark, a Kryptonian, can give directions to a Kryptonian spaceship. When he gets serious, the surrounding scenes are no better than a car in his eyes. The images flashed faster.

Huh? It's actually a subspace? Soon, Joelle said in surprise. With the technological level of the Kryptonians, it is not difficult to discover the subspace of the wild space.

Is it easy to be discovered? Clark frowned when he heard this, looked at Joel and asked.

As the last resort for the Kent and Danvers families, Clark wanted to make this place as safe as possible.

I can help strengthen this subspace and transform it into a private subspace. Joelle looked at Clark and said with a smile.

Is it easy? Clark asked softly.

It's not easy, it takes a little time, but it's not too complicated either... Joelle shook his head with a smile and explained softly, Krypton has also discovered a lot of subspaces in the interstellar era, and can even use Technology creates its own subspace, so it’s not too difficult.”

Okay, that's troublesome. Clark nodded after hearing this. It would be great to make this place safer.

In the past, there was a problem of accidentally entering the wild island, but after being transformed by Kryptonian technology, this problem no longer needs to be worried.

Roar! Just as Clark finished his words, a roar came from outside the Kryptonian spaceship, but it was King Kong who discovered the Kryptonian spacecraft that suddenly broke into the wild island. After all, it obeyed Robert's order and must be protected. their home.

It's me, get out of the way. Clark heard King Kong's roar and the Tyrannosaurus Rex boy next to King Kong shook his head, and said to King Kong through sound transmission.

Clark? King Kong is much smarter now than before. He is even taller now than when Robert transformed into a giant ape. Clark can't quite understand where the limit of King Kong's height will be in the future. .

Soon, the spacecraft landed smoothly, right next to the location chosen by the Kent family and the Danvers family. The three spaceships of Robert, Clark and Kara were also here.

Huh? There are Kryptonians coming over? So, you have activated the key? Then why did I lose this piece of data? When he discovered another Kryptonian spacecraft, Joelle seemed to realize something, Then he was a little confused, and he couldn't figure out where this Kryptonian spaceship came from.

I didn't activate the key, it was Kara's spaceship... Clark explained a little.

Kara's spaceship? She also came to Krypton? What happened next on Krypton? Joelle didn't know what happened next on Krypton. After all, he was created before Clark left Krypton. .

You died in the hands of Zod, and your mother was destroyed with Krypton... Clark told Qiao El the news that Kara told him. Qiao El was a little bit sad after hearing the news, even though he He was already prepared, but when he truly knew that Krypton had been destroyed and disappeared, Jor-El still fell into silence.

So, now you and Kara are the only ones left on Krypton. You all have to work hard, but you can't let the Kryptonians be cut off just like this! Clark did not interrupt when Joel was silent, but he did not expect , Joelle actually started to give birth.

Originally, the meaning of my existence was to guide you, who was confused, to find the meaning of your coming to Earth. However, you seem to have found the direction of your life now. My role is not that big anymore. The main reason is that I did not expect Kara to come. …”

... After hearing Joel's words, Clark was silent for a moment. The look of his stupid brother Robert flashed before his eyes. He was able to find the direction of his life. He was not as confused as Joel expected. He might have to do everything. It's up to Robert. As for what happened, Clark felt he needed to talk about it.

Just after you made that girl unconscious, your heart beat 40.3% faster than usual, and your genes were attracted to her... However, before Clark could say anything, Qiao El's words shocked Clark. His face was full of question marks.

Well, I have a girlfriend, and I'm not moved... After Clark quickly came to his senses, he interrupted Qiao El and said, Besides, are you sure that when you are created again, you will not No strange consciousness structure added?

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