You must know that the yin qi in the ancient tomb is very strong, and all kinds of ghosts and monsters are everywhere, but there is no yin qi here.

Then there is only one problem, this door, there is a problem, so that the yin qi does not dare to approach!

"Hey, what's the matter with this door? "

Su Yu asked about the bracelet, and a voice came from the bracelet in the next second.

"Behind this door is the main tomb, which has a very strong prohibition and suppression, so ordinary people don't want to enter at all, even if they can't even evil spirits, even if it is yin qi, it will be suppressed, if you want to enter, it is not difficult. "

"Either the strength is absolutely strong and you can ignore taboos, or there are some special spells or even methods, otherwise, you can't enter at all. "

The voice explained, Su Yu was stunned when he heard this, and then said helplessly.

"That's it, I don't have anything, it looks like I can't get in. "

Su Yu muttered, the bracelet was silent for a moment, and then a voice sounded again.

"Don't think we don't know, your strength is completely capable of fighting against the prohibition here, it's just that now we are under the roof, so we will help you. "

The voice said, and in the next second, a black aura burst out from the bracelet, and then lingered on Su Yu's whole body.

"That way, you can go in and not be attacked, but it's time-limited, and you have to come out within ten minutes, or you'll die. "

The voice said again, Su Yu was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't expect that the guy in this bracelet actually cared about himself.

"Don't be so shameless, if you die, we have to die inside, so we are for ourselves. "

The guy in the bracelet seemed to know Su Yu's thoughts, and suddenly said a word, and the corners of Su Yu's mouth twitched when he heard this, damn, what a straight man.

If you don't say this, does Lao Tzu still have to be moved in my heart?

"Got it. "

Seeing this, Su Yu said angrily, and then came to the door, sure enough, he didn't feel suppressed, and then pushed open the golden door, and in the next second, a murderous aura gushed out from the door, Su Yu couldn't help but take a few steps back, and then stood firm.

"It's terrible murderous..."

Su Yu was shocked in his heart, and then the murderous aura dissipated, Su Yu opened his eyes and saw that he was instantly stunned, at this time, in front of him, there was still an empty hall, and in the hall, there were many strange people.

These people were somewhat similar to the puppets summoned by the man in black that Su Yu had seen before, they were all pieced together from various things, other than that.

Su Yu felt a trace of pressure on these guys.

"Isn't that man in black a descendant of the owner of this tomb?"

Su Yu muttered, then didn't think much about it, and walked in directly, the bracelet gave him ten minutes, then he couldn't waste it, he had to find where the young man was as soon as possible, and he had to find a way to make the mother and daughter recover within ten minutes.


And at this moment, a burst of noise suddenly struck, and then a figure fell in front of Su Yu, Su Yu followed the prestige and found that this person was none other than the young man before.

"You've been beaten up like this at times?"

Seeing this, Su Yu couldn't help but tease, it didn't matter if this guy didn't help before, he also threw the pot to himself, so Su Yu had some opinions about him.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's a big problem!"

After the young man saw Su Yu, he hurriedly got up, ignoring Su Yu's ridicule, and then reminded that Su Yu frowned when he heard this, looking at the young man's expression, as if something really happened!

"What the hell is going on, you should tell me first!"

Su Yu couldn't help but ask, the latter didn't say anything when he heard this, and pointed to the front, Su Yu looked in the direction of his finger, and almost blurted out in the next second.

At this time, in the direction of the young man's finger, a huge figure slowly emerged, this figure was nearly ten meters tall, and his whole body was shrouded in yin qi, and a terrifying coercion made Su Yu's breathing a little unsmooth.

"Remind the host, the enemy is very strong at present, the chance of victory is very small, and the special mission is released, killing the opponent can directly promote the upgrade of the prize pool. "

At this time, the voice of the system sounded, and Su Yu's heart jumped violently when he heard this, damn, after killing this guy, he was directly upgraded? Wouldn't that be the 10 million lottery points left?

In this regard, Su Yu gritted his teeth, although this guy's strength seems to be that he may not be able to beat him alone, but isn't there that kid by his side, but, what is the situation of this kid, how can he use a sword as a stick?

Su Yu saw the young man carrying a stick.

frowned slightly, and was very puzzled in his heart, after all, how does this stick look like a sword, although it is a little long, but it is definitely not a stick, this Su Yu is still sure.



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