Chapter 516 I Quit

  When the news came out, netizens all considered it to be fake news, and gave a bunch of examples to prove the fake news.

  However, what is surprising is that there are more and more news about new dramas, and Mubai Entertainment has never responded, even made a statement.

  This also makes some people start to wonder, is it true or not?

  The "fake news" is also on hot search

   "This must be fake. How can there be three dramas in a year, and they are all urban dramas. I don't know what other topics can be filmed in urban life dramas. I have finished filming this topic for them!"

  Someone retorted: “If it’s fake news, and the matter has been spread for a few days, will Mubai Entertainment not make a statement? Obviously it’s true, so they’re silent!”

  "You are really a sand sculpture. There are so many fake news every year. You see a few people come out to clarify, Nima will clarify when you see a piece of news, how can there be such a free time!"

   "It makes sense. I was shaken by what that person said, but when I saw what you said, I believed it again. This is fake news."

  Some neutral netizens are vacillating.

  People in the industry are not as simple as netizens. They feel that they smell a little different.

  It stands to reason that Chen Mubai’s current popularity is so high, and it is normal for some people to be enthusiastic, but the topic will only be around Chen Mubai. Why did it turn to Mubai Entertainment’s new drama?

  Could this be true?

They are not netizens, they know more about filming, and they also know that a film is not so simple to shoot. After all, there are too many things to do, and the investment in a star drama is too large, so it needs to be treated with caution. It may be easy to decide.

  Mubai Entertainment has already filmed two TV series this year, as well as two web series. This workload is already quite heavy.

  The film crew is not hired outside, but the crew of the company, so the workload is even greater.

  Working in this high pressure state will affect the quality of the work.

  People in the industry tend to be fake news.

  Mubai Entertainment’s two successful TV series are enough to make them treat it rigorously. Now no one thinks Mubai Entertainment wants to make bad movies.

  Clearly able to make money by making good works, who would want to make money on bad films?

   "Can we finish filming this movie before?" The CEO of an entertainment company was asking.

  "Not necessarily!?" The boss raised his voice, and then said loudly: "You tell him, you work overtime to shoot, you finished the filming for me a year ago, and post-production should be quicker, try to release it in the next year!"

   "Yes, it must be faster, this is my request!"

  The boss hung up the phone, also a little helpless.

  It’s not that he wants to do this, but that he received news that Mubai Entertainment’s news of making a TV series is true.

   is still an urban drama. Like their company’s investment, he has no confidence to crash, so he can only quickly let the crew speed up the shooting and try to stagger the schedule so as not to be crushed...

  This matter has been confirmed. People outside don’t know it, but they all know it.

  After all, Mubai Entertainment accepted external investment this time, and a company has injected capital, so everyone can confirm the authenticity of this news.

   "Everyone should be paying attention to this matter." The boss murmured.

  "Chen Mubai has been too hot recently, and the popularity has been one after another. This "Seven Heroes" helped him spread the topic, and the news broke out on the backhand. Is this a joint hype between the two sides?"

  Many of the dramas being filmed in the industry have received the above news and requested to speed up the process so as not to collide with Chen Mubai’s new drama.

  Chen Mubai succeeded twice, and both suppressed the famous director, especially the first "Struggle" encountered two summer period costume drama rivals, defeated each other during the broadcast, and even suppressed the other before the end!

  This ability is too scary. It is not a celebrity director or a major production. The general crew chooses to make a detour to avoid confrontation with Chen Mubai.

The dramas made by some traffic stars are farther away. Their quality is not good. They can only rely on the faces of the stars to make money for their brains. Chen Mubai and Tao Yaoyao’s looks are too good, if they meet, Their only advantage is gone...

  The news of Mubai Entertainment’s new play relied on Chen Mubai’s fire to spread wildly, and caused much more discussion and response than ever before.

  Chen Mubai’s plan was successful. The success of the original two dramas made Chen Mubai and Mubai Entertainment famous.

   But in fact, this enthusiasm is inseparable from Chen Mubai, and he directed and acted in both plays.

  This time, he will neither direct nor act. If he directly opens a new drama conference, I am afraid that the attention he receives will be greatly reduced, and even the evaluation will be much lower.

  Because of the success of the first two shows, they were essentially filmed by Chen Mubai. He did not participate in this show, which means that this work is not his. Naturally, everyone will not have too high expectations...

  It is not so much that Mubai Entertainment has produced two good TV series, it is better to say that Chen Mubai has made two good TV series.

  Everyone believes that it is Chen Mubai, not Mubai Entertainment. If you really want to subdivide, this is the case.

  This is the effect of celebrity directors and actors. Unless "Let's Get Married" can become a big hit without Chen Mubai, then Mubai Entertainment is truly recognized by everyone.

  Chen Mubai himself understands this truth, so this time he first used his heat to drive the news of the new drama, and after the public opinion has fermented, let everyone discuss the new drama of Mubai Entertainment.

  Muba Entertainment will announce the new drama, and then announce the main creators of the new drama at the press conference.

  In this way, even if this lineup may not be optimistic to everyone, but the early heat has been paved, there will be no less news about this drama.

  The attention and enthusiasm of the new drama is much higher than that of directly using this main creator to hold a new drama conference, and it can also make more people pay attention to this new drama.

  One day, everyone habitually looked at the hotly searched topics and participated in the discussion.

   "How come there is this fake news!"

  "Funny, I can see news of Mubai Entertainment's new drama every day, this Nima is poisonous!!"

   "You are really awesome, there are still people discussing this topic..."

   "Title party, I have been tricked into coming in several times, fuck!"

  "Stop scolding, this thing is true, it has been confirmed!"

   "It is indeed true, I testify, I am the script." Some netizens didn't believe the news at all, and even played a trick.

   "The guy upstairs made me laugh, but this is indeed true. Just now Mubai Entertainment has issued an announcement and the new drama is about to be established."

   "Fuck!? Really, let me see!"

  Some people will be suspicious. Many people went to Mubai Entertainment’s official WeChat account to verify. They found out that it was true. Mubai Entertainment issued an announcement.

   "Our third TV series "Let’s Get Married" is about to be established. It is still an urban life drama with the same theme and different experiences. I hope everyone will continue to support..."

  Suddenly, Mubai Entertainment’s announcement caught everyone off guard, and the things that had been passed on for a few days were confirmed.

   Before, many people thought it was fake news, including industry insiders who were not optimistic that Mubai Entertainment would produce a third drama within a year, but this happened!

  The popularity of this incident spread very quickly, and it instantly reached the top of the hot search list, causing everyone to talk!

   "Fuck, this is true!"

   "No wonder that Mubai Entertainment did not clarify the scandal when the news was flying in the sky before. It turns out that there is a real story. Who broke the news, it's really awesome!"

   "Although I didn't believe it at the beginning, but now I am very happy. I support Mubai Entertainment and have new dramas to watch~"

   "Same support. The two dramas made by Chen Mubai are very good. I like watching it very much. I hope this drama will be filmed soon and I will support it~"

   "Chen Mubai is really a model worker! I made three dramas this year, it's amazing, iron man!"

   "Woo, my album... I have been waiting for so long, is it going to be pigeon again?"

   "I'm not convinced, my mentality has collapsed, I am also waiting for the new album, Chen Mubai said it is easy to do!!"

   "Let’s urge Chen Mubai together, I would rather hear his new song!"

  Chen Mubai’s music fans are dumbfounded, but they have publicly said from Tao Yaoyao that Chen Mubai’s album will meet with everyone soon, and everyone is looking forward to it.

  As a result, now we are talking about shooting a new TV series and then making an album. This is another few months to wait!

  How can it take a few months to complete a TV series from production to completion!

  Music fans are silly, lovers fans, fans, and audiences are happy. Everyone can see Chen Mubai and Tao Yaoyao appearing in TV series, and you can see their works.

  Different from music fans, they don’t have that high demand for albums, they will buy as long as they have it, instead of waiting eagerly.

  A few days later, the enthusiasm of this matter has not dropped. Under the attention of everyone, the press conference of Mubai Entertainment’s third TV series has begun.

  Everyone saw Chen Mubai at the scene, but they found a problem. The poster of the new play said the director: Chen Yunteng/Ji Yuxuan, producer: Chen Mubai, starring: Qian Duoduo, Tao Yaoyao...

  Everyone's expressions cheered up and started to ask questions one after another.

  "Excuse me, Chen Mubai, don't you participate in the show or direct it?"

  Chen Mubai smiled and said: "I am a producer, and I will participate in the filming of this drama, but I will not act anymore because I have other things to do."

  The producer is responsible for the operation of the film, and can also assist the director in shooting, which is regarded as participating in the film.

  However, many of the productions are just under the name and will not interfere with the director's shooting.

  In order to support the younger generation, some directors will let the younger generation shoot movies, and use their own influence to support the younger generation.

  Everyone sees the celebrity director participating in the operation of the film, and they will also have confidence in this film, but in fact, this film has nothing to do with him.

  Of course, most of the producers are like this, and a small part of them will actually participate in the shooting work.

  Chen Mubai’s statement is fine, and the reporter will move on to the next question.

   "Why didn't you act anymore? Your acting skills are the best. If you suddenly quit, will it have a big impact on the film?"

  Chen Mubai: “I promised fans to make an album before, and this is in preparation.”

  "As for my withdrawal, it will not affect anything. Qian Duoduo and Tao Yaoyao are both good actors. The director has also worked with me many times. I trust them very much."

  "I wrote this script. This story is very good. This is a very sweet drama. You can tell by the name. It's just that without me, the rest are the same as before. There will be no change."

  Chen Mubai answered the reporter’s questions with confidence, and at the same time calmed down the feelings of those who were worried that the show would fall apart if he did not participate.

  (End of this chapter)

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