Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 588: Award nominations

  Chapter 588 Nominations for awards

  Qiao Meng has gone back, their work was not shortlisted for awards, and the entire crew has gone.

  Chen Mubai is indeed a winner in a certain way, because he has received a notice from the organizing committee that his work has been shortlisted for awards, and his crew will participate in the awards party to jointly pursue all the awards of the Venice Film Festival!

  When the news came back to China, everyone was happy again.

  All China's netizens hope that Chen Mubai will return in triumph!

  Since Chen Mubai can go to the party, this further shows that his chances of winning have risen again.

  If there is no chance, they will all go home.

   "Too awesome, Chen Mubai is the first time, I feel like breaking the record of Chinese film history!"

  Huaxia has not been shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Venice Film Festival before his first work, so no matter whether he wins or not, he can be regarded as a record.

  If it can be awarded, the record will be even more difficult.

   "It's really amazing, I hope he can win the prize."

   "I hope he can get the Golden Lion Award, that's really awesome, and he can leave a young name in the world's film history!"

   "Damn, you guys dare to think too much, are you thinking about winning the Golden Lion Award?"

   "That is to say, I feel just like guessing on the Internet, the biggest award that "Buried Alive" can get is the Silver Lion Award. The Golden Lion Award feels a bit difficult."

   "Silver Lion Award is good, otherwise it would be bad for the best editing and best music. Perhaps it would be good to get the best director and best screenplay awards."

  There is a lot of discussion about "Buried Alive", and then everyone began to analyze which awards have the greatest chance of winning if "Buried Alive" can win.

  Everyone basically agrees with the best editing, screenplay, and director awards. Although the gold content of these awards is not as high as the Silver Lion Award, it is already very rare to be able to gain something at the film festival!

  As for the best actor and Golden Lion and Silver Lion awards, these are first-tier awards, which are very difficult.

  Everyone hopes that Chen Mubai can win these awards, but rationally chose the next award, because the first gradient is too difficult, and all the competing works have a very good reputation and evaluation.

  The high reputation and evaluation of "Buried Alive" is not the only work at the festival, and there are several such works, all of which are the most popular.

Compared with those people, Chen Mubai really has no advantages.

  The directors of those films are all well-known directors, and the actors are all internationally renowned actors. Among them, there are three major film festivals, who have absolute advantages in all aspects.

  Chen Mubai, a newcomer rushed in to compete with them, it was indeed very difficult.

  However, Chen Mubai's achievements are enough to attract everyone's attention. A newcomer's self-directed and self-acted work can chase awards with the works of world-class directors and actors. It is a great compliment on the same level!

  That night, there were busy traffic and bright lights.

  Even at night, the scene on the red carpet is dazzling, and there are still a lot of people squatting. Everyone will witness the grand event of this film festival together and will also know where this award belongs!

  Each crew left their own footprints on the red carpet, and everyone walked on the red carpet with a look of expectation.

  Everyone wants to win, and no one wants to return with disappointment.

   Came here, everyone has come to the fore.

  No one wants to smash here. They are only one step away from the awards. Once they get nothing, it is the biggest failure.

  After Chen Mubai and the crew set foot on the red carpet, there was much louder voice on the scene.

  The blessing of "Buried Alive" and Chen Mubai has gained a lot of fame at film festivals these days, and his popularity is very high.

  Many people are shouting his name. Aside from the work "Buried Alive", Chen Mubai's trip to Italy has been very rewarding, and he has gained a bit of fame and influence in the world.

  After the song "rightnow" was released, it has quickly become popular on the major music charts!

  Is famous on the charts in many countries, and everyone is shocked by Chen Mubai’s talent as a singer!

  I didn’t expect it to be a good movie, and the acting skills are also great. As a result, singing is awesome, it is really versatile!

  In the eyes of ordinary people, Chen Mubai is too awesome, everyone also likes him very much, and even full of longing for his future.

  After the red carpet, Chen Mubai led everyone to the venue and found his seat.

   Soon, in this solemn but enthusiastic atmosphere, the party began.

   "A star from China, Mr. Chen Mubai will bring us a wonderful performance!"

  The host left the stage after speaking.

  Chen Mubai came on the field. He personally took an electric guitar and wore a handsome suit. The self-cultivation of the suit was perfectly embodied in him, showing his perfect figure.

  The passionate style of rock doesn’t match his dress at all, but everyone thinks weirdly that it’s suitable...

  The reason lies in the popularity of the video. Chen Mubai also dressed up in the same way, and then became popular in the audience.

  So, this time, he also wore the same style of dress, and everyone thought there was no dissonance.

  Even after Chen Mubai’s appearance, the audience burst into enthusiastic applause and cheers, among which women screamed the most.

  "Hello everyone, I am Chen Mubai. I am very happy to stand here to perform talents for all outstanding filmmakers. It is the first time that I stand on such a large stage and I am a little nervous."

  Chen Mubai deliberately said humorously: "Please be more tolerant and don't despise my performance."

   "Haha!" The audience was amused by him.

  Chen Mubai's expression was very pleasant, but he couldn't see the nervousness at all. This was obviously a cold joke.

  Everyone once again gave a warm applause to this versatile young Chinese man.

   "Thank you for your encouragement, please enjoy my performance, "rightnow"!"

  The stage lights fell and Chen Mubai began to perform.

  This kind of grand party will have an opening ceremony, which is a performance.

  Chen Mubai was supposed to be there as a guest waiting for the award ceremony, and by the way, he competed with those people for awards.

  But because his previous performance at the film festival was so brilliant and popular on the Internet, the organizing committee found Chen Mubai and hoped that he could sing again at the awards party.

  This invitation, Chen Mubai had no reason to refuse, so he went up!

  Different from the previous performances, the equipment in the venue is much better this time, and the accompaniment of the songs is also available. Chen Mubai’s electric guitar is only an auxiliary function, not the only instrument.

  Music sounded, and the passionate melody began to resound in everyone's ears.

  The last performance only had an electric guitar, so the music sound was very single, and everyone had never heard the accompaniment of a complete instrument.

  This is also the first time a complete accompaniment of "rightnow" has appeared. Everyone listened to the song with an expression of appreciation.

  This song has been popular before. Many people have seen this video, and they have some understanding. I can enjoy it again today, and it feels different.



  When Chen Mubai sang the climax of the song, his whole body became enthusiastic, the action range became larger, and the enthusiastic atmosphere in the field increased!

  Many people's emotions are beating in accordance with Chen Mubai's rhythm.

  Finally, Chen Mubai sang a little hot, with some sweat on his forehead, he suddenly took off the jacket of his suit and threw it towards the sky!

  At the same time his mouth is still singing: "Iwannamakeuprightnownana"

  Everyone was infected by Chen Mubai's actions, and the people off the court began to cheer.

  Europeans and Americans are more unrestrained, so the atmosphere is very burning.

  This is also the first time they feel that Chen Mubai, a Chinese, is a bit different from other Chinese.

  He is not rigid or serious, he is passionate and talented, he is not trivial, they like this character very much!

  No matter how much you know, it’s not as good as seeing it with your own eyes. This time, Chen Mubai’s name impressed everyone on the scene very deeply!

After   Chen Mubai’s performance, the audience once again gave warm applause. Everyone liked this song very much.

   Soon, the awards party officially began.

  The previous awards are relatively small, and the winning works are all famous films before. Movies like "Brave Heart" are all rushing for the biggest awards.

  "The works that won the Best Editing Award at this Venice Film Festival include "Brave Heart", "Life is Short", "Bowknot" and "Buried Alive"."


   "These two high-profile movies, meet each other!"

  Everyone's expressions were shocked, "Brave Heart" and "Buried Alive" are considered the most famous movies in it.

  "The work that won the Best Editing Award this year is "Bowknot"!"


  Everyone applauded, the director of the bow came forward to accept the award, and excitedly expressed his feelings about the award.

  This result is not unexpected, because the principle of equal division of awards, once the first prize is won, the chance of winning the next prize is lower.

  So the more award-winning works, the more you won’t get the prize in the front, it’s all in the back!

  The previous award-winning works can be said to have basically missed the final prize.

  Of course, not every movie goes for the Golden Lion Award, nor does it have the qualifications.

  For many crews, it’s pretty good to be able to gain something.

  "The nominees for this year’s Best Screenplay Award..."Buried Alive"."

  "Buried alive" was shortlisted again. This script is really good, and everyone is not surprised that this script is shortlisted.

  It’s not that there is no such kind of movies like calling for help in the past, but there is no such thing as one person acting the whole game, let alone being linked to politics!

   "The best screenplay award this year is "Dark Night Stars"!"


   "Did you get this award for "Buried Alive"?"


   "It should be "Buried Alive"!"

   "Don't worry, this award won't be given to "Buried Alive". Is it because the award is behind?"


  People on the scene whispered because of the discussion about the ownership of this award.

  In China, Chinese netizens watched the awards party live through a website.

  After they watched Chen Mubai's live performance, everyone was excitedly scrolling through the barrage.

   Then I was waiting for the awards. After a long wait, the name of "Buried Alive" finally appeared in the awards. Everyone looked excited and waited for the awards to be announced.

  After that, neither of the two awards had anything to do with "Buried Alive", and everyone was blasted with angry barrage to express dissatisfaction.

  Some people even think this is discrimination. It’s obvious that Buried Alive is better, why didn’t it win the prize?

  But then someone analyzed the reason for not winning. It may be that the bigger prize is behind, so everyone is better off and continues to wait for the award party to proceed.

  "The nominations for the best actor of the year include "Brave Heart" Trove Swift, "Explosive Expert" Mondi Canasi, "Perfume" Tvov James, and "Buried Alive" Chen Mubai."

  "Buried Alive" was shortlisted for the award once again. This is also the fifth award shortlisted for "Buried Alive". The previous awards for best editing, soundtrack, etc. were only nominated and have not yet been awarded.

  Best Male Leading Actor, the gold content of this award is very high, second only to the Golden Lion Award, Silver Lion Award, and Best Director, which belong to the same level of awards.

  This is also the highest award for actors. The Golden Lion and Silver Lion awards are film awards and have nothing to do with individuals.

  This is the grand prize. Every shortlisted film is a well-known work in this film festival, and it is also the most promising work for everyone.

  (End of this chapter)

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