Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 653: Funny constantly

   Chapter 653

  After the can was dropped, the screen turned, instead of displaying the next screen, it turned to the rest of the scene.

  The funny four eyes that appeared in the trailer before appeared. With a briefcase in his arms, he found an old man talking and took out a document for him to sign.

  According to the content of the conversation, the boss of Four Eyes wanted the factory to close down, but the boss was unwilling. There was still more than 20 days before the documents on the contract, and both parties were delaying.

  Next is the appearance of three thieves.

  The three people pretended to be employees of the moving company and carried out theft, looted the residents’ homes, and encountered a traffic police ticket when they went out.

  The three are thieves, afraid that this incident will be broken, if they are found, they will be arrested.

  The boss mustered up the courage and went to talk with the traffic police. The remaining two were nervous, and the boss's eyes were also cautious.

  Fearing to be exposed, Xia Fan's black skin slowly approached the traffic policeman from the other side of the car, while taking out the hammer from his sleeve, he was ready to stun the traffic policeman and escape.

   "This is a little bold!"

   "In broad daylight, would you dare to attack the police when you are in the sky?"

   "In the trailer I watched earlier, Xia Fan was being chased by someone on an electric car. I thought he was very embarrassed. I didn't expect him to be so courageous?"

  Xia Fan’s behavior surprised many people, thinking that he was a funny person in the trailer, but he did not expect to be a ruthless character!

   "These three are very courageous, and they will definitely do more extraordinary things later, feeling a little lawless." The film critics once again recorded the three characters they saw.

   Brother Dao is the boss, and he has two younger brothers in charge. The younger brother is black-skinned and courageous, and the other one looks very small. There is a color of fear in his eyes, which shows that he is still very scared.

   "Bang!" With a loud noise, the traffic police looked aside.

  The black-skinned hammer hurriedly retracted, without slamming it down, everyone's attention was attracted by the sound just now.

  The camera turned, it turned out that the four-eyed car was hit, and two people were chasing behind.

   Seeing that his car had been hit with four eyes, he ran over to check.

   did not continue to play the next screen, but went to the rest of the scene again.

  The next step is Qian Duoduo's appearance. This is also his first appearance in a movie. As the protagonist, it is relatively rare to appear so late.

  He was driving, his companion was facing the lottery ticket number in the car, and he didn't win the prize. He was downcast, and Bao Shihong was chuckling.

  Between the two talks, they also revealed their occupations and personalities.

  Bao Shihong’s friend, likes to buy lottery tickets, hoping to win the lottery, but Bao Shihong himself does not believe this, and persuaded him not to buy it.

  Suddenly, something fell from the sky and broke the glass window of the car, and Bao Shihong stopped abruptly with a brake.

  The two were smashed and forced, especially Bao Shihong said: "You still expect dollars from the sky!"

  Then the glass of the car was smashed by something falling from the sky.

  Bao Shihong picked it up and saw that it was a can!

   "It's the can that Xie Xiaomeng threw at the beginning!"

   "Yes, that's it!"

   "Damn, I was here!"

   "The timeline of things is parallel. He threw down from the sky and hit the protagonist's car. What a coincidence!"

  The audience was speculating about the plot. Sure enough, after Bao Shihong went out, he saw the cable car in the sky. The can was thrown down from the cable car. They shouted at the cable car.

  Both of them got out of the car, the car did not apply the handbrake, and then the car slid down slowly and crashed into a car parked on the side of the road.

  The story of the previous scene happened.


   "Awesome, this story is right!"

   "All characters have an intersection, this setting is a bit interesting!"

   "Awesome, something, I think it's too awkward."

  The audience were amazed. They didn't expect that a can at the beginning would trigger so many chain reactions, just like the butterfly effect.

   Few works will adopt this narrative method. Now they see it, it is rare, and naturally they will be a little surprised.

  Film critics were also quite surprised to see this passage. They didn’t expect that the directing style of Chen Mubai’s film was completely different from the style of the previous one!

  This kind of narrative technique is much stronger for the director’s camera control ability, which is a linear narrative structure.

  General movies are based on the perspective of the first person, that is, the protagonist’s perspective to tell the story, bring the protagonist’s line of sight, and then follow the protagonist to experience their things, with a sense of substitution, but also a front-to-end structure.

  "Crazy Stone" belongs to the third-person narrative structure, which is an all-knowing and all-powerful narrative perspective, which takes a neutral perspective on the characters in the narrative story.

The audience is from the perspective of the narrator, so the audience can see all the stories and what happened to the characters. The audience is omniscient and omnipotent, but the characters in the play don’t know it. There is a lack of information. They look at the various characters in the play. Funny.

  At the beginning of this one, many film critics have been energized, and if they want to focus more on the development of the next thing, everyone's mind about Chen Mubai's ability has risen to another level.

   "I really didn't expect him to be so young and have such a strong ability. The key is that he is still improving. It is really scary." Roger couldn't help but sigh while watching the movie.

  After that, everyone continued to watch the story, and all the characters also had an intersection, and the four eyes and the security chief officially had an intersection.

   "Goudi, high-tech, unmanned!" I looked at the empty cab and looked at my own car lights.

   "You didn't see it, don't (B) touch (M) me (W), you still touch, you melon baby!"

  When four eyes said this, the whole audience was laughing crazy.

   "So this is the meaning of the BMW logo? This is the first time I know!"

  "Me too, haha, I have to get a sticker when I go home, Chen Mubai's brain circuit is very strange!"

   "Unexpectedly, the Sichuan dialect is a bit interesting, too funny."

   "Four eyes are too funny."

  The audience laughed and talked, and the atmosphere in the whole theater was very relaxed and happy.

   "Husband, this is so funny!" The woman twitched her smiling belly and lay on the man's arm.

  She laughed and tears were about to come out. She herself was a more emotional person with a low smile.

   "Well, it's not bad indeed." The man also responded with a smile, and at the same time stopped his wife to prevent her from knocking.

  Although the laugh point is not bad in this section, the man still doesn't find it particularly funny, and his laugh point is higher.

   Bao Shihong needs to pay 8,000 yuan for four eyes, he only has 3,000, and the remaining 5,000 will be given later, and the driver's license is mortgaged with him.

  After returning, Siyan talked to the boss about the factory and the emerald stone. The boss decided to find someone to steal the stone, so that the exhibition could not be completed, and the factory would definitely go bankrupt!

  Bao Shihong knew about the exhibition. He was the only person in the factory who came out of the police academy and was responsible for security issues.

  The three little thieves pretending to be moving employees to steal were reported on TV. They could only steal by another method.

  They thought of deceiving people, but still no one was fooled and their IQ was not too high.

  However, they stopped at the airport the international thief who was found by the boss to steal the emerald stone, that is, Mike played by Chen Mubai. With flexible cooperation, they stole Chen Mubai’s box.

"What the heck!"

  Seeing that his box was stolen, and the person who had just blindfolded his eyes disappeared. The international bandit had just arrived in Qing city and planted a somersault. He was a little helpless.

Because of his status as an international thief, coupled with his high-definition appearance, he looks like an elite. As a result, when he first came here, he was played by three little thieves with low IQ. This contrast. Make everyone laugh again.

   "A strong dragon does not crush a snake!"

   "No matter how awesome they are, they still have to suffer locally, indicating that these thieves may not have great wisdom, but there are still many such small methods."

   "Chen Mubai is so handsome, this outfit is simply the rich and handsome among this group of people!"

   "It's really handsome, I take care of the beauty of this show."

  Some viewers sighed that Chen Mubai’s dressing in this movie is absolutely responsible for his appearance.

   is also true, except for him, the other characters are very marketable, or they are middle-aged greasy men, or wretched.

  Only Chen Mubai dressed up trendy and handsome, and there is also an elite style on his face, which is completely different from the ordinary folks and has a strong contrast.

  Then the three thieves went back to play with Mike's box. After opening it, they found that it was news about the emerald stone. Combined with the news on TV, Brother Dao determined that Mike had come to steal the emerald stone.

  Thinking of the value of the emerald stone, Brother Dao and his group decided to steal the stone.

  In this way, the three parties came together, Bao Shihong defended the jade, Mike and Dao were divided into two groups of thieves who were thinking about the jade, and a battle was about to unfold in the dark.

  "Come with me!" Jingjing called Brother Dao.

   "I am now in the upswing period of my career." Brother Dao said helplessly: "We must be bigger and stronger!"


   "This brother Dao is a bit funny, do you want to be bigger and stronger as a thief?"

   "When theft is a sale, can it be listed?"

  Everyone was amused again, and the audience was full of joyful laughter.

  Unexpectedly, Brother Dao looked fierce. It turned out to be so funny, and as expected, the heads of the three thieves were not very bright.

   "Isn't this the woman from the beginning?"

   "Yes, I was picked up by that wretched Xie Xiaomeng."

   "So she is Brother Dao's girlfriend!"

   “In this way, Xie Xiaomeng is the son of the factory manager. He chased Brother Dao’s girlfriend. Brother Dao thought about the stone again, and this line came out.” The film critic was surprised again at the paving in front of Chen Mubai.

  It turned out that Jingjing did not appear to expand the character of Xie Xiaomeng, but to bury clues that the two sides will overlap in advance, and there will definitely be intersections later. Roger realized that things are not that simple.

  Coincidentally, in order to better observe the Luohan Temple, Brother Tao stayed in the night Paris reception, and Bao Shihong felt that he was condescending and controlled to live in the night Paris. There was only a wall between the two!

  I have to say, it has a comedic effect.

   "This is too much!"

   "Awesome, so the two groups have met, but they don't know each other's identity. They live under the same roof, which is a bit powerful."

  “Chen Mubai’s setting is really wonderful, I can’t stop watching it. It’s much better than other movies where you can know the storyline of the following at the beginning!


  The audience realized that a good show was about to be staged, and various forces began to make a fuss about jade.

  (End of this chapter)

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