Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 494 What about your home court?

"However, this is indeed a very good time. The naval force is empty, and the guarding force is unprecedentedly weak. With our current force, it should not be difficult!" Crocodile rolled a smoke.

"Since none of you have any objections, let's go!"

"Remember, I don't need you to do anything. Your task is to protect the ship. Otherwise, we will really be unable to fly, understand!"

"Hehehe, no problem!" Moriah was the first to reply.

"Don't underestimate us!" Dai Peng took a sip of his wine and grinned.

"Okay, let's go!" Bai Shui knew the strength of these people, so he embarked on the journey to the city of advancement.

Advance the city!

"The big pirate white eagle Ronle white water strikes! Be on alert!!!"

The arrival of Baishui caused a huge commotion in an instant, and the entire advancing city was in chaos.

"The haze ball is weak!"

Baishui was still very friendly to the soldiers in the city, but they were stunned with a weak electric current.

When the white water came, no one could stop it except for a certain person.

The entrance to the fifth level prison!

"Longer Baishui, I won't let you mess around!" The only person who could stop Baishui was Magellan who was demoted to deputy warden due to his fault.

"Magellan, get out of the way, you are not my opponent!"

Facing Magellan, it was rare for Bai Shui not to directly attack, but to argue with him.

"Impossible, as the deputy warden, I must be worthy of this position!"

The venom boiled all over Magellan's body, slowly forming a huge Satan-like giant.

"Even if the world government/government treats you like that, you still stick to it so long ago, don't you plan to get out of the way?"

Seeing more and more people surrounding him, Bai Shui asked calmly.

"That's right, the old man must be responsible to the people of the whole world. Since they handed over this place to me, I have the responsibility to guard it and not release any prisoners!"

Hearing this, Bai Shui sighed: "Forget it, since you don't plan to get out of the way, then I have no choice but to beat you down!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Shui opened his hand and held it, and the God Mie Dao appeared, "Assassinate him, God Mie Dao!" After saying that, he saw a scarlet horse galloping past, bringing up a distorted air.


As expected of Magellan, Magellan escaped the blow by materializing part of his body ahead of time.

"But, can it really be avoided?"

Seeing this, Bai Shui couldn't help smiling.


Magellan suddenly let out a cry of pain, only to see that his materialized part was actually evaporated by extremely rapid boiling.

"Big fire!"

When Bai Shui got close, he just punched out.

"Poison Dragon!"

Magellan created a poisonous dragon with his hand, and stood in front of Baishui.


However, in the face of white water, this poisonous dragon has no resistance, it will collapse at the touch of a touch, and evaporates extremely quickly under the terrifying high temperature of the big flame.

But Bai Shui did not move forward again, instead retreated.

Because the air is full of poisonous gas.

"Sure enough, in the confined space, you are absolutely invincible!"

Even Baishui couldn't ignore the poisonous gas.

"Poison field!"

Seeing that Baishui did not come after him again, Magellan launched another attack.

"Do you want to use venom to restrict my actions in a confined space? I have to say, this is a good idea, but unfortunately, it is unrealistic for me!"

Seeing this, Bai Shui couldn't help smiling, and when he opened his hand, a flame with a terrifying temperature gushed away, burning the venom released by Magellan at a very high speed, causing Magellan's expression to change drastically, and he quickly backed away.

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