Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 679: The tiger has fallen into Pingyang

This kind of temptation is very great for these vicious pirates on the sea, especially the condition of joining the Blackbeard Pirates is enough to make them join the queue to capture Baishui.

Approaching the sea surface in the first half of the great route.

"Want my head? Come and get it, I'm waiting for you!"

From the mouth of the pirate he had just defeated, Bai Shui learned of Blackbeard's plan to kill him.

But Bai Shui is not panic at all, since Blackbeard wants his head, let him see who wants whose head!

He Longer Baishui will not just admit defeat so easily.

Meanwhile, world governments.

"Longer Baishui cannot be left behind, it must be removed!"

"I agree, we can't leave him above the sea!"

"Well, there are too many miracles that happened to him. If we can't guarantee it, he will create another miracle!"

"Since that's the case, let's take advantage of his turning into a useless person and send someone to kill him!"

On the issue of getting rid of Baishui, Wu Laoxing's opinions were surprisingly unanimous.

"Then let those people from CP9 go, just let me see how strong they are this year?"

The second generation Guiche Wulaoxing said.

"Well, that's it!"

The rest of the people had no objections and agreed with the opinion of the second generation Guiche Wulaoxing.

Getting rid of Baishui is a heart disease for them.

White water never dies, they will always be a little restless.

Because they are afraid that Baishui will create miracles again. When the time comes, there will be another battle. The world government/government can't afford such a heavy loss.

Bai Shui didn't know that he was being targeted by the world government/government again. At this moment, he who was advancing rapidly on the sea encountered obstacles in his way again.

This stumbling block is not someone else.

It is a person Baishui is very familiar with - Cabella!

Yes, it was the dwarf who possessed the ability of Baishui's previous devil fruit. He was quite powerful and had a bounty of 350 million. For Baishui at this moment, he could be considered a super strong enemy.

"It seems that in order to hunt down and kill me, Blackbeard really spent all his money, even a general with such strength as you was sent out!"

Bai Shui squinted his eyes, but he had already secretly held the button to fire the light cannon!

Kabela is different from Sokubeka, and is an opponent worthy of Baishui's seriousness.

Because Bai Shui knew very well that if he slacked off in the slightest, Cabela would seize the opportunity and take his life.

Sokubeka would be proud and be killed by him because of his carelessness, but Kabela would not.

Baishui is well aware of Cabella's strength, although he is greedy and conceited, he will never give Baishui a chance to take advantage of it.

"Longer Baishui, what happened to you reminds me of an old saying that no matter how powerful a hero is, there will be a day of failure. This sentence is too vivid to describe you at this moment!"

Cabela retracted her wings and landed on the Baishui boat with her hands behind her back, looking like a master.

"Hehe, I'll give you this sentence too. Why, you think this will kill me!"

Bai Shui smiled, with a calm face, without any sense of panic.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Do you want to kill yourself or let me do it, but if you let me do it, the pain may be doubled!"

Cabella raised her head slightly, looking like a proud peacock.

"Hehe, I don't intend to kill myself, nor do I intend to be killed by you! Cabella, you should know my temper, I'm not the kind of person who will give up easily!"

Bai Shui took a step back, then took out a musket from his body, pointed at Cabela and pulled the trigger.

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