Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 684 Take the initiative to be beaten

"Forget it, the original plan was to go to sea after recovering a little strength on Kuroro Island, and then slowly undo the seal on his body."

"3 But now that my strength has recovered to this level, it doesn't matter whether I go to Kuroro Island or not. Anyway, I won't make much progress if I go there!"

"However, even so, my primary goal now is still to become stronger. It seems that being beaten will loosen the seal in my body. Regardless of whether it is really effective or not, let's try it!"

Bai Shui has never been a person who procrastinates. After having this idea, he immediately put it into practice.

But don't get me wrong, the beating he refers to is not letting the pirates beat him, he wants to be more crazy and bold.

He wants to find the Sea King Beast to beat him up.

Because he found that the stronger the beating, the faster the seal in his body would loosen.

"Come on, let me see if this idea is right!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped into the sea and ran straight to the Sea King Beast on the bottom of the sea.

Ten minutes later.


A violent and ferocious hiss came from the bottom of the sea, and then, a big bag suddenly bulged up on the surface of the sea, and a black shadow shot out from the big bag, tearing the air at a high speed, making a sharp and sharp sound, and then it was like a parabola come down.




"It seems that my thinking is correct. Being beaten can indeed make me stronger, and the effect is multiplied at the bottom of the sea. In just ten minutes, the seal on my body has loosened by one ten-thousandth!"

"Blackbeard, just wait, I will let you know that I regret it!"

Bai Shui clenched his fists, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"And you, don't push yourself too hard, I let you because you are still valuable, don't force me to kill you to fill my stomach!"

Seeing the sea king coming towards him, Bai Shui narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice.


The Neptune neighed in horror, and then plunged into the sea again.

"Then, let's find something to eat next!"

After Bai Shui adjusted his breath, he plunged into the sea again.

Of course, the sea kings in the North Sea are not as terrifying as the New World, and Baishui's current strength is enough to deal with them.

Thirty minutes later!


A huge pig-headed dragon carcass, its eyes turned white and floated up, and there was a hole the size of a fist in its head, blood was constantly oozing out, and the surroundings were full of sea kings, but because of Bai Shui's icy breath, he did not dare to act rashly .

There were no islands around, and there was no place to light a fire, but Bai Shui needed nutrition to restore his body, so he gave full play to his ability and directly grilled meat with a flame knife.

It has to be said that Baishui's idea was quite successful. At least he had a mouthful of hot food on top of the boundless sea. Although it wasn't very delicious, it could at least replenish the energy that Baishui needed.


After eating this big meal for an entire hour, Bai Shui lay down on the boat feeling satisfied with his stomach, and then quickly digested it, turning it into nutrients to fill his whole body.

"Comfortable, no matter what time it is, it always makes people feel happy to have a full stomach!"

Bai Shui only felt that the pores of his whole body were opened, and he greedily breathed the nutrients in the air. His flesh and blood seemed to be glowing, cheering, and a strong breath slowly spread out.

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