Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 825: After all, war has no eyes

"Auxiliary Combat Corps, Rear Tail Corps, keep up! Don't forget my arrangement!"

After the Vanguard Combat Corps rushed to Cassinoa Island, Baishui immediately gave orders to the remaining two corps.


The leaders of the two regiments responded, and then followed closely with their respective personnel.

This is the purpose of Baishui's recruitment of 5,000 people this time. The high-level combat power and the middle-level combat power are important, but the bottom-level combat power cannot be ignored.

Before recruiting these 5,000 people, the White Eagle Sea Regiment already had nearly 20,000 people at the bottom, and half of the 20,000 people came from Crocodile and Tezoro.

Shiliu of the Rain is used to working alone, so although he established a small faction, he didn't recruit many subordinates.

The Red Hair Pirates, on the other hand, have always believed in an elite policy. Therefore, apart from the necessary cadres, there are very few bottom-level combat forces, only about two or three hundred people.

"Don't panic, keep the array, follow the sequence arranged in advance, raise the gun, and load it!"

The navy responded immediately. A rear admiral squinted his eyes and gave a preparation order to the navy soldiers behind him.

In fact, there is no need for the rear admiral to give orders. Those who can participate in this battle are the elites of the navy, and they know what to do when facing the enemy.

And these governments/governments also responded in the same way, and the soldiers of the world government/government also lined up and raised their guns.

World government/government fighters also have another name, the army!

But in fact, the environment in which they fought is basically inextricably linked to the sea. After all, about 90% of the world is covered by oceans.

It's just that the army's establishment is not as powerful as the navy, and it cannot separate itself from the world government/government. Therefore, it does not have the powerful background of the navy.

However, the top five killers of the world government/government are basically selected from among army officers.

Before the top five killers of the world government/government entered this queue, they were basically equivalent to the presence of admirals or admirals of the navy.


When the pirates were less than 10 meters away from the navy, the rear admiral immediately and decisively gave the firing order.

"Da da da!"

"Bang bang bang!"



The Vanguard Combat Corps almost all lived by swords, so in the face of the sudden hail of bullets, they had little resistance.

Seeing this, the auxiliary corps yelled that it was not good. Quickly speeding up, organized a defensive force, and protected the Vanguard Combat Corps.

The tail wing corps in the rear are all people with special skills, and most of them are proficient in swords and guns. Therefore, they immediately found the right place, and then organized to launch a counterattack against the navy and the world government.

They must suppress the gunfire of the navy and the world government/government, otherwise, the Vanguard Combat Corps is almost useless, it is just going to die!

"After all, he came out of the navy, and he knows how to march! Let these pirates who only know how to charge independently, also learn to unite and cooperate, and play the effect of one plus one greater than two!"

"This guy is really a genius. Therefore, people like him who will affect the security and stability of the world government must be eliminated!"

Im glanced at Baishui on the boat, his eyes were filled with coldness.




The pirates of the Tail Wing Corps in the rear did not admit defeat at all, and were even a little brave to die. They actually slowly suppressed the navy's firepower, causing screams from the navy's side immediately.

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