Section 51: Meng Yuan Prince wants to fight

“I didn’t think that the final result is that the little arrow god is trying to identify the air.” “This is also inevitable. The book comes from. [Full text] Both sides broke out such a fierce offensive, against the monster essence itself, the spirit in the body itself. Light is a very heavy burden. “”Chu Yun’s stealth monster is too sharp. It causes the little arrow god to evade with a peerless movement technique, which consumes a lot of physical strength. It eventually affects the situation.” Many outsiders are The little arrow god is a pity, the people on the Shu family are happy. In the influences of various parties such as Iron House, Ma Family, and Wei Family, many people are naturally gloomy. They are looking forward to the defeat of Chu Yun, the hand of others, to defeat the power of Chu Yun. But the day is not awkward, Chu Yun wins. “Chu Yun defeated the little arrow god. Among the younger generation, only Yushusheng has the possibility to compete with him! When did the Zhuxing Islands actually come out, occupying the generation of the peak of Stellar Province? “There are people who are sighing. The Zhuxing Islands have been through war and the resources are very serious. There have been no such outstanding young people in hundreds of thousands of years. “There are fewer Island Lords in our family. It is really the most powerful. You can see that even the little arrow god is not the opponent of Chu Yun, and he believes that he lost. “Shu family people are tall and spleen, full of temper. Pride. “It was not a shame to lose in the hands of the bully.” Even the Yan family was nodding. Since the return of the Shu family, under the hands of Yan Que, they have gradually integrated into the Shu family. “Chu Yun can be said to be a strong return. How can this be good? Shu family is like a tiger, Shu Tianhao, Huang Xiao brings us tremendous pressure. Now even Chu Yun is back. “Many neighboring Shu Family Island The island forces are very worried and face to face. Chu Yun shows the five spirit monsters, and the cultivation base has reached the carbon peak in the Star Islands. The impact is enormous. In the countless sentiments of the various forces, the genius war of this archipelago has finally fallen. “Little Arrow God, don’t hurry. Come to me and drink a few glasses of wine in the Island Lord’s House.” After the war, Chu Yun directly invited. Suo Yuan Prince smiled bitterly: “In the face of the little bully

Before, how dare I claim to be a small arrow god? My name is unknown, and I will be small in the future.

Overlord can call my real name directly. ”

His arrogance was completely defeated by Chu Yun’s war.

There is a bit more between them.

Chu Yun feels good, and all the genius characters have arrogance

Things, unwilling to fail. But this little arrow god, but lost

Can afford to be open-minded. When even the road said: “The brother of the cable is also called

Calling my little bully, I brought good wine this time, we must

Have a good time. ”

“haha, good! Even the good wine that Brother Chu feels, I am

Fly must have a taste. “Prince, Prince, laughed and looked up.

In fact, his heart is not very calm.

Although he is the youngest among many Princes, he is

Out of the ordinary, has been qualified in the past, has been Mengyuan Guozhong

The most eagerly anticipated genius.

From small to large, he has never been in the hands of his peers.

Failed. It is now the first in the hands of Chu Yun.


The taste of failure is naturally uncomfortable, especially on the initiative.

Losing, acknowledging failure, is not pleasant. “hehe, I am talking about drinking.

The wine has always been very good. Some of my brothers, I can’t drink

I. Brother Chu, you have to be careful. ”

The battlefield lost, the wine field will win back. Sofei is drinking

Before the wine, the fighting spirit was high and the battle intent was like fire.

This well-behaved child does not know Chu Yun’s terrifying.

Malty Snow Knife responded with aura, making Chu Yun very terrifying. on

Even the tens of thousands of years of tribulation monster riots are not the opposite of Chu Yun.


“This! We drink directly from the jar, can we? Chu Yun

The style is really bold. . . “I saw this drink for you.

With the Mengyuan Prince, it is big startled.

“No, no, Brother Chu, you are a monster.

? You drink a lot more than me, actually a little bit of alcohol in your mouth.

nothing? “After three rounds of wine, Sorin Prince once again admitted.

“Brother Chu, don’t fill me. Younger brother, I am willing to go down the wind, right.

Yes, I have business in this trip, business affairs.

After seven rounds of wine, he fell directly to the ground, hū hū sleep.

However, Chu Yun does not change his color, his heart does not jump, his eyes are still 6.


这些酒水,对他来讲,不过是毛毛雨罢要知道当初他和暴动猿王拼酒,可是以酒缸算的。[ ]而且如今tribulation monster 的灵气反哺过来,他的身体、魂魄素质比先前不知强悍了多少倍。这点酒算不了什么,喝了等于没喝。“来人啊,把蒙飞小Prince 搀扶上床,好好休息。“他朝左右叮嘱了一番,就站起身来,在仆从们敬佩万分的视线中,没事人一样朝屋外走去。两个月余的时间,Shu Family City 比以前繁荣热闹了三倍!Chu Yun 兴致一起,走在城中,随处闲逛,看到的是一份欣欣向荣的景象。主街道上人流穿梭不息。商业街道上,各种店铺两两相连,招牌迎风高挂的孩童、忙碌的威年人,跑出来约会的少男少女,组成众生百态。Chu Yun 没有引来骚动,以他如今的影响力,一旦公然现身,必将引发混乱。他用无色虹妖裹住自己,像隐形人一般,惬意游荡。Shu Family City 被Yan Que 和Yu Ya 大师两人合力,规划得十分出色。以前只算是一个土城,如今却有向大都市转变的迹象。Chu Yun 知道,这个城市,在Shu family 高层的规利中,将会成为一座繁华似锦的海滨城甲。而Shu family 新的主城,则是正在兴建当中,规模之宏大足有十数倍的火德城。这座依据火山兴建的庞大城池,由炼兵大师Yu Ya 亲自督造。巧妙地利用地热能源,一旦建成,将成为不下蒸笼岛的,炼兵师争相蜂拥的炼兵sacred ground 。同时,它还是沟通地下世界的通道据点。如今地底世界,也在有条不紊地开发当中。每天都能带给Shu family 鸟巨额的利润、庞大的资源。在地底世界的a手*打]更下一层,是火海溶洞。那里生长着一株茂盛的不尽木。这株火德王当年的Destiny 妖植下,还庇护着一头tribulation monster 怒火明王。Chu Yun 逛了一会儿,走出Shu Family City ,就来到了火德城。“嗯?火德城居然建造得这么快!竟然已经快要完工了?“Chu Yun 公然现身,见到火德城时,却大吃一惊。这座城池,依山而建,十分庞大。从山炭一直蔓延到山脚,城池红砖铜墙,带着上古时代的建筑风格,古扑而又高贵,富丽而且堂皇。宛若赤铜长龙盘踞在山峦上,默默散发出一股雄霸天下的气息。“这座火德城随着建筑过程中,不断地完善,规模越来越庞大。若是无中生有,从头新建,只怕数十年都完不成。不过我们将炎Patriarch 岛上的铜城遗迹,直接拆迁下来,这些上古时代的建筑法,如今早已经失传。古今结合,不仅令建造进度大为提升,同时也带来极为优秀的防御能力。“Yu Ya 大师为Chu Yun 解惑道。“原来如此。“Chu Yun 想起当初进攻炎家时,从地面上浮上来的遗迹景象。那个时候,的确叫他大吃一惊。同时守护遗迹的fire copper 傀儡,也曾带给了Shu family 不小的伤亡。如今火德城,采用了上古秘制建材,又结合新法打造,简直是固若金汤。“对了,这些炼兵手札,我交给你。乃是我在瑶山国杀了玉书生夺来的,请Yu Ya uncle 你务必为我紧守秘密。“Chu Yun 将杀人夺宝的大部分收获,都移交给了Yu Ya 。Yu Ya 此人品性值得信赖,同时若是玉书生失踪得太久,这些炼兵手法也见不得光,必须要注意。Chu Yun 索性说出了真相。“连玉书生都败给了少Island Lord ?“Yu Ya 自然又startled ,looked deeply Chu Yun ,感慨道,“当初我就知道,少鸟主你绝非池中之物。没有想到如今已是名哥其实的年轻一代第一人了。“他接着稍稍测览了一下手札,又大joyfully said :“好,这些炼兵手札,都是每座书院中的镇院之宝,皆是不传之秘。我掌握了这些手法,能让火德城的防御力再平添三分。这些炼兵手札,太烫手,完金掌握了之后,我就会亲手毁去。同时使用的时候,也会改头换面,少Island Lord 放心。““嗯Chu Yun 点点头,又道,“这是我找uncle 你的第一件事情。第二件事情,是请uncle 你建造几座大型的宝石密门,能传送到瑶山国无尽之森。第三件事情,是要构造天坛,一共八座。““能直接传送到瑶山国的宝石密门?距离太长远了,大型密门还不行,必须是巨型密门。不过这个东西,构造起来,需要人手,同时时间也很长。每一座至少得有三个月的制造时间。“Yu Ya frowns 想了想,忽然猛地一抬头,惊醒过来,“天坛?我没听锚。少鸟主你掌握了天坛的构造法门?““其实天坛和Earth Altar 差得并不太多,我的确已经掌控了它。“Chu Yun 点头,坦然承认。天坛的制造方法,当然是他从万兽王的心得卷轴中看到的。万兽王在卷轴中列举了各种spirit light 契约,其中的守护契约一项内,不仅包含了Earth Altar 、天坛,甚至还有星坛、水坛等等,针对各种地域环境。Chu Yun 将天坛的方法,告诉了Yu Ya 。Yu Ya 吓了一跳:“难怪天坛会渐渐消失了,这些当中有些材料,十分稀有。不过若是动用Shu family 金力,进行收取,还是会有的。这样一来,每一座天坛的成本就十分高昂了。我的乖乖,每一座天坛,几乎是火德城的成本10% 。““没有想到,最后的结果,是小箭认输。““这也是必然的。双方爆发出这样凶猛的攻势,对妖物本身的monster essence ,自己体内的spirit light ,都是一种十分沉重的负担。““Chu Yun 的隐身妖物,太过于犀利了。导致小箭神以绝世movement technique 躲避,消耗了大量的体力。最终影响到了战局。“很多外人都为小箭神可惜,Shu family 一方的人则是欢天喜地。诸如铁家、Ma Family 、Wei Family 等各方势力中,自然就有很多人脸色阴沉。他们盼望着Chu Yun 的落败,以外人之手,打掉Chu Yun 的威势。但是天不遂人愿,Chu Yun 胜了。“Chu Yun 战小箭神,年轻一代当中,只有玉书生还有能和他匹敌的可能!什么时候起,诸星群岛这块居然也能出了个,占据Stellar Province 炭峰的后生一代了。“有外人兴叹。诸星群岛久经战火,资源内耗得十分严重。数十万年都未有这么优秀的年轻人出现了。“我们家的少鸟主,果真是最厉害的。你们看看,连小箭神都不是Chu Yun 的对手,自认亏输。“Shu family 人个个昂首挺胸,睥睨四方,充满了自豪感。“当初输在小霸王的手中,也不是一件羞耻的事情。“就连炎家人,也在点头。自从归降了Shu family 之后,在Yan Que 的手腕下,他们已经渐渐地融入到Shu family 里来。“Chu Yun 可以说是强势回归。这可如何是好?Shu family 如猛虎卧畔,Shu Tianhao 、黄孝就带给我们庞大的压力。如今连Chu Yun 都回来了。“很多邻近Shu Family Island 的海岛势力,都十分担忱,面有愁容。Chu Yun 展现出了五头spirit monster 战力,这份cultivation base 已经达到诸星群鸟中的武力炭峰。带来的影响力,是极其巨大的。在各方势力无数种情怀思绪中,这场群岛瞩目的天才战,终于落下了雅幕。“小箭神,别急着走。来我少Island Lord 府院中,喝几杯酒。“战罢收手,Chu Yun 直接邀约道。蒙元Prince 苦笑一声:“在小霸王你的面前,我怎敢自称小箭神?我姓蒙名飞,今后小、霸王可直接称呼我本名。“他的傲气被Chu Yun 这一战彻底打没了,言辞之间便多了几分恳切。Chu Yun 好感顿生,大凡天才人物都有恃才傲物,不甘失败的秉性。但是这个小箭神,却输得起,心胸开阔。当即便道:“那蒙兄也别称呼我小霸王了,我这次带来了好酒,咱们一定要好好喝上一场。““haha ,好!连Brother Chu 都觉得的好酒,我索飞一定得尝一尝。“蒙元Prince 仰头大笑一声,其实他心里也很不平静。他虽然在诸多Prince 中,年龄最小,但是由于自幼聪颖质出众out of the ordinary ,一直是蒙元国中举国瞩目,备受期待的天才。从小到大,他从未在和同龄人的交手中,失败过。如今惨败在Chu Yun 手中,可以说是第一次。失败的滋味自然不好受,尤其是主动认输,承认失败,更是不会愉快。“hehe 呵,我战到喝酒,一直酒量甚佳。我的几位王兄,都喝不过我。Brother Chu ,你可得小心了。“战场失利,酒场上就要赢回来。索飞在喝酒之前,斗志昂扬,battle intent 如火。这个可恰的孩子,还不知道Chu Yun 的terrifying 。Malty Snow Knife 反哺灵气,使得Chu Yun 酒量十分terrifying 。就连千万年的tribulation monster 头子暴动猿,都不是Chu Yun 的对手。“这!我们用酒坛直接喝,可以吗?Chu Yun 的风格果真是豪爽啊。。。“甫一见到这饮酒用具,蒙元Prince 就大startled 。“不行了,不行了Brother Chu ,你是怪物吗?你喝得比我只多不少,居然口中一点酒气都没有?“酒过三巡,蒙元Prince 再次认输。“Brother Chu ,别灌我了。小弟我甘拜下风,对了,我此行还有正事,正事酒过七巡,他直接栽倒在地,hū hū 大睡。而Chu Yun 面不改色,心不乱跳,眼神仍6日清明如水。这些酒水,对他来讲,不过是毛毛雨罢了。要知道当初他和暴动猿王拼酒,可是以酒缸算的。而且如今tribulation monster 的灵气反哺过来,他的身体、魂魄素质比先前不知强悍了多少倍。这点酒算不了什么,喝了等于没喝。“来人啊,把索飞小Prince 搀扶上床,好好休息。“他朝左右叮嘱了一番,就站起身来,在仆从们敬佩万分的视线中,没事人一样朝屋外走去。两个月余的时间,Shu Family City 比以前繁荣热闹了三倍!Chu Yun 兴致一起,走在城中,随处闲逛,看到的是一份欣欣向荣的景象。主街道上人流穿梭不息。商业街道上,各种店铺两两相连,招牌迎风高挂。小摊贩、玩耍的孩童碌的威年人,跑出来约会的少男少女,组成众生百态。Chu Yun 没有引来骚动,以他如今的影响力,一旦公然现身,必将引发混乱。他用无色虹妖裹住自己,像隐形人一般,惬意游荡。Shu Family City 被Yan Que 和Yu Ya 大师两人合力,规划得十分出色。以前只算是一个土城,如今却有向大都市转变的迹象。Chu Yun 知道,这个城市,在Shu family 高层的规划中,将会成为一座繁华似锦的海滨城市。而Shu family 新的主城,则是正在兴建当中,规模之宏大足有十数倍的火德城。这座依据火山兴建的庞大城池,由炼兵大师Yu Ya 亲自督造。巧妙地利用地热能源,一旦建成,将成为不下蒸笼岛的,炼兵师争相蜂拥的炼兵sacred ground 。同时,它还是沟通地下世界的通道据点。如今地底世界,也在有条不紊地开发当中。每天都能带给Shu Family Island 巨额的利润、庞大的资源。在地底世界的更下一层,是火海溶洞。那里生长着一株茂盛的不尽木。这株火德王当年的Destiny 妖植下,还庇护着一头tribulation monster 怒火明王。Chu Yun 逛了一会儿,走出Shu Family City ,就来到了火德城。“嗯?火德城居然建造得这么快!竟然已经快要完工了?“Chu Yun 公然现身,见到火德城时,却大吃一惊。这座城池,依山而建,十分庞大。从山炭一直蔓延到山脚,城池红砖铜墙,带着上古时代的建筑风格,古朴而又高贵,富丽而且堂皇。宛若赤铜长龙盘踞在山峦上,默默散发出一股雅霸天下的气息。“这座火德城随着建筑过程中,不断地完善,规模越来越庞大。若是无中生有,从头新建,只怕数十年都完不成。不过我们将炎Patriarch 鸟上的铜城遗迹,直接拆迁下来,这些上古时代的建筑法,如今早已经失传。古今结合,不仅令建造进度大为提升,同时也带来极为优秀的防御能力。“Yu Ya 大师为Chu Yun 解惑道。“原来。“Chu Yun 想起当初进攻炎家时,从地面上浮上来的遗迹景象。那个时候,的确叫他大吃一惊。同时守护遗迹的fire copper 傀。儡,也曾带给了Shu family 不小的伤亡。如今火德城,采用了上古秘制建材,又结合新法打造,简直是固若金汤。“对了,这些炼兵手札,我交给你。乃是我在瑶山国杀了玉书生夺来的,请Yu Ya uncle 你务必为我紧守秘密。“Chu Yun 将杀人夺宝的大部分收获,都移交给了Yu Ya 。Yu Ya 此人品性值得信赖,同时若是玉书生失踪得太久,这些炼兵手法也见不得光,必须要注意。Chu Yun 索性说出了真相。“连玉书生都败给了少Island Lord ?“Yu Ya 自然又startled ,looked deeply Chu Yun ,感慨道,“当初我就知道,少鸟主你绝非池中之物。没有想到如今已是名哥其实的年轻一代第一人了。“他接着稍稍洌览了一下手札,又大joyfully said :“好,这些炼兵手札,都是每座书院中的镇院之宝,皆是不传之秘。我掌握了这些手法,能让火德城的防御力再平添三分。这些炼兵手札,太烫手,完全掌握了之后,我就会亲手毁去。同时使用的时候,也会改头换面,少Island Lord 放心。“云点点头,又道,“这是我找uncle 你的第一件事情。第二件事情,是请uncle 你建造几座大型的宝石密门,能传送到瑶山国无尽之森。第三件事情,是要构造天坛,一共八座。““能直接传送到瑶山国的宝石密门?距离太长远了,大型密门还不行,必须是巨型密门。不过这个东西,构造起来,需要人手,同时时间也很长。每一座至少得有三个月的制造时间。“Yu Ya frowns 想了想,忽然猛地一抬头,惊醒过来,“天坛?我没听锚。少鸟主你掌握了天坛的构造法门?““其实天坛和Earth Altar 差得并不太多,我的确已经掌控了它。“Chu Yun 点头,坦然承认。天坛的制造方法当然是他从万兽王的心得卷轴中看到的。万兽王在卷轴中列举了各种spirit light 契约,其

In the guardianship contract, it includes not only the Earth Altar, the Temple of Heaven, but also the star altar, the water altar, etc., for various geographical environments. Chu Yun told Yu Ya about the method of the Temple of Heaven. Yu Ya was shocked: “No wonder the Temple of Heaven will gradually disappear.

Some of these materials are very rare. However, if you use the Shu family Jinli, you will still have to collect it. In this way, the cost of each Temple of Heaven is very high. mine

Oh, every Temple of Heaven is almost 10% of the cost of Fire City. “

To be continued, please read the latest chapter:


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