绗琗NUMX鑺傦 fine 鐪熸镄勫ぉ gallium

杩欎竴鎴桡纴灏氭槸Chu Yun 绗竴娆”叏锷涘偓锷ㄥ寲阆扑箣娉曘€


鈥滃寲阆 箣娉曞 箣娉曞 寰楀彉镐侊纴涓嶆劎鏄 寰楀彉镐侊纴涓嶆劎鏄 濆憰蹇冩 濆憰蹇冩 濆憰蹇冩 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 搐鑳 搐鑳絾鏄 絾鏄 绉嶉 娉曪纴鍗 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € 鐢ㄥ晩鈥Base 灏嗗缑鍒版毚娑ㄥ晩銆傗€滳hu Yun 蹇冧腑镒熷徆锛屽垎澶栧彲鎯溿€

鍖栭 澶 澶 硶涔嬩笅锛屾牴 硶涔嬩笅锛屾牴 chain chain 変 浣曚笢瑗匡纴鑳 浣曚笢瑗匡纴鑳 浣曚笢瑗匡纴鑳 浣曚笢瑗匡纴鑳 娈嬬暀銆 浣峢 浣峢 浣峢涔嫔锛屽眳鐒 繛涓 镣 镣 镣 垬鍒╁ 垬鍒╁ 垬鍒╁ 垬鍒╁ 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮

杩椤緢涓岖钖圕hu Yun 镄勯镙笺€

鏀 捣鎴橀樀锛孋 捣鎴橀樀锛孋 Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效殑鑳滃埄 key

鈥滆 涓 涓 鎴 鎴 箣钖庯纴鏁 箣钖庯纴鏁 厡鐜嫔灏嗗锲 厡鐜嫔灏嗗锲 厡鐜嫔灏嗗锲 厡鐜嫔灏嗗锲 厡鐜嫔灏嗗锲 唴 唴 嶆柊鎺屾 銆 銆 銆 唬锛屽 唬锛屽 唬锛屽钖简銆傗€滳hu Yun 镒熸叏涓囧崈銆

Read the 岖敓涔嫔墠锛屼粬浠庢湭鎯 岖敓涔嫔墠锛屼粬浠庢湭鎯 绷 绷 夎 夎 夎 涔堜竴鍒 涔堜竴鍒 涔堜竴鍒 笌鍒 笌鍒 笌鍒 笌鍒 笌鍒 綋涓 綋涓

鐭 槈鏄庡 槈鏄庡 槈鏄庡 鏄噾纰 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃


杩欎笘闂 笂镐 笂镐 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 浜涘ぉ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镄勫瓨鍦ㄥ 镐 镐 镐 镐惁瀹氲嚜鎴戠殑浠峰€笺€

Chu Yun Chain 夊墠涓栫殑缁忛獙锛屼粬鐭ラ 戠 戠 戠 娑佃缮 娑佃缮 娑佃缮 娑佃缮 娑佃缮 娑佃缮 娑佃缮 娑佃缮 殑楂橀 殑楂橀 殑楂橀 殑楂橀 熸垚闀挎椂 湪鍗佸骞 湪鍗佸骞 湪鍗佸骞 湪鍗佸骞箣钖庯纴濂 垚闀 垚闀 垚闀 llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar llar穮宄 纴鍌 纴鍌 鑻岖┕锛屼 鑻岖┕锛屼 鑻岖┕锛屼 鑻岖┕锛屼 ぇ鍦 € €

杩欑楂橀 熸垚闀挎椂 熸垚闀挎椂 燂纴寰 寰 寰 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡鍓х儓鎻愬崌銆备笉绠°C槸韬綋绱犺川锛岃缮鏄琼勶纴鎴栬勶纴鎴栬勶纴鎴栬spirit light acne 涓€澶╅兘浼氭湁闀胯澶╅兘浼氭湁闀胯繘姝ャ€

鐩 瘮杈冭 岃 岃 锛孋 Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Han 浣撶礌璐纴spirit light reading 忥纴閮 槸浠栦竴姝ユ闱犵潃镊︼ 槸浠栦竴姝ユ闱犵潃镊︼ 涓嶆哙镄勫姫锷涳纴鍦ㄧ敓姝诲綋涓壈杈涙墦鎷 槸浠栦竴姝ユ闱犵潃镊︼ 槸浠栦竴姝ユ闱犵潃镊︼銆

鈥滆嫢鎸夌 佺埞 佺埞 佺埞 佺埞 璁诧纴鎴戠殑鐖 璁诧纴鎴戠殑鐖 璁诧纴鎴戠殑鐖 璁诧纴鎴戠殑鐖 璁诧纴鎴戠殑鐖 璁诧纴鎴戠殑鐖 瘝閮 瘝閮 槸鐜嬬骇寮 槸鐜嬬骇寮 槸鐜嬬骇寮 咃纴镐庝箞浼 咃纴镐庝箞浼 咃纴镐庝箞浼 纻杩椤綋涓 纻杩椤綋涓繀 夊洜缂 夊洜缂 彝镐纴鍙儨 彝镐纴鍙儨 彝镐纴鍙儨 彝镐纴鍙儨 彝镐纴鍙儨 佺埞瀹埚彛濡傜摱锛屾垜涔熶笉濂 佺埞瀹埚彛濡傜摱锛屾垜涔熶笉濂 傗 傗 傗

涓 鎯 鎯 鎯 埌镊 镄勭埗姣嶏纴 镄勭埗姣嶏纴 Chu Yun 镄勭湁澶 镄辫捣鏉ャ 镄辫捣鏉ャ 镄辫捣鏉ャ 傛寜阆撶悊鏉ヨ锛岃嚜宸 傛寜阆撶悊鏉ヨ锛岃嚜宸 傛寜阆撶悊鏉ヨ锛岃嚜宸 傛寜阆撶悊鏉ヨ锛岃嚜宸 傛寜阆撶悊鏉ヨ锛岃嚜宸潃涓や綅鐜嬬骇寮鸿呯殑呯殑bloodline 锛屼絾鏄祫璐ㄥ嵈寰堟櫘阃氥€

镓€璋撶殑楂橀璋撶殑楂橀熸垚闀挎湡锛屾牴熸垚闀挎湡锛屾牴涓嶅瓨鍦ㄣ粬鍓崭笘閮备粬鍓崭笘閮粬鍓崭笘閮笁鍗佸叚宀佷笁鍗佸叚宀佷°C湁杩庢潵浠€涔堥珮阃熸垚闀 trousers

鈥 畻浜嗐 嵆渚挎槸娌 嵆渚挎槸娌 嵆渚挎槸娌 嵆渚挎槸娌 嵆渚挎槸娌 湁楂橀 湁楂橀 湁楂橀 熸垚闀挎湡锛屽 熸垚闀挎湡锛屽 濡 濡 濡 濡 濡 埌濡 埌濡 埌濡 锛屽 浣曟浘闱犵潃 浣曟浘闱犵潃 浣曟浘闱犵潃绁栬緢 簢锛屽浜 簢锛屽浜 簢锛屽浜 壎锷╋纻鈥濇兂鍒 岋纴 岋纴 岋纴 Yun Yun Yun Chu Yun 鍌茬劧涓 绗戙 绗戙 傛殏镞 傛殏镞 傛殏镞 傛殏镞 傛殏镞纴杩涘叆涓啖钀ュ笎锛岃鍒版暒镦屽叕涓汇汇

鐒 岄噾纰 岄噾纰 岄噾纰 镄勮劯鑹诧纴鍗 镄勮劯鑹诧纴鍗 镄勮劯鑹诧纴鍗 镄勮劯鑹诧纴鍗 镄勮劯鑹诧纴鍗 緢娌夐 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾

鈥滆倴灏忚搐琚 鍑讳 鍑讳 鍑讳 锛屽湪鎴戜 锛屽湪鎴戜 锛屽湪鎴戜 锛屽湪鎴戜 鎴樻枟镄勬椂 鎴樻枟镄勬椂 鎴樻枟镄勬椂 変 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒涔嫔湴銆傗€

杩欑潃瀹炴槸涓橹 key椼

Chu Yun 鍙岀溂涓 鐪纴闅忓嵆闂 鐪纴闅忓嵆闂 鐪纴闅忓嵆闂 鐪纴闅忓嵆闂 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐 滆倴灏忚搐

鈥滃缑sect master 鎸 锛岃倴灏忚搐 锛岃倴灏忚搐 锛岃倴灏忚搐 夋劎鈥濊惀 夋劎鈥濊惀 夋劎鈥濊惀 愰棬 愰棬 锛岀樃浜嗗彸 锛岀樃浜嗗彸 锛岀樃浜嗗彸 锛岀樃浜嗗彸 匡纴钖婄潃宸 兂鑶婄殑 兂鑶婄殑潃锛屽嚭鐜板湪Chu Yun 镄勯镄勯鍓嶃

鈥滆皝鎶娄綘浼ゅ缑杩欎箞阅嶏纻鈥滳hu Yun 镄辫捣鐪夊ご锛岃倴灏忚搐镄勫疄锷涗粬鏄煡阆撶殑銆俬ero 绾ф暟锛屽张鎷ユ湁璁稿鐝岖█濡栫墿锛屽濡栫墿锛屽 鎴愪 镊 镊 镊 镊 镙硷纴鐢氲呖鑳 镙硷纴鐢氲呖鑳 镙硷纴鐢氲呖鑳 秺阒 秺阒 秺阒 秺阒 €

鈥滀竴涓 杞讳 杞讳 杞讳 杞讳 锛岃嚜绉 浜岄儙澶╁悰鈥 € € € € € € € € € € € € €椤畧鐜嫔煄锛岀湅瀹堜缮铏忥纴浣嗘槸鍜屼簩閮庡ぉ钖涗竴鎴桡纴鍗村甫缁欎粬娌夐吨镄勬墦鍑汇€

鈥沦tellar Province 鏋 湡鏄棌榫椤崸铏庛 傝 傝 傝 傝 涓﹄簩閮庡ぉ钖涳纴钖崭笉 涓﹄簩閮庡ぉ钖涳纴钖崭笉 涓﹄簩閮庡ぉ钖涳纴钖崭笉 涓﹄簩閮庡ぉ钖涳纴钖崭笉 佺粡浼狅纴钘ゆ涓婃 佺粡浼狅纴钘ゆ涓婃 佺粡浼狅纴钘ゆ涓婃€备絾鏄疄锷涘崜缁濓纴杩滆秴涓鑸悰绾鑸悰绾鑸悰绾己呫呫傛洿浠や傛洿浠や钖冩侪镄勬槸锛屼粬镄勫钖冩侪镄勬槸锛屼粬镄勫榫勪榫勪榫勪榫勪Chu Yun 浣犵浉宸豢浣 傜涓 傜涓 娆 娆 惉 惉 惉 栧皬璐ゅ 栧皬璐ゅ 栧皬璐ゅ 栧皬璐ゅ 杩 杩 杩 濆湪 濆湪 濆湪 濆湪 濆湪 濆湪樻枟镄勬暣涓︼ 绋嬶纴鍙堣〃杩 绋嬶纴鍙堣〃杩 绋嬶纴鍙堣〃杩 绋嬶纴鍙堣〃杩 阆崭箣钖庯纴 阆崭箣钖庯纴 阆崭箣钖庯纴 阆崭箣钖庯纴 戠 戠 戠 戠 戠 戠 戠 〕 〕 〕

鈥滃师鏉ユ槸浜岄儙澶╁悰銆傗€滳hu Yun 绁炶壊鍙桦锛屽彛涓杻锽冦€

鈥渟ect master 锛屼綘鐭ラ 浠栵纻鈥濊倴灏忚搐涓 浠栵纻鈥濊倴灏忚搐涓 镒 镒 €

鈥滀綍姝 (2) 槸鐭ラ 锛岀 锛岀 锛岀 锛岀 悕鈥滳 悕鈥滳 悕鈥滳 悕鈥滳 悕鈥滳 Yun Yun Yun Yun

杩欎 浜岄儙澶╁悰锛岃嚜骞 澶╄祫鍗撹秺锛屽 澶╄祫鍗撹秺锛屽 澶╄祫鍗撹秺锛屽 澶╄祫鍗撹秺锛屽 澶╄祫鍗撹秺锛屽 澶╄祫鍗撹秺锛屽 澶╄祫鍗撹秺锛屽 澶╄祫鍗撹秺锛屽 nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate Bloodline 镙 熀 熀 勫帤锛屽緢镞╁ 勫帤锛屽緢镞╁ 熸垚闀挎湡銆 熸垚闀挎湡銆

鍙堣繍姘旇秴鍑 纴 纴 纴 嬩腑濡栫墿涓嶆槸涓婂彝涔嬬墿锛屽 嬩腑濡栫墿涓嶆槸涓婂彝涔嬬墿锛屽 嬩腑濡栫墿涓嶆槸涓婂彝涔嬬墿锛屽 鍝佺銆 鍝佺銆 鍝佺銆 鍝佺銆 崄澶 钖庯纴浠栦笌 钖庯纴浠栦笌 钖庯纴浠栦笌 戠 戠 戠 戠娑典笉鍒嗗厛钖庯纴鎴愪负涓冨ぇ鐜嬬骇寮鸿呬箣涓€锛屽佛绉dressing 洿 夌帇銆 夌帇銆 悕锷ㄥぉ涓嬶纴 悕锷ㄥぉ涓嬶纴 悕锷ㄥぉ涓嬶纴 鏂癸 鏂癸 鏂癸纴绔椤埌浜哠tellar Province 镄勯

鈥沧垜瀵 粬鐣ユ湁 粬鐣ユ湁 椈銆 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n寮鸿呬呬呬銆銆銆鐩鐩鐩湪婕撴睙湪婕撴睙夊爞闱欎夊爞闱欎夊爞闱欎锛屾墍浠ュ悕澹锛屾墍浠ュ悕澹滳Hu Yun 阆撱€

鈥沧墠17宀侊纴杩欎笉鏄拰sect master 钖岄Satin 涔堬纻鈥濊倴灏忚搐鐬浑浜嗙溂镌

Chu Yun 17宀侊纴韬€浜斿ごtribulation monster 锛屾槸涓哄嗳钖涚骇寮鸿€呫€簩閮庡ぉ钖沊簩閮庡ぉ钖沊NUMX宀侊纴鍗村凡缁忔槸缁忔槸肩殑钖涚骇寮鸿呬

戠 戠 娑 娑 瀹瀞 瀹瀞 art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun勬仼鍏革纴鑻岖敓镄勯€犲寲浜嗐€絾鏄絾鏄病夋兂鍒夋兂鍒夋兂鍒纴灞呯劧杩樻湁杩欐牱镄勪鐗┾鐗┾

Chu Yun chain 涚潃濂 涚潃濂 鎯 鎯 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅 鈥滀綘涓嶅

镞ュ悗读戠vii娑典綋鍐呯殑innate talent 鐖嗗彂锛岃系鏉ラ珮阃熸垚闀挎湡銆傛渶钖庤涓娄簩閮庡ぉ钖涳纴鎴愪涓娄簩閮庡ぉ钖涳纴鎴愪愰┍镄勭帇绾 愰┍镄勭帇绾 己 呫 呫 彧鏄幇鍦纴濂 彧鏄幇鍦纴濂 彧鏄幇鍦纴濂 彧鏄幇鍦纴濂 poli poli poli poli poli npolished jade 屽 屽 銆

镊 簬 簬 栧皬璐わ纴涔熷湪鍗佸骞 栧皬璐わ纴涔熷湪鍗佸骞 悗锛屾垚涓 悗锛屾垚涓 悗锛屾垚涓 悗锛屾垚涓 悗锛屾垚涓 悗锛屾垚涓 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢 嘢嗗彶鎯緥锛屽伔楦°C懜镫楋纴鎴愪负鍏镄勬渶娌°C湁楂樻落姘旇川镄勭粷椤朵鐗┿鐗┿傛槸傛槸稿稿璁╃帇绾璁╃帇绾己 呴兘寮 呴兘寮 呴兘寮 澶 澶 澶 澶 €

涓庝粬浠浉姣旓纴Chu Yun 鍏跺疄 嶆槸澶╄祫 嶆槸澶╄祫 涓嶅嚭浼楃殑涓 涓嶅嚭浼楃殑涓 涓嶅嚭浼楃殑涓 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳 粬鑳锷姏 撴嫾锛屽湪锷犱笂镞 撴嫾锛屽湪锷犱笂镞 撴嫾锛屽湪锷犱笂镞 繍鐩 繍鐩 祹寰楁潵镄勬垚锷熴

鈥滃叾瀹濻tellar Province 褰 腑锛岃 腑锛岃 腑锛岃 镙 镙 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓滳hu Yun 绗戜简绗戙€

粖涓 粖涓 帇骞跺垪锛屽湪镞犲笣绾 己 己 己 己 llar Stellar Province 锛屾槸 Monster Controlling Master chain 楂樼殑宸呭 楂樼殑宸呭 銆

浣嗘槸鍗佸骞村悗锛岃伞浜涚帇 Key 呭嵈绾 悍琚 悍琚 涓嬬鍙 涓嬬鍙 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 im im im im im im im im im im im im 浜戝彉骞 纴榫栾泧椋炶垶镄勫ぇ镞 纴榫栾泧椋炶垶镄勫ぇ镞 唬銆

涓冧 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 镄勭帇 镄勭帇 镄勭帇 镄勭帇 镄勭帇 镄勭帇 夊睘浜庤嚜宸 夊睘浜庤嚜宸 夊睘浜庤嚜宸 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜Yun 鐩墠椋庡ご姝 姴锛屽牚绉 姴锛屽牚绉 杞讳竴浠 杞讳竴浠 杞讳竴浠 杞讳竴浠 渶涓 渶涓 渶涓 渶涓 棯 棯 棯 棯 棯 棯 € € € € € Chu Yun 鍗存湁镊︻煡涔嬫槑鈥斺€旇嚜宸 殑杩欎簺鎴愬 殑杩欎簺鎴愬 殑杩欎簺鎴愬 殑杩欎簺鎴愬 殑杩欎簺鎴愬 锛屽拰镞ュ悗镄勮 锛屽拰镞ュ悗镄勮 涓冧 涓冧 涓冧 涓冧 涓冧 涓冧Layer

鍏呭叾 忥纴浠栧彧鏄湪杩欎 忥纴浠栧彧鏄湪杩欎 澶 澶 椂浠 椂浠 病 disease chain 夋潵涓 箣鍓嶏纴寮 骞曚 骞曚 骞曚 寮忎笂镄勪竴涓嚭褰╀ 寮忎笂镄勪竴涓嚭褰╀ 寮忎笂镄勪竴涓嚭褰╀ 寮忎笂镄勪竴涓嚭褰╀ 鐗╃浜嗐€


瀹佸嚒灏樿缮 敼钖嶆垚瀹佸ぉ鐜嬶纴灏卞 敼钖嶆垚瀹佸ぉ鐜嬶纴灏卞 缁忔鍦ㄨ嚜宸 缁忔鍦ㄨ嚜宸 殑 殑 殑 殑 粬镄勮掴闄跺彝纰楋纴 粬镄勮掴闄跺彝纰楋纴 粬镄勮掴闄跺彝纰楋纴 粬镄勮掴闄跺彝纰楋纴 粬镄勮掴闄跺彝纰楋纴 粬镄勮掴闄跺彝纰楋纴 粬镄勮掴闄跺彝纰楋纴 粬镄勮掴闄跺彝纰楋纴溂鑺 灊绛夌瓑锛岄兘鍦ㄧ幇浠婃垚浜咰 灊绛夌瓑锛岄兘鍦ㄧ幇浠婃垚浜咰 hu Yun 嬩腑镄勫鐗┿ 嬩腑镄勫鐗┿

璇 捣鏉ワ纴 捣鏉ワ纴 Chu Yun 濡 粖 澶 澶 澶 澶 殑鎴樼哗锛屽叾瀹炴槸鏂╂潃浜嗗畞澶╃帇銆傝 殑鎴樼哗锛屽叾瀹炴槸鏂╂潃浜嗗畞澶╃帇銆傝 殑鎴樼哗锛屽叾瀹炴槸鏂╂潃浜嗗畞澶╃帇銆傝 浜嗕 浜嗕 浜嗕竴浣岖帇绾у己键呫

As for Tie Ao, now Chu Yun wants to come, or a lot of people. In the past life, the reason why he was able to hold him for so long, each occupying half of the islands and islands, should be the power of Jiang Hanguo, helping behind.

After all, the Jianghan kingdom never wants to be unified.

In history, the truth is often concealed. But now Chu Yun walks step by step, personal experience, so reflection, but it has seen many secrets in previous life.

“So, Erlang Tianjun went straight to Dunhuang Wangcheng and fought with you. There was a good opportunity to kill you, but it was letting you go, and you want to come and report, is it?” Chu Yun asked again. ….

“This is exactly the case.” Xiao Xiaoxian gnashing teeth, shy. He is not in the future, he will not run if he wins. After he ran, he will come back and continue to engage in sneak attacks. The wretched style will even crash the king. His style is not yet great, he still has shame.

“In this case, it seems that he is still in the Dunhuang Wangcheng, and has not left.” Chu Yun smiled calmly. “He will wait for me to come back and fight with him.”

Chu Yun is very familiar with the instincts of the future.

Among the seven kings of the younger generation, Ning Tianwang is mad, Dunhuang Queen is proud, and intuition is a well-known Wu idiot. His integrity is like a warrior of ancient times. Never play tricks and tricks, everything likes to solve directly.

“He wants to start walking in Stellar Province and test the world. The object of his first challenge is me. It can be said that it is his first goal to fight with me. It is only after the rescue of Yu Yujian. I want to bet. When we go back to Dunhuang Wangcheng, he must be at the door of the prison, and Yu Yujun is still locked in the cell.”

After a meal, Chu Yun added, “With his character, straightforward, only the first thing will be done before the second thing will be done.”

Chu Yun’s words, let Jin Bihan and Xiao Xiaoxian face each other, will be suspicious. They really can’t imagine that there are such strange people in this world.

Dunhuang Wangcheng.

“Erlang Tianjun, you are an idiot, let me go.” In the prison, Yan Yujian looked at the door of the cell, facing her Erlang Tianjun, yelling.

Erlang Tianjun is like a meteorite, and he is silent and silent.

“How can there be such a stupid fork in the world that you will not let me save, but wait for the enemy to come to the door. Is there a lack of roots in your head?”

“This is the enemy’s base camp. Do you think they will fight against you one by one? Even so, you can’t eat the wheel battles? You can’t let me go.”

霏雨剑君云鬓缭乱,pretty face on the rising anger, plump chest ups and downs, was almost angry to faint.

Even if she missed her hand, she fell into the hands of Chu Yun and became a prisoner. She did not make her so angry as she did now.

When she shouted her throat and didn’t get a response, she had to hū hū gasp, and when she was slow, Erlang Tianjun suddenly started talking: “Save you just by the way, challenge the bully is the first priority. Wait for me to finish. If you are victorious, if you win, you will not remember that there is a captive of a powerful monarch.”

The tone of his speech is quite dull. The head does not return, only to the old character’s 霏雨剑君 a back.

Yan Yujian was so stunned that he almost couldn’t breathe.

Looking at the back of Erlang Tianjun, she was speechless.

I don’t know if I should praise his self-confidence, or despise his brain.

(Thanks to the refining, madness, 404104543, little penguin, 525laoda, silly demon, peter0328, xe count, decadent bun, shizhejia, aa1238, god tyrants, etc., thanks to the purple, the letter after the **, xe Earl and other classmates’ rewards. Thank you)



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