Thank you very much to Laomi A (2000), Nightmare (100), Fengerr (100), Fengyang (100), Bai Zibing (100), Pain Kanhai (100), gnaw Gnaw gnaw! Chew the book! Classmate’s reward!


"Zi Chaohai, it seems that there is a place where the cultivator returns to the other side of the sea. And they are here looking for Land of Sealing, what kind of Land of Sealing are they looking for? Looking at the behavior of the black clothed person, the other side of the sea is definitely not a peaceful place. But their method of imperial weapons is really difficult to deal with. If it is not for deceiving the other person, let the other person get close, and suddenly kill him, myself simply is not his opponent, he is completely passive. Your own cultivation base is still too low, you must increase your cultivation base as soon as possible."

Qin Shuang thought about it all the way, and he has returned to the entrance of the small town, Soul Power spread out. Just an instant shrouded the whole town, the whole town was shrouded in a gathering array of all directions. Qin Shuang sneaked into the town lifelessly, and soon came outside the house. At this time, the five people in the fire were completely downwind, and the two black clothed persons were completely hidden in the darkness of the formation. It was just that the imperial commander surrounded Huozhongyu with two semi-circular sharp blades and they attacked quickly. During the period, the Yinfeng blade released, causing Huozhongyu and the others to be in a hurry. Huoyunting, Huo Boyan and Huobo Shi were on the bodies of the three people. Already injured, if it weren't for Huo Xiuyun standing in the middle to hold Soul Spirit beads in his hands, and the two black clothed persons took out the flag flags and released the ghosts, the five people in Huo Yu would have become dead bodies.

Qin Shuang condensed his breath, and silently sneaked into the yin gathering array of all directions, slowly approaching the two black clothed persons. The two black clothed persons simply didn't expect Qin Shuang to escape from their Senior Brother and dare to come back. While controlling the semi-circular sharp blade, the two people quickly attacked the fire jade and they, while cutting out the Yinfeng blade with both hands, there were grinning smiles on their faces. In their opinion, the five fire jade would never hold on for less than a moment. Bell. What the two of them were thinking at this time was how to grab that Soul Spirit bead into their own hands without being snatched by the other party.

" 锵clang..."

A bright light flashed in the rain, and the two black clothed persons became stiff, and then fell forward.

"cāng lāng lāng ……"

The two semi-circular sharp blades hovering in the air suddenly broke the line and the kite fell from the sky and fell on the stone in the patio On the pavement, cāng lāng lāng sounded. The jade in the fire and the others looked for a moment. The shady Qin Shuang quickly collected the contents of the two black clothed persons into the storage ring, and then walked out of the shady scene. When the jade in the fire saw Qin Shuang, his expression was a joy. .

"Qin Shuang..."

"Let’s leave here and follow me."

Qin Shuang, holding the Soul Spirit beads in his hand, walks towards the gate . Jade in the Fire and the others followed Qin Shuang, walked out of the gate, led the horses, and walked out of the town.

About a quarter of an hour later, six people walked out of the town. Looking back, they saw that the town was shrouded in gloom, with heavy rains and occasional wind blowing.

"Let's go!"

Six people got on their horses one after another, broke through the rain curtain, and rushed to the distance.

Dawn breaks.

The morning sun rises from the horizon. The air in the morning after the rainstorm is exceptionally fresh, and the ground is cleaned again, which is refreshing. Qin Shuang The six people also feel better.

"Qin Shuang, here you are!" Huo Xiuyun handed the Soul Spirit beads to Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang took the Soul Spirit beads and put them in his arms, but they put them in the storage ring. Huo Zhongyu let out a long sigh, and looked back with lingering fears. The small town was no longer visible in his vision, and the place where he entered the eyes was full of prosperity.

"Qin Shuang, did you kill the three black clothed persons?"

"en!" Qin Shuang gently nodded.

Huo Zhongyu's heart is one after another jumping. At first, the two black clothed persons made the five of them rushed, but Qin Shuang quietly killed them, which not only caused Huo Zhongyu and The others feel the mysterious of Qin Shuang more and more. Seeing the look of the five people, Qin Shuang's heart moved:

"I just know some formations, and use their mentality to think that I know the formations to kill them."

Jade in the Fire and the others thought about it a little bit, and felt that Qin Shuang was right. The fear of Qin Shuang was slightly reduced, but the admiration for Qin Shuang increased. Huo Xiuyun said admiringly:

"Qin Shuang, you are amazing, and you know how to form."

Qin Shuang shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm just half a bucket of water. "

"That's better than us, this time thanks to you, or we have died three times." Huo Xiuyun said gratefully.

Jade in the Fire and the others Think about it, isn’t it?

Qin Shuang rescued them from the mouth of the desert lizard once, rescued them from Soul Spirit a second time, and rescued them a third time in that small town. Huo Zhongyu said gratefully:

"Qin Shuang, thank you!"

Qin Shuang shook the head, without words. Huo Yunting whispered: "When we went to the Boundless Desert, we passed through that small town. There were still many people in that small town. We didn't expect it to be so terrifying now."

" An eight-party gathering array has been set up." Qin Shuang solemnly said: "The people in the town should all be dead."

"Monster Dao should be killed!" Huo Zhongyu's eyes were cold.

"Are they Monster Dao?" Huo Yunting asked in surprise.

"They have flag banners that can release ghosts and weapons. What are they not Monster Dao?" Huo Zhongyu's eyes flashed sharp killing intent.

After hearing what Huo Zhongyu said, everyone fell into silence and urged the horse to run forward. When dusk fell, they came to a small-scale city, and everyone didn't want to talk. After simply eating, they went back to their rooms.

After Qin Shuang returned to his room, he immediately closed the door and dropped the bolt. Sitting on the chair, he took out the contents of the storage ring. I first studied the two Soul Spirit beads, but still did not find any profound mystery, so I put them in the jade box and stored them in the storage ring. Then I picked up the identity jade token, took a closer look, and put it away.

I looked at the three flag streamers again, took it in my hand and studied it. I didn’t know how to control the flag streamer, so I took the three flag streamers into the storage ring and picked it up again. She took a look at the dark semi-circular sharp blade, and put it away. Now she simply didn't know how to guard it, so naturally she didn't study it.

I picked up a jade bottle, opened the lid and looked inside, and saw that there were eight medicine pill inside. One was exported, and when I put it on the nose, I felt the Sea of ​​Consciousness pinched slightly. The rippling, I knew that this should be the medicine pill that assisted the monasticism, and I was happy, but then she looked depressed again, because she now has no follow-up cultivation technique, even if she eats these medicine pill, it is useless.

With a sigh, he opened the jade bottle that had been collected from the other two black clothed persons, and saw that it was the same kind of medicine pill inside, with five in one bottle and six in one bottle. After putting away these jade bottles, he turned his eyes to the black bottles. At this time, there were three black bottles on the table. Just looking at these three bottles, Qin Shuang felt a gloomy feeling.

I reached out and picked up a bottle and opened the lid, and there was a fishy smell coming out from the inside, where I put some scarlet medicine pills inside. Qin Shuang hurriedly closed the lid, frowned slightly and thought about it, and in his mind he speculated that the medicine pill in this black bottle should be eaten by the ghosts in the flag banner.

Taking the three bottles into the storage ring, Qin Shuang's eyes fell on the last three jade slips on the table.

"What does this jade slip do?"

Qin Shuang looked at these three jade slips in his hands over and over, but finally did not understand what these three jade slips did. What, shook the head, collected three jade slips into the storage ring.

"The cultivating stuff is so mysterious!"

Qin Shuang sighed, then came to the bed, sat cross-legged, and started cultivation.


Imperial Capital of Great Qin Empire.

Six people came galloping along the official road on horseback.

"Yu..." led Huo Zhongyu tightened the horse's rein, slowed the horse's speed, and let out a long breath:

"I'm back! "

The faces of Huo Boyan and the others also released excited rays of light. Thinking of the dangers encountered along the way, homesickness became more emotional. Qin Shuang looked up, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"What a big city!"

At this time, there are many pedestrians in front of their horses. Six people entered the city gate following the flow of people, moving towards Qin Shuang cups the hands and said:

"Qin Shuang, how about going to my house?"

Qin Shuang smiled cups the hands said: "I still have some urgent matters to deal with. After the matter is over, I will go to visit."

"Zhongyu is at home waiting for Fang to drive."

"We are going to visit ."



The two sides separated, Huo Xiuyun and Huo Yunting also turned their heads and waved their hands: "Qin Shuang, definitely Come."

"Definitely!" Qin Shuang smiled and waved.

Qin Shuang let out a sigh of relief as he watched the silhouettes of the five Jade in the fire disappear. Looking towards Qincheng, secretly said in one's heart:

"I don't know if Yuan Ye and the others are here, what's the situation?"

Da Ma slowly turned towards Lan Mingyue's residence. In the previous life, she often went to Lan Linfeng’s mansion, but it was familiar. About one hour later, Qin Shuang came to a majestic gatehouse, got off his horse, and led the horse to the gate. There was blue in front of the gate. The house guard saw Qin Shuang and saw Qin Shuang coming to the door, so he took a step forward and said:

"The incoming people stop."

Qin Shuang stopped and looked on. Somewhat in a daze, the door is still the same door, but the person is already the person before. I sighed softly in my heart, and said softly:

"I am a friend of Lan Mingyue, please report that it is Qin Shuang who is visiting."

The Martial Artist's look was a moment of surprise, Lan He knows Mingyue's friends, but he has never seen Qin Shuang. However, since Qin Shuang said she was Lan Mingyue's friend, he didn't dare to take it lightly, cups the hands and said:

"Young Master has not come back from a trip."

Qin Shuang just Slightly frowned, Lan Mingyue hasn’t come back as expected. Feeling helpless in my heart, moved towards that Martial Artist cups the hands, then led the horse away. Walking on the streets of Qincheng, Qin Shuang felt a little dazed. Lan Mingyue hasn't returned yet. She can't enter the Imperial Palace. She simply can't see Qín Lie, even he can't see Qín Lie. Can Yuan Fei and Yuan Ye see it?

Qin Shuang's heart can't help but worry, how is Yuan Fei and the others now?

With a sigh, he turned on his horse and walked towards Qin Lou.

Qin Lou.

A trading place officially established by the Great Qin Empire, where various finished medicine pills, spirit marks, weapons and various materials are traded. At the same time, this is also the place where mercenaries and adventurers converge.

Qin Shuang came to the Qin Building, after depositing the horses, stepped into the gate. Once entering the door, the lively breath assaults the senses. Qin Shuang glanced away and looked towards the enquiry desk.

There was a young girl sitting behind the counter. At this time, there were two other people asking questions. Qin Shuang stood behind and waited. About a quarter of an hour later, it was Qin Shuang's turn.

"Excuse me, is there a quarter moon mercenary group here?"

The girl asked: "What level of mercenary group is it?"

"Ding Level!"

"Wait a minute!"

The girl began to flip through a thick account book, and after a while, she looked up and said: "There is a crescent mercenary group, they just Registered for less than a month."

Qin Shuang's heart is happily said: "Do you know where they live? Where can I find them?"

The girl shook her head. : "I don't know, we are not responsible for these. Hmm... Is your name Qin Shuang?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang was delighted to be nodded.

"Quan Yue mercenary group left you a message here, saying that it is to go to Gaosheng Inn to find someone named Liang Li."

Qin Shuang said Thanks, left the Qin Building. She still has some impression of Liang Li, she is a Martial Artist in Piaoyun Camp. Qin Shuang rode a horse towards the Gaosheng Inn. She felt a little anxious. Yuan Fei asked her to go to the Gaosheng Inn to meet Liang Li. This indicated that Yuan Ye and the others should still have a place to live. Nearly 3,000 people are impossible to live in the Inn, and Yuan Fei and the others simply can't afford it at the price of Qincheng's hotel. This not only made Qin Shuang more worried.

About two quarters later, Qin Shuang jumped off the horse in front of the Gaosheng Inn. There was a guy who came forward. Before that guy could speak, Qin Shuang said:

"You guys There is a guest named Liang Li here, right?"

"Please ask from the counter." The guy said politely, and took the rein of Qin Shuang's horse. Qin Shuang nodded, walked through the door quickly, came to the cabinet and asked:

"Excuse me, is there a guest named Liang Li here?"

" Hou." A middle age person at the counter quickly flipped through a ledger, and then said: "Yes, miss, the person you are looking for lives in Herringbone Room 2."

Qin Shuang's heart is one Shen, general Inns are divided into three types of rooms: Heaven, Earth and Human. Herringbone rooms are the worst. Turn around and ask the guy to store his horses, and then walk towards the herringbone room.

The herringbone rooms are all on the first floor. Qin Shuang stood at the door of room two, raised his hand and knocked on the door lightly, and heard the sound of footsteps inside, with a "creak" and the door opened. , Liang Li's figure appeared at the door, and when she saw Qin Shuang, her expression revealed surprise. Just about to bow down, she saw Qin Shuang shook her head slightly, Liang Li hurriedly turned sideways, and Qin Shuang walked in. Liang Li closed the door, and then she bowed:

"Subordinate Liang Li pays courtesy to Princess."

"Get up!" Qin Shuang asked after taking his seat. : "How are you all?"


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