The outstanding performance of small spacecraft has amazed countries all over the world.

It can be seen that the performance of this spacecraft is very terrifying. It is indeed the result of advanced alien technology. It is far beyond what these backward countries on earth can match. Even the spacecraft of the Space Technology Company compares with it. They are all dwarfed by each other, like the difference between the vast sea and the creeks and rivers.


Countless pedestrians on the road couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the sky.

Because the movement was so great, the friction caused by the rapid landing and the atmosphere caused layer after layer of atmospheric fluctuations, which were very dazzling in the blue sky.

There were also some people who followed the live broadcast of this incident. When they learned that the landing location of the spacecraft was Shacheng, they all rushed outside and looked up at the wonders in the sky.

The large spacecraft is not big, so it may not be noticed by many people, but it cannot withstand the huge noise it makes when it lands, and it is difficult not to be seen.

I'll go, it's too scary. Why did this spaceship come to our sand city?

Oh my God, are you going to launch an attack?

It's so sad, why did you choose to be the first to attack Shacheng!

Hey, you guys are too pessimistic. Maybe they are here with the intention of being friendly.

Friendly guy, haven't you seen the news? The alien civilization's spacecraft arrived in outer space yesterday, and countries around the world have been trying to contact us. If they really came with good intentions, how could they ignore us? ?”

Well, when you say that, it seems to make some sense...

But we, China, did not participate in the attack on them yesterday. Why did we, China, come to us first? Even if we do, go to the United States!

That's right, I found out that this alien is really good at bullying people!

I'm going to kill you, can you think of something better?

Use your brain, okay? Just use such a small spaceship to launch a huge attack!

Hey, no matter whether you launch an attack or not, don't choose Shacheng as your target. I'm sorry. I wouldn't have come here if I had known I'd graduate from college...

Boom boom boom!

The rapid landing of the spacecraft and the friction between it and the atmosphere caused a huge sound that was deafening.

Especially the position vertically below the spacecraft, where the senses of pedestrians were clearest. Every one of them turned pale with fright. Without any hesitation, they ran toward the outskirts of the city.

Those with cars drove, while those without cars tried to stop them.

The concept of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil makes everyone feel that this sudden alien civilization is not something to be trifled with, and it is better to stay as far away as possible.

While everyone was moving away from this place, they looked back from time to time to look at the spaceship that was about to land in the sky, as if they were afraid of catching up with them.

call out!

The spacecraft, which landed at extreme speed, quickly stopped one kilometer above Shacheng. Then, he adjusted the attitude of the ship, maintained a relatively slow speed, drew a parabola in the air, and landed in a villa area below.

In the blink of an eye, the spacecraft completely disappeared and was buried in the villas.

Some of those who were fleeing stopped and looked back.

Hey, the target of the alien spacecraft seems to be that villa.

I'm scared to death. It's good to have a target, but I'm afraid it will come randomly. I was just worried that after the spacecraft landed, it would launch a random strafing attack.

I'm going to be scared to death too.

Damn it, I don't know what you want to do with sending the spaceship!

Whatever, I hope it's to trouble those rich people who live in villas, hehe...

Tch, don't hate the rich. Let's escape quickly while we have this opportunity. Who knows what the purpose of that alien spaceship is!

Yes, I want to buy a ticket and leave Shacheng.

I want to leave too...

Countries are paying attention to this matter.

Everyone got the news as soon as possible.

We know that the landing location of the spacecraft is in the backyard of a villa in Shacheng, China.

Senior officials from various countries were confused.

That's strange. Is there anything in the villa that deserves the attention of aliens?

Is it... to pick someone up?

Yes, I also suddenly realized that this alien spacecraft seems to be specifically going to China to pick up people...

Perhaps, that villa lives in an alien hiding on the earth, and are you taking people back now?

Whether it is or not, as long as there is no ill will towards the earth, that is the best news for us.

Hey, do you think that China refused to deal with the alien spacecraft with us yesterday because they already knew the purpose of that spacecraft coming to Earth... It was just to pick up people...

At this moment, real-time images captured by satellites from various countries showed that several people came out of the villa where the spacecraft landed, and then walked into the spacecraft for a while, then returned to the villa, and then seemed to be moving into the spacecraft. thing.

This suddenly strengthened the suspicions of various countries.

At the same time, I felt a huge sigh of relief.

This time, it was a false alarm.

I didn't expect it. It turns out that there are aliens hiding on our earth!

Whether there are aliens on Earth or not, as long as they don't have bad intentions, that's a good thing.

I suddenly felt that Universe Technology Company is absolutely inseparable from aliens. They must have advanced high technology provided by aliens.

Do you need to say this? I already thought so!

Yes, it's just that it has never been revealed. If the Space Technology Company does not have the support of advanced alien technology, how can it surpass our earth? How can it build a spaceship? There are only two possibilities, either A large amount of alien technology lost on the earth may have an alien platform behind it.”

Hey, do you think that the huge spaceship in outer space has something to do with the Aerospace Technology Company?

That's not necessarily true. Look at the spaceships between them. The difference is so big that they are not of the same magnitude at all.

Whether they are related or not, the Aerospace Technology Company must know the purpose of that huge spaceship from outer space coming to Earth, and they have definitely made contact. I personally think that China will be defeated in front of the alien spacecraft just like us. The only possibility is that China got some information from Universe Technology Company, so it refused to participate yesterday.

China is so lucky. If it weren't for Universe Technology Company, how could they have developed so fast in technology in recent years...

At this moment, all countries around the world have completely put down their strict guard against alien spacecraft and maintained normal attention.

There is no way, the gap between earth civilization and alien civilization is too big. As long as alien civilization is not hostile, countries will not cause trouble for themselves.

Some countries are already secretly regretting yesterday's reckless actions...

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