"This is our kitchen, first stew

the rabbit meat..." Ye Qian looked at the little tanuki that came over again, picked it up and put it on his shoulder, and after quickly chopping the rabbit meat into small pieces, he went to buy some green onions, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon...

Each one is basically only a few or two, a few survival points, and more than a dozen survival points.

After putting all these away, Ye Qian also went to buy a bamboo woven pot lid, which was very well knitted, and only needed thirty survival points.

Each one was not much expensive, but when Ye Qian bought these, the survival point was already in the single digits.


For the remaining single-digit survival points, he also had the luxury of buying a set of cutlery.

Wooden bowls, wooden plates, wooden chopsticks....

Price, 5 survival points.


The little tanuki tilted her head, watching Ye Qian take the bowl and chopsticks to wash, and then put the disc in front of it, curiously stretching out her little paws and pulling it a few times.

What does this do?

Before the meal, the little tanuki will not know what this is for, and may think that this is a new nest for it, running to the plate and lying on its stomach....

"Rest and rest, blacksmithing is a tiring job, my physical fitness has doubled now, or my arm hurts from tiredness..." Ye

Qian sat in the yard, holding the little tanuki flower and stroking the cat's hair, looking at the home that had gradually become like a home, and the smile on his face gradually deepened.

He, in this other world, has a home of his own!

Next, what he has to do is to continue to become stronger, protect this home, him at home, cats at home, flowers and plants at home....

Holding the cat lying in the grass and watching the moon, Ye Qian looked at the content of the chat channel and suddenly remembered Qin Jian.

They have never mentioned the matter of this deputy position today, I am not sure if I know it....

I also learned a lot of information from the content they shared, and I got the benefits given by others, which I need to give back.

[0997-Ye Qian: Brother Qin, are you busy? A

familiar greeting, and then Ye Qian was waiting.

[0032-Qin Jian: Not busy, did Brother Ye have dinner? What

a familiar way of greeting!

[0997-Ye Qian: I haven't eaten yet, today I ran to the door of a rabbit, was caught by my cat, let me kill it, I wanted to say something to Brother Qin, after I killed the rabbit, I came up with a tip called the deputy position]

Ye Qian pushed the biggest hero of his killing rabbit to the body of the little tanuki.

The cat scratched the rabbit and didn't kill it, so let himself be beaten to death.

[0032-Qin Jian: That is to say, do something that is not the profession, reach the green grade can open the deputy position, the direction and basic functions of each profession are different, if you want better development, you must open it as fully as possible]

Qin Jian followed this line of thought and quickly sorted out a bunch of information.

The blood bar of the hunt shows hints of the handling of the prey.

Information on planted plants is displayed, weeding, fertilization and collection.

There are also tips for collecting wild plant information, as well as tips for primary processing of plants....

In the absence of a secondary job, the player can only develop within the scope of his or her own class.

For example, a hunting department, let him plant plants, can only judge how to deal with each stage based on feelings and experience before coming here....

But the deputy position is only the deputy position, except for the basic information prompts, there is nothing else.

In the primary skills of hunting, in addition to prey information, health bars, handling prey corpses, there are also weapon crafting modes such as making simple bows and arrows, simple spears and so on.

There is also collection, basic material processing, followed by basic production.

According to the increase in the function of hunting after becoming a secondary job, the production of gathering is also a primary ability, and the secondary job should be limited to primary processing.

[0032-Qin Jian: Brother Ye, I'll go to Boss Luo Shan and ask him to send this message, about the sharing of this news, does Brother Ye want to sign? ] After

Qin Jian finished sorting out the information, he asked Ye Qian again about the signature of the information provider.

Some players want fame, so they will add who provided it when they provided clues.

Some don't want to be famous, just say that there is a player to offer.

As for why he wants to be famous, he still finds Luo Shan and asks Luo Shan to release it again....

Because the individual sent out, the lack of fame will not be taken seriously, and Luo Shan has been famous from the beginning, and his words are more credible.

This way of pushing one person to become famous is not good to say how it will be in the future.

But many people really don't want to be famous, let alone stand up at some point and take on a lot of responsibilities that are not related to themselves.

[0997-Ye Qian: No, I prefer quiet, one person and one cat are very good]

Ye Qian just doesn't want to be famous, and he doesn't want to attract too much attention.

After they finished chatting, after ten minutes, Luo Shan posted in the chat channel about someone providing clues and getting a deputy position.

Moreover, they say it in more detail.

In this regard, Ye Qian did not want to guess too much.

In the end, Luo Shan has long known, or some people have hidden Luo Shan, and now they can't hide it before they are exposed....

This kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

He just did what he wanted, and after he got it, gave a reward that was as good as he could and didn't hurt, that's all....

"Tanuki flower, our family has no money, we will have a good rest after eating in a while, tomorrow we will go out, collect prey, and work hard to make money!"

Ye Qian lay on the grass, smelling the fragrance that had floated out of the pot, and was in a good mood to tease the cat.


The little tanuki only knew that Ye Qian was playing with it, and it was very happy.

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