"Do you want to eat alive?"

Ye Qian threw the trapped snake on the ground, watching the snake misty grass with shaking leaves, and the Soul Devouring Rose....

This mutated rose has a stronger ability to express, and it actually makes a tilted head to observe....

Raised two hands and patted, so that they could eat directly, and then Ye Qian held the cat and waited next to him.

The originally quiet snake misty grass suddenly clings to the ground and bursts out a few leaves and pounces on the black snake.

But its hunting was still one step slower, and when the snake-like leaves rolled up the snake to be dragged back to eat, only the head and a small part close to the head were brought back.

In the place of the snake, a row of white thorns emerged from the ground, and the spikes turned into this root system penetrated the snake scales and had quickly eaten more than half of the snake.

This time the food grab, the Soul Devouring Rose was slightly better, and the victory was that the snake misty grass did not prepare earlier.

"How about we give it to you next time we separate?"

Ye Qian saw the speed they snatched, and helplessly reached out to touch the leaves of these two, asking if he wanted to change to a more stable way.

For example, divide them in half to prevent them from destroying friendly relations because of robbery.

However, the two replies to it are very consistent.

The grab is even more delicious!

For their such straightforward emotional replies, Ye Qian was a little worried about whether his family's future life would be stable after he was sure that he did not understand it wrong.

And he could guess that when he took the little tanuki flowers to the mountains to collect, these two at home were definitely noisy.

You may even have fought in some way that you can't understand....

Probably, this is a normal development.

They are all of the same grade, and they will live in a range in the future, and they must always be familiar with each other....


Little Tanuki doesn't care about this, and it can't think of this aspect.

After seeing that the snake was eaten even by its skin, it jumped off Ye Qian's shoulder, lay on a leaf of the snake grass, and played on a swing.

Look at the snake misty grass deliberately dangling to amuse the cat, and the soul eater rose also stretches a branch, and goes over to make fun.

Moreover, a white root system has quietly drilled into the ground, and the network is staggered to cover the puddles used to catch the mountain spring water.

What a thoughtfulness!

Ye Qian had a small exchange and communication with them again, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

Although the species are different, they can play together, and Ye Qian is very happy to see it.

At noon, I cut some pork, the fat meat was fried in the pan, and the shredded meat was put in, then shredded potatoes, and then a small pepper....

The spicy stir-fried shredded potatoes with meat that I haven't eaten for a long time are ready.

"I haven't eaten it for a long time, it's so fragrant!"

Ye Qian was carrying a bowl of shredded potatoes and eating steamed buns, which was particularly satisfying.

Next to him, the little tanuki ate the cold shredded potatoes and shredded meat from the plate, although the spicy taste was not suitable for small animals, but it was mutated and strengthened after all, and the sense of taste had reached a basic synchronization with Ye Qian with these days.


The little tanuki who had eaten enough rolled twice on the floor under the eaves, and then climbed onto Ye Qian's lap, yawned and got up to sleep for a while.

"Sleep, don't go out in the afternoon, I want to try this afternoon, some control changes about water..."

Ye Qian touched the head of the little tanuki, and after eating the remaining dishes and steamed buns in the bowl, a ball of water flew from the mouth of the pipe where the mountain spring water flowed down, and circled the plates and bowls and chopsticks twice.

The water balloon after washing the dishes, with some oil flowers and food crumbs, flew to the basin of the chicken coop and landed.

The two chickens smelled the faint fragrance and came over to drink water, although there was no special effect, but they could also be slightly more active.

After eating and drinking, Ye Qian's tasks today have all been completed.

Under the mountain and back mountain, there should be many good things, but Ye Qian thought in the morning that it was very important to collect this piece, but his own cultivation could not be left behind.

Some time ago, because of various things, it was rare to keep the spiritual power in a full state for cultivation.

This afternoon, give it a try at home.


Little Tanuki tilted her head curiously when she was put down by Ye Qian.

"Go play with them, cultivation may not be completely controlled for a while, and getting close may hurt you..." Ye

Qian touched the head of the little tanuki flower, brought it to the door, and placed it on the snake grass.

Of course, also say hello to the snake grass and let it collect these branches on the fence first.

With a courtyard wall four or five meters high, there may be some accidental injuries when he is practicing.


The little tanuki was lying on the leaves of the snake misty grass, and before he could think about how to play for a while, his eyes were confused.

It looked at Ye Qian and the leaves of the snake misty grass hooked its fingers, and then the leaves on the entire courtyard wall were actually retracting....

When it grows, it is a snake-like leaf that grows, and after hardening, it spits out a few new leaves.

Now, the originally grown leaves retract, and the previously hardened leaves turn back to tender and emerald green, and they are recycled again....

Layer after layer, how it grew up before, now how it retracts.

The courtyard wall, four or five meters high, retracted to about one meter and five meters after ten minutes, the same height as the fence.

Even the chicken coop to the west has been removed above the cage, leaving only the same fence height.

"Hard work..."

Ye Qian patted the leaves of the snake misty grass, looked at the stunned eyes of the little tanuki, smiled and walked to the well.

Even if the mountain spring water is counted, the amount is relatively small, and it must be supplied to their own current food and drink.

Although he didn't use much water to eat and drink with the little tanuki, the snake misty grass itself needed to drink a lot of water, and today there was another soul devouring rose....

Squatting by the well, Ye Qian squatted down and stretched out his hand, touching the slightly cool well water at the same height as the ground level.

"They are also right, whose normal well water, the water level can flood above the surface..."

Ye Qian's fingers stroked the surface of the water, looking at the water flowing outward into the ditch, and suddenly thought of a topic he had seen before.

Digging wells for irrigation is a compulsory course for planting players.

Of course, it doesn't always have to be done, and there are quite a few players who move their families to the river, or choose to go to the river to pick up water and water the land.

But as long as there are conditions, they will try to dig a well, after all, farmland irrigation is a necessary project for planting, planting more fields, and fetching water will also waste people.

And the digging of the well, the chat channel is also often discussed, about how deep the well is dug, and how can you make simple tools to send the water flow to the field more conveniently....

Like his family, the level of the well water directly reaches the surface level, and a little digging of a ditch can go down to the field, which cannot be said to be none, but after all, it is a minority.

Their flooded wells have been complained by most players, saying that this cannot be called a well, this should be called a fountain....

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