The two plastic surgery players who were killed by the whale explosion have always lived by the sea, but they have never picked up anything, just got all kinds of seafood.

At the time everyone was talking, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already started a fire and started cooking the seafood.

It is not easy to find seafood in this reef area, but Ye Han is not satisfied. He plans to continue to walk around in the afternoon to see if there are other harvests.

On the other hand, the scenery CP group is moving very fast, and they are also observing various clues along the way.

Use this to determine whether you are heading in the right direction.

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to the Panyu food drivers and Gummy Bears for the Chinese New Year red envelopes, and thanks to the two giants for their support!

Chapter 734 The lotus in the small lake

The cold wind chose this direction after thinking.

But he wasn't sure if he could find where Bill lived before moving on.

Therefore, it is necessary to continue to observe before drawing conclusions.

"Brother Feng, it must have been several days since that Bill came."

"It's not easy to see what traces are there."

Li Guang said.

His eyes were dazzled, but he didn't find anything anyway.

In places like tropical rain forests, a single rain is enough to wash away all traces. Even if it does not rain, the traces left by people or animals walking will disappear quickly.

In this regard, the cold wind is also very helpless.

"I really can't find any traces, so let's go with the feeling."

"Look for a while and you can always find it."

Cold wind said.

Bill, this person, can't just come out of nowhere!

Before setting up traps in his hometown, Bill must have a place to live around. Leng Feng has made up his mind. This time, he will not go back unless he finds Bill's place of residence!

With such determination, basically nothing is impossible.

In the worst-case scenario, it is just focusing on the hometown, gradually expanding the search scope, and one day it can be found.

Leng Feng's heart has been prepared for a long search.

Next, he and Li Guang found a suitable place, made a fire, had some lunch, and moved on.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already finished two pots of seafood at this meeting.

That sea cucumber, directly full of mouth, chewed.

Anyone who eats sea cucumbers can swallow them directly, Ye Han asked himself if he didn't have that ability.

The shell of the sea urchin is opened, and the yellow inside is the flesh of the sea urchin. It has a slightly bitter taste, but it is very fragrant. If you taste it carefully, you can even taste the sweetness.

This stuff can also be eaten raw, that is how to eat sashimi, but Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi still cook it before eating it.


"After this seafood meal, I don't want to eat any more in a short time."

Ye Han waved his hand and said.

It's a bit boring to eat, and I ate too much at one time.

Su Xiaoqi felt the same way.

Even those who live by the sea do not eat seafood every day.

No matter how delicious the same thing is, it can’t bear to eat it every day.

Next, the two packed up their things and started to move on by the coast.

Ye Han looked at the time and set himself two hours.

Two hours, if there is no discovery and harvest, then it's time to go back.

Otherwise, if it is dark, there is no way to go home, then you have to walk at night, which is not safe.

For Ye Han, now there is nothing to let him walk at night, because he can last until the end of the game without worrying about food and clothing.

So, it's not worth doing something risky and putting yourself in danger.

Everything takes your own safety as the first factor.

"This reef area will take about an hour to walk."

"Further on is the beach."

"Let's walk through the woods and see if anything good is growing."

Ye Han took the lead.

This is a new place. Not only have he and Su Xiaoqi never been there, but the animals have never been there.

So rhubarb is still quite curious, jumping up and down, and eating a few unknown fruits.

There are too many species of animals and plants in the tropical rain forest, and Ye Han can't recognize them all.

In fact, even if Xiao Liang came in person, he might not be able to accurately name every animal and plant.

Ye Han didn't touch or eat things he didn't know and wasn't sure about.

What if it goes bad?

But seeing what rhubarb can eat, then people can generally eat it.

Ye Han has secretly recorded the fruits that Rhubarb has eaten. If he sees it later, he can also pick some and taste it.

"Is that tea?"

"That's **** tea, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"Why hasn't Ye Han found the tea?"

"It doesn't mean that Ye Han wants to replenish the reserve of tea leaves, and he can see the tea leaves immediately. Be patient."

"Zhu Chuan's cave, when did you go to get the relics?"

"What is that, how does it look like a lake?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing and observing the past from Ye Han's perspective.

Sure enough, Ye Han once again made a major discovery!

In the jungle ahead, there is a lake, and you can even see lotus flowers growing on the lake!

This discovery made Ye Han's eyes light up, and he immediately became excited.

The lotus is more than just looking pretty.

As long as you see lotus flowers, it means that there are lotus roots in the mud at the bottom of the lake!

This is a very delicious thing!

And not only lotus roots can be eaten, including lotus leaves, lotus seeds, etc., are quite good things, so the lotus thing can also be said that the whole body is a treasure.

In nature, there are quite a few animals and plants that are known as treasures all over their bodies.

Every part can basically be used, so it can be said that the whole body is a treasure.

At this time, Ye Han couldn't help speeding up his pace. Of course, it was time to explore the way. If he was bitten by some poisonous snake at this juncture, who would he turn to?

Ten minutes later, Ye Han led the team to the lake.

"This lake can only be regarded as a small lake."

"Not as big as the one near our house."

Ye Han glanced at it and said.

The lake near my home is indeed larger, so it also contains dangerous creatures like crocodiles, and even a green anaconda came, causing Ye Han to dare not go there again.

At present, this lake is not big or deep, and it is relatively safer.

But it is only relatively safe, no one knows what dangerous creatures will hide in this lake.

"Boss, why is there a lake here?"

Su Xiaoqi asked a very level question.

"Yes, how can there be an island in this sea?"

Ye Han said with a smile.

He was making fun of Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi glared at Ye Han before he spoke properly.

"It's all close to the mouth of the sea. You see, the water in this lake is flowing into the sea continuously."

"And there are also several streams that flow from all directions and merge into the lake."

"It should be the topography and topography here that created this lake. Anyway, this is a good thing. We have lotus roots to eat!"

Ye Han stood by the lake, his eyes glowing, staring at the lotus flowers.

The literati in history liked the lotus very much. The more famous ones, such as Ai Lian said, and now there are some sand sculpture netizens who use the pictures of the lotus and the author Zhou Dunyi's pictures as couple heads.

Although it is a sand sculpture, there is nothing wrong with it. Zhou Dunyi just likes lotus flowers!

Yu Du Ai Lian will come out of the mud without being stained, and it will be clean and not demonic.

This is an ancient saying.

So now the problem is coming, if Ye Han wants to get lotus root, he must go into the water.

He was also thinking about whether he should go into the water to pick it?

Chapter 735

As I said before, at the level of Ye Han, there is no need to worry about food.

So he basically doesn't take risks and do anything.

But now that such a big discovery has been made, Ye Han is still moved.

The lake is not large, nor deep, and the possibility of danger is not high.

Therefore, Ye Han felt that it was worth a trip.

And don't forget, with Ye Han's good luck, even if there is a crocodile in this lake, it may not necessarily come to bite Ye Han!

So Ye Han made a decision to go into the water and pick lotus roots!

"Ye Han's posture, is he going into the water?"

"No, there are crocodiles and green anacondas in the water!"

"Don't make trouble, there should be no such dangerous creatures in this lake. After all, the lake is very small and does not meet the living conditions of these things."

"Let me say a few words. The lake near Ye Han's house is very large. It is connected to the underground water vein of the island. The small lake in front of me is completely different. It was formed by the gathering of the island's stream before it flowed into the sea."

"Why doesn't the lake near Ye Han's house grow lotus flowers, but lotus roots?"

"It just doesn't have that lake. What can you do? It's like asking why you don't have a Rolls-Royce in your house."

"Hahahaha, yes, why doesn't your family have a Rolls-Royce, blame your father for not working hard to make money!"


A group of viewers played in the live room again.

In the past, parents wanted their children to become dragons. Now, it's the other way around.

Many children look to their father to become a dragon, complaining that their parents cannot make money.

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