"Xiao Qi, is it ready? I'm so hungry!"

Ye Han urged on the side.

"It's coming soon, it has to be cooked, or you may have diarrhea."

Su Xiaoqi turned the barbecue from time to time and sprinkled some seasonings.

The scent penetrated Ye Han's nose.

And water and oil dripped onto the charcoal below, making a chi chi sound.

"I'll see how long this grill can last."

Ye Han took a closer look and fiddled with the burning charcoal with a branch.

Although this barbecue is a one-time use, Ye Han also used several layers of bamboo, so it is not difficult to burn through it.

There's nothing wrong with sticking to the end of this barbecue.

The two of them are about to start a barbecue dinner.

Chapter 772 Sean's Pet Mouse

On the beach, the waves beat against the reefs, and the salty sea breeze blows, with a cool breath, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Not to mention that Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi still had a strong aroma of barbecue.

"Oysters are edible."

Su Xiaoqi was constantly busy, feeling like a barbecue master.

In summer, the master of the kebabs on the street is standing there, constantly flipping the kebabs on the grill.

There are more rough ones, who are roasted directly with their shirtless, sweating profusely.

"I'll try it!"

Ye Han had been waiting for Su Xiaoqi's words for a long time. He picked up an oyster shell and brought it to his mouth.

With a chopstick, the oyster meat entered the mouth.


Ye Hantong bared his teeth and grinned, but he was reluctant to spit out the oyster meat.

A lively Huo Yuanjia was performed on the spot.

The audience said their faces were crooked with laughter.

"Slow down, there's so much more!"

Su Xiaoqi gave Ye Han a strange look.

Ye Han couldn't speak at all. He stirred the oyster meat in his mouth with his tongue, and finally began to chew.

In fact, the oyster meat didn't need to be chewed very much. After turning around in Ye Han's mouth a few times, it entered his stomach.

"Wow, it's delicious!"

"There is also a unique taste of plant spices, although there is no minced garlic and fans, but the taste is definitely not bad."

Ye Han gave a thumbs up.

And this taste is also not to say, fresh and juicy, just right.

This is all thanks to Su Xiaoqi's grasp of the heat, which is so wonderful.

Ye Han picked up the second one again.

But he didn't eat this by himself, but blew it to make sure he wouldn't burn his mouth, and then fed it to Su Xiaoqi.

"Ah, open your mouth."

Ye Han brought the oysters to Su Xiaoqi's mouth.

Su Xiaoqi opened her mouth obediently and ate an oyster.

Watching the two of them eat barbecue here, many viewers felt terribly uncomfortable.

Of course it's frustrating.

"What sin did I do in my last life, let me see this?"

"Hehe, I haven't done anything wrong in my life, why should I bear this, I'm still a child!"

"I'm a grilled oyster, but I don't think my grilled oysters are as good as theirs. I'm greedy."

"Very good, the barbecue and dog food are all stuffed into my stomach, saving another meal."

"Well, I still prefer to watch the pictures of the players enduring hardship. I will go to the couples team to find a sense of superiority."

"Let's go together, I found a group of African players who ate a toad yesterday!"


This is not nonsense. The people of Shenzhou who live relatively well often cannot imagine what people in poor areas eat.

There are people who eat soil to survive. In contrast, eating a toad is a big meal.

The audience couldn't take it anymore, but Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were happily eating here.

Rhubarb was also waiting pitifully to be fed. Of course, it could only eat leftovers.

"Rhubarb, that's the shell, you can't eat it."

"You can lick it, twist it, lick it, soak it."

Ye Han saw that Rhubarb was nibbling on the shell of an oyster, so he quickly stopped Rhubarb and said something rude.

"Boss, be yourself."

"Good rhubarb, after the game is over, you can eat and drink spicy rhubarb every once in a while."

Su Xiaoqi comforted Da Huang with a few words.

This is true. With Ye Han's financial resources and so much reward money, what's the point of raising a monkey?

There is a well-known second-generation wealthy in China, who spends millions to keep dogs and buy luxury goods for dogs, which has become a pediatrician.

As long as Ye Han is willing to wear a golden vest for Rhubarb, there is no problem with Dundun Abalone and Lobster.

Now on the island, the delicious food is of course close to Ye Han and Xiao Qi, and Rhubarb can eat some leftovers.

It does the rest by itself, just eat some tender leaves, fruit or something.

The two were eating a barbecue dinner here, and the couple's team in Kangaroo Country was much more miserable.

They found a relatively decent place to stop, temporarily set up camp, and stocked up on food.

A trip to move has hurt their vitality.

There is no food reserve on the island, which is a very dangerous thing, which is equivalent to the brink of elimination.

Now the two are arranging traps, hoping to catch some prey.

But today's lunch, neither of them were able to eat enough, and now they have no energy.

It can be said that it is in poor condition.

Especially Jon, although Emily gave him most of the food, but now he still feels a little vain.

That's hungry.

"Why are there not many eggs in this place?"

Jon was annoyed.

Yesterday, I took out a lot of eggs, and I may not be very lucky today.


I can only hope these traps work.

After arranging the trap, the two of them rested on the spot to save their stamina.

The situation of the two of them made the audience of Kangaroo Country more worried.

A rain-caused house collapse, coupled with the threat of monitor lizards, sparked a grueling move, and it's not known when it will be headed.

It is also a couple's configuration, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are having a big meal over there, there is no comparison.

In addition, there is the alcoholic team of Maoxiong Country, which is also very nourishing.

At least there is no shortage of food, and the house is big and strong.

There is still drinking.

At this point, the two of them had distilled two large cans of tequila.

Although the degree is not very high, it is at least wine, and the two are very happy to drink.

I was reluctant to drink too much at one time, so I tasted it slowly, but it was also very happy.

Drinking wine on the island is undoubtedly a luxury.

They also made a subjective mistake, that is, they believed that they were the first group of players on the island to drink alcohol.

It's the same with Lengfeng thinking he owns the most houses.

Because they don't know the situation of other players, they take it for granted.

From their point of view, other than the two of them, who else would go to wine specially!

But they didn't expect that there really is such a person, that is Ye Han, this open-hanging player.

At this time, some viewers found out that something new happened on the side of Solo Player Sean of Beautiful Country.

"Sean also subdued the animals on the island!"

"Ah this... The family raises goshawks, wolves, and flat-headed brothers. What does this Sean raise?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is a rat!"

"What kind of hobby is this? It's outrageous, what a dirty mouse!"

"Let me say a few words about this. When Sean was in prison, I was the prison guard in charge of him. He was locked up for a period of time, and many people who went in went crazy after coming out, stupid, Sean can He persevered because he found a mouse in the little dark room, and that mouse was with him."

"And such a thing? It reminds me of the old cloth in The Shawshank Redemption!"

The audience discussed and chatted hotly.

The Shawshank Redemption is a movie that is worth watching many times, and every time it feels heartfelt shock.

There is an old cloth in the movie who raised a bird in prison, which is also equivalent to a sustenance for him.

It should be the same with Sean, so it is understandable that he also raises a mouse on the island.

At this time, in the live broadcast, Sean was feeding the mouse.

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for the wonderful flowers and inspiration capsules for the reward of learning too hard (learning is a hard thing before sweet, come on), thank you Qi Mao Shuyou _021653544855 for the rewarding reminder, and thank you for the flowers rewarded in the season of wind (no If you remember wrongly, you gave the book as soon as you opened the book, but you disappeared later), thank you for the energy drink (new face) who gave the reward in the early morning and early in the morning, and thank the tiger for the burial bow (the walking encyclopedia). Thank you to these great supporters!

Chapter 773 Start making saltpeter

This mouse is not small, as long as a slap, and it is quite fat, with a lot of meat on its body.

There is almost no place in this world that a mouse cannot go to.

There are cockroaches as well as mice.

The cockroach is even more powerful. It has existed for more than 300 million years, and it can be said to be quite successful.

Humans are better than cockroaches...

Closer to home, Sean found the mouse at home.

He hung the bacon on the wall when he saw that the mouse was trying very hard to steal his bacon.

This immediately reminded Sean of the mouse he was in prison.

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