
This invisible and intangible thing was actually detected by Zhao Feng in its form of existence.

Don't look at the soldiers on the barrier at this time, although they are still tenacious and selfless during the battle.

But he could clearly feel that everyone's will was generally depressed.

At this time, Zhao Feng also understood what the princess had originally thought, and could understand why she chose to take the initiative.

Long-term passive defense will indeed weaken the morale of the soldiers.

Especially when the opponent is the Chaos Legion, those deformed creatures that cover the sky and the sun.

Those high-level arms that are full of strange things and extremely curious.

Everything was wearing down the will of the defenders.

Even if they knew that the barrier was impenetrable, after months of fighting, the opponent's offensive not only did not decrease, but instead continued to increase, which would make anyone confused.

I wonder if I can stop them. Will one day the Chaos Legion's offensive exceed the limit of defense?

Soldiers will be frightened and paralyzed by this.

Once the mentality is numb, it will turn the soldiers into a pure slaughtering machine, allowing them to kill more efficiently.

But at the same time, it will be easier for some evil things to invade and disturb the mind.

For example, the top infiltration unit of the Chaos Legion, [Shadow Demon]

[Shadow Demon] has no entity and can only move in the shadow.

The method of penetration and destruction is the legendary "possession".

And this "possession" can be said to be quite strange and difficult to prevent.

First of all, because the level it is at is more microscopic than molecular atoms.

This means that even if it is completely integrated with people, the victim will not feel anything at all.

After all, how is it possible for humans to detect changes at the atomic level?

After integration, it will not immediately start teaching you to do things.

Instead, first observe the victim's personality, behavior, and approach to sum up his or her psychological weaknesses.

Because most of the shadow demons belong to the Slaanesh faction, and the characteristic of the Slaanesh faction is to try their best to make believers indulge in luxury and licentiousness, while pursuing the ultimate sensual enjoyment.

Focusing on mind control.

Therefore, after [Shadow Demon] lurks and collects the victim's weaknesses, the first thing he does is not to identify them.

The first thing it does is tolerance and guidance, trying to make the victims face up to their psychological weaknesses as much as possible.

Of course, this so-called "face up" is not a formal method, but a covering operation by amplifying various negative human emotions, making the victim think that he has overcome his psychological weakness because of indulgence.

This trick is very classic, it is just trying to harm you under the guise of doing your best.

The victims will also think that they came up with the solution themselves, but they do not know that the thoughts they think are their own are actually deeper and more microscopic beings that control them.

There is almost no solution to this move. It can be said that any life form that does not have the eighth sense activated will basically fall into ruin when faced with the Shadow Demon.

Once you choose to indulge, you just fall into the trap of [Shadow Demon].

In order to better control the victim, it will not only give them a sense of psychological accomplishment.

Physically, it will also allow the victim to enjoy an extremely comfortable experience, and it will be light to get high on the spot.

It doesn't matter if the possessed person is strong-willed and chooses to endure.

You can endure it for one day, two days, or one month? One year?

People always have time to vent. As long as you vent and release negative emotions, Shadow Demon has ten thousand ways to make you indulge in it.

And this is just the beginning.

The first step is often the hardest to break past perceptions.

For example, to control an honest person, first let him learn to throw things to vent, the second step is to throw people, and the third step is to smash, smash and grab. . .

Give the victim sensory stimulation step by step.

Step by step, people slowly fall into the abyss.

Until he finally fell into the arms of Slaanesh.

The same is true for lust, and the same is true for violence. Power, money, appetite, and all desires based on enjoyment are all methods used by [Shadow Demon] to seduce people into corruption.

No matter how strong your will is, if you do good deeds and feel depressed every day, and do bad deeds, it will be like having a climax, and sooner or later you will fall into the embrace of the evil god.

After knowing how terrifying this thing was, Zhao Feng immediately began to conduct an inventory of the human race.

Of course, it is not that easy to track down. Its hidden state is a bit like the phase destroyer in [Light-tending] technology.

However, the phase battleship escaped into the P space and entered the space gap to avoid real-life observation.

Use this to carry out special operations such as stealth, surprise attacks, and breaches.

The [Shadow Demon] achieves the purpose of infiltration by escaping into the "shadow".

This move is almost impossible to detect by technological civilization, but Zhao Feng is different.

This guy's sixth sense can detect hidden dangers, and his eighth sense can clearly see everything on the field.

Psychokinesis and seventh sense gave him the ability to counterattack.

The only difficulty now is the process of uncovering [Shadow Demon].

Because the eighth sense needs to be continuously activated, this consumes Zhao Feng's mental energy.

Fortunately, the image of [Shadow Demon] is too conspicuous. In the colorful energy world, a pure black shadow suddenly appears, and no one can ignore it.

As for killing [Shadow Demon], it is still quite difficult, but if the opponent is Zhao Feng, it will be very simple.

As long as it is made of energy, as long as Zhao Feng can see it, he can control and decompose it.

Therefore, although the progress was slow, he still counted 65% of the population in one month and imprisoned a full 120,000 [Shadow Demons]

Yes, imprisonment.

He did not kill all the shadow demons he found.

Because in addition to the evil ability of Shadow Demon, his body is also an extremely rare catalyst.

As long as you accumulate about 500,000 to 1 million shadow demons and put them into artificial stars, you can create an extremely rare star in the universe.

"Dark Matter Star"

The name may seem quite mysterious, but the so-called dark matter is just a general term for matter that cannot be observed but actually exists.

In other words, any matter in the universe that has not been detected, observed, or understood, but you know it exists, can be called dark matter.

As a creature from an alien universe, [Shadow Demon] is able to pass through shields because it can communicate with a special kind of dark matter at the Planck scale.

And that substance is called "shadow quantum."

The high-frequency waves generated by the "shadow quantum" build a new world, which we can call the "shadow world".

The Shadow Realm is not a separate layer of cosmic space.

It is like a space gap like P space.

In all levels of the universe, there is P space, and there is also the "shadow world".

The [Shadow Demon] penetrates through the special space of "Shadow Realm".

It is also because of this that it is possible to achieve defense that ignores shields.

Of course, "Shadow Quantum" is not an invincible existence.

As long as the civilization level is high enough and the microscopic research is deep enough, it can actually resist the penetration of [Shadow Demon].

It's just that the human race obviously doesn't have this ability yet.

But fortunately, the human race has Zhao Feng, a spiritual leader, in charge. If technology cannot solve the problem, he can use metaphysics to solve it.

Therefore, when the [Shadow Demons] rushed to the human defense line without mercy, their fate was actually doomed.

Facing Zhao Feng, who can control energy at will, they are as fragile as a newborn baby.

After all, Shadow Demon is only the user of the "Shadow Realm". As a peculiar race born and bred in the world, it is born to use the "Shadow Realm".

But this has also caused their "laziness" and "dependence".

In the face of someone like Zhao Feng, who can directly interfere with the "shadow quantum", the basic component particle of the shadow world.

Hardly any waves can be made.

Even escaping was a luxury, and they were all controlled until death by Zhao Feng.

At this time, these controlled [Shadow Demons] were all placed in special airtight ceramic containers.

That’s right ceramic containers.

The world is so wonderful, everything in the universe seems to be interdependent.

"Shadow Quantum" is no exception.

As mentioned before, the "shadow quantum" will release a high-frequency wave at the Planck scale, and this wave forms the "shadow world"

But only high-frequency waves can be blocked or even isolated.

[Shadow Demon] will lose the ability to travel through the "shadow" at will.

If you want to isolate or block high-frequency waves, the best way is to use "ceramics".

After Zhao Feng learned this information through the plug-in prompt, he couldn't help but sigh that all things in the world are really one thing after another.

As for the human race itself, the infiltration of this wave of [Shadow Demons] did not have much impact.

Basically, people who are possessed only stop at the stage where they start to hallucinate and feel depressed.

Before he could proceed further, Zhao Feng, who noticed the abnormality, cleared away the hidden danger.

. . .

Zhao Feng, who had counted the entire population a few days later, suddenly thought of something.

And the more he thought about this matter, the more his brows couldn't help but frown.

‘Looking at it this way, other races in the Star Sea World may have been very seriously infiltrated. ’

'Although the shadow demon cannot cause direct harm, it can subtly change the personality of a living body, making it more indulgent, darker, and more evil. This silent invasion method of moisturizing things is really poisonous. . . . And it’s hard to guard against. ’

‘With this level of penetration, even if you have strong willpower, you will be turned into a ditch by [Shadow Demon] over time, right? ’

‘How did other civilizations in the Star Sea resist the infiltration of the Shadow Demon? Or do they not know about Shadow Demon at all? ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but get more energetic.

Through the eighth sense of vision, carefully observe the situation inside the barrier.

Although all the shadow demons that have penetrated have been sealed, the subsequent prevention cannot be relaxed.

He didn't want any of his kind to be in that situation.

After all, physical diseases are easy to treat, but mental illnesses are not so easy to treat.

. . .

As time goes by bit by bit, a full year has passed since the human race reached cosmic level Level 25.

The Chaos Legion's attacks were repelled in countless waves.

From the initial excitement to numbness, to becoming accustomed to it.

It can be said that the daily routine of the human race on this side of the barrier is quite regular under the training of the Chaos Legion.

There are only three things that soldiers have to do every day, eat, sleep, and fight monsters.

Today, the human race has finally come out on top here.

Just now, Xinghai System officially announced that it has begun preparations for the next round of battlefield trials.

Of course, humans are among them.

But to the human race, this doesn't matter.

As long as a new guy can come over, at least Bastion's defense will finally have someone to take over.

The Star Sea system restarted the trial mainly because the princess's portal was established.

It's just that it is only a small portal now, and the number of warships that can be transported every day is extremely limited. It is still necessary to wait for the parts of the large portal to be shipped and recalculate the space landmarks before the large forces can arrive.

As for the contribution of the human race to holding the barrier alone during this period, it is all reflected in personal merit and experience points.

Zhao Feng has as many as 500 trillion achievements at his disposal at this time.

After all, the whole clan worked for him, so it was only natural that he could obtain these merits.

But even though there are many meritorious deeds, the actual places where they can be used are extremely limited.

If it is only used to upgrade the military rank, then it is estimated that it will be no problem to be promoted to generalissimo or even capital.

It's just that the military merit may be worse, and you need to complete military merit tasks bit by bit to improve your official rank.

But how could Zhao Feng be so selfish?

Considering that with one's own strength, one can achieve this level of merit anyway, and he can earn it again after just one and a half years.

Then without thinking, he directly exchanged all these personal merits for racial merits.

100 points of personal merit are exchanged for 1 point of racial merit.

After all the exchanges are completed, there will be a total of 50 trillion.

What is this concept? If all of them are used to exchange for 4 types of attack power bonuses.

Then the resources in Zhao Feng's hands can be exchanged for 350,000 years.

Of course, he couldn't redeem those simple things.

Not to mention anything else, before the battle fleet even came out, the bonuses provided by his personal attributes were already too much for the fleet.

Another 10% attack increase for all series actually doesn't have much effect.

And the strength of the race is not entirely supported by attack power.

Fortunately, due to the large amount of merit points exchanged, the racial merit store has opened a third-level interface.

In other words, the human race's racial merit store has a full level 6 page.

This is a level that many medium-sized forces can reach after operating for hundreds or even thousands of years.

It only took the human race one year to do it.

As for the newly opened pages, they are obviously much better than those on the first three levels.

The first is the fourth-level page, which focuses on building acceleration.

There are not many optional types, only three in total.

1 hour: 10 million merits (limited number of redemptions: 1 million)

10 hours: 50 million merits (limited number of redemptions: 100,000)

24 hours: 500 million merits (limited number of redemptions: 10,000)

Next refresh time: 9 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds.

The quantity is quite large, but the number of redemptions is limited.

Fortunately, there is still a refresh time to follow. Although it will take a little longer than 10 years, it is still something to look forward to. (End of chapter)

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