But it wasn't over yet. Before the energy weapon's flames dissipated completely, the live ammunition turret began to spit out red and blue fire again.

That is the unique flame produced when a rocket accelerator and an electromagnetic accelerator are mixed to propel the projectile.

Of course, for battleship artillery, targets within 800 kilometers do not actually need rocket extended-range projectiles for a second speed increase.

But once this thing is used, it means that the warhead it launches must be beyond specifications.

Less than a second after the cannon was fired, dense beams of light and energy bombs hit the frontline troops of the Chaos Legion head-on.

Immediately afterwards, the beam of light penetrated all living things, and the energy bomb burned through all the deformed bodies in front of it.

As the energy weapons opened the passage, countless cannonballs carrying huge kinetic energy followed closely behind.

After smashing each chaotic creature, the energy explosives inside it detonated just before the kinetic energy dissipated.

Dense dots of light suddenly exploded on the front of the Chaos Legion.

Large areas of chaotic creatures were exploded by pure energy and crushed on the spot.

But it is the fragments produced during the explosion that cause more damage.

The scattered shrapnel can easily split all the targets along the way into two.

And this is just the beginning.

It was like setting off "firecrackers" on New Year's Eve, from the beginning of the battle until the Chaos Legion narrowed the distance between the two sides to 500 kilometers.

The "fireworks" that keep flashing have no intention of stopping.

On the radar screen, the dense red dots representing Chaos soldiers will be erased in pieces.

But even if the fleet's firepower is so fierce, even if each round of bombardment can blast out holes one after another, the Chaos soldiers who come later can always fill the holes again.

However, in just a few minutes, the number of soldiers killed by the Chaos forces exceeded one trillion.

With so many casualties, they did not waver at all and continued to move towards the fleet of the Star Sea Civilization at high speed.

At this time, the Xinghai race's tactical intention of firing alternately and in stages to ensure that there would be no gaps in firepower was shattered.

Faced with this fighting will, this crazy and reckless attack mode.

The commanders of various races in the Star Sea Civilization had to increase the density of fleet firepower projection from the previous 40% to 80%.

The doubling of firepower density also caused new problems between the two sides. .

As said before, the battleship's gunfire cannot be fired endlessly.

Normally, when fighting in groups, warships need to retain about 40%-50% of their firepower output.

The purpose is to avoid accidents during combat.

If 50% of the firepower output is retained, even if an accident occurs.

For example, there is no need to worry about various problems such as turret damage, barrel maintenance, or gun emplacement strikes.

The remaining 50% can be replaced in a timely manner to avoid being drawn closer by the enemy to the close combat where the battleship is the most stretched.

Of course, it is not impossible to invest more than 80% of the firepower.

As long as the combat time is not too long, there will be no problem even if 100% of the firepower is invested.

But based on the current density of firepower, the fleet may not be able to hold on for more than half a day before it completely shuts down. . .

If nothing else, just look at the desperate look of the Chaos Legion.

Being able to resist for 4 hours was actually Zhao Feng's fault.

Moreover, even if we don’t look at the status of the Chaos Legion soldiers, we only look at the opponent’s troop density this time.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that this battle cannot be easily ended in a short time.

Then the problem comes. Once the exchange of fire between the two sides exceeds half a day, the battleship's gun barrel will soon be overloaded due to overheating.

Coupled with this, the high-level units of the Chaos Legion rush forward without risking their lives.

Then in up to 4 hours, the fleet's distance advantage will be wiped out by the opponent's human sea tactics.

The two sides will also usher in the most brutal close combat.

. . .

At this time, the fighting on the battlefield will continue for a while, so let us move the time back one day and move the universe level to the Lv.1 trade area.

At this time, our demoted first princess, her loyal adjutant Eriwen, and chief staff Hal have just sold the [Falcon-class] light cruiser in their hands.

Fortunately, the princess still had some private property. After selling the light cruiser, she added some money and bought a heavy cruiser.

She did this just in case. The mission of self-redemption has been completed. The next step is to regain everything she owns. After all, the [Falcon-class] is a battleship gifted by the Zerg. Who knows if that battleship is there? GPS.

In order to ensure sufficient safety and privacy for the next operations, replacing a new ship became what they had to do.

As for the prisoners who were traveling with her, they left separately after arriving at the trade area.

We are not from the same place, how could we participate in such a dangerous battle for the throne for a woman we have only known for a few dozen days?

If the so-called First Princess had not been deprived of her royal status, maybe they would have thought about it, but Vardenko is nothing now. There is even a bounty for her killing on the black market, and she finally got her freedom. , who will pay for themselves again~

When it comes to freedom, we have to talk about the so-called "free people".

These people are generally fugitives or losers who have escaped from their own civilization.

Although deprived of his civil rights, he is still an intelligent individual.

Facing these intelligent individuals, another set of rules will be activated in the battlefield trial of Xinghai at this time.

Compared with participating civilizations, personal battlefield signs are relatively tolerant.

After entering the trial battlefield alone, you can leave safely as long as you meet two conditions.

1. Stay for 3 months or more.

2. Achieve a battle loss ratio of more than 1:100.

After these two conditions are met, as a free citizen, you will receive a one-year rest period.

Of course, while the task is relatively simple, it also has certain flaws.

First of all, the free people do not have their own race, so their merit points will be reduced to 1% of the original value, and the merit requirements for military ranks will also be three times the normal.

In other words, the possibility of promotion is basically zero.

But no matter what, at least the safety is real.

Many members of civilization have chosen to take this path in the past, but the results are hard to describe.

Of course, except for those guys who really have no choice but to flee the world or be expelled from their own families.

But the problem is that more people actually choose to withdraw from civilization because of the safety of personal battlefield trials.

For the sake of their own lives, many people who thought they were smart chose to withdraw from their own civilized forces.

After quitting, he did not forget to use his former connections to obtain some high-level battleships to safely pass the battlefield trials.

But is Xinghai so easy to deceive?

Dare to exploit loopholes?

I wonder if that was put there intentionally?

Just like making a nest before fishing.

Basically, any "fish" that bites the bait will end badly.

Once the false information is verified by the Xinghai system, it will be really miserable.

First, the cheater must complete the standards required for the Civilization Level Battlefield Trial alone.

Secondly, it is very likely that the Xinghai System will arrange its position at the beginning.

For example: being directly arranged to act as a vanguard at the front, and arranging a series of must-do tasks for the vanguard.

If you are arranged, that is the most difficult thing to do.

You know, normally speaking, for civilization-level battlefield trial missions, the most basic requirements are merit points in hundreds of millions.

Although it is difficult for an individual to complete it, there is still hope that it can be completed in one's lifetime.

But if it's the second type, if you are forced to arrange a position, you will be completely ruined.

It would be fine if you were placed in the middle or back row, but if Xinghai didn't like you and put you in the stormtroopers, it would be a disaster.

Not only do you have to be at the front and take the hardest beatings, but you also have to conscientiously complete the killing requirements.

In this position, let alone free men, even the top fleets of each race would be extremely difficult to resist before they figure out the specific path of the Chaos forces.

And now Vardenko is not the kind of player who pretends to be someone and is ready to take advantage of loopholes.

But similarly, after gaining the status of a free person, it would be extremely difficult for her to take back everything that belongs to her in her current state.

As if he could see what Vardenko was thinking, Hal said:

"Your Highness, you bought this battleship because you want to take the initiative to go to Level 25 and retrieve those subordinates who have sworn loyalty to you? But this is very dangerous. I don't recommend that you take the risk yourself. After all, no one knows the situation on the other side. After all, it has been a full year since the last battlefield trial, and no one knows what changes have taken place in the Chaos forces..."

Hearing this, the former First Princess glanced at Hal, shook her head and said:

"I have no intention of getting those people back. After my closest uncle betrayed me, those people are no longer trustworthy."

"I was actually thinking about something else..."

Having said this, Vardenko looked at the adjutant next to him and asked softly:

"Eriwen, do you remember that human race?"

Eriwen: "Of course I remember, their commander-in-chief is a pretty philistine guy."

Upon hearing this, Varjinko nodded and said with some uncertainty: "Those human races are stronger than we thought. Their top combat power is at least level 7 and may even reach level 8."

Listening to His Highness's words, Eriwen couldn't help but take a breath and said in disbelief:

"Your Highness, are you mistaken? How is it possible to reach level 8? How can there be that kind of existence in that small trial race? At the beginning, their civilization level was only level 4 at most, and their top combat power was just a battleship. A cruiser can touch the edge of level 5 strength even if it is stretched to death. How can it have level 8 combat power? That is the strength that only top flagships and even dreadnoughts can possess."

Varzinko: "Perhaps they have a powerful person with a bullet level. Otherwise, how can you explain Haka's matter?"

"You and I both understand that the self-destruction of the barrier cannot kill Hakkar."

"Eriwen, I know this is hard to believe, but this is what I saw with my own eyes." Varzinko said while falling into memories.

At first, we had just arrived at Level 25 and carefully arranged everything. However, after a month of continuous exploration, we were surprised to find that the Doomsday Barrier that was supposed to be occupied by the Chaos Legion not only changed its appearance. , and the chaos forces seemed to be blocked by inexplicable forces.

I quietly drove a reconnaissance ship to see the race that blocked the Chaos Legion. They were exactly the same as the humans I asked you to recruit.

The moment I saw each other, I couldn't believe it at first, but then I realized a problem.

The high-end combat power of this civilization can deal with seriously injured high-level demons.

Listening to the princess's self-narration, the two subordinates looked shocked.

Hal: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even if the civilization recruited by the Star Sea System is powerful, it is definitely not something that a cricket trial civilization can do to deal with the big demon!"

Eriwen: "Wait a minute, if it is true that they have terrifying strength as His Highness said, then the way the human leader acted before was actually deceiving me? Has that guy been playing the role of me all along?..."

Hearing this, Hal and Varzinko both cast comforting glances at Eriwen.

Hal: "Okay, even if their strength is really strong, do you want to use the other party's concealment of strength to help him regain everything that once belonged to you? But have you ever thought about it, your highness?" Will it hurt the other person if you do it?"

"Although they were dealing with a seriously injured high-level demon, it was still a demon! A civilization with such strength, and trying its best to hide itself, may have a big agenda. If you fall out, Your Highness, you will be attacked from both sides. ah."

Vardenko: "Don't worry Hal, I'm measured."

. . .

The next day passed by in a flash, and Vardenko arrived at Level 25 with his loyal bodyguards and two subordinates who followed him.

Because he entered the battlefield as a free man, or a free mercenary.

Therefore, it is not within the commander-in-chief's combat system.

In this battle, they have relatively loose authority.

Vardenko took advantage of this loose authority and chose to follow the human fleet directly from the beginning.

While the battle began, they remained fairly silent.

The purpose is to confirm the strength of the human fleet.

And as the head-on firefight began, they finally noticed the terrifying strength of the human fleet after careful investigation.

Of course, this so-called terror is completely invisible on the surface.

On the surface, the human fleet seems to be quite ordinary and nothing special.

But in fact, every time the human fleet fires, it can cover the front lines of the two races next to it.

And the seemingly ordinary bombardment, after hitting the target, will destroy enemies many times more than warships of the same level.

In this way, the front pressure on the two cow-horse allies on the left and right was greatly reduced.

Prevent them from making outrageous omissions due to excessive pressure.

Vardenko, who was silently observing this operation, couldn't help but nodded secretly.

He was even more certain in his heart that the human race was not simple.

. . . (End of chapter)

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