After hearing the old man's words, everyone's expressions were happy at first, and then condensed again.

"But what?" A middle-aged man couldn't help but interjected.

"We cannot 100% simulate the changes of the continental shelf. No one can give an answer to what the Mariana Trench will look like after the disaster strikes. Even computer simulations will produce hundreds of thousands of landform changes. Maybe, if the changes in the earth's crust are too severe, what will happen if the mountains turn into mountains?"

"Moreover, the old man pointed to the content on the last drawing..."

"The earth's depressurization plan is very dangerous. You must know that the mantle is already very unstable. It would be a bold move to open a hole at the bottom of the ocean trench to forcibly depressurize. It can even effectively delay the reversal of the earth's magnetic pole, but the same is possible. Create geological storms in advance and trigger disasters in advance.”

It was still the middle-aged man, but at this time he gave his thoughts directly without the usual hesitation:

"If a disaster strikes and the geological changes are too severe and the plan fails, then it will be like this, but at least we have tried hard."

"As for the Earth's depressurization plan, even the undersea shelters haven't been built yet. It's still too early to say that. And isn't there a floating island plan? We can help this young man with a little help in many aspects. Give him the green light to help him implement these plans as soon as possible."

"If the country really survives a larger population after the disaster because of his plan, then it will be able to better build our country after the disaster."

After hearing this, another middle-aged scholar said:

“The idea of ​​a floating island is great, but it’s too late to start the project now. If we start building it from now on, it will only be able to accommodate 10,000 people.

Nothing else. The number of helium extraction equipment nationwide is very limited. The annual output is less than 1 million cubic meters, but the annual demand is as high as more than 20 million cubic meters. The annual import volume is as high as 95% of the total output.

Calculating based on the fact that 1,000 cubic helium can lift 1 ton of material, and then subtracting the weight of the balloon skin and connections, the effective lifting force of 1,000 cubic helium is between 200-300 kilograms.

If materials made of carbon nanotubes are used, the effective lifting capacity may be increased to 500 kilograms, but the problem is that we don’t know whether that will affect the construction of undersea shelters. "

"The floating island project may be able to survive the initial disaster, but once the Yellowstone volcano erupts and volcanic ash sweeps across the world, the floating island will not be able to live at high altitudes for a long time. Extremely cold weather will cause the surface of the planet to be frozen.

After losing supplies, the floating island will eventually become a high-altitude cemetery. Unless the population on it is less than 400, it can maintain its self-circulation. Otherwise, in the end, it will still need to descend to the ground and establish a shelter underground to ensure the reproduction of human beings. "

"Obviously, compared to the floating island project, an undersea shelter that can carry over one million people is relatively more reliable."

Everyone in the conference room expressed their opinions.

Zhao Feng, who was meeting with Mr. Ren, actually already knew that his home had been robbed.

But he didn't pay too much attention.

Because his purpose from the beginning to the end was to reveal his plan to the relevant departments to a limited extent.

In the deep-sea refuge plan, what they saw was only what Zhao Feng wanted them to see. The actual scale of the deep-sea refuge was quite large. After all, Zhao Feng's ambition was not just to shelter 1 million people. Simple.

Not to mention the global population, at least the entire population of Xia Kingdom, he had to save.

As for the equipment in the warehouse area, various advanced robotic arms and processing centers, they were exposed.

Only by properly revealing some extraordinary strength can those involved be confident in his plan and give the green light.

You know, after the disaster is over, if the global population is only 100, it will be a blessing. If at this time, the Xia Kingdom retains a complete population and has corresponding material reserves.

So whose planet will it be?

Of course, he also wants to save more people and ensure the diversity of species on the planet.

But the problem is that he calculated global graphite production and some corresponding steel production.

At most, he is allowed to save 2 billion people.

Then in addition to the 1.3 billion people of the Xia Kingdom, and at most the Xiong Kingdom, the Bati and Beibang countries will be like this.

As a result, the world situation will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes.

Xia Guo will become the only master on this planet.

It's not that he doesn't want to save everyone, but even with his strength, he can only do this in more than half a year.

. . .

The conversation with Mr. Ren was very pleasant. To sum it up simply: "Young man, I am very optimistic about you and I want to invest more in you."

In addition to Lao Ren, in the next few days, Zhao Feng also met Lao Wang, who had "small goals" everywhere in his life.

As well as some of the real hidden bosses of Xia Kingdom.

The content of the conversation was not only investment, investment, but also investment.

After receiving the full green light and unlimited resource supply, Zhao Feng also completely liberated productivity.

First, all the nearby warehouses near the sea were rented and connected together.

What followed was an endless process of manufacturing robots to expand the production line.

Time passed by in a hurry, July and August passed by, the long summer ushered in the final chapter, and the chilling autumn slowly approached Xia Kingdom.

At this time, the entire reservoir area had completely changed into a different look.

Along the seaside, a huge terminal-like building has begun to take shape.

No one may be willing to go to the construction projects in the Himalayas, but the great development of Taizhou's coastal cities has attracted a large number of engineering teams.

Zhao Feng also took the time to hire a headhunting company to recruit some management talents.

Of course, it’s hard to say how much of this is due to the involvement of relevant departments.

Zhao Feng didn't care much anyway.

After appointing some management with excellent work experience, the entire coastal base is also developing rapidly.

Anyway, this shelter will eventually be open to all the people of Xia Kingdom, so in order to penetrate this news little by little.

He chose a more reliable reason.

Here, he wants to build the world's largest maritime museum.

Of course it is not a simple ground building, but a semi-embedded one.

What's the meaning? More than half of the exhibition hall is under the sea, and a small half is on the ground.

And most of the exhibition hall extends directly to 5 kilometers away.

The width even occupies a full 10 kilometers of coastline.

The entire Xia Kingdom's top management knew what he was doing, and only the ordinary people foolishly thought this was the world's largest maritime museum.

Although the entire coastline is designed to look like an entrance, it is a bit weird.

But considering that this is a "public" industry invested and constructed by multiple companies, everyone doesn't pay much attention to it.

And because of this abnormal shooting, such a large "museum" can handle up to 300,000 visitors per hour.

The daily population limit throughput can reach an astonishing 7.2 million.

And deeper, on the deeper level of the so-called museum, an underground railway network of the same area is also being constructed intensively.

A full 3,500 subway lines will be responsible for the next population transportation task.

In addition to construction on land and coastlines.

On the high seas 500 kilometers away from Taizhou, hundreds of cargo ships are constantly throwing the newly launched 2507 steel plates into the sea.

In the deep sea, millions of deep-sea robots are building a huge underwater barrier.

The steel canopy, circulation system, power system, and even the emergency floating device are all being gradually constructed.

There is a transfer station every 50 kilometers in the Mariana Trench.

The cables at one end of the transfer station are connected to geologically stable submarine plains to provide energy for those underwater cities, while the cables at the end of the trench are directly inserted into the bottomless abyss.

If ordinary people come here and stand next to the 10,000-meter-deep trench and stare at it, they will definitely be distracted by the deep world like the abyss of hell.

But in fact, in Zhao Feng's eyes, this is not some hell or abyss.

These deep trenches are all the most precious mines.

In the shallow parts of the trench, there are a large number of metal mineral deposits that are extremely rare on land.

And in the depths of the trench, endless heat is constantly erupting outward.

The density of energy and matter is unmatched by the terrestrial world.

And this is why Zhao Feng was able to create 64 underwater cities in just two months.

Yes, there are 64, not the shelters supported by various companies in the Xia Kingdom on the surface.

Under the sea, due to the difficulty of signal transmission and the obstruction of super water pressure, information is often delayed. Even some information that Zhao Feng does not want others to see can easily intercept and modify the signal.

Zhao Feng had already been carrying out the earth decompression plan secretly, which was not recommended by the older generation of scientists.

And, because it is more advanced technology, more efficient technology.

Stress reduction programs are more effective than you think.

The end of the world was originally going to be advanced to October 27. Due to the pressure reduction operations in major trenches, the time of the end is now moving backward every day.

Yes, the major trenches.

Not only the Mariana, but almost all of the other major trenches in the world are here, including the Philippine Trench, the Tangjia Trench, the Xiaobenzi Trench, the Thousand Islands Trench, and the Makedeck Trench. They are all located in the Pacific Ocean, and their depths are all 1 More than 10,000 meters.

In the past two months, Zhao Feng's undersea robot has not stopped building the geothermal extraction station for a moment.

At present, if the current rate of pressure reduction is used, as long as the solar wind does not explode and does not bring more neutrinos, then the doomsday disaster is really likely to be suppressed by Zhao Feng.

But obviously, this is impossible.

After gaining access to space satellites, he determined that this year's solar wind would enter violent mode.

Although it will not cause harm to the atmosphere or the magnetic field, it will continue to affect the temperature of the earth's core.

In other words, this disaster can be delayed, but it can never be prevented.

Even so, Zhao Feng still did not slow down the pressure reduction plan.

After all, every extra day gives the world more hope and more people can be saved.

After immersing himself in his work, he seemed to gradually understand the ancient one's intentions.

They don't seem to hope that their successors will forget compassion because they are too powerful.

Although I don’t know why, such a powerful ancient still cares about the continuation of the race.

But Zhao Feng had some understanding at this moment. The continuation of species and the jump in collective life levels of species seemed to be related to dimensionality.

But he hasn't figured out the specifics yet.

It probably has something to do with the soul.

But no matter what, let’s take one step at a time.

At least Zhao Feng is very confident in completing this wave of trials.

Even judging from the current momentum, he can save more humans.

It is not impossible to save half of the planet's population, 3 billion.

When everything moves forward according to the established plan, the AI ​​gradually accepts and completes the plan with faster efficiency.

Zhao Feng was free.

All he has to do now is wait, wait for the end, wait for the end of this wave of trials.

As for his own strength, it is temporarily useless in the face of the current explosive development of the industrial system.

In terms of technology, more advanced technologies are also stuck in bottlenecks.

Due to the time bottleneck, with the current materials on earth, it is impossible to mass-produce more sophisticated technological creations in a short period of time.

You know, even those shield systems arranged on the seabed are barely enough.

Because of the components made of some of the rare alloys required, the annual mining volume on this planet is almost measured in tons.

And this material is called "iridium element".

A few tons may seem like a lot, but the problem is that the iridium element simply mined cannot be used directly because its purity is too low.

It must be extremely purified, reaching the level of high purity iridium, at least 99.5%, before it can be used in shield generators.

Mao Xiong reached a cooperation with Xia Guo, and was able to provide 47 dungeons with the iridium element needed for the shield system.

The remaining underground cities can only be mined in small amounts by drilling into the earth's crust and mantle.

Although the quantity is small, it can barely fill the gap.

Looking at the shelter construction progress given by the AI ​​system in front of him, Zhao Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Then he stood up and left the warehouse.

Without calling his assistant or notifying anyone, Zhao Feng left this coast alone and drove his car aimlessly.

But the strange thing is that no matter where he goes, the surrounding roads will be cleared in advance.

No matter where he went, he was the only car in the lane he occupied.

Zhao Feng didn't take this kind of protection seriously at all.

In this world, no one can hurt him unless someone saturates him with missiles.

What's more, Xia Guo's shelter plan is now in full swing, and some processes have reached the most critical nodes.

His safety is a top priority, so it makes sense that he attaches such great importance to it.

At this time, Zhao Feng only wanted to do one thing besides relaxing.

That is to see if Ruolan exists in this world simulated by the ancients. (End of chapter)

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