Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Vol 2 Chapter 671: Selune, come and have a chat?

Shar, who had disappeared for some time, appeared again.

She sat there with a smile and softly comforted Lansander: "Have you never considered that there is a powerful enough mage in every humanoid settlement.

They are not good at other things, but it is still no problem to release a light canopy that can last for three months.

Therefore, you only need to consider how to make the unlucky star that suddenly awakened and has been burning for a long time fall asleep as soon as possible? "

Lansendre was indeed caught in a chaotic rhythm, and he was obviously really making calculations based on Shar's words.

Hill pursed his lips, glanced at Shar who was looking at him from the corner of his eye, picked up a glass of juice, lowered his eyelids and drank slowly.

Shar looked at Little Bear, who unexpectedly remained silent, with some confusion.

Based on her knowledge of this child, unless Hill couldn't think of the trap in her words, he wouldn't do nothing.

Although this child is in a neutral position, it is because he is not the kind of person who does his best to eliminate evil... no matter what kind of evil it is, he will shout and kill... but his nature is much kinder than most guys from the good camp.

In other words, Hill is truly kind.

Only dawn is hope.

And the young people outside these villages can also survive because of the existence of those professionals.

Toriel clenched his fist tightly...I am sure that power will allow me to completely destroy Ao, which I don't have room to struggle for yet.

Even though Ding Chengtian is still in such a mess, he is unpredictable.

Eight months is enough to see the light of day, which is enough for the Nasr people who have always been worried about starving to death... Although it seems that there is nothing to eat and drink, except for places of the dead like Ser, people in other places can only go out as long as they dare to If you go to the wilderness to pick wild vegetables and large fruits outside the bushes, many people will starve to death... From now on, you will understand what real famine is.

Although she is too willing to let William and Lansende meet, Shar is actually not sure about anything...your lover will definitely be like other gods and fall into the upper hand after Lansende meets.

What about wilderness and forest?

Is there no difference between these mortals, alive and dead? "

Shar is very vague about his own nature, and he must have really lost that sense of excitement. No matter how cold the love is, you will gradually turn it into nothingness... That is determined by your coldest dark night nature.

However, love with a little excitement can stay fresh forever, right?

"What did he want to do with Lansend?" Shar asked my doubts.

As for Ding Chengtian, among the people who were not qualified to be sent off the altar of the Dark Night Temple to be hunted down, a thousand people would be able to find a real bad guy.

Probably because he discovered Shar's hidden murderous intention, Toriel's tone was very serious and cold.

When did you ever care about the beliefs of mortals?

After you fell in love with William, it was absolutely unimaginable that you would have such ups and downs every day without someone, who could only be stirred up by Lansend.

Although he wasn't surprised at Shar's quick shot, Ding Cheng was quite unhappy to see the result in front of him.

"For ourselves, no." Toriel answered simply.

There is only darkness before dawn. "

When Hill smiled and asked Liszt to deliver drinks and snacks to each table, Shar said: "Why did he keep you?

But what about the fields and plants?

Cities are originally just a place that gives humans a sense of place, but they definitely want to go there. People without any professional abilities can live a very bad life in the villages there.

We love you when you are welcome.

Just as William is sure to be sitting here at this moment, I will also remind Toriel unwaveringly, even if that is Shar's goal... That's why William resolutely appears in front of any Nasr gods and weaklings.

But once there is eight months of light, the city becomes the only living space.

A ray of moonlight came quickly and knocked heavily on the window on Hill's terrace.

William will judge that we must die because these people are believers of the gods of the evil camp, and it only depends on whether we have committed any sins.

Although we have been in love for a long time, Shar can also be sure that William is the lover you can always control... That means that when Shar is facing me, she will always be able to strategize like she does with other things.

Then I just ignored Shar and spoke in a slightly shocked tone: "Ding Chengtian, what is he doing under the moon?

The same logic applies to Ding Cheng's bad image. Therefore, when Ding Chengtian was walking outside the town of Aglaia, Ding Cheng's magic circle reacted greatly, but it turned slightly red.

Shar thought about it, and it seemed that it was the only believer in Tyr who didn't have that kind of persistence.

Toriel opened his eyes and said decisively: "It's time to talk, Shar.

Toriel laughed and looked at the male **** in white who was retreating: "Lansend, he still killed this Aisling, right?"

Lansend glanced at you: "Why is he going to clean up this moon?

But, it’s just another old man’s experiment, why should I be a test subject?

Like Ding Cheng and William, I really only look at what I do and where I come from... Shar found that this was really the first time he saw me.

When the war begins, everything will return to the so-called normal track... Anyone who can allow time for people from other forces to evacuate after turning against each other can be considered relatively upright.

Ding Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and opened the window for Nasr Yinyue who answered the call.

And that kind of Hill will definitely choose to side with you because of your relationship with William.

But, do I need this false belief?

At most, Shar now, when he thinks of your lover, he immediately becomes energetic... but like these guys, he feels wonderful and interesting because of the passage of time.

In this regard, William is more consistent with him.

I quickly realized the problems hidden behind Shar's words... Indeed, the mage and even my Dawnbringer can open a daylight curtain that cannot cover the entire city, so that special people can't see the light of day because of the darkness. A small amount of death occurred at eight months.

And if he must have seen it, William can't take it as a thing...but I will definitely allow Shar to do evil under my nose.

When he looks down at the world, he will not regard the lives of those people as something that should not exist just because of the camp they are in.

You said without complaining: "Although he gave you the recipe, the one brewed by your divine servant has this feeling.

"Of course." Lansend quickly walked to the position reserved for you, turned to look at Hill on the other side of the fountain, "Hill, you want to drink the mint julep made by you."


Although it is strong, it is cautious and requires the two of us to be careful at all times.

Although no one has done that...but we don't think so from the bottom of our hearts, but for some ordinary reasons, such as war requiring temporary peace.

Even places that have always welcomed me, the Tower of Dawn, to retreat to the city, will also worship and invite my envoys to retreat to the center of the city again.

Just like Selune who followed Edna back then, although my hands are stained with blood, I am a most standard killer... I only kill those whose lives are bought, and many innocent people are affected.

Hill silently glanced at Shar... He said it very nicely, but unfortunately, it was too late.

I knew Shar so well that I could almost instantly deduce what Shar wanted to do.

Shar, who was on the side, finally realized his loss. Looking at Toriel who was clearly struggling more fiercely, you quickly raised your voice and whispered heavily with your charming voice, known as the Night Singer. Said: "Compared to the stupid Amaunata, dawn is the sunshine that humans long for most.

Are you waiting for someone to study how the Silver Moon turned into the Dark Moon? "

When rescuing people, I don’t care whether those people are right or wrong, let alone who their believers are, but I will conduct a formal trial before everything starts... Those who can escape from my scale of justice will be Even Shar found some excuse to keep us alive.

Because of Hill's intention, he once again thought of his lover Shar, who was capable of pursuing victory, so Toriel got some time to think by himself.

I've always looked down on Amaunata as a shameless person, but just for this little bit of power...

Crazy humans, UU Kanshu have lost their food sources and can only rely on the kindness of mages and priests... Probably, they would rather live in the most terrifying Seer, right?

Of course, this only got a warm smile from Shar: “But he knows that what you said is the right path for Nasr.

Your shelter and coolness are originally only for those who agree with your path, so that mortals can surrender their faith to you.

Although outside the Shaoyuan universe, it is always said that discussing traces is about talking about the heart, but in reality, the Shao who are against you are still distinguished by their camp and identity.

Lin En, Hill's city executive, only came out and took a look before giving me the right to pass through the inner wall... even though he knew that guy was your Shar's Night Messenger.

If you have nothing to do, come and have a chat with him? "

Therefore, in addition to William's judgment, Ding Chengtian is considered to be truly evil.

We choose to grow up and move toward so-called maturity. When we leave you, you always try to stay and even wish us smooth sailing.

The taste is very different! "

That silver moon outside, if he goes to turn you into a dark moon, you can't pretend to see it.

People who can only survive by relying on the dawn I bring, Toriel will despise this humble and pitiful power of faith, but I am definitely willing to **** it myself!

From this moment on, Shar really took Hill out of sight.

Is he going to do it? "

Toriel is very vague. Once Nasr really becomes like this, I, the Lord of the Dawn, will get the smallest source of faith.

Shar pursed her lips and smiled: The relationship between you and William is like love under a tightrope.

You and him are the same! "

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