Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 404: Hill embracing freedom

The undead were starting out in a team, and Hill thought they were very excited.

Maybe it's because there are ice spirits and snow monsters everywhere in the country of ice and snow? It is indeed very different from the monsters they usually fight.

Especially for those who have fought with the servants of the Insect King, the evil god's servants have long since no human form, and if you want to become his believer, you have to merge with a kind of insect spirit.

Although an ordinary person can instantly reach the top of the great knight class, in this world with so many gods, those who will give up their personal choice to follow the insect king are mostly desperate avengers.

Therefore, most of the followers of the King of Insects hate human beings very much, and what they don't like to see is the happiness of human beings.

The residents of the country of bugs are becoming less and less human, and most of them live together with bugs. Basically, fighting one is to fight a litter.

It may be because few people are willing to be ridden by bugs. Although the kingdom of bugs occupies the most resource-rich area in the south, no one troubles them.

The undead really stabbed the hornet's nest directly this time, even if they were not afraid of those ugly pictures, they couldn't bear it.

The Kingdom of Winter is different, especially a kind of ice fairy, although it is very lethal, but it looks really good-looking.

It looks like a four-winged elf carved out of crystal, with only a palm big, wielding a small magic wand, wearing a transparent crystal dress, and flashing transparent butterfly wings, which is indeed very attractive.

Hill also thought it was cute, but it was a pity that these little fairies didn't have much intelligence, and once they left the goddess of the winter goddess, they disappeared.

"Sir." Liszt appeared, "Xue Yunfeng wants to ask you, if there is a magic tower, can he turn blue?"

Hill blinked. How could Winter Kingdom have any ability to consume so much of the undead? What do they want to do?

And the point of ‘Xueyun Peak’ is not on the magic tower, but on returning to the blue. They don’t know what the magic tower is for, but politely used a not so straightforward statement.

"What do they want?" Hill couldn't help but ask.

"I listen to them. If the Kingdom of Winter is defeated fast, they will have an ice sculpture contest." Liszt said as calmly as possible. "They will get the ice cubes by themselves, but they may need a large-scale blue replenishment in the middle. ."

Hill nodded helplessly: "In order to help my friends who are not far away, it's okay to make an exception once in a while."

Liszt went to inform the undead, and there was loud cheers outside.

The undead almost rushed towards the land of winter with enthusiasm. They left no one to defend. As long as Hill couldn't get out of the magic tower, the undead didn't think that their broken camp had any good defense.

Hill glanced at the camp outside the magic tower. The undead had already drawn a defensive array full of walls.

Sometimes, the manpower is really unsolvable.

With the same work, even if a low-level Array Hill can draw one in a few minutes, it is impossible to paint such a long wall overnight.

They have even widened the inside of the city wall to allow 20 people to walk side by side.

Although it's just a simple stone wall, someone who can defend enough to stand up, there won't be too many enemies on Hill's side.

Although he was also offered a reward, it was incomparable to the Star Gate.

The church of the goddess of gold coins did not spend much effort on Hill's side, but placed most of the rewards on the star gate.

Especially the reward for breaking the star gate, that is the reason that makes those gods truly tempted.

Hill no longer doubted who the goddess of gold coins was. Except for Woking, no one in the Multiverse was so rich.

Although she didn't take the shot personally, she was on the verge of crossing the boundary. She didn't know who gave her the courage. In the sight of so many powerful divine powers, she dared to increase her weight in this world.

Could it be that he hid in a place where he thought it was absolutely no problem?

What gave Woking the illusion that her own judgment would never be a problem? Does the ruler of the decadent life of the Bottomless Abyss Six-finger Grazt?

If he still believed in the credit of the evil camp, Woking would definitely suffer another big loss.

Maybe it was the pain of falling from a moderate divine power that made her lose her mind?

Hill raised his hand with the Ring of Winter and waved it lightly, and there was heavy snow drifting outside.

Unlike the icy snow brought by the goddess of winter, the snowflakes brought by Hill's hands are quiet and gentle, flying rustlingly, and quickly turn the ground that was trampled by the undead into a mess. A piece of snow white.

As Hill thought, the battle in Winter Kingdom ended very quickly, but the follow-up affairs were troublesome.

The believers of the Winter Goddess slipped and fell quickly all the way, and the real opponents of the undead were only those ice fairies and puppets.

The fury camp relies on coercion to rule its own territory, and there will not be a few devout followers at all.

Moreover, because of the self-isolation of the goddess of winter, most people in the land of winter are neutral and evil, and there are not many true evil believers.

After all, they believe in the goddess of winter, just to live better in the ice and snow.

The one who has no other ability can only make the whole winter country get colder and colder, and all the people can only rely on becoming her believers and even priestesses to survive the winter.

Her priestesses made their fortunes mainly by working as postmen, takeaways and errand girls in the severe winter weather.

Such a country, on the contrary, slowed the pace of the undead. They thought that they could clear the customs all the way, but they almost didn't find the Winter Goddess Temple. They actually found their destination with the help of the locals.

When they smashed that temple, only endless ice and snow goblins and puppets were stopping them, and the human priestess would desperately attack them.

Those who are glowing red should have done a lot of evil.

They knew that even if they surrendered, they would still die, so these high-ranking priestesses could only be loyal to their main god.

It's useless to run away. Even if the winter goddesses can really come back alive, they won't appreciate their practice of leaving useful bodies.

The undead sent a dejected mage back to inform Hill that the ice sculpture competition was postponed.

They just smashed the main temple of the Winter Goddess, and now they need to clean up the entire country.

If you are unlucky, you may not even be able to complete it before the spring flowers bloom.

Hill stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor of the Magic Tower, and pointed to the mage standing on the ground at the snowflakes falling in the sky: "If necessary, I can help anytime."

The cost of undead mage floating in the air is much greater than that of normal mage, so they mostly fall on the ground, even at the legendary level.

They need more than 1 hour of meditation time to completely return to blue, otherwise they have to buy blue medicine to eat, most people are not so luxurious.

Hill has long been accustomed to talking to the undead mage on the ground, but he remembers the face of the person in front of him clearly. This is the big boss who once bought his three alchemy huts and exquisite carriages.

The undead can spend a lot of money for pleasure, but they care about the consumption of a bottle of blue medicine. Although it may be difficult for people in the fantasy world to understand, the undead have their logic.

Hill remembered that he used to buy furniture and clothes but not medicine, and he felt that he could understand their thinking.

The decadent mage was instantly happy. He knew that if Hill said that, he would definitely help them snow one day.

Although they can also attract ice and snow, it is a short-term magic effect. Once it stops, it will return to normal soon. It can't make the weather cool down as well. Ice sculptures need more than just a period of cold.

The undead don't have the consciousness of working **** the side when others are playing, but they just feel that it is not me who is playing there.

He flew into the sky happily and rushed to the brigade with the fastest speed, completely forgetting that he could still use his tablet to announce the good news.

Hill suddenly laughed and happily went to his laboratory.

Alice had found some materials for him, and he had to start work, and Hill decided to make a little frost protection potion first.

It seems that the undead will stay in the Winter Kingdom for a long time.

"Why is sir so happy?" Liszt didn't want to understand, "Isn't it because the undead can't come back to do this ice sculpture competition? Although they are a little bit funny, they are very interesting!"

"Of course it's the beautiful winter goddess. It's probably finished now." Hill replied faintly. "Having not returned from the ground for so long can only prove that she is not strong enough or hasn't touched that Loth yet.

But now, she, who had lost the main temple, had completely fallen from the **** seat. Even if she finds a place to wait to die, she won't give her last bit of supernatural power to Luos.

That person will not be polite, the useless subordinates only serve as food.

I still remember the arrogance of this winter goddess that morning! "

"But, wasn't the husband letting her go?" Liszt couldn't understand what Hill was thinking.

"That's no way." Hill looked at his fingers, "I am wearing the Winter Ring on my hand, so how can I save some face for the Frost Girl outside."

But her fate is so I will still be happy! "

"Mr. is more and more like a real mage." Liszt said suddenly.

"Why? I didn't think my cleanliness was like a wizard at all!" Hill asked curiously.

"When Mr. does things, he becomes more and more arbitrary." Liszt sighed and said, "Before, I could use logical thinking to speculate about Mr.'s choice."

"Is that a warlock?"

"Warlock, there is no qualification to do what you want, sir." Liszt replied, "There are not many warlocks that will disdain gods like you, even false gods."

Hill was stunned for a while, before finally understanding that even if the warlock reached the legendary stage, it would be difficult for a warlock to break away from the law and move forward alone.

Hill is different, he is truly in control of the laws he is in.

Even if one day the various skills naturally bestowed on him are deprived, he can still rely on the laws he has mastered to re-establish the spell cycle.

He has embraced freedom.

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