Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 457: The weakness of the woods

Hill looked at the thieves who fled frantically at the leaf-shaped blades flying in the sky in the light screen.

This is the wood element big move that will not appear until the second stage of the maze.

Hill will never do everything right from the beginning. Even if there will be a terrible thorn in the first stage, if it is a stray person, as long as he finds something wrong, he will desperately flee to the door. In fact, he still has a half chance of avoiding it.

He could wait until the puppet in the woods could judge whether he had strayed into it or conspired against it.

But in a situation like today, the puppets will never appear, and the security point at the exit will naturally not be opened.

The labyrinth naturally transitioned to the second stage, which was completely blocked.

These magic leaves fired at the same time are like completely blocking the machine gun shooting from the top, bottom, left, and right, and will be automatically released every 5 minutes.

In addition, the speed has become faster again.

The thieves who entered at the beginning have all been wiped out.

In the end, only the blue dragon hobgoblin with thick enough skin and the extremely flexible dwarf thief remained.

Both Hill and Lynn's attention was focused on the thief, who was not a professional that could be hired by a business.

"I don't know whose person it is?" Lynn muttered, "Don't be the Dark Sun again. Cuelva is so weak that he can't support that man's calculations."

"This dwarf is more likely to be another one, right?" Hill couldn't help but ask.

Although he was not fatally injured, the thief's black coat had become tattered, revealing the brightly colored underwear inside.

Although Cyric, the prince of lies, has many thieves, his preferences are quite normal. Both silver and black and purple and black are the visions that an evil **** should have.

Only Musk, the **** of thieves, loves this bright color very much.

Although both of them like to play tricks, it is clear that Lynn is only worried about the Prince of Lies, nicknamed the Dark Sun.

After all, there are many conspiracies by Musk, but most of them pit himself first.

It seems that Faerun's people are also very familiar with his characteristics.

"That person!" Lynn said nonchalantly, "Then his goal can't be a small town like ours, Silvermoon City is their true love.

Will come in so aggressively, maybe I want to come in and see if I can steal any good things from you. "

Hill felt the same way, so he didn't hesitate to increase the strength of the maze.

After all, it was already in the middle of the moon, and the snowy land where the night was reflected by the moonlight became like dawn. He had already felt that people were about to enter outside the maze.

Hill stretched out his hand to directly transform the sky full of snowflakes into endless ice.

In the future resident, the element wizard should be allowed to take action at this stage.

Hill watched casually as the dwarf thief was under attack from three sides, and was pierced through his chest inadvertently. The small body struggled on the top of the spur for a few minutes before he stopped moving.

"Hill, is that guy dead?" Lynn observed carefully for a while, but still couldn't judge.

"No." Hill said with a sneer, "playing dead!"

"This is the favored one! Do you want to continue to take action?" Lynn frowned, "If he doesn't want to trouble you anymore, it's best to let him go."

Hill nodded: "I see, that is a very obvious shadow force. I am not interested in getting involved in this kind of struggle between gods.

This guy pretends to be very similar.

With this degree of suspended animation, unless I set him on fire, it would be impossible for him to wake up in at least seven days.

It's so funny~

Obviously, I am not their mission here, is he doing his own work? "

"Musk's people, private work is their daily life, right? God's task is by the way." Lynn said without hesitation.

Lynn and Hill looked at each other, and they all understood what Hill was talking about. The **** of thieves, Musk, is a **** who pretends to be dead when he makes trouble. The original overall design may be directly overturned.

And his subordinates behaved exactly like their own master god.

The blue dragon hobgoblin lasted a little longer, even though his body was hurt.

"Hill, this should be the second generation, right?" Lynn frowned as he looked at the blood falling on the ground from the goblin.

"Yes, it's not dragon blood anymore." Hill replied knowingly.

If you want to extract dragon blood from the second generation, you basically have to kill a family.

But if you do that, it's no different from directly confronting the blue dragon. It doesn't matter if you die a few, but if the whole clan is destroyed, the four blue dragons will definitely have revenge. "

Lynn took a look and said regretfully, "Then you want to kill him?"

"Sure!" Hill replied without hesitation, "Why do you think he suddenly came to see my maze? He never wanted to exercise his sense of direction."

"How did the blue dragon know that you are rich?" Lynn muttered, turning his head to the next door, "What is that guy doing? Did you drive away those hobgoblins?"

"I used thorns to trap those blue dragon hobgoblins. It's very interesting. Instead, there is a generation who went there." Hill smiled faintly, "Those dryads were not attacked and trapped at all. Hobgoblin."

"Tsk." Lynn sighed impatiently, "The one next door, because the temple has no organization, sometimes there is no cohesion.

There will always be people who are attracted to the atmosphere of power holding outside, and they don't even have their brains.

However, he was definitely not from the Blue Dragon. The Blue Dragon family in the Nether Mountains did not have that IQ.

But he can collude with the five-color dragon, don't he be a dragon worshiper, right?

I will go to the temple early tomorrow morning! "

Lynn's expression became very cautious.

The lunatic who worships the dragon is very harmful to ordinary people, including low-level professionals.

One accident, the entire Querva has to be completely destroyed.

"Maybe you can take a shower first?" Hill glanced at the hobgoblin who was about to reach his limit, and asked Lynn, who had gnawed off a roast chicken.

Lynn looked at Hill strangely, and then looked at his clothes as if suddenly realized.

Seeing Lynn whose expression changed, Hill sighed regretfully.

But letting a clean elf walk on the street in dirty clothes is a prank, and letting a believer enter the temple of his lord **** with disheveled clothes is broken.

Although Lynn would probably take care of himself before entering the temple, Hill couldn't help but say.

Lynn hesitated for a while.

It stands to reason that he should go home to change clothes before going directly to the temple.

But it's fine if he didn't find this oil point, and found that he really didn't want to wear this dirty clothes to the streets.

There must be a lot of people secretly paying attention to things on this side of the maze.

"Lend me a place to take a bath." Lynn made a decisive decision. Before it was 12 o'clock, he could still switch to a cleansing technique.

Martha appeared immediately and took Lynn to the guest room.

Hill laughed and looked at the dead hobgoblin in the light screen.

This guy is really powerful, Hill thought secretly, his dense forest star attack spell used in conjunction with the forest formation, the attack power is almost the same as that of a heavy machine gun.

Back in Trashir, even high-level demons could be shot directly to death.

Although Hill suppressed the level of the dungeon summoned here, it was definitely much stronger than that at that time.

But to deal with a blue dragon hobgoblin, it was almost four rounds of blasting, ground stab, and Hill's ice spear technique to successfully kill him.

Yes, after Hill discovered that the leaf blade attack was not so easy, he directly converted the falling ice spear into a stronger ice spear, which forced the hobgoblin with the blood of the blue dragon to death.

This is only the second generation.

Hill finally discovered the weakness of this labyrinth circle. It was no problem to deal with low-level ones, but if the individual's abilities were too strong, Hill had to take action or summon elemental spirits by himself.

He couldn't help sighing, no wonder that even with such a powerful spell, his magic book still didn't become an artifact.

Hill thought it could become a secondary artifact!

He thought for a while, and felt that his attack power was still a bit weaker. In the next round of spells, he should consider a single attack.

Hill watched coldly at the thieves who had squeezed in again to kill him. The second stage of the maze hadn't gone silent and changed back to the first stage. These few of them could directly feel what is meant by ten thousand arrows.

He glanced at the pastor Melika, who might be the Dragon worshiper, where he was still pretending to fight the blue dragon hobgoblin.

Moreover, it may feel that after a long time, no one will pay attention to him and become more and more fake.

The tree spirits gave up even fleeing and watching, but scattered in a group far away. It seemed nothing, but Hill did not relax his vigilance.

Sure enough, those treants were actually scattered in fixed locations, and there were one or more treants near them.

The cold winter has come, and the tree people have fallen asleep, completely unaware of what their neighbors are doing.

Hill finally remembered that before the wrong priest came to Quelva to take over, the original priest or druid was also going to wake up the treants or treants.

And that one, obviously prefers tree people.

Hill frowned, pulled his vision a little further, and finally discovered the focus of the two parties' attention: the highest forest.

Although Mei Likai's people also put a part of their energy in the Supreme Forest, they are more in the direction of defensive desert ~ ~ The type of treants with stronger attack power are all over there.

Here in the Supreme Forest are the cypress trees that are unwilling to move even if they are awakened, mixed with pine and oak trees.

But the person who was suspected of worshiping the Dragon Sect put most of his strength in the Supreme Forest.

Hill didn't pay attention to the thieves who were still alive. He just turned to Lynn who came downstairs and said, "That location is so close to the highest forest!"

Lynn raised his eyebrows, turned his head and glanced at the thieves who had no threats on the light screen, smiled and said: "The pastor of Melika has a good relationship with an elder in the forest. They seem to have a good relationship with an elder in the forest. What is the agreement.

As for the other one, my lord will inform. "

When Hill sent Lynn away, he was still thinking that the singer is too easy to talk!


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