Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 524: The beginning of the heroic epic

Hill sat on the terrace, looking at the cliff outside the Temple of Tyre.

On the steep **** where there is no direct contact with the breath of the undead, green lawns, low shrubs and flowers dotted among them have grown.

Even in the summer, this is relatively rare in the North, but it seems normal to appear near the territory of a nature mage.

Several Paladins stood on the top of the L-shaped **** like a city wall and patrolled, occasionally passing by the brilliant wildflowers and stopping for a while.

From their leisurely footsteps, it can be seen that the pair of black dragon brothers who might have come to dig treasures is indeed unlikely to appear.

No matter how arrogant the five-color dragon is, it will not feel that it has the ability to deal with Tyre's Paladin.

Not to mention the cunning brothers.

They probably didn't come to the northwest of Faerun at all, but chose another direction.

Then you won't get the key to Baal's temple in the middle of the road.

This key probably fell into the hands of humans, and finally this group of money and time got it.

If it were before, no matter how powerful human beings would dare to dig the temple of the **** of murder, he might be resurrected at any time.

Just like the temples of Baldur's Gate, no matter how much headaches, they dare not kill the sons of Baal.

If the Son of Baal hadn't died in the hands of his brothers and sisters, the remnant of Baal in his spirit would suddenly wake up and kill all those who appeared nearby.

In the face of the remnant soul of powerful divine power, even a demigod can only protect himself and cannot save anyone.

Everyone at Baldur's Gate felt that they were living on a barrel of explosives, but it was impossible to leave their homes for possible misfortune.

The people of Faerun are the same, there is Baal's treasure in the temple of the undead swamp, in fact, many people know it, but no one dares to enter.

People on this continent all believe that Baal's remnant soul will definitely exist in their own temple, but it is necessary to face Baal in his heyday, and the **** of murder will not let anyone survive by chance.

The death of a large number of so-called low-level thieves has strengthened this idea, at least until now, no one has survived in the temple.

But Baal's defeat at Baldur's Gate this time gave them enough courage. He had mobilized all his power in the North in order to be formally resurrected, and the swamp of undead that was so close was naturally no exception.

The successful establishment of Hill Territory also strengthened this belief, and Baal allowed a nature mage to bring a **** of the good alignment to establish a territories and an earthly kingdom next to his own kingdom.

He must have no power to interfere.

And these big cities of the Silver Moon Alliance seem to want to establish a closer alliance relationship.

However, other countries and city-states cannot be dissatisfied with them.

So just send these restless children out?

Bann's hesitant appearance just wanted Hill to check it out by himself, but he couldn't say it anyway.

Their parents absolutely don't know what stupid things these children want to do.

Even if the Temple of Tyre was next to him, they actually acquiesced in this treasure digging operation.

Although the Temple of Baal is next to Hill's territory and is not within the range of his fascination, it must be greeted.

Hill did not intend to intervene, he also decided to play stupid like the semi-sacred knight staying in the temple.

Although a lot of the insidiousness next to Baal's Temple has been eliminated, the danger is still very high, at least there are more than a thousand ghosts in the Temple.

Moreover, Hill fiddled with the magic book in his hand, a little dazed.

Barr hasn't completely disappeared!

Although the incomplete power in the underwater temple is not strong, the thousands of remnants firmly controlled in the temple can prove that he is still there.

Hill dared to ignore the existence of the remnant soul in Baal's temple because he had this ability.

For Baal, who can only survive in the dark, Hill is just like a natural enemy. The power of exorcising evil spirits and purifying power in the lock of water is not because of the lock, this is the talent of the user Hill.

He didn't even say that he had found someone to help him resurrect in the small town. He could hold on because his temple was very defensive, and the remnant soul was hiding in the circle of ghosts.

You know, the pure water that Neverwinter City spends a lot of money to buy can be enjoyed by those who are in the trap.

People who are injured by the devil, demon or even the undead, the injury can be controlled within the range of the lock, at least it will not get worse.

Hill looked at the Temple of Tyre hesitantly, but the paladins of the Silver Shield knew the tricks in that temple?

Is there something extraordinary among these young people that can allow them to completely solve the remnant soul of Baal?

Neverwinter Night and Baldur’s Gate will always be staged together, right?

When Hill heard that Prince Bann said that the diseases caused by the Arcane Brotherhood needed pure water to solve, he knew how deep the water in this matter was.

However, it is normal for Lu Sikan to have a bit of a devil in the ghost place, and there are also a lot of liches on their side.

The most evil red-robed mage can't have the upper hand there, and everyone is not a good thing.

The sailors who appeared in Hill's Territory were almost like angels there, and they were able to control their desires.

Hill suddenly looked towards the sky, he really wanted to know if a slate had written his territory in it.

He should have thought that what Slate wants is the ending, not the process.

It's normal for these terrible things to happen in Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter City, but it doesn't mean that nearby places have not been involved.

It is not impossible to start from Hill's territory.

The heroes want to achieve great achievements, don't they all step on countless ruins?

But they died, and Hill had just pulled Lynn out of one pit and would never let him into another pit.

The heroes still carry the scars on their bodies, go back to their own homes to show their tragic and vigorous!

Hill gritted his teeth and finally found out his own artifact oil painting.

The gentle but brilliant sunlight shone on Hill's floating castle very quickly, and the oil painting began to absorb and decompose the supernatural power of Toril's sun.

The sun **** of Trashir had a very stable and peaceful personality, and had no plans to make himself the only sun.

He knew that there were sun gods in other worlds, and their personalities were completely different.

This oil painting is particularly neutral and can absorb any solar power.

Hill hung the painting on the attic of the spire of the castle, and he seemed to be able to feel Ransendre's curious gaze.

The enthusiasm is too obvious. Ransendre seems to have paid attention to Hill's affairs a long time ago. At this time, his attention should be on Misdrono's side?

When it was still occupied by demons, he had called his followers to build his own temple inside. Why would he notice his side at this time?

Hill sighed heavily in his heart. Sure enough, this should be the beginning. The gods had actually understood it, and they were all paying attention to everything here.

Otherwise, Ransendel's reaction would not be so fast.

That's why he was unwilling to take out this artifact, even if it could keep everything in the town.

The power of the sun gods of other worlds can definitely immediately attract this tempered optimist.

In the evening, Su Lun would definitely pay attention.

The earth mother **** Chang Tia is probably okay, that one is relatively stable, and should have long been aware of Hill's strength.

Even if she is interested, she will only turn into an inconspicuous little animal to come and take a look and feel the power of the earth in other worlds.

Hill du specially planted a rose garden in the forest under his floating castle, hoping that Chantia would like it.

Occasionally, I wonder if the little animals that fall in love with the rose garden have her incarnation.

But Toril's sun **** and moon **** are really bald existences.

It's a pity that Toriel used a set of methods, and he didn't know if there were any quirks in this world, and he had to keep all the foreign gods behind.

Compared to having Barr appear in his own territory, Hill still had no choice but to lose his hair.

He only hopes that he won't see a handsome young man in a golden robe and a flower crown in his territory right away.

After the painting was hung up, Hill found that the air in his territory had become fresher, and the restless wind blowing from the north had gradually calmed down.

The beach by the sea also makes people feel particularly warm, attracting people to sit and sit.

Some residents have chosen to relax on the beach, and even the little girls bring picnic baskets.

Pedestrians passing by on the road slowed down ~ ~ smiled and looked at everything on the beach.

Hill brought in a recliner, listened to the romantic music played automatically by the instrument, and planned to take a nap.

But he only slept for about half an hour before waking up with a clear and pleasant cry.

Hill sat up, feeling dazed and awake instantly after turning his head.

His eyes are frozen: Your reaction is too fast, right?

With long golden tail feathers and proud feathers on top of the head, isn't this the Sun Peacock, the incarnation of Ransendre?

Hill looked at the big bird poking his head on the attic window, feeling infinitely confused.

Even if it came tomorrow, Hill wouldn't find it strange. Ransendre was famous for being overly active.

But so fast, did Ransendel ran down without even thinking about it after discovering it?

He doesn't plan to say hello to his church!

Hill waved his hand to open the window in the attic, letting the curious bird hurried in to take a look.

He didn't want the young and impulsive noble worshipers of the sun **** to come here for a pilgrimage.

For many young nobles, serving and adventurous for Ransendre was their last resistance before they accepted their noble duties.

Those rebellious young nobles in the apartment building probably have followers of the sun god.

The corners of Hill's mouth twitched suddenly.

Lansendall tried to put away the oil painting that Hill had fixed in the middle of the attic!

Fortunately, this is Hill’s exclusive artifact, and others, including gods like Ransendel, can’t move it casually.

But he did have a deeper understanding of the sun god.

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