
Chapter 002

Yi Tian Acts

In the early summer of 1994, Gaoyang County, a small city in the west of the province, was scorched by endless heat. This year, Yi Tianxing, who was in the third year of high school, was already seventeen years old. He was 1.70 meters tall and average. His face, neither fat nor thin, undoubtedly belongs to an ordinary person who throws it into the crowd and doesn’t even make a fool out of it.

But he was barely a celebrity in the county where he studied. This name is quite strange, and it belongs to a different kind of name. Who told him that the life of most children in the world is too far away? He has no father and no mother, but he is not an orphan. Raised.

When he was young, Yi Tianxing began to dig things in the garbage dumps with his old man who called him grandpa.To sell, he has always called this planing food, that’s right, it is digging some things from the garbage that can be exchanged for food.

Until many years later, people in the Chengguan area still remember that in the early 1980s, there was a tall, clever and lovely child, but his body was full of filth. Grandpa picked up cigarette butts.

After the children were gone, in addition to digging food on the garbage mountain, they started squatting at the West Street vegetable market every day, with a small body and hands in their sleeves, which looked very fun. He wasn’t looking for something delicious, he was picking orange peels. This small mountain town in western Hubei is rich in oranges.

With those small palms, the little guy picked up the orange peels peeled off by others in the muddy vegetable market, then carried them in his arms, ran back home, put them on his little bed, and waited for the sun When it’s time, take it out again, and the dried orange peel can be sold for one dime and two cents a catty. The little guy saved up money, and then bought a bag of tobacco leaves for his grandfather in the vegetable market.

When the little guy nervously took out a lot of corner tickets from his pocket and handed them to the cigarette dealer, everyone in the market laughed and praised him for his filial piety.

He didn’t know what filial piety meant at that time. He just wanted his dearest and dearest grandfather to not have to pick cigarette butts every day. pipe.

He liked the green smoke wafting from the pipe.

Others praised him for his filial piety, but they only praised him twice. The life of the grandpa and grandson couldn’t get better either. They still had to go to the garbage dumps everywhere every day, and they still had to go back to the dilapidated little black house every night, sniffing the stench in the house and falling asleep.

This kind of life was maintained until the little guy was six years old.

Grandpa fell asleep one day but never got up again.

The little guy cried for a few days. People from the neighborhood committee dragged the old man to the back mountain and buried him. Then a large group of people surrounded the little guy with a black charcoal head in a daze in the small house of the neighborhood committee. manage”

“It’s time to go to school.” The man who is the director of the neighborhood committee is a teacher of the county primary school.

Someone next to him said, “Who pays?”

“Compulsory education, the school can also exempt part of it.”

“Then who will take care of him?”

The whole room fell silent all of a sudden.

The little guy stared blankly at the adults in the room, looked around slowly, and then said word by word in a childish voice: “I can support myself.”

After coaxing in the house and a few arguments, they had no choice but to do so.

The man who is the director of the neighborhood committee frowned again, “You need a household registration to go to school, and the old man probably hasn’t registered for this child yet.”

So before going to school, the little guy was led by the adults to register for a household registration. The policeman at the police station was a young man who had just graduated from a police technical secondary school. His face was still immature, and he said to the crowd with a perplexed look, “There is no birth certificate here, how can I get in?”

The director of the neighborhood committee is born with the character of an aunt, and shouted straight: “I watched this little guy grow up since I was a child, can I still count it as a foreign population?”

Although Chinese people are afraid of things, there is a rule that as long as someone takes the lead, the sense of justice will start to flood, so a lot of voices of condemnation began to sound in the police station.

The little policeman, surnamed Li, is also a local policeman, a public servant, a servant of the public. What’s more, there is a middle-aged woman in the booing crowd who is staring at him fiercely, how dare he say anything?

That middle-aged woman is fucking.

So for the first time, the little guy had a small notebook to prove his identity. The little policeman surnamed Li filled out the form in irregular italics and asked, “Name?”

“” The little guy looked bewildered, and after a long pause, he replied: “My grandfather called me Tian Xing, saying that I was lucky that I survived.”

The man of the aunt of the neighborhood committee, oh, this title is too cumbersome, and that Teacher Zou hurried out to show his ability at this time, “No, no, this name is too vulgar. Let’s name it Tianxing, manpower is better than sky and walking in the sky, it’s great.” He shook his head selfishly, and everyone didn’t care, after all, among these people, this Chinese teacher is the only one who eats the most ink and has the darkest lips .

Officer Li was stunned again: “What’s your surname?”

Everyone was also stunned, no one knew what the last name of the old man who picked up the rags had just died a few days ago.

“The surname is Yi.” The little guy who had been lowering his head finally spoke at this time, his voice was like a mosquito.

“Oh.” Police officer Li completed the form in a few strokes, then handed it to the little guy, and said, “See if there is any problem.”

The little guy glanced at it, and then said timidly: “I can’t read.” Officer Li suddenly realized, and took the form back, but he didn’t notice what the little guy muttered softly: “I just know one word.” Ya, that’s why I want to have a surname, how come it’s such a difficult word?”

This year is Yi Tianxing’s sixth year in this world. During this year, he lost his closest relatives, and for the first time in his life, he had his own name, and most importantly, he started to go to school.

Like other children in the world, Yi Tianxing first went to elementary school, then middle school, and then high school. Unlike other kids in the world, other kids go to schoolEven going to school, all I worry about all day long is the two-cent popsicles or the five-yuan ice bricks on the street, or grabbing the ping-pong table and throwing pieces of paper. And Yi Tianxing has to worry about picking up other people’s leftover popsicle sticks on the side of the street, and picking up other people’s unwanted paper. Eat in one pot.

Vegetable leaves are picked at the corners of the vegetable market, the oil is boiled from the fat that the butcher sometimes donates on the vegetable market, and the water is collected from the faucet outside the door of the neighbor in the neighborhood, but that neighbor has a sense of time. At one o’clock, the faucet will be turned off on time. So sometimes Yi Tianxing came back late after picking up the tatters, so he had to bear the pain and not boil it, but carefully threw a few oil residues, and had a delicious meal with the leftovers from the previous day.

But this extravagant life made him very sad.

Strange to say, just eating like this, his stature gradually grew and became stronger like everyone else.

As for the school since the family planning started, which family’s child is not a baby that is afraid of falling in the hands of the parents, and who will play with a poor boy whose clothes still smell bad no matter how they are washed?

Therefore, Yi Tianxing’s life in school is only reading books, except for cleaning the trash can after school every day. But there are also some problems with reading. He always feels that it doesn’t take too long to read a book. Chinese, mathematics, and exercise books seem to be finished in a few days.

Remember it after reading it.

He didn’t know that people with this ability are called geniuses in the world.

So when he saw other students sitting at the table and reading books seriously, he always felt that there was something wrong with his studies, so he felt extremely ashamed.

After the third grade, the Chinese language test began. The double hundred points that used to be commonplace are now out of reach for the vast majority of students. So Yi Tianxing’s genius showed up irresistibly, although his composition at that time still couldn’t get rid of it: ah, the motherland and other nonsense. But four consecutive double hundred points finally alarmed the school leaders.

So he often became an excellent student who was innocently named and recited by the teacher in class, and began to give reports at the school’s Young Pioneers meeting. Fortunately, his life experience is too special, and his small face always has a look of avoiding others, otherwise he is very likely to become the most special captain in the history of Gaoyang Chengguan Primary School.

It’s just that his stench is still the same, his poverty is still the same, and his loneliness is still the same. Naturally, he still couldn’t play with his classmates, and when the lever on his left sleeve made two more strokes as quickly as a rocket, the children in the whole school began to look at him strangely. The classmates who could still talk to him a few words now don’t even talk to him.

He didn’t know that this was the reverence and fear that people in the world treat geniuses, but he simply thought that he had done something wrong again.

After going to a key junior high school, this situation is better. After all, the people around him are all older children. The most important thing is that after entering junior high school, Yi Tianxing’s genius with a photographic memory seems to disappear without a trace in an instant, and his grades are rapid. Slide down, and then swing up and down around the twenty-fifth place in the class.

Teachers in junior high school often sigh, why the genius period of this poor child is in elementary school instead of junior high school?

Just when people’s children will gradually become mediocre in the future, and they don’t know what the future will be like in the future, the senior high school entrance examination comes.

Yi Tianxing once again made everyone break their glasses, of course, not the nearsighted people.

He scored 539 points in the test, a full 60 points more than the mock test, and exactly three points more than the key high school admission score of the year.

So the child who picked up the rags entered the county’s key high school again. :

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