
Chapter 014

Fourteen Three Fingersthe rogue

After the knowledge competition, Yi Tianxing enjoyed a good time on campus for a few days. The only regret is that there is still no unknown little girl handing him a love letter. He feigned anger towards Zou Leilei and said, “Is it true that I am so sorry for the society?” Zou Leilei was always happy about his desire and dissatisfaction, but she just covered her mouth and smiled and insisted on refusing to answer.

Yi Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said generously: “I also know that it is indeed a very deep thing to fall in love with a poor boy who picks up rags. After all, it is impossible for all women in the world to have a virgin Maria luck.”

Zou Leilei felt awkward hearing this, and was going to pull his ear habitually, but when she heard his next sentence, her heart softened, and her hand stopped in the air.

“Hey, my family’s Lei Lei is much better than her peers.” Yi Tianxing sighed with emotion, quite like Chen Ziang.

Zou Leilei was also happy to see him doing well in the quiz competition, and asked proudly, “Do you know everything?”

“Everything is known on earth, half is known in heaven.”

“Don’t blow it.”

“I thought you made an arrogant head, just pointing at me and bragging below.” Yi Tianxing responded seriously.

Zou Leilei smiled, and then asked: “The topic in the competition is quite biased, you have seen this before.”

Yi Tianxing shook his head, curled his lips and said with a smile: “Then you have to ask your father’s old classmate, our fat principal. Today, these topics are actually all in two books. It just so happens that I have both Look.”

“Which two books”

Yi Tianxing looked at Cheng Jing’s curious eyes and explained: “One is called the Practical Handbook for Soldiers, compiled by the Political Department of the Provincial Military Region, printed by the July 218 Factory, published in June 1985, internal edition, don’t Qian; the other is the Youth Knowledge Handbook published by Hebei People’s Publishing House, which was published in August 1984, and costs two yuan and four copies.”

Going to the Gonghe Village garbage dump every night to dig out garbage, even though Yi Tianxing tried his best to behave like a normal person, but after all, he ran faster than other colleagues, had greater strength, and sharp eyesight, so he was naturally the one who gained the most. Sometimes when he thinks about it, he feels a little unfair. An abnormal human being like himself still fights for business with those bitter people every day. If those people find out, he might ask: “You are almost superhuman, why don’t you Why are you here to steal our junk?”

It’s not that Yi Tianxing doesn’t have other ways to make money. With his physique, he can probably become a small rich man by carrying big bags at the train station. It’s just that he’s a bit lazy, and the means of earning a living that he cultivated in childhood can’t be changed in a while. According to his abilities, he didn’t have to worry about the college entrance examination, he didn’t have to worry about eating, and he never got sick, so he continued to plan food in the stinking garbage dump, take a bath in the moonlight, and talk to other classmates at school. He doesn’t talk much, and occasionally flirts with Lei Lei in the playground.

Yi Tianxing is very satisfied with such a life.

So at noon on Saturday, when Hu Yun, a classmate who made friends with many diseases in the society, dragged himself aside, Yi Tianxing frowned, knowing that something not fun was about to happen. Interference is always the last thing he wants to see.

“Third brother wants to see you.” Although Hu Yun is the son of the police station chief, he is not so courageous. He passed the message for Xue San’er, who is notoriously fierce on the road, and the nervousness on his face is clearly visible.

Yi Tianxing snorted, asked about the location casually, and walked towards the school gate. He met a girl on the road and asked her to send a message to Lei Lei, telling her to leave today.

Seeing his indifferent expression, Hu Yun felt a little nervous for some reason, so he plucked up his courage and shouted from behind: “Do you want to report to the principal?”

Yi Tianxing didn’t turn around, but there was a smile on his face, thinking that he was still a classmate after all, and he was not bad at the root. He raised his two hands from his left shoulder, put them together and bowed back: “Thanks.”

The place Xue San’er made an appointment with was Beimen Red Oil Noodle Restaurant, which was about one stop away from the county high school. This noodle restaurant is a well-known place in the county. It is famous for the skill of pouring bowls of red oil on the white raw noodles. The shop is not big, but there are always many customers. When Yi Tianxing stood outside the noodle shop, he found that the noodle shop business was very quiet today.

He smiled slightly, knowing in his heart that Xue San’er’s group must be inside, so scared that the guests ran away, and walked in.

“Please sit down.”

To Yi Tianxing’s surprise, Xue San’er looked very refined, with his hair combed to a three-to-seven point, and no flesh on his face, only the occasional fierce look in his eyes revealed his true feelings.

“Hello, what’s the matter, please tell me.” Yi Tianxing said.

Xue San’er originally just wanted to express his anger for his brothers, but he didn’t expect to break a few people last Saturday. He couldn’t make it through now, so he called Yi Tianxing out today because he wanted to see this high school that picks up rags What is the way of life. At this moment, seeing his calm face, not flustered by these big guys behind him, he couldn’t help but admire him.

“Pretend to be your mother.” Xue San’er picked up a bench and threw it at Yi Tianxing’s head. This person has a good relationship with the gangster whose wrist was broken by Yi Tianxing at the garbage dump in Gonghe Village that day. At this time Relying on Xue San’er’s backing, he took the lead in launching the attack.

Yi Tianxing smiled mockingly, turned his head to one side, and the bench fell into three pieces on the ground, and he waved his hand back, givingSlapped the guy.

With a snap, the guy covered his mouth and retreated. There was blood on the corner of his lips, and two molars fell out.


Xue San’er didn’t expect Yi Tianxing to be so skilled, so he frowned. He touched his hair, which was well combed and smooth, Yi Tianxing smiled and thought to himself, this scalp is bald, even a fly can’t stand on a stick.

Regardless of what he thought, Xue San’er tapped the wooden table in front of him lightly, and said slowly: “You are a high school student, and you are still young. I have been out for many years, so I can’t bully a junior like you. Spread the word It will only make others laugh at me, Xue San’er, and go back. How about this, you give me an explanation for the matter of Gonghe Village, and forget about it, how about it?”

Yi Tianxing looked at his right hand knocking on the wooden table, and found that there were only three fingers left, as the rumors said, and said with a smile: “It was all a misunderstanding, how do you explain it? If it can be done, I am naturally willing to do it. ”

“We are not Guangguang, and we are not in the mood to pour tea and admit mistakes.” Xue San’er looked at the young man in front of him, with a fierce gleam in his eyes, “Compete with my subordinates, and if you lose, kneel down to my brother Kowtow down.”

“If you lose” Yi Tianxing looked at him with interest.

“From now on, our river water will not violate the well water, and each has nothing to do with it.” Xue San’er replied with a smile.

“make a deal”:

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