
Chapter 021

Three of the Public Security Management Punishment Regulations, one of the following acts of disrupting public order, If it is not enough for criminal punishment, it shall be detained for not more than 15 days, fined not more than 200 yuan, or given a warning: 1. disrupting the order of government agencies, groups, enterprises, and public institutions, causing work, production, business, medical treatment, teaching, and scientific research to be unable to proceed normally; has not yet caused serious losses;”

Yi Tianxing smiled: “You are very familiar with the regulations.”

“That’s right, I just finished the exam.” The middle-aged policeman almost laughed, and immediately woke up, pointing at the tip of Yi Tianxing’s nose and scolding: “You hang a banner on Jiefang Road, causing traffic jams, this is disturbance public order”

The young policeman who was still in the car turned off the police car, hurried to the side of the middle-aged policeman, and whispered something in his ear. The face of the middle-aged policeman gradually showed doubts. Yi Tianxing could naturally hear their whispers, and smiled slightly to see what they were going to do

“Your surname is Yi.” The middle-aged policeman walked up to him again, but his attitude became much gentler.

“Yes, uncle.” Yi Tianxing shouted sweetly.

The middle-aged policeman sighed and said: “Your business is registered, you know why, and you know that you can fight. But you can’t trample all the hooligans in the county like this in broad daylight, right? With so many enemies, an elephant can’t help being bitten by ants. You should tear this thing off, or you will see that these hooligans outside will really fight with you. You just swept Xue San’er’s place a few days ago, and they don’t care , Today’s matter is really big, and I don’t know if I can keep you for a while.”

Yi Tianxing smiled gratefully and said, “Then can you tell me where Xue San’er is?”

The middle-aged policeman suddenly looked serious, and said, “Let me tell you, what you have done these past few nights has broken the law. If you think Xue San’er has done you any harm, you can report the crime.”

Yi Tianxing thought that if he could report the crime, he would have reported it earlier, but he still said thank you.

The middle-aged policeman still refused to tear down the banner when he saw that he didn’t get in, so he couldn’t help but get a little angry, got back into the police car, and didn’t drive away, just staring at the movement on the field.

More and more people gathered on the Jiefang Road, and a large number of big men with fierce faces appeared around. Yi Tianxing had good eyesight, and he had already seen someone with bulging arms. But he wasn’t afraid, he didn’t care about it, and he was determined by the old monk Ji Shizong’s words.

Today I am the Buddha, whoever blocks me will kill whoever Yi Tianxing squinted at those bastards, and although the faces of those bastards were extremely angry, none of them dared to step forward.

This is the name that came out

As night approached, a strange scene appeared on Jiefang Road in the county town at dusk.A high school student stood between two banners with big characters, and around him were hundreds of people who were obviously not kind, twenty or thirty meters away. A police car was parked alone.

One man against one city.

This is what Yi Tianxing left the deepest impression on the residents of this small county in the future. During the confrontation, he touched his fingers that were stronger than fine steel and thought: “Then come.”

At this moment, a black Toyota Crown drove up from a distance. The car drove very fast and stopped in front of Yi Tianxing with a creak.

The corner of Yi Tianxing’s lips twitched a smile, the person he was waiting for finally came. :

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